152 research outputs found

    Select liquefaction case histories from the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence

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    The 2010–2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence began with the 4 September 2010, Mw7.1 Darfield earthquake and includes up to ten events that induced liquefaction. Most notably, widespread liquefaction was induced by the Darfield and Mw6.2 Christchurch earthquakes. The combination of well-documented liquefaction response during multiple events, densely recorded ground motions for the events, and detailed subsurface characterization provides an unprecedented opportunity to add well-documented case histories to the liquefaction database. This paper presents and applies 50 high-quality cone penetration test (CPT) liquefaction case histories to evaluate three commonly used, deterministic, CPT-based simplified liquefaction evaluation procedures. While all the procedures predicted the majority of the cases correctly, the procedure proposed by Idriss and Boulanger (2008) results in the lowest error index for the case histories analyzed, thus indicating better predictions of the observed liquefaction response

    ASCE-41 and FEMA-351 Evaluation of E-Defense Collapse Test

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    A welded steel moment-frame building is used to assess performancebased engineering guidelines. The full-scale four-story building was shaken to collapse on the E-Defense shake table in Japan. The collapse mode was a side-sway mechanism in the first story, which occurred in spite of a strongcolumn and weak-beam design. Computer analyses were conducted to simulate the building response during the experiment. The building was then evaluated using the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings and Seismic Evaluation and Upgrade Criteria for Existing Welded Steel ) for the collapse prevention performance level via linear and nonlinear procedures. The guidelines had mixed results regarding the characterization of collapse, and no single approach was superior. They mostly erred on the safe side by predicting collapse at shaking intensities less than that in the experiment. Recommendations are made for guideline improvements

    Satire in Postmodern American Narratives : Alienation under Late Capitalism in Kurt Vonnegut’s Novels

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    This thesis examines the theme of alienation under late capitalism in three Kurt Vonnegut novels: Player Piano (1952), Jailbird (1979), and Slapstick, or Lonesome no More! (1976). The three novels discussed in this thesis are examples of post-war American satire writing, and the aim of this thesis is to use these novels to show that postmodern American literature uses satire to portray alienation under late capitalism. This selection of novels exemplifies postmodern satire and its relation to alienation, as it covers both dystopian writing and contemporary political satire. This thesis discusses these three novels against a background of the history of satire in its sociopolitical contexts up to the twentieth century, as well as relates them to theories on postmodernism and postmodern satire. Late capitalism in the postmodern era and its association with alienation is further examined in relation to the novels’ protagonists. Alienation is used mainly as a Marxist term denoting alienation from ones labor, oneself, and one’s relationships. The connection of satire, postmodernism, and late capitalism demonstrates that the postmodern era has seen an abundance of American satirical works about alienation, due to the advent of late capitalism after World War II. Postmodernism and late capitalism as concepts are linked and inseparable in economy and culture, which is why postmodern satirical narratives depict alienation. Alienation in a late capitalist society affects the individual, especially an individual’s connection to their work and their relationship with themselves and others. This thesis connects the phenomenon of alienation to Vonnegut’s three protagonists, who are depicted as apathetic, confused, and passive in their work and personal lives. The role of satire is to criticize the societies created in the novels in order to exemplify the alienated existence of their protagonists as they narrate their struggle with corporations, consumer culture, exaggerated patriotism, and individualism. Satire manifests differently in each novel, but its role is the same – to show that characters in Vonnegut’s work are portrayed as alienated form their work, other people, and their own purpose

    Utility Performance Panels in the ShakeOut Scenario

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    The ShakeOut Scenario assessed earth-science impacts, physical damage, and socioeconomic impacts of a hypothetical M7.8 southern San Andreas Fault earthquake. Among many detailed studies were special studies of 12 lifelines, 7 of which were performed by panels of employees of the utilities at risk. Panels met for four hours. Panelists were presented with the scenario's earth science impacts and previously estimated damage to "upstream" lifelines. They then hypothesized a realistic outcome of the earthquake on damage and service restoration, identifying research needs and mitigation options. The panel process worked well: panelists were well qualified and seemed to fairly assess realistic earthquake impacts and restoration, probably more realistically than an outside consultant would have been able to do, thus improving the ShakeOut. Panelists gained insight into lifeline interaction, mutual-aid needs, communication capabilities, and backup supplies. Southern California Edison, for example, enhanced its planning and preparedness for a large Southern California earthquake. The process is not thoroughly documented, but it appears CGS authors talked with engineers or operators of the lifelines in question in the process of deriving the scenarios. For example, in the acknowledgments section of In its brief guidelines for developing emergency planning scenarios, EERI In creating the recent ShakeOut Scenario, our development team took what appears to be a novel approach to creating the scenario document. The ShakeOut Scenario document lays out the potential impacts of a hypothetical M7.8 earthquake on the southern San Andreas Fault, and as recommended by EERI (2006), engaged a wide variety of experts. The novelty addressed in the present paper is that some of the lifeline damage and restoration aspects of the scenario were created by panels of engineers, operators, and planners who work for the utilities in question and who met together to learn about the scenario shaking and other effects, and to discuss and reach some consensus about a realistic outcome. We describe here our motivation, methodology, and some findings of this panel process, and illustrate with a case study of power and the participation of Southern California Edison. We focus on the process of panel discussions, rather than on the panels' particular findings for this particular hypothetical earthquake, because the process itself is interesting and may be of value to others in developing future emergency planning scenarios. Results of panel discussions (and other aspects of the scenario) can be found i

