706 research outputs found

    Effective action in spherical domains

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    The effective action on an orbifolded sphere is computed for minimally coupled scalar fields. The results are presented in terms of derivatives of Barnes zeta-functions and it is shown how these may be evaluated. Numerical values are shown. An analytical, heat-kernel derivation of the Ces\`aro-Fedorov formula for the number of symmetry planes of a regular solid is also presented.Comment: 18 pages, Plain TeX (Mailer oddities possibly corrected.

    Thermal compression of atomic hydrogen on helium surface

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    We describe experiments with spin-polarized atomic hydrogen gas adsorbed on liquid 4^{4}He surface. The surface gas density is increased locally by thermal compression up to 5.5×10125.5\times10^{12} cm2^{-2} at 110 mK. This corresponds to the onset of quantum degeneracy with the thermal de-Broglie wavelength being 1.5 times larger than the mean interatomic spacing. The atoms were detected directly with a 129 GHz electron-spin resonance spectrometer probing both the surface and the bulk gas. This, and the simultaneous measurement of the recombination power, allowed us to make accurate studies of the adsorption isotherm and the heat removal from the adsorbed hydrogen gas. From the data, we estimate the thermal contact between 2D hydrogen gas and phonons of the helium film. We analyze the limitations of the thermal compression method and the possibility to reach the superfluid transition in 2D hydrogen gas.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Ethical Issues in Open Source Software

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    In this essay we argue that the current social and ethical structure in the Open Source Software (OSS) Community stem from its roots in academia. The individual developers experience a level of autonomy similar to that of a faculty member. Furthermore, we assert that the Open Source Software Community\u27s social structure demands benevolent leadership. We argue that it is difficult to pass off low quality open source software as high quality software and that the Open Source development model offers strong accountability. Finally, we argue that Open Source Software introduces ethical challenges for universities and the software development community

    Relative spins and excitation energies of superdeformed bands in 190Hg: Further evidence for octupole vibration

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    An experiment using the Eurogam Phase II gamma-ray spectrometer confirms the existence of an excited superdeformed (SD) band in 190Hg and its very unusual decay into the lowest SD band over 3-4 transitions. The energies and dipole character of the transitions linking the two SD bands have been firmly established. Comparisons with RPA calculations indicate that the excited SD band can be interpreted as an octupole-vibrational structure.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 4 figures available via WWW at http://www.phy.anl.gov/bgo/bc/hg190_nucl_ex.htm

    Measurement of the Nucleon Structure Function F2 in the Nuclear Medium and Evaluation of its Moments

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    We report on the measurement of inclusive electron scattering off a carbon target performed with CLAS at Jefferson Laboratory. A combination of three different beam energies 1.161, 2.261 and 4.461 GeV allowed us to reach an invariant mass of the final-state hadronic system W~2.4 GeV with four-momentum transfers Q2 ranging from 0.2 to 5 GeV2. These data, together with previous measurements of the inclusive electron scattering off proton and deuteron, which cover a similar continuous two-dimensional region of Q2 and Bjorken variable x, permit the study of nuclear modifications of the nucleon structure. By using these, as well as other world data, we evaluated the F2 structure function and its moments. Using an OPE-based twist expansion, we studied the Q2-evolution of the moments, obtaining a separation of the leading-twist and the total higher-twist terms. The carbon-to-deuteron ratio of the leading-twist contributions to the F2 moments exhibits the well known EMC effect, compatible with that discovered previously in x-space. The total higher-twist term in the carbon nucleus appears, although with large systematic uncertainites, to be smaller with respect to the deuteron case for n<7, suggesting partial parton deconfinement in nuclear matter. We speculate that the spatial extension of the nucleon is changed when it is immersed in the nuclear medium.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figure

    Observation of exclusive DVCS in polarized electron beam asymmetry measurements

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    We report the first results of the beam spin asymmetry measured in the reaction e + p -> e + p + gamma at a beam energy of 4.25 GeV. A large asymmetry with a sin(phi) modulation is observed, as predicted for the interference term of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and the Bethe-Heitler process. The amplitude of this modulation is alpha = 0.202 +/- 0.028. In leading-order and leading-twist pQCD, the alpha is directly proportional to the imaginary part of the DVCS amplitude.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    A Bayesian analysis of pentaquark signals from CLAS data

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    We examine the results of two measurements by the CLAS collaboration, one of which claimed evidence for a Θ+\Theta^{+} pentaquark, whilst the other found no such evidence. The unique feature of these two experiments was that they were performed with the same experimental setup. Using a Bayesian analysis we find that the results of the two experiments are in fact compatible with each other, but that the first measurement did not contain sufficient information to determine unambiguously the existence of a Θ+\Theta^{+}. Further, we suggest a means by which the existence of a new candidate particle can be tested in a rigorous manner.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Electron Scattering From High-Momentum Neutrons in Deuterium

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    We report results from an experiment measuring the semi-inclusive reaction d(e,eps)d(e,e'p_s) where the proton psp_s is moving at a large angle relative to the momentum transfer. If we assume that the proton was a spectator to the reaction taking place on the neutron in deuterium, the initial state of that neutron can be inferred. This method, known as spectator tagging, can be used to study electron scattering from high-momentum (off-shell) neutrons in deuterium. The data were taken with a 5.765 GeV electron beam on a deuterium target in Jefferson Laboratory's Hall B, using the CLAS detector. A reduced cross section was extracted for different values of final-state missing mass WW^{*}, backward proton momentum ps\vec{p}_{s} and momentum transfer Q2Q^{2}. The data are compared to a simple PWIA spectator model. A strong enhancement in the data observed at transverse kinematics is not reproduced by the PWIA model. This enhancement can likely be associated with the contribution of final state interactions (FSI) that were not incorporated into the model. A ``bound neutron structure function'' F2neffF_{2n}^{eff} was extracted as a function of WW^{*} and the scaling variable xx^{*} at extreme backward kinematics, where effects of FSI appear to be smaller. For ps>400p_{s}>400 MeV/c, where the neutron is far off-shell, the model overestimates the value of F2neffF_{2n}^{eff} in the region of xx^{*} between 0.25 and 0.6. A modification of the bound neutron structure function is one of possible effects that can cause the observed deviation.Comment: 33 pages RevTeX, 9 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. C. Fixed 1 Referenc