480 research outputs found

    The image of Xiang Yu and Liu Bang in “The Favourite Children’s Stories about the History of China”

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    В статье сравнивается изображение полководцев Сян Юя и Лю Бана в современных «Любимых детьми китайских исторических рассказах» с классическим описанием этих героев в «Исторических записках» Сыма Цяня. Выделяя основные концепции историографа, автор статьи рассматривает то, как и почему образы Сян Юя и Лю Бана претерпевают значительные изменения, какие черты их характеров становятся наиболее важными и поучительными в современной литературе для подрастающего поколения.In this article is compared the image of generals Xiang Yu and Liu Bang in the present-day “The Favourite Children’s Stories about The History of China” with traditional description these characters in Sima Qian‘s “Historical Records”. Singing out the basic concepts of the historiographer, the author of this article examines how and why the images of Xiang Yu and Liu Bang are undergoing significant changes, what the traits of their characters are the most important and instructive in contemporary literature for the younger generation

    Classification of double flag varieties of complexity 0 and 1

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    A classification of double flag varieties of complexity 0 and 1 is obtained. An application of this problem to decomposing tensor products of irreducible representations of semisimple Lie groups is considered

    Spatial transformation as an institutional factor of the public management of macroeconomic systems

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    Purpose: The article analyzes the issue of substantiating the impact of the spatial organization of the territory of the Russian Federation on the public management at the level of macroeconomic systems. Design/Methodology/Approach: The federal districts were chosen as the object of the study as macro-regional socio-economic systems, the Southern Federal District and its constituent regions (subjects of the Russian Federation). The article investigates the main transformational processes taking place in the RF spatial development, concerning the development of the regional systems of the public management and the necessity of their consistency at the supra-regional (macro-regional) level. Findings: The authors propose a set of measures to form supra-regional system to coordinate the regional development priorities considering the peculiarities of the spatial transformation of Russia's territory and the position of the Southern macro-region in the spatial system of the country. This system formation allows involving as many interested parties as possible. Practical Implications: The results may be implemented into macro-region public administration to maximize the advantages of the geo-economic and strategic position, natural and climatic conditions of Russian regions' development. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is a tailored approach to the public administration of the social and economic development of the macro-regions in the context of the spatial transformation.peer-reviewe

    The museum “Unit 731 Ruins”: a monument of Japanese Military’s victims

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    The article is devoted to the Harbin Museum of detachment 731, built on the site of a secret military facility of the Japanese army, and its influence on the formation of the national consciousness of the Chinese people. The author analyzes the main methods of submitting material about this historical event, the exhibits and videos demonstrated in the exhibition halls in order to prove that the museum is a platform for implementing the national-unifying policy of the Chinese authorities. It contributes to the formation of a negative attitude of the Chinese people not only to Japanese militarism, but also to the Japanese nation.Статья посвящена харбинскому музею отряда 731, построенному на месте секретного военного объекта японской армии, и его влиянию на формирование национального самосознания китайского народа. Автор анализирует основные способы подачи материала о данном историческом событии, а также представ ленные в экспозиции предметы и видеоматериалы и доказывает, что музей является платформой для реализации национально-объединительной политики китайских властей и способствует формированию негативного отношения китайцев не только к японскому милитаризму, но и к японской нации

    Analysis of the results of the students 'survey on participation in external activities and its combination with a study in the medical university

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    We conducted a survey among students of a medical university of various courses and faculties. The goal was to find out whether our students are in any circles or they are engaged in some kind of extracurricular activities and how they combine it with the educational activities at the medical state universityНами проведено анкетирование среди студентов медицинского университета различных курсов и факультетов. Целью было выяснить, состоят ли наши студенты в каких-либо кружках или занимаются каким-либо видом внеучебной деятельности и совмещение ее с учебной деятельностью в медицинском государственном университет

    Concentration dependence of terahertz generation in jets of water and ethanol mixtures

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    In this work, we considered mixtures of ethanol and water in the form of jets as samples for THz generation based on laser-induced filamentation. The dependence of the output energy of terahertz radiation on the concentration of ethanol in water was experimentally studied. It is shown that the energy grows linearly, which can be explained by an increase in the ionization energy due to the linear replacement of low-efficient charge carriers (water) with highly-efficient (ethanol). The dependence of the THz generation on the optical angle of incidence on the mixture jets was also demonstrated. The results of this study can be further used to create universal source of terahertz radiation

    Adhesive bowel obstruction in children

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of data from case histories in children with a diagnosis of adhesive intestinal obstruction, identifies the main causes of the disease, age structure, types of surgical treatment performed to eliminate the adhesive process.В статье представлены результаты анализа данных историй болезни у детей с диагнозом спаечная кишечная непроходимость, определены основные причины заболевания, возрастная структура, выполняемые виды оперативного лечения для устранения спаечного процесс