350 research outputs found

    Root asymptotics of spectral polynomials for the Lame operator

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    The study of polynomial solutions to the classical Lam\'e equation in its algebraic form, or equivalently, of double-periodic solutions of its Weierstrass form has a long history. Such solutions appear at integer values of the spectral parameter and their respective eigenvalues serve as the ends of bands in the boundary value problem for the corresponding Schr\"odinger equation with finite gap potential given by the Weierstrass ā„˜\wp-function on the real line. In this paper we establish several natural (and equivalent) formulas in terms of hypergeometric and elliptic type integrals for the density of the appropriately scaled asymptotic distribution of these eigenvalues when the integer-valued spectral parameter tends to infinity. We also show that this density satisfies a Heun differential equation with four singularities.Comment: final version, to appear in Commun. Math. Phys.; 13 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX2

    Penrose Limit and String Theories on Various Brane Backgrounds

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    We investigate the Penrose limit of various brane solutions including Dp-branes, NS5-branes, fundamental strings, (p,q) fivebranes and (p,q) strings. We obtain special null geodesics with the fixed radial coordinate (critical radius), along which the Penrose limit gives string theories with constant mass. We also study string theories with time-dependent mass, which arise from the Penrose limit of the brane backgrounds. We examine equations of motion of the strings in the asymptotic flat region and around the critical radius. In particular, for (p,q) fivebranes, we find that the string equations of motion in the directions with the B field are explicitly solved by the spheroidal wave functions.Comment: 41 pages, Latex, minor correction

    Unique positive solution for an alternative discrete PainlevƩ I equation

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    We show that the alternative discrete Painleve I equation has a unique solution which remains positive for all n >0. Furthermore, we identify this positive solution in terms of a special solution of the second Painleve equation involving the Airy function Ai(t). The special-function solutions of the second Painleve equation involving only the Airy function Ai(t) therefore have the property that they remain positive for all n>0 and all t>0, which is a new characterization of these special solutions of the second PainlevƩ equation and the alternative discrete PainlevƩ I equation

    Solvable relativistic quantum dots with vibrational spectra

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    For Klein-Gordon equation a consistent physical interpretation of wave functions is reviewed as based on a proper modification of the scalar product in Hilbert space. Bound states are then studied in a deep-square-well model where spectrum is roughly equidistant and where a fine-tuning of the levels is mediated by PT-symmetric interactions composed of imaginary delta functions which mimic creation/annihilation processes.Comment: Int. Worskhop "Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics III" (June 20 - 22, 2005, Koc Unversity, Istanbul(http://home.ku.edu.tr/~amostafazadeh/workshop/workshop.htm) a part of talk (9 pages

    Is the classical Bukhvostov-Lipatov model integrable? A Painlev\'e analysis

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    In this work we apply the Weiss, Tabor and Carnevale integrability criterion (Painlev\'e analysis) to the classical version of the two dimensional Bukhvostov-Lipatov model. We are led to the conclusion that the model is not integrable classically, except at a trivial point where the theory can be described in terms of two uncoupled sine-Gordon models

    Computer-Assisted Proofs of Some Identities for Bessel Functions of Fractional Order

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    We employ computer algebra algorithms to prove a collection of identities involving Bessel functions with half-integer orders and other special functions. These identities appear in the famous Handbook of Mathematical Functions, as well as in its successor, the DLMF, but their proofs were lost. We use generating functions and symbolic summation techniques to produce new proofs for them.Comment: Final version, some typos were corrected. 21 pages, uses svmult.cl

    Properties of the series solution for PainlevƩ I

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    We present some observations on the asymptotic behaviour of the coefficients in the Laurent series expansion of solutions of the first PainlevƩ equation. For the general solution, explicit recursive formulae for the Taylor expansion of the tau-function around a zero are given, which are natural extensions of analogous formulae for the elliptic sigma function, as given by Weierstrass. Numerical and exact results on the symmetric solution which is singular at the origin are also presented

    Period- and mirror-maps for the quartic K3

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    We study in detail mirror symmetry for the quartic K3 surface in P3 and the mirror family obtained by the orbifold construction. As explained by Aspinwall and Morrison, mirror symmetry for K3 surfaces can be entirely described in terms of Hodge structures. (1) We give an explicit computation of the Hodge structures and period maps for these families of K3 surfaces. (2) We identify a mirror map, i.e. an isomorphism between the complex and symplectic deformation parameters, and explicit isomorphisms between the Hodge structures at these points. (3) We show compatibility of our mirror map with the one defined by Morrison near the point of maximal unipotent monodromy. Our results rely on earlier work by Narumiyah-Shiga, Dolgachev and Nagura-Sugiyama.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    Strominger--Yau--Zaslow geometry, Affine Spheres and Painlev\'e III

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    We give a gauge invariant characterisation of the elliptic affine sphere equation and the closely related Tzitz\'eica equation as reductions of real forms of SL(3, \C) anti--self--dual Yang--Mills equations by two translations, or equivalently as a special case of the Hitchin equation. We use the Loftin--Yau--Zaslow construction to give an explicit expression for a six--real dimensional semi--flat Calabi--Yau metric in terms of a solution to the affine-sphere equation and show how a subclass of such metrics arises from 3rd Painlev\'e transcendents.Comment: 38 pages. Final version. To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physic
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