13 research outputs found

    El perd贸n como forma de aprendizaje

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    Approaching school life from the didactics of error allows us to take misbehaviour at school as the starting point for learning. The teacher undertakes the resolution process through a parallel dialogue with both the aggressor and the victim, so that both parties can review their own participation in the process and their experience of it, and in so doing, they understand each other and recognise their own reality: either as perpetrator needing to make amends, or as someone valuable who has been unjustly treated, and can grant forgiveness and thus provide the opportunity for reparation.Abordamos el confl icto escolar desde la did谩ctica del error, que permite tomar como punto de partida una conducta contraria a la convivencia como materia prima del aprendizaje. El docente emprende el proceso de resoluci贸n mediante un di谩logo paralelo con el agresor y la v铆ctima, de modo que cada cual revise su propia participaci贸n en el proceso y su vivencia del mismo, consiga comprender al otro y reconocer su propia realidad: bien como deudor y necesitado de restauraci贸n; bien como alguien valioso, injustamente tratado, que tiene en sus manos la posibilidad de donar al otro su restauraci贸n mediante el perd贸n

    Essential role of HDAC6 in the regulation of PD-L1 in melanoma

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    Indexaci贸n: Web of Science; Scopus.Histone deacetylases (HDACs), originally described as histone modifiers, have more recently been deMonstrated to target a variety of other proteins unrelated to the chromatin environment. In this context, our present work demonstrates that the pharmacological or genetic abrogation of HDAC6 in primary melanoma samples and cell lines, down-regulates the expression of PD-L1, an important co-stimulatory molecule expressed in cancer cells, which activates the inhibitory regulatory pathway PD-1 in T-cells. Our data suggests that this novel mechanism of PD-L1 regulation is mainly mediated by the influence of HDAC6 over the recruitment and activation of STAT3. Additionally, we observed that selective HDAC6 inhibitors impairs tumor growth and reduce the in vim expression of several inhibitory checkpoint molecules and other regulatory pathways involved in immunosurveillance. Most importantly, these results provide a key pre-clinical rationale and justification to further study isotype selective HDAC6 inhibitors as potential immuno-modulatory agents in cancer. (C) 2015 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1016/j.molonc.2015.12.012/abstract;jsessionid=DB86CF943DA7FD358A75C2CEEAD4D7C4.f03t0