311 research outputs found

    VHF scintillations, orientation of the anisotropy of F-region irregularities and direction of plasma convection in the polar cap

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    Scintillation data recorded at the polar cap station Barentsburg are shown to occasionally exhibit two or more peaks in the latitudinal profiles of the amplitude dispersion. Comparison with concurrent SuperDARN radar convection maps indicates that multiple peaks occur when Barentsburg is located within the area of strong changes in the plasma flow direction. When parameters of the ionospheric irregularities are inferred from the scintillation data, the orientation of the irregularity anisotropy in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field is found to coincide well with the <I><b>E</b></I>×<I><B>B</B></I> flow direction, individually for each peak of the scintillation data. The differences were found to be mostly less than 20° for a data set comprised of 104 events. The conclusion is made that analysis of scintillation data allows one to infer the direction of plasma flow with a certain degree of detail

    Orientation of the cross-field anisotropy of small-scale ionospheric irregularities and direction of plasma convection

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    The relationship between the orientation of the small-scale ionospheric irregularity anisotropy in a plane perpendicular to the geomagnetic field and the direction of plasma convection in the F region is investigated. The cross-field anisotropy of irregularities is obtained by fitting theoretical expectations for the amplitude scintillations of satellite radio signals to the actual measurements. Information on plasma convection was provided by the SuperDARN HF radars. Joint satellite/radar observations in both the auroral zone and the polar cap are considered. It is shown that the irregularity cross-field anisotropy agrees quite well with the direction of plasma convection with the best agreement for events with quasi-stationary convection patterns

    Learner's English-Turkish mathematical dictionary

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    This dictionary contains terminological units on main sections of Mathematics included in the program of pre-university training for international students. Basic mathematical terms are illustrated using examples and figures. Learner’s dictionary is intended for both international students studying Mathematics in English according to the pre-university training program, and for those studying Mathematics at the main faculties of universities. The dictionary can also be useful to mathematicians, methodologists, researchers, and translators

    Insurance with telematics as an insurance market driver: regulation and prospects

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    Currently, the insurance market is actively using modern technologies, which allows companies to compete with each other and attract customers. However, the possibilities of introducing artificial intelligence and big data (AI and DB) into the regulated sphere, which is insurance, are usually limited compared to unregulated sectors. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need and develop measures to regulate the use of AI in insurance, in general, and auto insurance, in particular, as well as to determine the prospects and risks of the spread of the use of AI technologies in insurance. The research used scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of AI and DB development in insurance, regulatory legal acts and program and strategic documents for the development of the Russian insurance market, as well as data generated by the authors on the basis of official statistical materials. For analytical data processing, the method of statistical analysis, the system-logical method, as well as such general scientific methods as induction, deduction and synthesis are used. The slowdown in the growth rate of the insurance market at the present time is due to both the tightening of the regulator’s requirements for the financial stability of insurers, and the lack of prospects for development, the complexity of the introduction of AI and DB in insurance. A competent state approach to regulating the activities of subjects in the topic under consideration entails a number of benefits and advantages, will allow to neutralize or reduce the influence of the identified constraining factors


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    The history of the department of infectious diseases at North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov since its foundation to the present day is presented in this article. Key issues of educational-methodical, scientific and medical work of the department in different historical periods are highlighted.В статье представлена история кафедры инфекционных болезней Северо-Западного государственного медицинского университета имени И.И. Мечникова с момента основания до наших дней. Освещены основные вопросы учебно-методической, научной и лечебной работы кафедры в разные исторические периоды

    Spherical Bondi accretion onto a magnetic dipole

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    Quasi-spherical supersonic (Bondi-type) accretion to a star with a dipole magnetic field is investigated using resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations. A systematic study is made of accretion to a non-rotating star, while sample results for a rotating star are also presented. A new stationary subsonic accretion flow is found with a steady rate of accretion to the magnetized star smaller than the Bondi accretion rate. Dependences of the accretion rate and the flow pattern on the magnetic momentum of the star and the magnetic diffusivity are presented. For slow star's rotation the accretion flow is similar to that in non-rotating case, but in the case of fast rotation the structure of the subsonic accretion flow is fundamentally different and includes a region of ``propeller'' outflow. The methods and results described here are of general interest and can be applied to systems where matter accretes with low angular momentum.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, used emulapj.st

    Development of Education Districts in the Strategy of Strengthening the Axiological Foundations of the Russian Education Space

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    The article presents an analysis of the specific features of the socio-cultural modernization of education in contemporary Russia and the methodology of the development of the ethno-regional education systems against the background of strengthening the unified education space of Russia. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the strategy of the development of education districts of contemporary Russia as the foundation for building the government vertical of state management in the field of education.As part of the development of organizational and pedagogical resources of risk management of the gap between the scientific and education space of the country, the authors have worked out the idea of setting up scientific and education complexes and developing education districts in the country. This approach meets the objective of improving the quality of higher education in the regions of the country by establishing clear links with regional universities in the most “advanced” areas, organizing scientific and educational activities.Creating education districts serves as the foundation of building up a multicultural education space of the Russian Federation, the resource of lining up control at the federal and regional levels, the formation of a new vector of education policy focused on the preservation and development of a unified, internally differentiated scientific and education space of the country

    Density streams in the disc winds of Classical T Tauri stars

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    Spectral and photometric variability of the Classical T Tauri stars RY Tau and SU Aur from 2013 to 2022 is analyzed. We find that in SU Aur the H-alpha line's flux at radial velocity RV = -50 +- 7 km/s varies with a period P = 255 +- 5 days. A similar effect previously discovered in RY Tau is confirmed with these new data: P = 21.6 days at RV = -95 +- 5 km/s. In both stars, the radial velocity of these variations, the period, and the mass of the star turn out to be related by Kepler's law, suggesting structural features on the disc plane orbiting at radii of 0.2 AU in RY Tau and 0.9 AU in SU Aur, respectively. Both stars have a large inclination of the accretion disc to the line of sight - so that the line of sight passes through the region of the disc wind. We propose there is an azimuthal asymmetry in the disc wind, presumably in the form of 'density streams', caused by substructures of the accretion disc surface. These streams cannot dissipate until they go beyond the Alfven surface in the disc's magnetic field. These findings open up the possibility to learn about the structure of the inner accretion disc of CTTS on scales less than 1 AU and to reveal the orbital distances related to the planet's formation.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure