26 research outputs found

    Mechanical properties of magnesium alloy for medical applications after deformation treatment

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    Resilience, self-esteem and motivation as personal factors for the success of senior school students

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    This article is devoted to the study of such personal factors of learning success as resilience, motivation and self-esteem.Данная статья посвящена исследованию таких личностных факторов успешности обучения, как жизнестойкость, мотивация и самооценка

    Crustal and Upper Mantle Velocity Model along the DOBRE-4 Profile from North Dobruja to the Central Region of the Ukrainian Shield : 1. Seismic Data

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    For studying the structure of the lithosphere in southern Ukraine, wide-angle seismic studies that recorded the reflected and refracted waves were carried out under the DOBRE-4 project. The field works were conducted in October 2009. Thirteen chemical shot points spaced 35-50 km apart from each other were implemented with a charge weight varying from 600 to 1000 kg. Overall 230 recording stations with an interval of 2.5 km between them were used. The high quality of the obtained data allowed us to model the velocity section along the profile for P-and S-waves. Seismic modeling was carried out by two methods. Initially, trial-and-error ray tracing using the arrival times of the main reflected and refracted P-and S-phases was conducted. Next, the amplitudes of the recorded phases were analyzed by the finite-difference full waveform method. The resulting velocity model demonstrates a fairly homogeneous structure from the middle to lower crust both in the vertical and horizontal directions. A drastically different situation is observed in the upper crust, where the Vp velocities decrease upwards along the section from 6.35 km/s at a depth of 15-20 km to 5.9-5.8 km/s on the surface of the crystalline basement; in the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic deposits, it diminishes from 5.15 to 3.80 km/s, and in the Mesozoic layers, it decreases from 2.70 to 2.30 km/s. The sub-crustal Vp gradually increases downwards from 6.50 to 6.7-6.8 km/s at the crustal base, which complicates the problem of separating the middle and lower crust. The Vp velocities above 6.80 km/s have not been revealed even in the lowermost part of the crust, in contrast to the similar profiles in the East European Platform. The Moho is clearly delineated by the velocity contrast of 1.3-1.7 km/s. The alternating pattern of the changes in the Moho depths corresponding to Moho undulations with a wavelength of about 150 km and the amplitude reaching 8 to 17 km is a peculiarity of the velocity model.Peer reviewe


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     the purpose of the study was to analyze facts and mechanisms of the development of second malignancies after radiodiagnostic and radiotherapy procedures as well as after different medicamental treatments. the search for relevant articles published over the last 6 years was carried out using  medline, elibrary, pubmed databases, and 34 publications were included in this review. the risk of second malignancies from ct scans and radiation therapy is increased by 1.5–3 times in cancer patients. some drugs for  treatment of chronic non-oncology diseases and many chemotherapeutic agents possess high carcinogenic potential in longtime period. invasive diagnostic and treatment methods, especially organ transplantations, have  protumorogenic effects. some of the diagnostic and treatment methods used in oncology should be considered as «inevitable oncoiatrogenic». applications of these methods require reasonable limitations. Представлен систематизированный анализ мировой литературы, посвященной механизмам возникновения и развития «de novo» опухолевых очагов, вызванных негативными воздействиями физических и медикаментозных агентов на этапах профилактики, диагностики и лечения злокачественных новообразований различной локализации. Проведен поиск доступных источников, опубликованных за последние 5–6 лет в базах данных medline, elibrary, pubmed, из которых 34 включено в настоящий обзор. Компьютерная томография в диагностике и лучевая терапия в лечении злокачественных новообразований увеличивают риск возникновения вторых первичных опухолевых очагов в 1,5–3 раза. Высоким канцерогенным потенциалом обладают многие препараты для лечения хронических неопухолевых заболеваний. Онкогенность химиотерапевтических средств, особенно в многолетней перспективе, является значимой. Инвазивные диагностические и лечебные методы также потенциально туморогенны. Часть описанных негативных эффектов различных методов диагностики и лечения в онкологии следует отнести к «неизбежным онкоятрогениям», обусловленным спецификой злокачественного процесса, вследствие чего их применение требует взвешенного подхода и разумного ограничения

    The choosing of genotoxicants for hygienic reglamentation in air

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    The industrial town inhabitants are exposed to a great number of chemical pollutants of unknown carcinogenicity. The correlation and regression analysis of relations between the children's lymphocytes genome instability indexes and chemicals accumulated in snow in their residence places were performed in Magmtigorsk town. The potential carcinogenic chemicals (methylphenanthrene, methylcyclopenthane, benzanthracene et al) that have the priority for the establishment of consumption standards were selected by this means.Описана стратегия выбора потенциальных канцерогенов из множества веществ, присутствующих в атмосферном воздухе промышленного города и приоритетных для углубленного изучения биологической активности и разработки гигиенических нормативов. Приведены результаты апробации этого подхода в Магнитогорске

    Хронические нарушения сознания: клинические рекомендации Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов»

