41 research outputs found

    Retrospective analysis of a cohort of HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy in Abidjan (2003 to 2017)

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    Background: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been successful in improving clinical outcomes for HIV-positive patients, but efforts are needed to improve life expectancy and quality of life. This study aimed to analyze a long-term ART cohort and assess patients' life expectancy. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted at the infectious and tropical diseases department of the University Teaching Hospital of Treichville from 2003 to 2017. Data analysis was done using VBA access and XLSTAT 2018 excel software. Patients on post-exposure chemoprophylaxis and prevention of mother-to-child transmission were excluded. Results: Out of 19,567 patient records, 49.60% were included, 72.43% were in 1st line, and 50.10% were over 50 years old, mostly female 58.49%, 98.4% HIV1. 74.31% had a CD4/mm3 (Nadir) count <350. The patients were essentially on the 2IN+INN regimen (72.31%), TDF + XTC + EFV (20.57%). The average duration under treatment 6.15 [0-13.67] ±3.94 years, the average duration under a line of treatment 4.33 [0-14.04] ±2.96 years. Life expectancy was 10.37 years. It is higher in patients on 2IN+IPr (12.21 years) versus 10.12 years in patients on 2IN+INN. The comparison of duration on a line according to the CD4 counts and the line of treatment did not show a significant difference p>0.05. Conclusions: The study concluded that ART significantly improved the life expectancy of patients, adherence could be improved to further enhance the benefits of ART. The use of new combinations of ART may reduce events related to non-compliance

    BMJ Open

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    To describe sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of female sex workers (FSWs) to inform the future implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention in this population. The ANRS 12361 PrEP-CI cross-sectional and mixed-methods study was designed and implemented with two community-based organisations in CĂŽte d'Ivoire. A convenience sample of 1000 FSWs aged ≄18, not known as HIV-positive, completed a standardised questionnaire assessing sociodemographic characteristics, sexual practices, use of community health services and a priori acceptability of PrEP. Twenty-two indepth interviews and eight focus group discussions were also conducted to document FSWs' risky practices and sexual behaviours, experiences with violence and discrimination, attitudes regarding HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and barriers to SRH services. Although 87% described consistent condom use with clients, more than 22% declared accepting condomless sexual intercourse for a large sum of money. Furthermore, condom use with their steady partner and knowledge of their partner's HIV status were low despite their acknowledged concurrent sexual partnerships. While inconsistent condom use exposed FSWs to STIs and undesired pregnancies, the prevalence of contraceptive strategies other than condoms was low (39%) due to fear of contraception causing sterility. FSWs faced obstacles to accessing SRH care and preferred advice from their peers or self-medication. Despite adoption of preventive behaviour in most cases, FSWs are still highly exposed to HIV. Furthermore, FSWs seem to face several barriers to accessing SRH. Implementing PrEP among FSWs in West Africa, such as in CĂŽte d'Ivoire, constitutes an opportunity to consider the regular follow-up of HIV-negative FSWs. PrEP initiation should not condition access to SRH services; conversely, SRH services could be a way to attract FSWs into HIV prevention. Our results highlight the importance of developing a people-focused approach that integrates all SRH needs when transitioning from PrEP efficacy trials to implementation

    PLoS One

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    INTRODUCTION: The Temprano and START trials provided evidence to support early ART initiation recommendations. We projected long-term clinical and economic outcomes of immediate ART initiation in Cote d'Ivoire. METHODS: We used a mathematical model to compare three potential ART initiation criteria: 1) CD4 <350/muL (ART<350/muL); 2) CD4 <500/muL (ART<500/muL); and 3) ART at presentation (Immediate ART). Outcomes from the model included life expectancy, 10-year medical resource use, incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) in /yearoflifesaved(YLS),and5−yearbudgetimpact.WesimulatedpeoplewithHIV(PWH)incare(meanCD4:259/muL,SD198/muL)andtransmittedcases.Keyinputparameterstotheanalysisincludedfirst−lineARTefficacy(80/year of life saved (YLS), and 5-year budget impact. We simulated people with HIV (PWH) in care (mean CD4: 259/muL, SD 198/muL) and transmitted cases. Key input parameters to the analysis included first-line ART efficacy (80% suppression at 6 months) and ART cost (90/person-year). We assessed cost-effectiveness relative to Cote d'Ivoire's 2017 per capita annual gross domestic product (1,600).RESULTS:ImmediateARTincreasedlifeexpectancyby0.34yearscomparedtoART<350/muLand0.17yearscomparedtoART<500/muL.ImmediateARTresultedin4,500fewer10−yeartransmissionsper170,000PWHcomparedtoART<350/muL.Incost−effectivenessanalysis,ImmediateARThada10−yearICERof1,600). RESULTS: Immediate ART increased life expectancy by 0.34 years compared to ART<350/muL and 0.17 years compared to ART<500/muL. Immediate ART resulted in 4,500 fewer 10-year transmissions per 170,000 PWH compared to ART<350/muL. In cost-effectiveness analysis, Immediate ART had a 10-year ICER of 680/YLS compared to ART<350/muL, ranging from cost-saving to an ICER of 1,440/YLSastransmissionratesvaried.ART<500/muLwas"dominated"(aninefficientuseofresources),comparedwithImmediateART.ImmediateARTincreasedthe5−yearHIVcarebudgetfrom1,440/YLS as transmission rates varied. ART<500/muL was "dominated" (an inefficient use of resources), compared with Immediate ART. Immediate ART increased the 5-year HIV care budget from 801.9M to $812.6M compared to ART<350/muL. CONCLUSIONS: In Cote d'Ivoire, immediate compared to later ART initiation will increase life expectancy, decrease HIV transmission, and be cost-effective over the long-term, with modest budget impact. Immediate ART initiation is an appropriate, high-value standard of care in Cote d'Ivoire and similar settings

    Mortality from HIV-associated meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    INTRODUCTION: HIV-associated cryptococcal, TB and pneumococcal meningitis are the leading causes of adult meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis with the primary aim of estimating mortality from major causes of adult meningitis in routine care settings, and to contrast this with outcomes from clinical trial settings. METHODS: We searched PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library for published clinical trials (defined as randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) or investigator-managed prospective cohorts) and observational studies that evaluated outcomes of adult meningitis in SSA from 1 January 1990 through 15 September 2019. We performed random effects modelling to estimate pooled mortality, both in clinical trial and routine care settings. Outcomes were stratified as short-term (in-hospital or two weeks), medium-term (up to 10 weeks) and long-term (up to six months). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Seventy-nine studies met inclusion criteria. In routine care settings, pooled short-term mortality from cryptococcal meningitis was 44% (95% confidence interval (95% CI):39% to 49%, 40 studies), which did not differ between amphotericin (either alone or with fluconazole) and fluconazole-based induction regimens, and was twofold higher than pooled mortality in clinical trials using amphotericin based treatment (21% (95% CI:17% to 25%), 17 studies). Pooled short-term mortality of TB meningitis was 46% (95% CI: 33% to 59%, 11 studies, all routine care). For pneumococcal meningitis, pooled short-term mortality was 54% in routine care settings (95% CI:44% to 64%, nine studies), with similar mortality reported in two included randomized-controlled trials. Few studies evaluated long-term outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Mortality rates from HIV-associated meningitis in SSA are very high under routine care conditions. Better strategies are needed to reduce mortality from HIV-associated meningitis in the region

    Economic Returns to Investment in AIDS Treatment in Low and Middle Income Countries

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    Since the early 2000s, aid organizations and developing country governments have invested heavily in AIDS treatment. By 2010, more than five million people began receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) – yet each year, 2.7 million people are becoming newly infected and another two million are dying without ever having received treatment. As the need for treatment grows without commensurate increase in the amount of available resources, it is critical to assess the health and economic gains being realized from increasingly large investments in ART. This study estimates total program costs and compares them with selected economic benefits of ART, for the current cohort of patients whose treatment is cofinanced by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. At end 2011, 3.5 million patients in low and middle income countries will be receiving ART through treatment programs cofinanced by the Global Fund. Using 2009 ART prices and program costs, we estimate that the discounted resource needs required for maintaining this cohort are 14.2billionfortheperiod2011–2020.Thisinvestmentisexpectedtosave18.5millionlife−yearsandreturn14.2 billion for the period 2011–2020. This investment is expected to save 18.5 million life-years and return 12 to $34 billion through increased labor productivity, averted orphan care, and deferred medical treatment for opportunistic infections and end-of-life care. Under alternative assumptions regarding the labor productivity effects of HIV infection, AIDS disease, and ART, the monetary benefits range from 81 percent to 287 percent of program costs over the same period. These results suggest that, in addition to the large health gains generated, the economic benefits of treatment will substantially offset, and likely exceed, program costs within 10 years of investment

