84 research outputs found

    Occurrence and genetic diversity of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in urban wastewater treatment plants in north-eastern Spain

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    This study was designed to investigate the presence and removal efficiency of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in wastewater treatment plants at the 20 most populated towns in Aragón (north-eastern Spain). Samples of influent and effluent wastewater and dewatered sewage sludge were collected seasonally from 23 plants and processed according to USEPA Method 1623. All samples from raw and treated wastewater tested positive for Giardia, at an average concentration of 3247 ± 2039 cysts/l and 50 ± 28 cysts/l, respectively. Cryptosporidium was identified in most samples from both raw (85/92) and treated (78/92) wastewaters in a concentration significantly lower than Giardia, at both influent (96 ± 105 oocysts/l) and effluent samples (31 ± 70 oocysts/l) (P < 0.001). The (oo)cyst counts peaked in summer in most plants. The removal efficiency was higher for Giardia (1.06-log to 2.34-log) than Cryptosporidium (0.35-log to 1.8-log). Overall, high removal efficiency values were found for Giardia after secondary treatment based on activated sludge, while tertiary treatment (microfiltration, chlorination and/or ultraviolet irradiation) was needed to achieve the greatest removal or inactivation of Cryptosporidium. Most samples of treated sludge were positive for Giardia (92/92) and Cryptosporidium (45/92), at an average concentration of 20–593 cysts/g and 2–44 oocyst/g, respectively. The molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts were attempted at the SSU rRNA/GP60 and bg/tpi loci, respectively. G. duodenalis sub-assemblage AII was identified in all plants, with a large proportion of samples (15/47) harboring mixed assemblages (AII + B). Nine Cryptosporidium species and six subtypes were identified, with C. parvum IIaA15G2R1 being the most prevalent. The presence of significant numbers of (oo)cysts in samples of final effluents and treated sludge reveals the limited efficacy of conventional treatments in removing (oo)cysts and highlights the potential environmental impact and public health risks associated with disposal and reclamation of wastewater

    Evaluación de la construcción de letrinas en el marco del programa barrios en Yaunde (Camerún)

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    El motivo principal de la realización de esta tesina es intentar estudiar las letrinas que se han construido hasta el momento en Yaoundé dentro del programa Barrios. Cabe destacar que hay una gran preocupación debido al alto coste de las letrinas construidas en los últimos tiempos y también al posible funcionamiento de éstas. Debido a esto, la primara parte del trabajo ha consistido en reconocer todas las letrinas construidas en los últimos años por ESF-ERA y poder situarlas en un mapa. Posteriormente se intenta conocer la visión del problema por parte de todas las partes afectadas; es decir, de la población, de los empleados de ERA, de los empleados de ISF. De esta manera se intenta ver cuál es la opinión de cada parte e intentar localizar los principales fallos que se han detectado. Esta parte se ha realizado gracias a la realización de encuestas a las familias que utilizan las letrinas y entrevistas a los diferentes componentes de ISF, tanto de la división técnica como de la división social y por último a los expatriados de ISF

    Occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in raw and finished drinking water in north-eastern Spain

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    This paper collects the first large-sample-size study on the presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in drinking water plants at the 20 most populated towns in Aragón (north-eastern Spain). Samples of influent raw water and effluent finished water were collected from each plant during different seasons and processed according to USEPA Method 1623. Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts were detected in samples collected from 55% and 70% plants, respectively, with nine plants being positive for both protozoa and only four plants being negative over the study period. Both parasites were identified in the raw water throughout the year, with a lower frequency in autumn and a peak in winter, at a mean concentration of 67 ± 38 oocysts per 100 l and 125 ± 241 cysts per 100 l. The turbidity of raw water was not related to the presence or concentration of (oo)cysts, and the (oo)cyst removal efficiency was not related to the type of water treatment. One or both pathogens were identified in the finished water in 7 out of 11 plants with a conventional treatment process (coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection processes) compared to 4 out of 9 plants that did not apply one of the pre-chlorination treatment steps. Protozoa were detected in the finished water of positive plants at a mean concentration of 88 ± 55 oocysts per 100 l and 37 ± 41 cysts per 100 l, and most of them excluded propidium iodide so were considered potentially viable. The ubiquity of these parasites in the drinking water sources and the inefficiency of conventional water treatment in reducing/inactivating them may present a serious public health issue in this geographical area

    Intra-Species Diversity and Panmictic Structure of Cryptosporidium parvum Populations in Cattle Farms in Northern Spain

