488 research outputs found

    Improved numerical approach for time-independent Gross-Pitaevskii nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    In the present work, we improve a numerical method, developed to solve the Gross-Pitaevkii nonlinear Schroedinger equation. A particular scaling is used in the equation, which permits to evaluate the wave-function normalization after the numerical solution. We have a two point boundary value problem, where the second point is taken at infinity. The differential equation is solved using the shooting method and Runge-Kutta integration method, requiring that the asymptotic constants, for the function and its derivative, are equal for large distances. In order to obtain fast convergence, the secant method is used.Comment: 2 figure

    Bosons in anisotropic traps: ground state and vortices

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    We solve the Gross-Pitaevskii equations for a dilute atomic gas in a magnetic trap, modeled by an anisotropic harmonic potential. We evaluate the wave function and the energy of the Bose Einstein condensate as a function of the particle number, both for positive and negative scattering length. The results for the transverse and vertical size of the cloud of atoms, as well as for the kinetic and potential energy per particle, are compared with the predictions of approximated models. We also compare the aspect ratio of the velocity distribution with first experimental estimates available for 87^{87}Rb. Vortex states are considered and the critical angular velocity for production of vortices is calculated. We show that the presence of vortices significantly increases the stability of the condensate in the case of attractive interactions.Comment: 22 pages, REVTEX, 8 figures available upon request or at http://anubis.science.unitn.it/~dalfovo/papers/papers.htm

    Temperature-induced resonances and Landau damping of collective modes in Bose-Einstein condensed gases in spherical traps

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    Interaction between collective monopole oscillations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate and thermal excitations is investigated by means of perturbation theory. We assume spherical symmetry to calculate the matrix elements by solving the linearized Gross-Pitaevskii equations. We use them to study the resonances of the condensate induced by temperature when an external perturbation of the trapping frequency is applied and to calculate the Landau damping of the oscillations.Comment: revtex, 9 pages, 5 figure

    A particle-number-conserving Bogoliubov method which demonstrates the validity of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation for a highly condensed Bose gas

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    The Bogoliubov method for the excitation spectrum of a Bose-condensed gas is generalized to apply to a gas with an exact large number N N of particles. This generalization yields a description of the Schr\"odinger picture field operators as the product of an annihilation operator AA for the total number of particles and the sum of a ``condensate wavefunction'' ξ(x)\xi(x) and a phonon field operator χ(x)\chi(x) in the form ψ(x)A{ξ(x)+χ(x)/N}\psi(x) \approx A\{\xi(x) + \chi(x)/\sqrt{N}\} when the field operator acts on the N particle subspace. It is then possible to expand the Hamiltonian in decreasing powers of N\sqrt{N}, an thus obtain solutions for eigenvalues and eigenstates as an asymptotic expansion of the same kind. It is also possible to compute all matrix elements of field operators between states of different N.Comment: RevTeX, 11 page

    Instantons and radial excitations in attractive Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Imaginary- and real-time versions of an equation for the condensate density are presented which describe dynamics and decay of any spherical Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) within the mean field appraoch. We obtain quantized energies of collective finite amplitude radial oscillations and exact numerical instanton solutions which describe quantum tunneling from both the metastable and radially excited states of the BEC of 7Li atoms. The mass parameter for the radial motion is found different from the gaussian value assumed hitherto, but the effect of this difference on decay exponents is small. The collective breathing states form slightly compressed harmonic spectrum, n=4 state lying lower than the second Bogolyubov (small amplitude) mode. The decay of these states, if excited, may simulate a shorter than true lifetime of the metastable state. By scaling arguments, results extend to other attractive BEC-s.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Elementary excitations of trapped Bose gas in the large-gas-parameter regime

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    We study the effect of going beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii theory on the frequencies of collective oscillations of a trapped Bose gas in the large gas parameter regime. We go beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii regime by including a higher-order term in the interatomic correlation energy. To calculate the frequencies we employ the sum-rule approach of many-body response theory coupled with a variational method for the determination of ground-state properties. We show that going beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii approximation introduces significant corrections to the collective frequencies of the compressional mode.Comment: 17 pages with 4 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Beyond Gross-Pitaevskii:local density vs. correlated basis approach for trapped bosons

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    We study the ground state of a system of Bose hard-spheres trapped in an isotropic harmonic potential to investigate the effect of the interatomic correlations and the accuracy of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We compare a local density approximation, based on the energy functional derived from the low density expansion of the energy of the uniform hard sphere gas, and a correlated wave function approach which explicitly introduces the correlations induced by the potential. Both higher order terms in the low density expansion, beyond Gross-Pitaevskii, and explicit dynamical correlations have effects of the order of percent when the number of trapped particles becomes similar to that attained in recent experiments.Comment: Revtex, 2 figure

    Beyond Gross-Pitaevskii:local density vs. correlated basis approach for trapped bosons

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    We study the ground state of a system of Bose hard-spheres trapped in an isotropic harmonic potential to investigate the effect of the interatomic correlations and the accuracy of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We compare a local density approximation, based on the energy functional derived from the low density expansion of the energy of the uniform hard sphere gas, and a correlated wave function approach which explicitly introduces the correlations induced by the potential. Both higher order terms in the low density expansion, beyond Gross-Pitaevskii, and explicit dynamical correlations have effects of the order of percent when the number of trapped particles becomes similar to that attained in recent experiments.Comment: Revtex, 2 figure

    Mean-field analysis of collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The dynamics of collapsing and exploding trapped Bose-Einstein condensat es caused by a sudden switch of interactions from repulsive to attractive a re studied by numerically integrating the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with atomic loss for an axially symmetric trap. We investigate the decay rate of condensates and the phenomena of bursts and jets of atoms, and compare our results with those of the experiments performed by E. A. Donley {\it et al.} [Nature {\bf 412}, 295 (2001)]. Our study suggests that the condensate decay and the burst production is due to local intermittent implosions in the condensate, and that atomic clouds of bursts and jets are coherent. We also predict nonlinear pattern formation caused by the density instability of attractive condensates.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, axi-symmetric results are adde

    Spectral method for the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic trap

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    We study the numerical resolution of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation, a non-linear Schroedinger equation used to simulate the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates. Considering condensates trapped in harmonic potentials, we present an efficient algorithm by making use of a spectral Galerkin method, using a basis set of harmonic oscillator functions, and the Gauss-Hermite quadrature. We apply this algorithm to the simulation of condensate breathing and scissors modes.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure