30 research outputs found

    Visual Cycle: Dependence of Retinol Production and Removal on Photoproduct Decay and Cell Morphology

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    The visual cycle is a chain of biochemical reactions that regenerate visual pigment following exposure to light. Initial steps, the liberation of all-trans retinal and its reduction to all-trans retinol by retinol dehydrogenase (RDH), take place in photoreceptors. We performed comparative microspectrophotometric and microfluorometric measurements on a variety of rod and cone photoreceptors isolated from salamander retinae to correlate the rates of photoproduct decay and retinol production. Metapigment decay rate was spatially uniform within outer segments and 50–70 times faster in the cells that contained cone-type pigment (SWS2 and M/LWS) compared to cells with rod-type pigment (RH1). Retinol production rate was strongly position dependent, fastest at the base of outer segments. Retinol production rate was 10–40 times faster in cones with cone pigments (SWS2 and M/LWS) than in the basal OS of rods containing rod pigment (RH1). Production rate was approximately five times faster in rods containing cone pigment (SWS2) than the rate in basal OS of rods containing the rod pigment (RH1). We show that retinol production is defined either by metapigment decay rate or RDH reaction rate, depending on cell type or outer segment region, whereas retinol removal is defined by the surface-to-volume ratio of the outer segment and the availability of retinoid binding protein (IRBP). The more rapid rates of retinol production in cones compared to rods are consistent with the more rapid operation of the visual cycle in these cells

    The 9-methyl group of retinal is essential for rapid Meta II decay and phototransduction quenching in red cones

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    Cone photoreceptors of the vertebrate retina terminate their response to light much faster than rod photoreceptors. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this rapid response termination in cones are poorly understood. The experiments presented here tested two related hypotheses: first, that the rapid decay rate of metarhodopsin (Meta) II in red-sensitive cones depends on interactions between the 9-methyl group of retinal and the opsin part of the pigment molecule, and second, that rapid Meta II decay is critical for rapid recovery from saturation of red-sensitive cones after exposure to bright light. Microspectrophotometric measurements of pigment photolysis, microfluorometric measurements of retinol production, and single-cell electrophysiological recordings of flash responses of salamander cones were performed to test these hypotheses. In all cases, cones were bleached and their visual pigment was regenerated with either 11-cis retinal or with 11-cis 9-demethyl retinal, an analogue of retinal lacking the 9-methyl group. Meta II decay was four to five times slower and subsequent retinol production was three to four times slower in red-sensitive cones lacking the 9-methyl group of retinal. This was accompanied by a significant slowing of the recovery from saturation in cones lacking the 9-methyl group after exposure to bright (>0.1% visual pigment photoactivated) but not dim light. A mathematical model of the turn-off process of phototransduction revealed that the slower recovery of photoresponse can be explained by slower Meta decay of 9-demethyl visual pigment. These results demonstrate that the 9-methyl group of retinal is required for steric chromophore–opsin interactions that favor both the rapid decay of Meta II and the rapid response recovery after exposure to bright light in red-sensitive cones

    In vitro dissolution kinetic for mycophenolic acid derivatives tablets

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    Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and mycophenolate sodium (MPS) are an ester and a salt of mycophenolic acid. They have different kinetic in vivo characteristics due to differences in molecular structures, physicochemical properties and formulations administered. In this study, dissolution profiles of reference products were tested in different media to evaluate the effect of pH, kinetic dissolution and the best statistical model that can be used to predict the release of both drugs. The drug release was determined by using a validated ultraviolet spectrophotometry method, λ 250 nm. The method showed to be selective, linear, precise and accurate for MMF in 0.1 M HCl and MPS in sodium phosphate buffer pH 6.8. Dissolution kinetics models of zero order, first order, Higuchi, Hixson-Crowell and Weibull were applied to data in order to select the best fit by linear regression. The regression parameters were estimated and the models were evaluated with the results of residuals and coefficient of determination. The residuals obtained from dissolution kinetics models were random, uncorrelated, and normally distributed with constant variance. The R² values (74.7% for MMF and 95.8% for MPS) demonstrated good ability of the Weibull regression to explain the variability and to predict the drugs' release

    Guidelines for diagnosis and management of the cobalamin-related remethylation disorders cblC, cblD, cblE, cblF, cblG, cblJ and MTHFR deficiency

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    BACKGROUND: Remethylation defects are rare inherited disorders in which impaired remethylation of homocysteine to methionine leads to accumulation of homocysteine and perturbation of numerous methylation reactions. OBJECTIVE: To summarise clinical and biochemical characteristics of these severe disorders and to provide guidelines on diagnosis and management. DATA SOURCES: Review, evaluation and discussion of the medical literature (Medline, Cochrane databases) by a panel of experts on these rare diseases following the GRADE approach. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS: We strongly recommend measuring plasma total homocysteine in any patient presenting with the combination of neurological and/or visual and/or haematological symptoms, subacute spinal cord degeneration, atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome or unexplained vascular thrombosis. We strongly recommend to initiate treatment with parenteral hydroxocobalamin without delay in any suspected remethylation disorder; it significantly improves survival and incidence of severe complications. We strongly recommend betaine treatment in individuals with MTHFR deficiency; it improves the outcome and prevents disease when given early

    Isolated medial orbital wall fracture associated with enophthalmos in a paediatric patient: An unusual presentation

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    Purpose: To report a case of isolated medial orbital wall fracture with enophthalmos in a paediatric patient and describe the clinical presentation and findings by means of computed tomography (CT) of the head and eyes. Methods: We looked at the patient's medical and ophthalmologic history, and an ophthalmologic examination and a CT of the head were performed at baseline. Results: A 14-year-old boy was admitted to the emergency department of our institution with ecchymosis of his right eyelids secondary to a sport accident. Physical examination revealed a moderate limitation of upgaze without diplopia. CT showed a medial orbital wall fracture without haemorrhage and a gross accumulation of air in the right eyelid with pressure exertion over the right globe and enophthalmos. The patient was treated conservatively with oral antibiotics and steroids showing dramatic improvement within 1 week. Enophthalmos and periorbital emphysema were completely resolved within 3 months after the accident as indicated by CT. Conclusions: We conclude that surgical intervention and intravenous treatment are not warranted in similar cases of medial orbital wall fracture. Medical history, clinical and paraclinical evaluations, and a regular follow-up, including CT, are needed though to avoid complications such as painful abduction, horizontal diplopia, pseudo sixth nerve paresis, or pseudo Duane. © 2018 The Author(s) Published by S. Karger AG, Basel

    Strabismus surgery for diplopia in chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia

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    Background: To report midterm outcomes of strabismus strategy for management of diplopia in chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia and specific surgical planning rationale. Design: Retrospective interventional case series. Results: Two patients, a 26-year-old male and a 36-year-old female, diagnosed with chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia presented with blepharoptosis and intermittent diplopia. Ocular motility examination was significant for bilateral profound impairment of adduction with relative preservation of abduction, infraduction and elevation. Control of intermittent exotropia gradually worsened over 3 and 1.5 years of follow-up, respectively, in the presence of documented stability of the angle of exodeviation. Strabismus surgery involving modest amounts of bilateral medial rectus resection and lateral rectus recessions was undertaken. Surgical intervention was successful in controlling alignment in primary position and alleviating diplopia and asthenopia after 9 and 8 years of follow-up time, respectively, despite slow progression of ophthalmoplegia. Conclusion: Bilateral selective impairment of adduction and intermittent exotropia may be the presenting ocular motility disturbance in chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia. Properly designed strabismus surgery may provide sustainable, in the midterm, control of alignment and symptomatic relief in selected patients with CPEO. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature

    Physiological and microfluorometric studies of reduction and clearance of retinal in bleached rod photoreceptors

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    The visual cycle comprises a sequence of reactions that regenerate the visual pigment in photoreceptors during dark adaptation, starting with the reduction of all-trans retinal to all-trans retinol and its clearance from photoreceptors. We have followed the reduction of retinal and clearance of retinol within bleached outer segments of red rods isolated from salamander retina by measuring its intrinsic fluorescence. Following exposure to a bright light (bleach), increasing fluorescence intensity was observed to propagate along the outer segments in a direction from the proximal region adjacent to the inner segment toward the distal tip. Peak retinol fluorescence was achieved after similar to30 min, after which it declined very slowly. Clearance of retinol fluorescence is considerably accelerated by the presence of the exogenous lipophilic substances IRBP (interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein) and serum albumin. We have used simultaneous fluorometric and electrophysiological measurements to compare the rate of reduction of all-trans retinal to all-trans retinol to the rate of recovery of flash response amplitude in these cells in the presence and absence of IRBP We rind that flash response recovery in rods is modestly accelerated in the presence of extracellular IRBP. These results suggest such substances may participate in the clearance of retinoids from rod photoreceptors, and that this clearance, at least in rods, may facilitate dark adaptation by accelerating the clearance of photoproducts of bleaching

    Visual cycle: Dependence of retinol production and removal on photoproduct decay and cell morphology

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    The visual cycle is a chain of biochemical reactions that regenerate visual pigment following exposure to light. Initial steps, the liberation of all-trans retinal and its reduction to all-trans retinol by retinol dehydrogenase (RDH), take place in photoreceptors. We performed comparative microspectrophotometric and microfluorometric measurements on a variety of rod and cone photoreceptors isolated from salamander retinae to correlate the rates of photoproduct decay and retinol production. Metapigment decay rate was spatially uniform within outer segments and 50-70 times faster in the cells that contained cone-type pigment (SWS2 and M/LWS) compared to cells with rod-type pigment (RH1). Retinol production rate was strongly position dependent, fastest at the base of outer segments. Retinol production rate was 10-40 times faster in cones with cone pigments (SWS2 and M/LWS) than in the basal OS of rods containing rod pigment (RH1). Production rate was approximately five times faster in rods containing cone pigment (SWS2) than the rate in basal OS of rods containing the rod pigment (RH1). We show that retinol production is defined either by metapigment decay rate or RDH reaction rate, depending on cell type or outer segment region, whereas retinol removal is defined by the surface-to-volume ratio of the outer segment and the availability of retinoid binding protein (IRBP). The more rapid rates of retinol production in cones compared to rods are consistent with the more rapid operation of the visual cycle in these cells. © The Rockefeller University Press

    Development of a multidisciplinary clinic of neurofibromatosis type 1 and other neurocutaneous disorders in Greece. A 3-year experience

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    Given the complexity of neurocutaneous syndromes, a multidisciplinary approach has been advocated in order to provide optimum care. Subjects and Methods: Retrospective analysis of a cohort of 157 patients during a 3-year period, seen at a newly developed neurocutaneous clinic in a pediatric tertiary care hospital in Athens (Greece); and systematic chart review of the patients diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1 during this time period. Results: The most frequent neurocutaneous syndromes were neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) in 89 patients and tuberous sclerosis complex in 17. In 20.38% of patients a neurocutaneous syndrome was not confirmed. Approximately 2/3 of the NF1 patients underwent genetic analysis, and for 76.67% of them, a pathogenic mutation on the NF1 gene was revealed. Eighty-one patients manifested with generalized NF1 and eight with mosaic NF1. Dermatological manifestations included café-au-lait macules in all patients, followed by axillary and/or inguinal freckling (n = 57), external plexiform neurofibromas (n = 17), and cutaneous and subcutaneous neurofibromas (n = 11). Approximately half of patients had learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, followed by mental retardation (n = 9), autistic spectrum disorders (n = 4), headaches (n = 3) and seizures (n = 2). Neuroimaging showed characteristic areas of hyperintensity on T2-weighted images in 74.07% of patients and optic pathway glioma in 19.75%. Two patients developed malignant peripheral sheath nerve tumor. Conclusions: Neurocutaneous syndromes are clinically heterogeneous and the surveillance of potential clinical complications is challenging. The availability of genetic diagnosis and novel imaging methods in this group of disorders is likely to further expand their clinical spectrum. Guidelines for assessment and management will need to be modified based on new available data. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group