269 research outputs found

    Direct Instantons in QCD Nucleon Sum Rules

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    We study the role of direct (i.e. small-scale) instantons in QCD correlation functions for the nucleon. They generate sizeable, nonperturbative corrections to the conventional operator product expansion, which improve the quality of both QCD nucleon sum rules and cure the long-standing stability problem, in particular, of the chirally odd sum-rule.Comment: 10 pages, UMD PP#93-17

    Where the excess photons and dileptons in SPS nuclear collisions come from?

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    Recently the first single photon spectra from CERN energy heavy-ion collisions were reported by WA80, while NA34/3 and NA38 have obtained the spectra for dileptons with the mass up to 4-5 GeV. The production rates for photons and dileptons significantly increase when reactions involving the A1A_1 meson are included. However, with the conventional expansion scenario, the absolute yields are still significantly smaller than the observed ones. It may indicate that expansion in the ``mixed state" takes much more time

    Quark Propagation in the Random Instanton Vacuum

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    This is the first of a series of papers devoted to a systematic study of QCD correlation functions in a framework of 'instanton vacuum' models. The topic of this paper is to work out approximate formulae for quark propagators in a multi-instanton environment. As an application, and also as a necessary step toward understanding the correlation functions, we study the propagators of scalar and spinor quarks, using the simplest possible model, the so called 'random instanton vacuum' (RIV). Results related to heavy-light mesons, are found to be very consistent with phenomenology.Comment: 25 pages + 4 figures available upon request, SUNY-NTG-92/3

    Equation of State, Flow, Fluctuations and J/ψJ/\psi suppression

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    Radial flow observed at AGS/SPS energies is very strong, with collective velocities of matter reaching about 0.5c for central collisions of the heaviest ions. The lattice-based Equation of State (EOS) is however rather soft, due to the QCD phase transition. We show that both statements are consistent only if proper kinetic-based treatment of the freeze-out is made. In fact chemical and thermal freeze-out happen at quite different conditions, especially at SPS. Event-by-event fluctuations can shed new light on this problem. We also propose new model of "anomalous" J/ψJ/\psi suppression found for PbPb collisions, related it to prolonged lifetime of dense matter due the "softest point" of the EOS.Comment: Plenary Talk at Quark Matter 97, Tsukuba, Dec.199

    Random matrix theory and spectral sum rules for the Dirac operator in QCD

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    We construct a random matrix model that, in the large NN limit, reduces to the low energy limit of the QCD partition function put forward by Leutwyler and Smilga. This equivalence holds for an arbitrary number of flavors and any value of the QCD vacuum angle. In this model, moments of the inverse squares of the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator obey sum rules, which we conjecture to be universal. In other words, the validity of the sum rules depends only on the symmetries of the theory but not on its details. To illustrate this point we show that the sum rules hold for an interacting liquid of instantons. The physical interpretation is that the way the thermodynamic limit of the spectral density near zero is approached is universal. However, its value, i.e.i.e. the chiral condensate, is not.Comment: 18 pages, SUNY-NTG-92/4

    Mesonic Correlation Functions in the Random Instanton Vacuum

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    A general model-independent discussion of mesonic correlation functions is given. We derive new inequalities, including one stronger than Weingarten's inequality. Mesonic correlation functions are calculated in the random instanton vacuum and are compared with phenomenological expectations and lattice results. Both diagonal and non-diagonal correlators of all strange and light flavored currents, as well as the most important unflavored ones are considered. Our results are used to extract the masses and the coupling constants of the corresponding mesons. Not only the qualitative behaviour is reproduced in all channels, but in several channels the model works with amazing accuracyComment: 43 pages + 9 figures available upon request, SUNY-NTG-92/4

    Toward the Semiclassical Theory of the High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Sudden deposition of energy at the early stage of high energy heavy ion collisions makes virtual gluon fields real. The same is true for virtual vacuum fields underunder the topological barrier, excited to real states atat or aboveabove the barrier, gluomagnetic clusters of particular structure related to the sphaleronssphalerons of the electroweak theory. Semiclassically, these states play the role of the {\em ``turning points''}. After being produced they explode into a spherical shell of coherent field which then turn into several outgoing gluons. Furthermore, this explosions promptly produce quark pairs, as seen from explicit solution of the Dirac equation. The masses of such clusters depend on their size, and are expected to peak at M3GeVM\sim 3 GeV. After we briefly review those consepts in a non-technical manner, we discuss what observable consequences the production of such clusters would make in the context of heavy ion collisions, especially at the RHIC energies. We discuss entropy and especially quark production, event-by-event fluctuations in collective effects like radial and elliptic flows and J/ψJ/\psi suppression. Coherent fields and their geometry increase the jet quenching, and we also point out the existene of ``explosive edge'' which jump-start collective effects and may affect unusual phenomena seen at RHIC at large ptp_t.Comment: Third version, substantially changed adding new sections and eliminating large part on jet quenching of the paper which brunched into a separate pape

    Do Instantons and Strings Cluster when the Number of Colors is Large?

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    We consider the NcN_c\to\infty limit of QCD using a toy model in which instantons exchange color-singlet scalar fields which do not self-interact. Our main observation is that collective attraction leads the formation of large clusters containing O(Nc)O(N_c) nonperturbative objects. We further show that this clustering of instantons is limited due to a non-trivial repulsion inherent in the ADHM multi-instanton solution. As a result the vacuum is very different from that at low NcN_c, notably being more inhomogeneous, in ways which will affect chiral symmetry breaking of light quarks. We also briefly discuss a similar phenomenon for color strings in baryons made of medium-mass (charm-like) quarks.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, uses epsf.st

    Semileptonic D decay into scalar mesons: a QCD sum rule approach

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    Semileptonic decays of D-mesons into scalar hadronic states are investigated. Two extreme cases are considered: a) the meson decays directly into an uncorrelated scalar state of two two mesons and b) the decay proceeds via resonance formation. QCD sum rules including instanton contributions are used to calculate total and differential decay rates under the two assumptions.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, e-mail: [email protected]

    Pressure of the Standard Model Near the Electroweak Phase Transition

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    We extend our previous determination of the thermodynamic pressure of the Standard Model so that the result can be applied down to temperatures corresponding to the electroweak crossover. This requires a further resummation which can be cleanly organised within the effective theory framework. The result allows for a precise determination of the expansion rate of the Universe for temperatures around the electroweak crossover.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. v2: published versio