426 research outputs found

    Two New Species of Monstrillopsis Sars (Crustacea: Copepoda: Monstrilloida) from the White Sea and Norway, with Comments on M. dubia Scott

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    A new species of monstrilloid copepod, Monstrillopsis ferrarii n. sp., based on four adult female specimens collected in the White Sea, northern Russia, is described and illustrated. The new species is most closely related to M. dubia Scott from Scotland and the Mediterranean and M. dubia (sensu Sars, 1921) from Norwegian fjords. The latter is considered to represent a distinct species, described herein as M. dubioides n. sp. It differs from M. dubia in characters related to antennule length compared to body length, but mainly to the shape and relative size of the genital double somite and other urosomal somites. Records of M. dubia in Norway and off Lisbon are referable to M. dubioides n. sp. On the other hand, M. ferrarii n. sp. differs from M. dubia, M. dubioides, and the other species of the genus by a combination of characters, including 1) two rounded protuberances in the cephalic area, flanking the ocelli; 2) a wide zone of transverse cuticular striations encircling the cephalic area; 3) very long exopodal setae on the fifth legs, with no distal elongation of the exopodal lobe beyond the setal bases; 4) a relatively long genital double somite with the margins of the anterior half produced laterally; and 5) the nearly equal sizes of the anal somite and the preceding somite. It is considered that M. dubia and related forms represent a species complex with subtle morphological differences and a wide distribution. This is the first record of a species of Monstrillopsis in Russia and the sixth species of this order to be recorded in polar environments.On décrit et illustre une nouvelle espèce de copépode de la famille des monstrillidés, Monstrillopsis ferrarii n. sp., établie d'après quatre spécimens femelles adultes prélevés dans la mer Blanche (Russie septentrionale). Cette nouvelle espèce est très proche de M. dubia Scott qui vit au large de l'Écosse et en Méditerranée, et de M. dubia (sensu Sars, 1921) présente dans les fjords norvégiens. On considère que cette dernière représente une espèce distincte, décrite ici sous le nom de M. dubioides n. sp. Elle se différencie de M. dubia par certains éléments liés à la longueur de l'antennule par rapport à la longueur corporelle, mais surtout par la forme et la taille relative du double somite génital et d'autres segments de l'urosomite. Les observations de M. dubia en Norvège et au large de Lisbonne portent en fait sur M. dubioides n. sp. D'un autre côté, M. ferrarii n. sp. se différencie de M. dubia, M. dubioides et des autres espèces appartenant à ce genre par une combinaison de caractéristiques qui comprennent: 1) deux protubérances arrondies dans la zone céphalique, situées de part et d'autre des ocelles; 2) une large zone de stries cuticulaires transversales entourant la partie céphalique; 3) de très longues soies exopoditiques sur la cinquième paire de pattes, sans élongation distale du lobe de l'exopodite au-delà de la partie basilaire des soies; 4) un double somite génital relativement long dont les bords de la moitié antérieure se développent latéralement; et 5) une taille presque similaire du somite anal et du somite qui le précède. On considère que M. dubia et les formes apparentées représentent une espèce complexe qui témoigne de différences morphologiques subtiles et d'une large distribution. Il s'agit là de la première observation de Monstrillopsis en Russie et de la sixième espèce de cet ordre à être observée dans un environnement polaire

    Avances en la obtención de tableros de fibras a partir de mezclas de residuales lignocelulósicos de bagazo

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    El pretratamiento del bagazo resulta fundamental en el fraccionamiento de la biomasa en sus componentes principales: celulosa, hemicelulosa y lignina, en la reducción de la cristalinidad de la celulosa y en el aumento del área superficial accesible. El trabajo tiene como objetivo la obtención preliminar de tableros de fibras a partir de la utilización de mezclas de bagazo con residuales lignocelulósicos obtenidos en las etapas de pretratamiento del bagazo (hidrólisis ácida y enzimática). Se realiza un diseño de experimento de mezclas, enrejado simplex de Scheffe utilizando una prensa de calentamiento. Se caracterizan los residuales celulósicos utilizando la técnica analítica Pulsy se evalúa la resistencia a la flexión de los tableros de fibras obtenidos. Los resultados favorecen a la utilización de mezclas de bagazo y sólido de la hidrólisis enzimática para la obtención de los tableros. Como conclusión, se propone continuar con el estudio de mezclas con adición de aglutinante y/o resina de manera que favorezcan las propiedades mecánicas de los tableros.

    Does students that receive additional support needs with higher risk for learning disabilities in writing?

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    Actualmente la escritura es considerada como un proceso cognitivo complejo en el que intervienen diversos factores que conducen a un correcto uso de la escritura en la edad adulta. Este proceso está formado por distintos subprocesos. Entre ellos cabe destacar la transcripción. La capacidad de transcripción adquiere un papel importante en la adquisición de la escritura, siendo de especial importancia en el inicio de la escolaridad. Si los niños son lentos e inexactos en el proceso de la transcripción conlleva a que su capacidad y calidad compositiva global en la producción de textos se vea gravemente perjudicada. La transcripción tiene un efecto significativo sobre la escritura global y el rendimiento académico de los niños en edad escolar, tanto es así que es considerada como un potente predictor para identificar a niños en riesgo de desarrollar déficits más graves en la escritura. Un hallazgo que refuerza la importancia de identificar las dificultades de escritura tan pronto como sea posible. A esto, hay que añadir que actualmente la enseñanza de la escritura en los primeros años de escolaridad se centra casi única y exclusivamente en los aspectos más formales del texto como la caligrafía o la legibilidad, excluyendo la instrucción en la fluidez. La presente investigación analiza las diferencias entre niños que reciben apoyo educativo por presentar retraso en la adquisición de las competencias del currículo escolar con niños que no lo reciben, considerando la fluidez y la exactitud en la escritura. Para ello se seleccionó una muestra de 181 alumnos que reciben apoyo educativo y 181 alumnos que no lo reciben, pertenecientes a los tres primeros cursos de Educación Primaria y cuyas edades oscilan entre 6 y 9 años. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los niños que reciben apoyo educativo, aún recibiendo este apoyo, presentan mayores carencias en la fluidez y exactitud en la escritura, carencias que sin una apropiada instrucción podrían desembocar en futuras dificultades de aprendizaje en escritura.Nowadays, writing is considered as a complex cognitive process in which several factors are involved that lead to a right writing use in adult age. This process is set up by different sub-processes, between which we can highlight transcription. The transcription skill takes a relevant place in writing acquisition, being of a special importance in the school beginning. If children are imprecise and slow in the transcription process it can lead to a serious setback in to their composition ability and quality. Transcription has a significant effect into the global writing and the academic efficiency in school age even that is considered as a powerful predictor to identify children that are more likely to show severe deficit in the acquisition of writing skills. A discovery that strengthen the importance of identifying writing difficulties as soon as possible. It should be added that nowadays writing teaching at the beginning is focused almost, solely and exclusively, in the most formal text aspects, just like handwriting or legibility, excluding fluency instruction. The current study analyzes the differences in writing fluency and accuracy between children that receive educational support because of their backwardness in the education program and normally achieving children. For this purpose, we selected a sample of 181 normally achieving children and 181 children receiving educational support, belonging to Primary Education and whose ages are in 6 – 9 years old range. Obtained results show that children that receive educational support present a lack of writing fluency and accuracy, problems that without an appropriate instruction could lead in future writing difficulties.peerReviewe

    Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus in a Mediterranean region

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    Low vitamin D levels have been found in patients with autoimmune diseases, including type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. The main source of vitamin D is exposure to sunlight, but the same solar radiation is known to exacerbate lupus erythematosus. We investigated the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE). We designed a cross-sectional study including 55 patients with CLE to measure their serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) by chemiluminescence immunoassay and compare it with a control group consisting of 37 healthy sex and age-matched subjects recruited from the patients’ relatives as well as healthcare workers. Correlations with clinical and demographic variables were determined. Approximately 95% of patients with CLE had less than 30 ng/ml of serum 25(OH)D, which is accepted as the lower limit for vitamin D adequacy. Mean serum vitamin D values were significantly lower than controls (p = 0.038) and were associated with higher levels of parathyroid hormone (p = 0.050). A history of CLE was a strong predictor of insufficiency of vitamin D (odds ratio 4.2; 95% confidence interval 1.0–17.4). The results suggest a role of CLE in the metabolism of the vitamin and provide guidance for future studies looking at a potential role for vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of CLE

    Richness and distribution of porcupines (Erethizontidae: Coendou) from Colombia

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    In spite of previous reviews, there is still no consensus on the information associated to the richness of the genus Coendou in Colombia. To clarify some issues concerning the distribution and the taxonomic identity of the species of Coendou in the country, we reviewed specimens from five natural history collections. We introduce the first record of Coendou ichillus from the Orinoco river basin of the country, extending the distribution of the species by more than 600 km to the north from previous known localities in Ecuador and Peru. Additionally, we present new records of C. pruinosus and C. quichua from the Amazonia and inter-Andean valleys, respectively. Only one skull presents the diagnostic characters of C. bicolor; thus, previous records of this species for the country were based on misidentifications. Coendou is distributed in seven of the nine geographic provinces of Colombia. Coendou prehensilis was found in five provinces and is expected to be present in the Amazonia, whereas C. pruinosus was documented in three provinces (North Andean, Orinoco and Guyana). The rest of the species of Coendou were distributed in one or two provinces. The richest provinces were North Andean and Orinoco with six and four Coendou species, respectively. The elevational ranges of C. prehensilis and C. pruinosus are revised to 0-1975 and 90-2200 m, respectively

    Assessment of Rights-Related Personal Outcomes in Young People with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Despite the great importance of the quality of life concept in the intellectual disability (ID) field, literature about its application to youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is scarce, especially for the rights domain, an area that has become particularly important after the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This study focuses on assessing the rights of youth with ASD and ID and comparing their results obtained by people with ID and other associated conditions: Down syndrome and cerebral palsy. The Rights subscale from the field-test version of the KidsLife Scale was administered in a sample composed of 153 participants with ID aged from 4 to 21 years old (ASD = 51; Down syndrome = 51; cerebral palsy = 51). The variables gender, type of schooling, level of ID and level of support needs were significant for the group with ASD. The three groups showed positive outcomes, though youth with Down syndrome obtained statistically significant higher scores than participants with ASD.Aun teniendo gran relevancia el concepto de calidad de vida en el ámbito de la discapacidad intelectual (DI), existe escasa investigación acerca de su aplicación en jóvenes con trastorno del espectro del autismo (TEA), especialmente acerca de la dimensión derechos, área que ha cobrado especial importancia en los últimos años con la ratificación de la Convención de los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad de Naciones Unidas. Este estudio se centra en la evaluación de derechos en jóvenes con TEA y DI, comparando sus resultados con dos grupos de jóvenes que presentan DI y otra condición comórbida: síndrome de Down y parálisis cerebral. Para ello, se utilizó la subescala derechos de la versión piloto de la Escala KidsLife en una muestra de 153 participantes con DI entre 4 y 21 años (TEA = 51; síndrome de Down = 51; parálisis cerebral = 51). En el grupo con TEA, el género, el tipo de escolarización, el nivel de DI y de necesidades de apoyo dieron lugar a diferencias significativas. Los tres grupos obtuvieron resultados positivos, aunque los jóvenes con síndrome de Down obtienen resultados significativamente superiores a los obtenidos por jóvenes con TEA

    ¿Se encuentran los escolares que reciben apoyo educativo en situación de mayor riesgo de presentar dificultades de aprendizaje en la escritura?

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    Nowadays, writing is considered as a complex cognitive process in which several factors are involved that lead to a right writing use in adult age. This process is set up by different sub-processes, between which we can highlight transcription. The transcription skill takes a relevant place in writing acquisition, being of a special importance in the school beginning. If children are imprecise and slow in the transcription process it can lead to a serious setback in to their composition ability and quality. Transcription has a significant effect into the global writing and the academic efficiency in school age even that is considered as a powerful predictor to identify children that are more likely to show severe deficit in the acquisition of writing skills. A discovery that strengthen the importance of identifying writing difficulties as soon as possible. It should be added that nowadays writing teaching at the beginning is focused almost, solely and exclusively, in the most formal text aspects, just like handwriting or legibility, excluding fluency instruction. The current study analyzes the differences in writing fluency and accuracy between children that receive educational support because of their backwardness in the education program and normally achieving children. For this purpose , we selected a sample of 181 normally achieving children and 181 children receiving educational support, belonging to Primary Education and whose ages are in 6 – 9 years old range. Obtained results show that children that receive educational support present a lack of writing fluency and accuracy, problems that without an appropriate instruction could lead in future writing difficulties.Actualmente la escritura es considerada como un proceso cognitivo complejo en el que intervienen diversos factores que conducen a un correcto uso de la escritura en la edad adulta. Este proceso está formado por distintos subprocesos. Entre ellos cabe destacar la transcripción. La capacidad de transcripción adquiere un papel importante en la adquisición de la escritura, siendo de especial importancia en el inicio de la escolaridad. Si los niños son lentos e inexactos en el proceso de la transcripción conlleva a que su capacidad y calidad compositiva global en la producción de textos se vea gravemente perjudicada. La transcripción tiene un efecto significativo sobre la escritura global y el rendimiento académico de los niños en edad escolar, tanto es así que es considerada como un potente predictor para identificar a niños en riesgo de desarrollar déficits más graves en la escritura. Un hallazgo que refuerza la importancia de identificar las dificultades de escritura tan pronto como sea posible. A esto, hay que añadir que actualmente la enseñanza de la escritura en los primeros años de escolaridad se centra casi única y exclusivamente en los aspectos más formales del texto como la caligrafía o la legibilidad, excluyendo la instrucción en la fluidez. La presente investigación analiza las diferencias entre niños que reciben apoyo educativo por presentar retraso en la adquisición de las competencias del currículo escolar con niños que no lo reciben, considerando la fluidez y la exactitud en la escritura. Para ello se seleccionó una muestra de 181 alumnos que reciben apoyo educativo y 181 alumnos que no lo reciben, pertenecientes a los tres primeros cursos de Educación Primaria y cuyas edades oscilan entre 6 y 9 años. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los niños que reciben apoyo educativo, aún recibiendo este apoyo, presentan mayores carencias en la fluidez y exactitud en la escritura, carencias que sin una apropiada instrucción podrían desembocar en futuras dificultades de aprendizaje en escritura

    Maximum entropy niche-based modelling of seasonal changes in little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) distribution

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    P. 17-29The effects of habitat fragmentation on species may change seasonally mainly due to variations in resource availability and biotic interactions. In critical periods, such as winter, when the importance of intraspecific competition diminish, species may relax their environmental requirements widening their ecological niche to exploit the scarcer trophic resources more efficiently in comparison with spring. Those variations in niche width may implicate seasonal expansions/retractions in species distribution. In this sense, an integrated knowledge on the spatial arrangement of breeding and wintering suitable patches is essential to infer seasonal movements (migratory connectivity). This paper shows that little bustard environmental preferences were more predictable and complex (controlled by a larger number of environmental factors) in spring than in winter, when potential distribution and ecological niche width were slightly larger. In spring, habitat variables (i.e. percentage of dry crops and pasturelands and altitude) ruled species’ distribution; while, winter pattern was driven by mixed criteria, based on both habitat and climate (i.e. percentage of dry crops and wastelands and winter rainfall). Suitable patches were more connected across spatial scales in winter than in spring, i.e. landscape was perceived as less fragmented. The overlap between potential breeding and wintering distribution areas was high. In fact, most of the predicted wintering areas coincided or showed high connectedness with predicted breeding patches. Conversely, there were significant breeding patches that were predicted with low suitability, showing little connectedness with potential winter areas. Spring habitat was a better predictor of little bustard’s wintering range than vice versa, which has clear management implications (preserving breeding sites closer to wintering areas ensures the conservation of a larger proportion of the total distribution range). This is an example of how predictive large-scale modeling procedures can contribute to the optimization of land management aimed at species conservation.S

    Fluidez y exactitud en la copia de letras del alfabeto (manuscrita vs. cursiva): un estudio transversal

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    Handwriting evolves with the pass of time. The type of script which children begin to learn depends on curriculum in their countries and the educational policy. There are two main types of script: manuscript and cursive. There is a controversial issue about which type of script would be best to use to begin the teaching of handwriting, but has not been a consensus yet. This research analyzes manuscript and cursive script modalities. Our objective was to determine whether there are differences in accuracy and fluency when students are copying the alphabet letters using different types of script (manuscript vs. cursive), and also whether these differences are mediated by the grade (1st, 2nd and 3rd ). A subtest from the test called Early Grade Writing Assessment (EGWA) (Jiménez, 2012) was administered to a sample of children from 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade.La escritura evoluciona con el paso del tiempo. El tipo de letra que los niños comienzan a aprender depende del currículo de su país y la política educativa. Hay dos tipos principales de letra: manuscrita y cursiva. Existe un debate sobre qué tipo de letra sería mejor utilizar para comenzar la enseñanza de la escritura, pero no se ha llegado a un consenso. Esta investigación analiza la escritura con ambos tipos de letra. Nuestro objetivo ha sido averiguar si existen diferencias en la exactitud y fluidez cuando los niños copian el alfabeto utilizando diferentes tipos de letras (manuscrita vs. cursiva), y si estas diferencias están mediatizadas por el curso (1º, 2º y 3º). Para ello se administraron algunos subtests de la prueba denominada Early Grade Writing Assessment (EGWA) (Jiménez, 2012) a una muestra de niños de 1º, 2º y 3º de Educación Primaria.