17 research outputs found

    Response of structure models to sinusoidal dynamic action

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    The use of small-sized models of structures printed on 3-D printers is possible due to the electroelastic properties of ABS plastic. A comparison of their reactions with analogs made of plexiglas, used in studies of concrete structures, was made. The influence of the environment - water or sea sand, support conditions - free support or pinching, shape - simple or complex in planon the response of models from two different materials was investigated. The laboratory setup simulated a dynamic sinusoidal effect using: a digital frequency generator from 1 to 10000 Hz, an acoustic system diffuser, a microphone amplifier, two electrodes, and a computer in a two-channel oscilloscope mode. The vibration characteristics at the base and top of the models were recorded. The experimental system turned out to be sensitive to the shape, methods of fastening elements, the structure as a whole, and the medium of wave propagation. The response was analyzed in terms of the dynamic compliance coefficient and resonance frequencies, reflecting the similarity of the responses of the plexiglas and ABS models. Printing will allow you to adjust the shape and connections of the elements of the models so that they work like mechanical resonators – filters - in a narrow band. No resonances are expected outside this band. In the operated structures, the quality of the element connections is reproduced. Changing the existing rigidity to obtain resonances in a narrow band can serve as a criterion for choosing an effective amplification method

    Collisionless current generation in the center of the tokamak plasma by an isotropic source of α-particles

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    The density of the noninductive current generated due to collisionless motion of α-particles in the tokamak magnetic field is calculated. The analysis is based on fully three-dimensional calculations of charged particle trajectories without simplifying assumptions typical for drift and neoclassical approaches. The current is calculated over the entire cross section of the plasma column, including the magnetic axis. It is shown that the current density is not a function of a magnetic surface and is strongly polarized over the poloidal angle. The current density distribution in the tokamak poloidal cross section is obtained, and the current density as a function of the safety factor, the tokamak aspect ratio, and the ratio of the particle Larmor radius on the axis to the tokamak minor radius is determined. It is shown that, when the source of α-particles is spatially nonuniform, the current density in the center of the tokamak is nonzero due to asymmetry of the phase-space boundary between trapped and passing particles. The current density scaling in the tokamak center differs from the known approximations for the bootstrap current and is sensitive to the spatial distribution of α-particles. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010

    Isotopic-geochemical peculiarities of distribution of gas hydrocarbons in the Bazhenov formation section (South part of the Western Siberia)

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    In this work we describe the distribution of stable carbon isotopes in hydrocarbon gases from four wells located in the southern and central parts of the Western Siberia. The main goal was to understand the influence of the lithological composition and geological settings on isotopic composition of gases and their formation. Two genetically different groups of hydrocarbon gases were identified based on the author’s research, as well as analysis of archival and literature materials on the isotope composition of hydrocarbons. We estimated the close relationship between the main factors of the migration, degree of metamorphism of organic matter and the isotope composition of hydrocarbon gases produced by the Bazhenov formation

    Collisionless current generation in the center of the tokamak plasma by an isotropic source of α-particles

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    The density of the noninductive current generated due to collisionless motion of α-particles in the tokamak magnetic field is calculated. The analysis is based on fully three-dimensional calculations of charged particle trajectories without simplifying assumptions typical for drift and neoclassical approaches. The current is calculated over the entire cross section of the plasma column, including the magnetic axis. It is shown that the current density is not a function of a magnetic surface and is strongly polarized over the poloidal angle. The current density distribution in the tokamak poloidal cross section is obtained, and the current density as a function of the safety factor, the tokamak aspect ratio, and the ratio of the particle Larmor radius on the axis to the tokamak minor radius is determined. It is shown that, when the source of α-particles is spatially nonuniform, the current density in the center of the tokamak is nonzero due to asymmetry of the phase-space boundary between trapped and passing particles. The current density scaling in the tokamak center differs from the known approximations for the bootstrap current and is sensitive to the spatial distribution of α-particles. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010

    New data on lithology, organic geochemistry and accumulation conditions of the Bazhenov formation in Western Siberia

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    This paper presents data on lithological composition, distribution, reservoir properties, geochemistry of organic matter and genesis of carbonate rocks of the Bazhenov formation within the central part of Western Siberia (the region of the Khantei hemianteclise). The following types of carbonates are distinguished: a) primary biogenic – shell rock interlayers and residues of coccolith; b) dia- and catagenetic – in varying degrees, recrystallized rocks with coccoliths, nodules and aporadiolarites; c) catagenetic – cracks healed with calcite in limestone of the foot of the Bazhenov formation. It was determined that the crystallization of the carbonate material of nodules took place in various conditions: in the bottom part of the sediments and in the later stages of diagenesis. The source of calcite for nodules was calcareous nanoplankton or bivalve shells. The carbonate content of the cuts decreases in the following sequence: Yuzhno-Yagunsky → Povkhovsky → Novortyagunsky → Druzhny areas, which are associated both with facial features and various physicochemical conditions of diagenesis and catagenesis. Transformation of organic matter increases in the northeast direction from South Yagunsky to Povkhovsky area, which is confirmed by molecular parameters of catagenesis. The carbonate rocks of the bottom part of the Bazhenov formation in the South Yagunsky area are similar in structure to the main oil-bearing reservoirs of the Salym and Krasnoleninsky fields