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    The intra-herd and intra-host genetic variability of 123 Cryptosporidium parvum isolates was investigated using a multilocus fragment typing approach with eleven variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) loci and the GP60 gene. Isolates were collected from intensively farmed diarrheic pre-weaned calves originating from 31 dairy farms in three adjoining regions in northern Spain (País Vasco, Cantabria and Asturias). The multilocus tool demonstrated an acceptable typeability, with 104/123 samples amplifying at all twelve loci. The ML2, TP14, GP60 and the previously un-described minisatellite at locus cgd2_3850 were the most discriminatory markers, while others may be dismissed as monomorphic (MSB) or less informative (CP47, ML1 and the novel minisatellites at loci Cgd1_3670 and Cgd6_3940). The 12-satellite typing tool provided a Hunter-Gaston index (HGDI) of 0.987 (95% CI, 0.982–0.992), and differentiated a total of 70 multilocus subtypes (MLTs). The inclusion of only the four most discriminatory markers dramatically reduced the number of MLTs (n: 44) but hardly reduced the HGDI value. A total of 54 MLTs were distinctive for individual farms, indicating that cryptosporidiosis is an endemic condition on most cattle farms. However, a high rate of mixed infections was detected, suggesting frequent meiotic recombination. Namely, multiple MLTs were seen in most farms where several specimens were analyzed (90.5%), with up to 9 MLTs being found on one farm, and individual specimens with mixed populations being reported on 11/29 farms. Bayesian Structure analysis showed that over 35% of isolates had mixed ancestry and analysis of evolutionary descent using the eBURST algorithm detected a high rate (21.4%) of MLTs appearing as singletons, indicating a high degree of genetic divergence. Linkage analysis found evidence of linkage equilibrium and an overall panmictic structure within the C. parvum population in this discrete geographical area

    Guia farmacològica en VIH

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    Tractament antiretrovirals (TARV); Pacients de sida; VacunesRetroviral treatment (HAART); AIDS patients; VaccinesTratamiento antirretrovirales (TARAA); Pacientes de sida; VacunasEn aquesta guia es vol donar una visió pràctica dels aspectes diaris del tractament del pacient amb infecció per VIH. D’una manera pràctica es revisen aspectes relacionats amb el tractament antiretroviral, posologia, potencials interaccions amb altres fàrmacs, valorant de forma breu els principals i més freqüents que es fan servir en diferents situacions de la pràctica clínica diària en els pacients amb infecció pel VIH en tractament antiretroviral i, finalment, les diferents vacunes, analitzant-ne els aspectes generals, les indicacions i les contraindicacions.This guide is to give a practical view of the daily aspects of the treatment of patients with HIV infection. From a practical manner of antiretroviral treatment, dosage, potential interactions with other drugs, valuing briefly are review the main and most frequently used in different situations of daily clinical practice in patients with HIV infection in antiretroviral treatment and finally the different vaccines, analyzing the general aspects, indications and contraindications.En esta guía se quiere dar una visión práctica de los aspectos diarios del tratamiento del paciente con infección por VIH. De una manera práctica se revisan aspectos relacionados con el tratamiento antirretroviral, posología, potenciales interacciones con otros fármacos, valorando de forma breve los principales y más frecuentes que se utilizan en diferentes situaciones de la práctica clínica diaria en los pacientes con infección por el VIH en tratamiento antirretroviral y, finalmente, las diferentes vacunas, analizando los aspectos generales, las indicaciones y las contraindicaciones

    Combination antiretroviral therapy and the risk of myocardial infarction

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    Diagnostic, etiologic, and genetic aspects of congenital ichthyoses at birth: Characteristics of the ECEMC cases

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    Dismorfología, Citogenética y Clínica: Resultados de estudios sobre los datos del ECEMCThe Ichthyoses constitutes a large family of genetic skin diseases characterized by dry skin and variable degrees of blisters and scales. There are at least twenty varieties of ichthyosis, with a wide range of severity and associated symptoms, and genetic heterogeneity (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked inheritance). The clinical symptoms, which are non-specific, may not be apparent. We have attempted to provide a classification of the ichthyoses and some guidance for the diagnosis and management of these conditions. The present classification is based in the type of alteration of the skin layer, the molecular findings, the biochemical characteristics, and the family history.There are three main categories, which include different subgroups of ichthyoses: 1) Those that are caused by an altered process of keratinocytic diferenciation (altered intermediate filaments/keratins). This category includes the following subgroups: a) Harlequin fetus; b) bullous erythroderma ichthyosiformis congenital; c) Ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens; d) Ichthyosis hystrix of Curth-Macklin; and e) Ichthyosis vulgaris. 2) Those that are caused by a deficient formation of the cornified envelope (transglutaminase 1 enzyme deficiency). In this category we include two main subgrups: a) Lamellar ichthyosis AR, which includes i) ichthyosis lamellar (IL1, IL2, IL3, IL4, and IL5), and ii) ichthyosiform erythroderma congenital nonbullous, and b) Nonlamellar ichthyosis and nonerythrodermic congenital ichthyosis AR. 3) Those caused by an abnormal steroid sulfatase (X-linked Ichtyosis). In spite of having only data at birth and the lack of molecular analysis, we attempted to classify the ECEMC cases according to this classification using available clinical data. We also calculated the frequency of this disease identified at birth, and provide some guidance for the clinical diagnosis, the management of the affected newborn, and the information that should be offered to the parents.N