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    Хронические нарушения сознания (ХНС) представляют собой синдромы тяжелого поражения центральной нервной системы, приводящие к длительной грубой инвалидизации и требующие значительных усилий по лечению и реабилитации, которые ложатся на медицинские учреждения и на плечи близких пациентов. ХНС развиваются у пациентов после комы и характеризуются наличием бодрствования при полном или практически полном отсутствии признаков осознанного поведения. К ХНС относятся вегетативное состояние (ВС) и состояние минимального сознания (СМС). Также для описания начальных стадий этих состояний используется термин «продленное нарушение сознания» (ПНС). Отдельно выделяют выход из СМС — состояние, которое формируется по мере восстановления когнитивных функций. Диагностика ХНС основывается на многократном структурированном клиническом осмотре с применением специализированных шкал при условии исключения обратимых причин нарушения сознания. Лечение пациентов с ХНС включает в себя поддержание жизненно важных функций, обеспечение оптимального питания и борьбу с типичными осложнениями и сопутствующими состояниями (пролежни, спастичность, боль, пароксизмальная симпатическая гиперактивность и др.). У пациентов с ХНС должна проводиться реабилитация с участием мультидисциплинарной реабилитационной команды в объеме, который определяется проблемами и возможностями конкретного пациента. Наиболее эффективной реабилитация является при условии ее раннего начала. На данный момент однозначных доказательств эффективности каких-либо специфических методов, направленных на восстановление сознания, не получено; изучается ряд соответствующих фармакологических и нефармакологических вмешательств, обязательным условием применения которых является максимально возможная коррекция соматических проблем пациента. Важную роль в ведении пациентов с ХНС играет вовлечение близких пациента, которые, в свою очередь, нуждаются в получении объективной практической информации о состоянии своего родственника и о направлениях реабилитации, а также в психологической помощи

    Results of measurements of the analyzing powers for polarized neutrons on C, CH <inf>2</inf> and Cu targets for momenta between 3 and 4.2 GeV/c

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    The analyzing powers for neutron charge exchange nA → pX reactions on nuclei have been measured on C, CH2 and Cu targets at incident neutron momenta 3.0 - 4.2 GeV/c by detecting one charged particle in forward direction. The polarized neutron measurements are the first of their kind. The experiment was performed using the Nuclotron accelerator in JINR Dubna, where polarized neutrons and protons were obtained from breakup of a polarized deuteron beam which has a maximum momentum of 13 GeV/c. The polarimeter ALPOM2 was used to obtain the analyzing power dependence on the transverse momentum of the final-state nucleon. These data have been used to estimate the figure of merit of a proposed experiment at Jefferson Laboratory to measure the recoiling neutron polarization in the quasi-elastic 2H(e, e'n) reaction, which yields information on the charge and magnetic elastic form factors of the neutron

    Use of Chatbots in Volunteering

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    Introduction. Practices of social bots are becoming more diverse, bots are used in politics, economics, culture, health care, education, etc. In this connection, the need to analyze this new digital technology for disseminating information by various social actors, pursuing different social goals (both destructive and constructive) has been mainstreamed. The authors focus on chatbots used by volunteer organizations to expand their social influence. The paper realizes the following objectives: it considers the innovative experience of using chatbots in the volunteer movement of a number of foreign countries, and also analyzes the use of chatbots by Russian volunteer organizations for the first time.Methodology and sources. The authors developed and applied a methodology for analyzing the structure and functions of chatbots by the following parameters: 1) the purpose of the chatbot; 2) the functions that it performs; 3) external characteristics of the bot; 4) the procedure for starting the bot; 5) the platform on which it operates; 6) the productivity of its activities.Results and discussion. The results of a comparative study of five identified bots according to these parameters showed that the goals of creating chatbots in the volunteer sphere of Russian charitable and non-profit organizations are determined by their functions. There were identified three main functions: fundraising; informing; recruiting. The external characteristics and launch procedures of the chatbots in question differ depending on the specificity of the platforms on which they operate (Telegram, Facebook Messenger, VKontakte). As a possible discussion, the authors consider such problems as further developing the typology of social bots, the prospect of using chatbots for Russian volunteer organizations, the development of parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of chatbots in the volunteer movement and adjusting their functioning.Conclusion. According to the results of the study, the authors conclude that the study of the field of application of “benign” bots is an extremely relevant, but poorly understood problem in modern science. In the paper, on the basis of studies carried out by foreign researchers (S. Savage, A. Monroy-Hernandez, T. Höllerer, K. Starbird, L. Palen), the productivity of such bots in the field of volunteering was shown, as well as the productive experience of similar digital technologies (in particular, chatbots) in the Russian volunteer movement was analyzed for the first time

    Nanostructured composite materials on the base of titanium and zirconium… 45 SCIENTIFIC PROBLEMS OF MACHINES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 1 (161) 2010 Nanostructured composite materials on the base of titanium and zirconium with modified surface layers for m

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    K e y w o r d s Titanium, zirconium, modified surface layers. S u m m a r y This paper presents the results of the investigations of mechanical and tribological properties of ultrafine-grained and nanostructured titanium and zirconium under microplasma and ion beam treatments. It indicates that the nitrogen ion beam treatment of titanium and zirconium at low temperatures essentially increases the wear resistance by 35-50 times and reduces the friction coefficient by 40%. The biocomposite (nanostructured titanium -calcium phosphate coating) demonstrates a high friction coefficient (0.4-1.0) in tribological interaction with an ultrahigh molecular polyethylene imitated of subcutaneous tissue and bone tissue that allows to eliminate the microdisplacements of an implant against bone tissue under friction and to increase its fixation. A considerable improvement of tribological characteristics of the nanostructured titanium and zirconium with the modified surface layers give the advantages for these materials in medicine and engineering