599 research outputs found

    Tuning the spin Hall effect of Pt from the moderately dirty to the superclean regime

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    We systematically measure and analyze the spin diffusion length and the spin Hall effect in Pt with a wide range of conductivities using the spin absorption method in lateral spin valve devices. We observe a linear relation between the spin diffusion length and the conductivity, evidencing that the spin relaxation in Pt is governed by the Elliott-Yafet mechanism. We find a single intrinsic spin Hall conductivity (σSHint=1600±150Ω1cm1\sigma_{SH}^{int}=1600\pm150\: \Omega^{-1}cm^{-1}) for Pt in the full range studied which is in good agreement with theory. For the first time we have obtained the crossover between the moderately dirty and the superclean scaling regimes of the spin Hall effect by tuning the conductivity. This is equivalent to that obtained for the anomalous Hall effect. Our results explain the spread of the spin Hall angle values in the literature and find a route to maximize this important parameter.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Effects of an anionic surfactant (FFD-6) on the energy and information flow between a primary producer (Scenedesmus obliquus) and a consumer (Daphnia magna)

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    The effects of a commercially available anionic surfactant solution (FFD-6) on growth and morphology of a common green alga (Scenedesmus obliquus) and on survival and clearance rates of the water flea Daphnia magna were studied. The surfactant-solution elicited a morphological response (formation of colonies) in Scenedesmus at concentrations of 10–100 μl l−1 that were far below the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) value of 1,000 μl l−1 for growth inhibition. The NOEC-value of FFD-6 for colony-induction was 3 μl l−1. Daphnia survival was strongly affected by FFD-6, yielding LC50–24h and LC50–48h of 148 and 26 μl l−1, respectively. In addition, clearance rates of Daphnia feeding on unicellular Scenedesmus were inhibited by FFD-6, yielding a 50% inhibition (EC50–1.5h) at 5.2 μl l−1 with a NOEC of 0.5 μl l−1. When Daphnia were offered FFD-6-induced food in which eight-celled colonies (43 × 29 μm) were most abundant, clearance rates (~0.14 ml ind.−1 h−1) were only 25% the rates of animals that were offered non-induced unicellular (15 × 5 μm) Scenedesmus (~0.56 ml ind.−1 h−1). As FFD-6 concentrations in the treated food used in the experiments were far below the NOEC for clearance rate inhibition, it is concluded that the feeding rate depression was caused by the altered morphology of the Scenedesmus moving them out of the feeding window of the daphnids. The surfactant evoked a response in Scenedesmus that is similar to the natural chemically induced defensive reaction against grazers and could disrupt the natural information conveyance between these plankton organisms

    Small intestinal injuries in mice caused by a new toxin, Azaspiracid, isolated from Irish mussels

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    Pathological changes of the small intestine caused by a new toxin, azaspiracid, from Irish mussels were studied. Human poisoning cases included both diarrhetic shellfish and paralitic shellfish poisoning symptoms. The present paper focused on the former. Injuries were observed in the Upper part of the small intestine, where lamina propria in the villi became atrophied at the initial stage, followed by desquamation of epithelial cells and shortening of villi. The injuries were different from the DSP toxin okadaic acid; 1) they developed very slowly after a lag time of about 3 hr, 2) recovery was very late, 3) initial target and process were different

    Cooperative Effect of Coulomb Interaction and Electron-Phonon Coupling on the Heavy Fermion State in the Two-Orbital Periodic Anderson Model

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    We investigate the two-orbital periodic Anderson model, where the local orbital fluctuations of f-electrons couple with a two-fold degenerate Jahn-Teller phonon, by using the dynamical mean-field theory. It is found that the heavy fermion state caused by the Coulomb interaction between f-electrons U is largely enhanced due to the electron-phonon coupling g, in contrast to the case with the single-orbital periodic Anderson model where the effects of U and g compete to each other. In the heavy fermion state for large UU and g, both the orbital and lattice fluctuations are enhanced, while the charge (valence) and spin fluctuations are suppressed. In the strong coupling regime, a sharp soft phonon mode with a large spectral weight is observed for small U, while a broad soft phonon mode with a small spectral weight is observed for large U. The cooperative effect of U and g for half-filling with two f-electrons per atom nf=2n_f=2 is more pronounced than that for quarter-filling with nf=1n_f=1.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in JPS

    Solid phase extraction for removal of matrix effects in lipophilic marine toxin analysis by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    The potential of solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up has been assessed to reduce matrix effects (signal suppression or enhancement) in the liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC¿MS/MS) analysis of lipophilic marine toxins. A large array of ion-exchange, silica-based, and mixed-function SPE sorbents was tested. Polymeric sorbents were found to retain most of the toxins. Optimization experiments were carried out to maximize recoveries and the effectiveness of the clean-up. In LC¿MS/MS analysis, the observed matrix effects can depend on the chromatographic conditions used, therefore, two different HPLC methods were tested, using either an acidic or an alkaline mobile phase. The recovery of the optimized SPE protocol was around 90% for all toxins studied and no break-through was observed. The matrix effects were determined by comparing signal response from toxins spiked in crude and SPE-cleaned extracts with those derived from toxins prepared in methanol. In crude extracts, all toxins suffered from matrix effects, although in varying amounts. The most serious effects were observed for okadaic acid (OA) and pectenotoxin-2 (PTX2) in the positive electrospray ionization mode (ESI+). SPE clean-up on polymeric sorbents in combination with the alkaline LC method resulted in a substantial reduction of matrix effects to less than 15% (apparent recovery between 85 and 115%) for OA, yessotoxin (YTX) in ESI¿ and azaspiracid-1 (AZA1), PTX2, 13-desmethyl spirolides C (SPX1), and gymnodimine (GYM) in ESI+. In combination with the acidic LC method, the matrix effects after SPE were also reduced but nevertheless approximately 30% of the matrix effects remained for PTX2, SPX1, and GYM in ESI+. It was concluded that SPE of methanolic shellfish extracts can be very useful for reduction of matrix effects. However, the type of LC and MS methods used is also of great importance. SPE on polymeric sorbents in combination with LC under alkaline conditions was found the most effective method