    Poliisiopiskelijoiden kokemuksia työharjoittelun vaikutuksesta asenteisiinsa

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kartoittaa, koota ja vertailla työharjoittelun tai ainakin osan siitä käyneiden poliisiopiskelijoiden kokemuksia työharjoittelun vaikutuksesta heidän omiin asenteisiinsa ja toissijaisesti, mikäli haastateltava ei ole muutoksia kokenut tai tiedostanut, kartoittaa näkemyksiä potentiaalisista vaikuttimista asenteisiin työyhteisössä tai työkokemuksissa. Opinnäytetyön teoriapohjaksi on koottu kirjallisuuskatsaus asenteista, niiden omaksumisesta, suomalaisen poliisin asenteista ja asenteellisuudesta, työharjoittelusta osana poliisiopiskeluja sekä asenteisiin liittyvästä koulutuksesta poliisiammattikorkeakoulussa. Menetelmäosiossa on käyty läpi kirjallisuutta kvalitatiivisesta tutkimuksesta, fenomenografisesta tutkimusotteesta, teemahaastattelusta ja haastattelututkimuksesta yleensä sekä kuvailtu haastattelujen toteutusta. Opinnäytetyö on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka aineisto on kerätty neljällä puolistrukturoidulla haastattelulla. Haastateltavat ovat itse saaneet vaikuttaa merkittävästi haastatteluissa käsiteltäviin teemoihin. Haastatteluista esille nousevat, niitä yhdistävät teemat on jaettu seuraaviin kategorioihin: "esimerkin voima", "poliisin imago", "suhtautuminen asiakkaisiin", "nuoret ja ennalta estävä toiminta", "silmät auki" sekä "pitkä puhe on parempi kuin lyhyt paini". Yhteenvetona haastateltavien kokemuksista nousevat esille primäärisesti havainnot henkilökohtaisen motivaation merkityksestä työn laadulle ja sen vaikutuksesta muidenkin työpanokseen ja työssä viihtymiseen, sekä sekundaarisesti pyrkimys asiakkaiden tasapuoliseen ja inhimilliseen kohteluun

    Kokemuksellisuus teoksen takana

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    Opinnäytetyössä syvennytään kolmen taiteilijaesimerkin kautta kuvataiteilijan kokemuksellisuuden vaikutukseen heidän työskentelyssään ja teoksissaan. Ensimmäisenä esitellään kokemuksen ja kokemuksellisuuden erot, kokemuksen demokratia eli kokemusten erilaisuudesta huolimatta niiden tasavertaisuus toisiinsa nähden ja sen jälkeen kokemuksellisuus taiteellisen työskentelyn kontekstissa. Toisessa osassa käydään läpi Edvard Munchin, Tracey Eminin ja Yayoi Kusaman teoksien taustoja ja niiden luomiseen vaikuttaneita tekijöitä. Tämän jälkeen pohditaan oman taiteellisen työskentelyn samankaltaisuuksia ja eroavaisuuksia peilaten esimerkkitaiteilijoihin. Tämän jälkeen kerron omien teosten syntyprosessista ja kokemuksen vaikutuksesta niihin. Lopputulemana päästään siihen, kuinka suuressa osassa kokemuksen tutkiminen on aina ollut omaa taiteellista työskentelyä, vaikkei sitä olekaan osannut näin sanoittaa

    Changing culture inside the a 10U-team

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    This diary-based thesis describes author’s personal development as a coach of junior athletes in an ice hockey club and how he is trying to change the culture inside the team. The entries of this diary thesis consist on daily and weekly reports, as well as, weekly analyses. Diary entries include eleven weeks. On weekly analyses, author reflects daily and weekly goals using material sources. Author started as an intern in September 2018 until April 2019 for Aspen Junior Hockey, which is a non-profit organization to provide hockey programming for local kids from age four to nineteen. Aspen Junior Hockey has an exclusive co-operation with the Finnish Ice Hockey Association. The work consists on hockey coaching, including season planning and communication with parents. The goal is to improve the level of the hockey program while following the organization’s mission and goals. Author worked with every age group of the organization, but main responsibility was with one age group. Thesis covers only this one age group. Author’s greatest achievement during this process was to present new ideas and actions, and execute them through the process, which helped author to gain coaching position in the same club for the following season. In the end of thesis, these ideas and actions are presented referring to learning objectives. English studies in sports coaching helped to start process faster than planned. Work was individual work with support from the program director. Previous knowledge in sports and in the foreign language made individual(s) work possible without having supervisor’s constant presence. Without having these abilities, process would have started slower and trust from new community would not have been gained as fast