17 research outputs found

    Research of opportunities to improve the quality of educational process and infrastructure of the university

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    Modern marketing approach to improving the educational process and infrastructure of the university in order to enhance its competitiveness has been studied. A model of the marketing educational environment of the university has been proposed. The need for diagnostics of "bottlenecks" in the work of the university’s functional units in the transition period to the knowledge paradigm of the country’s economic development has been actualized. The experience of the Department of Marketing of the State University of Management in conducting annual marketing research to study the possibilities of improving the quality of educational process and infrastructure of the University using the method of student team consulting has been outlined. The distinctive features of this method and the specifics of its application in the spring semester of2020 with an emphasis on virtual teams in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic have been described. Debatable issues and prospects for further scientific research in this area have been formulated

    Digital marketing and sales technologies: big data and synergy effect

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    Currently, many Russian companies successfully solve the problem of attracting a significant number of customer requirements and requests for sales and service. As a result, there is a problem of matching the company’s capabilities to meet the declared services and their level, reserving excess capacity and resources of the company, which leads to a decrease in profits. The article is based on the queuing theory and considers the application of new ways to measure, achieve and maintain the efficiency of the business, leading to an increase in its elasticity and maneuverability, as the efficiency of the business is measured by comparing the collected data, existing indicators, balance sheets or key performance indicators

    Marketing technologies of customer relationship management: digital ecosystems

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    Digital technologies are changing customer expectations and reshaping the boundaries of industry markets forming ecosystems. At the same time, ecosystems are built on customer needs and go beyond a simple partnership between players from different industries to bring together digitally available services or products, providing an end-to-end experience for consumers. The article summarises research findings in the field of digital marketing and digital ecosystems. Theoretical and research issues of changes in marketing techniques for customer relationship management in the digital environment have been reviewed. The experience of the world’s leading ecosystems has been systematised, the main archetypes of digital ecosystems and key success factors have been highlighted

    Analysis of key trends and ways to improve the marketing activities of domestic manufacturers of municipal equipment

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    The results of the marketing analysis of the market of special equipment for housing and communal services of Russia are presented. Market trends have been analysed, the sales dynamics of municipal machinery have been characterised and segments of the product portfolio of domestic manufacturers have been identified. The article analyzes the features of the development of two key product segments - the segment of snowplows and snow loaders, as well as the segment of garbage trucks. It is proved that they have a high market potential and objective prerequisites for import substitution, but they need to improve marketing support. The authors proposed and justified a set of measures to improve marketing activities, including development of financial instruments to support customers, expansion of the product line, improvement of distribution strategies, optimisation of call centers and the development of exports using state support tools

    Review of global and Russian trends in the hydrogen energy development

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    In the article, based on a comparative analysis and analytical generalization of publications, program and regulatory documents from different countries, the authors consider the prospects for the development of the hydrogen market. Most publications are currently focused on the technical and technological aspects of hydrogen energy, solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of methods for the production, transportation, distribution and storage of hydrogen fuel. In all countries of the world, the technology for the production of highly environmentally friendly “green” hydrogen is at an early stage, which makes it highly dependent on government initiatives to develop hydrogen projects and government funding of both scientific research in this area and ongoing projects. Peaks of interest in the field of hydrogen energy are associated with changes in the fossil energy markets, which makes the development of this technology unsustainable. Many countries are ready to invest in the development of hydrogen energy, and, given the growth in demand for hydrogen, are ready to export it at an affordable price. The results of the study indicate that the trends in the development of hydrogen energy in Russia are fundamentally aligned with global trends. At the same time, the high resource and scientific and technological potential allows Russia to fully focus its strategy on its implementation, not only developing the domestic market, but also acting as an exporter of hydrogen and expanding international cooperation in this area

    Omnichannel marketing strategy

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    Scientific and practical problem, associated with the organization of longterm mutually beneficial relations between the seller and the buyer based on digital marketing has been examined. The concepts of the marketing channel as a single channel of sales, service, control, which uses diff ent formats, media tools; as well as omnichannel strategy based on the interests of the seller and the buyer have been сlarified. The results of a comparative analysis of multichannel and omnichannel strategies in marketing according to nine characteristics; author’s model “omnichannel marketing wheel” have been introduced in the article. The model reflects the specifics of the omnichannel marketing strategy. Seven main groups of elements, that provide the conditions for a «seamless» continuous mutually beneficial interaction between seller and customer, have been presented in this model

    Management of advertising campaign planning in the pharmaceutical sector of the e-commerce market

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    General trends in the Russian advertising market are observed in the pharmaceutical segment as well as in the others. Advertising, implementing during distance advanced training, which is mandatory for pharmacists and medical workers, extension of analytics capabilities on digital sites and increasing consumer awareness has become the trend of recent years. The digital segment of the pharmaceutical market lags significantly behind the same segment in other areas, for example, in the market of daily demand goods, but the situation is beginning to change. In the shifting digital environment of the market, advertising service providers need to adapt to new conditions and offer the client (the manufacturer of pharmaceuticals or the agency that represents its interests) advertising campaigns most relevant for their needs. In order to optimize the time spent by employees on the designing the advertising campaigns, as well as to speed up the training of new employees, the authors of the article have created a methodology for quick construction of advertising campaigns, based on 4 main issues. It requires the choice of the segment to which the customer belongs, from the three proposed options, the assessment of its goals and objectives, the budget and special wishes for advertising options, as well as the choice of the promotion period. The method has shown its effectiveness in practice, as evidenced by the description of three cases of its verification on real clients. An analysis of the directions of advertising, recommendations on the use of new opportunities in the pharmaceutical advertising market in Russia, as well as a detailed analysis of the answers to each of the questions, when designing an advertising campaign in this market have been made in the article