    PLoS One

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    Introduction The long-term prognosis of HIV-2-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) is still challenging, due to the intrinsic resistance to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) and the suboptimal response to some protease inhibitors (PI). The objective was to describe the 5-years outcomes among HIV-2 patients harboring drug-resistant viruses. Methods A clinic-based cohort of HIV-2-patients experiencing virologic failure, with at least one drug resistance mutation was followed from January 2012 to August 2017 in Cîte d’Ivoire. Follow-up data included death, lost to follow-up (LTFU), immuno-virological responses. The Kaplan-Meier curve was used to estimate survival rates. Results A total of 31 HIV-2 patients with virologic failure and with at least one drug resistance mutation were included. Two-third of them were men, 28(90.3%) were on PI-based ART-regimen at enrolment and the median age was 50 years (IQR = 46–54). The median baseline CD4 count and viral load were 456 cells/mm3 and 3.7 log10 c/mL respectively, and the participants have been followed-up in median 57 months (IQR = 24–60). During this period, 21 (67.7%) patients switched at least one antiretroviral drug, including two (6.5%) and three (9.7%) who switched to a PI-based and an integrase inhibitor-based regimen respectively. A total of 10(32.3%) patients died and 4(12.9%) were LTFU. The 36 and 60-months survival rates were 68.5% and 64.9%, respectively. Among the 17 patients remaining in care, six(35.3%) had an undetectable viral load (2. Conclusions The 36-months survival rate among ART-experienced HIV-2 patients with drug-resistant viruses is below 70%,lower than in HIV-1. There is urgent need to improve access to second-line ART for patients living with HIV-2 in West Afric


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    BACKGROUND Abcess and empyemas are frequent intracranial lesions in children. OBJECTIVES : The authors report the clinicals, radiologicals bacteriologicals and therapeuticals aspects of these intracranial suppurations observed in Abidjan. METHOD A retrospective analysis has been led in the neurosurgical department of university teaching hospital of Yopougon on 5 years period (December' 93 to december' 98). That study were based on 34 clinical observations on patients between 7 months and 15 years of age. RESULTS The authors reported 34 cases of abscess and intracranial empyemas on children subdural empyemas cases represented 44,1 %, abcess 20,5 % and the two lesions were associated in 17,6 %. Bacteriological agents isolated on 12 patients were gram positif cocci (3 cases) heamophilus (2 cases) flora mixed (2 cases) and a combination of pseudomonas acinetobacter (1 cases). The predisposing factors were ENT diseases. CONCLUSION : Intracranial subdural empyemas are most common form of intracranial suppurations seen on child in our unit. This study can be considered as a speech for the defense of the use one cerebral abcess and intracranial empyemas surgical drainage via burrhole. The author stress the interest of eradication of primary source of the sepsis and the appropriate treatment of head trauma


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    BACKGROUND Abcess and empyemas are frequent intracranial lesions in children. OBJECTIVES : The authors report the clinicals, radiologicals bacteriologicals and therapeuticals aspects of these intracranial suppurations observed in Abidjan. METHOD A retrospective analysis has been led in the neurosurgical department of university teaching hospital of Yopougon on 5 years period (December' 93 to december' 98). That study were based on 34 clinical observations on patients between 7 months and 15 years of age. RESULTS The authors reported 34 cases of abscess and intracranial empyemas on children subdural empyemas cases represented 44,1 %, abcess 20,5 % and the two lesions were associated in 17,6 %. Bacteriological agents isolated on 12 patients were gram positif cocci (3 cases) heamophilus (2 cases) flora mixed (2 cases) and a combination of pseudomonas acinetobacter (1 cases). The predisposing factors were ENT diseases. CONCLUSION : Intracranial subdural empyemas are most common form of intracranial suppurations seen on child in our unit. This study can be considered as a speech for the defense of the use one cerebral abcess and intracranial empyemas surgical drainage via burrhole. The author stress the interest of eradication of primary source of the sepsis and the appropriate treatment of head trauma

    Preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against importations of COVID-19: a modelling study

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    Background The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic has spread from China to 25 countries. Local cycles of transmission have already occurred in 12 countries after case importation. In Africa, Egypt has so far confirmed one case. The management and control of COVID-19 importations heavily rely on a country's health capacity. Here we evaluate the preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against their risk of importation of COVID-19.Methods We used data on the volume of air travel departing from airports in the infected provinces in China and directed to Africa to estimate the risk of importation per country. We determined the country's capacity to detect and respond to cases with two indicators: preparedness, using the WHO International Health Regulations Monitoring and Evaluation Framework; and vulnerability, using the Infectious Disease Vulnerability Index. Countries were clustered according to the Chinese regions contributing most to their risk.Findings Countries with the highest importation risk (ie, Egypt, Algeria, and South Africa) have moderate to high capacity to respond to outbreaks. Countries at moderate risk (ie, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, Angola, Tanzania, Ghana, and Kenya) have variable capacity and high vulnerability. We identified three clusters of countries that share the same exposure to the risk originating from the provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, and the city of Beijing, respectively.Interpretation Many countries in Africa are stepping up their preparedness to detect and cope with COVID-19 importations. Resources, intensified surveillance, and capacity building should be urgently prioritised in countries with moderate risk that might be ill-prepared to detect imported cases and to limit onward transmission. Funding EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Copyright (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved