28 research outputs found

    Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid Reduces Oscillatory Wall Shear Stress, Atherosclerosis, and Hypertension, Most Likely Mediated via an IL‐1–Mediated Mechanism

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    Background: Hypertension is a complex condition and a common cardiovascular risk factor. Dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) modulates atherosclerosis and hypertension, possibly via an inflammatory mechanism. IL‐1 (interleukin 1) has an established role in atherosclerosis and inflammation, although whether IL‐1 inhibition modulates blood pressure is unclear. Methods and Results: Male apoE−/− (apolipoprotein E–null) mice were fed either a high fat diet or a high fat diet plus DHA (300 mg/kg per day) for 12 weeks. Blood pressure and cardiac function were assessed, and effects of DHA on wall shear stress and atherosclerosis were determined. DHA supplementation improved left ventricular function, reduced wall shear stress and oscillatory shear at ostia in the descending aorta, and significantly lowered blood pressure compared with controls (119.5±7 versus 159.7±3 mm Hg, P<0.001, n=4 per group). Analysis of atheroma following DHA feeding in mice demonstrated a 4‐fold reduction in lesion burden in distal aortas and in brachiocephalic arteries (P<0.001, n=12 per group). In addition, DHA treatment selectively decreased plaque endothelial IL‐1β (P<0.01). Conclusions: Our findings revealed that raised blood pressure can be reduced by inhibiting IL‐1 indirectly by administration of DHA in the diet through a mechanism that involves a reduction in wall shear stress and local expression of the proinflammatory cytokine IL‐1β

    Studi Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Pada Kelas Cerdas Istimewa Bakat Istimewa (Cibi) SMP Negeri 2 Surakarta

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    The objective of research was to describe the implementation of character education to mathematics learning, the constraints the teacher faced and the solution the teachers took to the constraints with the implementation of character education in mathematics learning in the gifted and talented class of SMP Negeri 2 Surakarta. This study was a descriptive qualitative research; the subject of researcher was one mathematics teacher and six students in the grade VII gifted and talented class. Techniques of validating data used were researcher persistence and time triangulation. Techniques of analyzing data used were (1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion drawing and verification. The results of research are as follows. 1) The process of character education implementation to learning was below. (a) The development of logical, critical, creative and innovative thinking character was conducted by means of assignment, directing the students to the correct answer and to make decision with debriefing. (b) The development of hard work character was conducted by means of group assignment. (c) The development of curiosity character was conducted by providing the example of material existing in real life. (d) The development of independency character was conducted by assigning the material reading to be discussed in the next meeting. (e) The development of self-confidence character was conducted by means of facilitating the students writing the result on the blackboard. 2) The constraints the teacher faced and the solutions the teacher took were as follows. (a) In the implementation of logical, critical, creative and innovative thinking character, the students monopolized actively the debriefing process so that the teacher should limit and provide other students the opportunity of asking question. (b) In the implementation of hard work character, not all students in the classroom had equal hard work ethos. The solutions taken were to play motivation video and to convince them about the ability they had, to display the students\u27 work, and to reward the students with the best performance. (c) In the implementation of curiosity character, the students who did not want to think too hard responded poorly to the stimulus given. In this case, the teacher could give reward in the form of mark (grade). (d) In the implementation of self-confidence character, the students with less self-confidence would select the easy assignment in presenting the group assignment, and they explained in very soft voice. The solutions taken were to give more mark to the students explaining group assignment, and to direct the students in the presentation. For teacher independency character, the teacher did not face a significant constraint

    Recetario comunitario. Saberes, sabores y sentires

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    El proyecto de extensión “Compartiendo saberes, construyendo sabores, conociendo sentires” se configura como una forma de encuentro y relación entre y con las mujeres que sostienen las prácticas alimentarias en los barrios, como copas de leche, comedores y huertas. El proyecto se viene desarrollando desde el 2020, en barrio Villa El Libertador, y durante el 2021, en barrio Pueyrredón; en la ciudad de Córdoba Capital, Argentina, con las cocineras y huerteras comunitarias de “Luz y Esperanza”. Se fundamenta en dos tramas principales que se entretejen. Una de ellas, pone la mirada en la soberanía y seguridad alimentaria. Principalmente en la utilización de los alimentos; como base para retomar y hacer propios viejos y nuevos saberes que contribuyan a las decisiones individuales y comunitarias en torno al alimento. La otra trama se configura desde el arte popular y participativo, como herramienta para repensar las prácticas alimentarias y comunicar saberes, emociones y trayectorias. Entendiendo al arte como espacio promotor del desarrollo de producciones creativas, potencial e importante en la constitución de la propia comunidad como sujeto activo de transformación de su realidad. Durante el proyecto se construyeron dos producciones, el Recetario comunitario “Saberes, sabores y sentires”y el video “Repensarnos en torno al trabajo comunitario, el alimento y el arte”. ¡Las y los invitamos a que puedan recorrerlos, pensarlos, aplicarlos y compartirlos con otros! Sobre el Recetario Comunitario... El Recetario Comunitario “Saberes, sabores y sentires” fue conformado colaborativamente con las mujeres que sostienen el comedor y la huerta “Luz y Esperanza”, con su impronta personal, sus recetas, las que fuimos realizando juntas, los saberes recuperados y afianzados a lo largo del proyecto, miradas sobre su trabajo, historia y anhelos para el futuro. Se trabajó en dos formatos, libro acordeón y cuaderno libro-arte. El primero de ellos se realizó con la intención de contar con un objeto de fácil acceso y más económico para compartir con otros; mientras que el cuaderno libro arte expresa en mayor profundidad el recorrido. La materialidad de este recetario, también se plantea como una contribución en el proceso de afianzar y valorar los saberes, experiencias y recursos de aquellos que participan y sostienenprácticas comunitarias de trabajo similares en otros barrios. Por otro lado, desde el plano académico que demarca la enseñanza universitaria, incluye la posibilidad de que las y los estudiantes en formación tomen contacto con otras realidades y experiencias; y a partir de ello tensionen los aspectos metodológicos y didácticos y se abran nuevos interrogantes, ampliando lo conocido o aquello que se creía conocer. Sobre la producción audiovisual... El video “Repensarnos en torno al trabajo comunitario, el alimento y el arte” se plantea como la instancia final de una reflexión colectiva acerca de experiencias, desafíos, anécdotas, dificultades o aspectos del rol y trabajo que las mujeres de “Luz y Esperanza” consideraban importantes visibilizar; realizando a su vez un recorrido en el tiempo.Fil: Carpio, Sara Inés. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes. Departamento Académico de Artes Visuales; Argentina.Grill, Judith B. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes. Departamento Académico de Artes Visuales; Argentina.de la Horra, Ana E. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Colegio Nacional de Monserrat. Área de Extensión; Argentina.Barrera, Gabriela Noel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. IcyTAC-CONICET; Argentina.Barrera, Gabriela Noel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Hernández, Alejandra F. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes. Departamento Académico de Artes Visuales; Argentina.Cuggino, Sofía G. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra Biología Celular; Argentina.Wirtz Baker, Julia M. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud (INICSA-CONICET); Argentina.Domenech, Maribel Soledad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Jaimes, Nilza. Movimiento Evita Córdoba. Frente Agrario Evita; Argentina.Minchola, Marilyn. Movimiento Evita Córdoba; Argentina.Uriol, Lesly. Movimiento Evita Córdoba. Frente Agrario Evita; Argentina.Uriol, Mónica. Movimiento Evita Córdoba; Argentina.Vera, María. Movimiento Evita Córdoba. Frente Agrario Evita; Argentina.Echevarría, Stefany Mays. Movimiento Evita Córdoba; Argentina.Suarez Maran, Karen. Movimiento Evita Córdoba; Argentina.Guzmán, Noelia. Movimiento Evita Córdoba; Argentina.Jaimes, Florencia. Movimiento Evita Córdoba; Argentina.Ortiz, Esperanza. Movimiento Evita Córdoba. Frente Agrario; Argentina.Evita Uriol, Silvia. Movimiento Evita Córdoba. Frente Agrario Evita; Argentina.León, Jessica. Movimiento Evita Córdoba. Frente Agrario Evita; Argentina.Mariscal Coronado, Vicky. Movimiento Evita Córdoba; Argentina.Rojas, Yara. Movimiento Evita Córdoba; Argentina

    Modeling intracranial aneurysm stability and growth: An integrative mechanobiological framework for clinical cases

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    We present a novel patient-specific fluid-solid-growth framework to model the mechanobiological state of clinically detected intracranial aneurysms (IAs) and their evolution. The artery and IA sac are modeled as thick-walled, non-linear elastic fiber-reinforced composites. We represent the undulation distribution of collagen fibers: the adventitia of the healthy artery is modeled as a protective sheath whereas the aneurysm sac is modeled to bear load within physiological range of pressures. Initially, we assume the detected IA is stable and then consider two flow-related mechanisms to drive enlargement: (1) low wall shear stress; (2) dysfunctional endothelium which is associated with regions of high oscillatory flow. Localized collagen degradation and remodelling gives rise to formation of secondary blebs on the aneurysm dome. Restabilization of blebs is achieved by remodelling of the homeostatic collagen fiber stretch distribution. This integrative mechanobiological modelling workflow provides a step towards a personalized risk-assessment and treatment of clinically detected IAs