915 research outputs found

    The E_{11} origin of all maximal supergravities

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    Starting from the eleven dimensional E_{11} non-linear realisation of M-theory we compute all possible forms, that is objects with totally antisymmetrised indices, that occur in four dimensions and above as well as all the 1-forms and 2-forms in three dimensions. In any dimension D, the D-1-forms lead to maximal supergravity theories with cosmological constants and they are in precise agreement with the patterns of gauging found in any dimension using supersymmetry. The D-forms correspond to the presence of space-filling branes which are crucial for the consistency of orientifold models and have not been derived from an alternative approach, with the exception of the 10-dimensional case. It follows that the gaugings of supergravities and the spacetime-filling branes possess an eleven dimensional origin within the E_{11} formulation of M-theory. This and previous results very strongly suggest that all the fields in the adjoint representation of E_{11} have a physical interpretation.Comment: 54 page

    IIA Ten-forms and the Gauge Algebras of Maximal Supergravity Theories

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    We show that IIA supergravity can be extended with two independent 10-form potentials. These give rise to a single BPS IIA 9-brane. We investigate the bosonic gauge algebra of both IIA and IIB supergravity in the presence of 10-form potentials and point out an intriguing relation with the symmetry algebra E11E_{11}, which has been conjectured to be the underlying symmetry of string theory/M-theory.Comment: 18 pages, section on IIA 9-branes added, references added; version to be publishe

    Non-propagating degrees of freedom in supergravity and very extended G_2

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    Recently a correspondence between non-propagating degrees of freedom in maximal supergravity and the very extended algebra E_11 has been found. We perform a similar analysis for a supergravity theory with eight supercharges and very extended G_2. In particular, in the context of d=5 minimal supergravity, we study whether supersymmetry can be realised on higher-rank tensors with no propagating degrees of freedom. We find that in this case the very extended algebra fails to capture these possibilities.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. v2: transformation properties of higher-rank tensors under SU(2) R-symmetry analysed and refs added. v3: improved discussion, published versio

    E_{11}, ten forms and supergravity

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    We extend the previously given non-linear realisation of E_{11} for the decomposition appropriate to IIB supergravity to include the ten forms that were known to be present in the adjoint representation. We find precise agreement with the results on ten forms found by closing the IIB supersymmetry algebra.Comment: 14 page

    A Note on E11 and Three-dimensional Gauged Supergravity

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    We determine the gauge symmetries of all p-forms in maximal three-dimensional gauged supergravity by requiring invariance of the Lagrangian. It is shown that in a particular ungauged limit these symmetries are in precise correspondence to those predicted by the very-extended Kac-Moody algebra E11. We demonstrate that whereas in the ungauged limit the bosonic gauge algebra closes off-shell, the closure is only on-shell in the full gauged theory. This underlines the importance of dynamics for understanding the Kac-Moody origin of the symmetries of gauged supergravity.Comment: Published versio

    K(E10), Supergravity and Fermions

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    We study the fermionic extension of the E10/K(E10) coset model and its relation to eleven-dimensional supergravity. Finite-dimensional spinor representations of the compact subgroup K(E10) of E(10,R) are studied and the supergravity equations are rewritten using the resulting algebraic variables. The canonical bosonic and fermionic constraints are also analysed in this way, and the compatibility of supersymmetry with local K(E10) is investigated. We find that all structures involving A9 levels 0,1 and 2 nicely agree with expectations, and provide many non-trivial consistency checks of the existence of a supersymmetric extension of the E10/K(E10) coset model, as well as a new derivation of the `bosonic dictionary' between supergravity and coset variables. However, there are also definite discrepancies in some terms involving level 3, which suggest the need for an extension of the model to infinite-dimensional faithful representations of the fermionic degrees of freedom.Comment: 50 page

    On the underlying E11 symmetry of the D=11 Free Differential Algebra

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    We study the reduction of the Free Differential Algebra (FDA) of D=11 supergravity to an ordinary algebra. We show that in flat background and with vanishing three-form field strength, the corresponding minimal FDA can be reduced to an Inonu-Wigner contraction of Sezgin's M-Algebra. We also prove that in flat background but with a non trivial three-form field strength, the bosonic FDA can be reduced to the lowest levels of E11. This result suggests that the E11 symmetries, which act on perturbative states as well, are already encoded in the D=11 FDA and are made explicit when the theory is formulated on a enlarged group manifold.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, typos corrected, final version published in JHE

    Curvature corrections and Kac-Moody compatibility conditions

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    We study possible restrictions on the structure of curvature corrections to gravitational theories in the context of their corresponding Kac--Moody algebras, following the initial work on E10 in Class. Quant. Grav. 22 (2005) 2849. We first emphasize that the leading quantum corrections of M-theory can be naturally interpreted in terms of (non-gravity) fundamental weights of E10. We then heuristically explore the extent to which this remark can be generalized to all over-extended algebras by determining which curvature corrections are compatible with their weight structure, and by comparing these curvature terms with known results on the quantum corrections for the corresponding gravitational theories.Comment: 27 page

    Gauge Theories, Duality Relations and the Tensor Hierarchy

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    We compute the complete 3- and 4-dimensional tensor hierarchies, i.e. sets of p-form fields, with 1≤p≤D1\le p\le D, which realize an off-shell algebra of bosonic gauge transformations. We show how these tensor hierarchies can be put on-shell by introducing a set of duality relations, thereby introducing additional scalars and a metric tensor. These so-called duality hierarchies encode the equations of motion of the bosonic part of the most general gauged supergravity theories in those dimensions, including the (projected) scalar equations of motion. We construct gauge-invariant actions that include all the fields in the tensor hierarchies. We elucidate the relation between the gauge transformations of the p-form fields in the action and those of the same fields in the tensor hierarchy.Comment: 48 pages, v2: number of clarifications, ref. added, to appear in JHE
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