    Marine Toxins: Chemistry, Toxicity, Occurrence and Detection, with Special Reference to the Dutch Situation

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    Various species of algae can produce marine toxins under certain circumstances. These toxins can then accumulate in shellfish such as mussels, oysters and scallops. When these contaminated shellfish species are consumed severe intoxication can occur. The different types of syndromes that can occur after consumption of contaminated shellfish, the corresponding toxins and relevant legislation are discussed in this review. Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP), Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP), Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) and Azaspiracid Shellfish Poisoning (AZP) occur worldwide, Neurologic Shellfish Poisoning (NSP) is mainly limited to the USA and New Zealand while the toxins causing DSP and AZP occur most frequently in Europe. The latter two toxin groups are fat-soluble and can therefore also be classified as lipophilic marine toxins. A detailed overview of the official analytical methods used in the EU (mouse or rat bioassay) and the recently developed alternative methods for the lipophilic marine toxins is given. These alternative methods are based on functional assays, biochemical assays and chemical methods. From the literature it is clear that chemical methods offer the best potential to replace the animal tests that are still legislated worldwide. Finally, an overview is given of the situation of marine toxins in The Netherlands. The rat bioassay has been used for monitoring DSP and AZP toxins in The Netherlands since the 1970s. Nowadays, a combination of a chemical method and the rat bioassay is often used. In The Netherlands toxic events are mainly caused by DSP toxins, which have been found in Dutch shellfish for the first time in 1961, and have reoccurred at irregular intervals and in varying concentrations. From this review it is clear that considerable effort is being undertaken by various research groups to phase out the animal tests that are still used for the official routine monitoring programs

    Malten, a new synthetic molecule showing in vitro antiproliferative activity against tumour cells and induction of complex DNA structural alterations

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    Background: Hydroxypyrones represent several classes of molecules known for their high synthetic versatility. This family of molecules shows several interesting pharmaceutical activities and is considered as a promising source of new anti neoplastic compounds. Methods: In the quest to identify new potential anti cancer agents, a new maltol (3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone)-derived molecule, named malten (N,N′-bis((3-hydroxy-4-pyron-2-yl)methyl)-N,N′-dimethylethylendiamine), has been synthesised and analysed at both biological and molecular levels for its antiproliferative activity in eight tumour cell lines. Results: Malten exposure led to a dose-dependent reduction in cell survival in all the neoplastic models studied. Sublethal concentrations of malten induce profound cell cycle changes, particularly affecting the S and/or G2-M phases, whereas exposure to lethal doses causes the induction of programmed cell death (apopotosis). The molecular response to malten was also investigated in two biological models: JURKAT and U937 cells. It showed the modulation of genes having key roles in cell cycle progression and apoptosis. Finally, as part of the effort to clarify the action mechanism, we showed that malten is able to impair DNA electrophoretic mobility and drastically reduce both PCR amplificability and fragmentation susceptibility of DNA. Conclusion: Taken together, these results show that malten may exert its antiproliferative activity through the induction of complex DNA structural modifications. This evidence, together with the high synthetic versatility of maltol-derived compounds, makes malten an interesting molecular scaffold for the future design of new potential anticancer agents

    Single-cell longitudinal analysis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in human airway epithelium identifies target cells, alterations in gene expression, and cell state changes.

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    There are currently limited Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs and vaccines for the treatment or prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Enhanced understanding of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and pathogenesis is critical for the development of therapeutics. To provide insight into viral replication, cell tropism, and host-viral interactions of SARS-CoV-2, we performed single-cell (sc) RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of experimentally infected human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs) in air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures over a time course. This revealed novel polyadenylated viral transcripts and highlighted ciliated cells as a major target at the onset of infection, which we confirmed by electron and immunofluorescence microscopy. Over the course of infection, the cell tropism of SARS-CoV-2 expands to other epithelial cell types including basal and club cells. Infection induces cell-intrinsic expression of type I and type III interferons (IFNs) and interleukin (IL)-6 but not IL-1. This results in expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) in both infected and bystander cells. This provides a detailed characterization of genes, cell types, and cell state changes associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in the human airway

    The Study of Quantum Interference in Metallic Photonic Crystals Doped with Four-Level Quantum Dots

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    In this work, the absorption coefficient of a metallic photonic crystal doped with nanoparticles has been obtained using numerical simulation techniques. The effects of quantum interference and the concentration of doped particles on the absorption coefficient of the system have been investigated. The nanoparticles have been considered as semiconductor quantum dots which behave as a four-level quantum system and are driven by a single coherent laser field. The results show that changing the position of the photonic band gap about the resonant energy of the two lower levels directly affects the decay rate, and the system can be switched between transparent and opaque states if the probe laser field is tuned to the resonance frequency. These results provide an application for metallic nanostructures in the fabrication of new optical switches and photonic devices