    Identifying Where REDD+ Financially Out Competes Oil Palm in Floodplain Landscapes Using a Fine-Scale Approach

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    Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) aims to avoid forest conversion to alternative land-uses through financial incentives. Oil-palm has high opportunity costs, which according to current literature questions the financial competitiveness of REDD+ in tropical lowlands. To understand this more, we undertook regional finescale and coarse-scale analyses (through carbon mapping and economic modelling) to assess the financial viability of REDD+ in safeguarding unprotected forest (30,173 ha) in the Lower Kinabatangan floodplain in Malaysian Borneo. Results estimate 4.7 million metric tons of carbon (MgC) in unprotected forest, with 64% allocated for oil-palm cultivations. Through fine-scale mapping and carbon accounting, we demonstrated that REDD+ can outcompete oil-palm in regions with low suitability, with low carbon prices and low carbon stock. In areas with medium oil-palm suitability, REDD+ could outcompete oil palm in areas with: very high carbon and lower carbon price; medium carbon price and average carbon stock; or, low carbon stock and high carbon price. Areas with high oil palm suitability, REDD + could only outcompete with higher carbon price and higher carbon stock. In the coarse-scale model, oil-palm outcompeted REDD+ in all cases. For the fine-scale models at the landscape level, low carbon offset prices (US 3MgCO2e)wouldenableREDD+tooutcompeteoilpalmin553 MgCO2e) would enable REDD+ to outcompete oil-palm in 55% of the unprotected forests requiring US 27 million to secure these areas for 25 years. Higher carbon offset price (US 30MgCO2e)wouldincreasethecompetitivenessofREDD+withinthelandscapebutwouldstillonlycapturebetween6930 MgCO2e) would increase the competitiveness of REDD+ within the landscape but would still only capture between 69%-74% of the unprotected forest, requiring US 380–416 million in carbon financing. REDD+ has been identified as a strategy to mitigate climate change by many countries (including Malaysia). Although REDD+ in certain scenarios cannot outcompete oil palm, this research contributes to the global REDD+ debate by: highlighting REDD+ competitiveness in tropical floodplain landscapes; and, providing a robust approach for identifying and targeting limited REDD+ funds

    Survival and long-term maintenance of tertiary trees in the Iberian Peninsula during the Pleistocene. First record of Aesculus L.

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    The Italian and Balkan peninsulas have been places traditionally highlighted as Pleistocene glacial refuges. The Iberian Peninsula, however, has been a focus of controversy between geobotanists and palaeobotanists as a result of its exclusion from this category on different occasions. In the current paper, we synthesise geological, molecular, palaeobotanical and geobotanical data that show the importance of the Iberian Peninsula in the Western Mediterranean as a refugium area. The presence of Aesculus aff. hippocastanum L. at the Iberian site at Cal Guardiola (Tarrasa, Barcelona, NE Spain) in the Lower– Middle Pleistocene transition helps to consolidate the remarkable role of the Iberian Peninsula in the survival of tertiary species during the Pleistocene. The palaeodistribution of the genus in Europe highlights a model of area abandonment for a widely-distributed species in the Miocene and Pliocene, leading to a diminished and fragmentary presence in the Pleistocene and Holocene on the southern Mediterranean peninsulas. Aesculus fossils are not uncommon within the series of Tertiary taxa. Many appear in the Pliocene and suffer a radical impoverishment in the Lower–Middle Pleistocene transition. Nonetheless some of these tertiary taxa persisted throughout the Pleistocene and Holocene up to the present in the Iberian Peninsula. Locating these refuge areas on the Peninsula is not an easy task, although areas characterised by a sustained level of humidity must have played an predominant role