244 research outputs found

    Ensuring resilience and agility of complex organizational-technical systems

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    Modern organizational and technical systems have been developing in an environment that is marked by capriciousness, uncertainty, risk, variability, and evolution (CURVE factors). As organizational-technical systems grow bigger, their internal complexity increases, too, both structurally and dynamically. The article substantiates the appropriateness of employing the principles of systems engineering for managing such systems. The authors analyzed various theoretical concepts of and practice-based approaches to the development of systems engineering in the context of ensuring the resilience and agility of complex organizational-technical systems. Using the case of power engineering and hi-tech industries, the authors show that for organizations that operate critical infrastructure facilities it is essential to make sure that the system stays functional in adverse conditions and is able to recover quickly after a failure. It is demonstrated that for addressing the above task it is critical to use instruments that nurture interdisciplinary competences in individual professionals and in teams that manage the development of complex systems and implement major innovation projects. As part of the study, the authors also look at the possibility of using the principles of resilient systems design and the fundamental principles for agile systems engineering when managing critical infrastructure facilities. © 2018 WIT Press.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract No. 02.A03.21.0006

    Synthesis and characterisation of nanocrystalline ZrN PVD coatings on AISI 430 stainless steel

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    The nanocrystalline films of zirconium nitride have been synthesized using ion-plasma vacuum-arc deposition technique in combination with high-frequency discharge (RF) on AISI 430 stainless steel at 150oC. Structure examinations X-ray fluorescent analysis (XRF), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with microanalysis (EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoidentation method – were performed to study phase and chemical composition, surface morphology, microstructure and nanohardness of coatings. The developed technology provided low-temperature coatings synthesis, minimized discharge breakdown decreasing formation of macroparticles (MPs) and allowed to deposit ZrN coatings with hardness variation 26.6…31.5 GPa. It was revealed that ZrN single-phase coatings of cubic modification with finecrystalline grains of 20 nm in size were formed

    Zinc oxide-nickel cermet selective coatings obtained by sequential electrodeposition

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    The investigation of pulse electrodepositing modes influence on crystal structure, morphology and optical properties of ZnO has revealed the conditions in which quasi-one-dimensional (1D) ZnO nanorod arrays are formed as separate nanorods. Due to a sufficiently high resistance of zinc oxide, the electrodeposition of nickel on the fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO)/ZnO surfaces carried out in space between the ZnO nanorods. An incomplete filling of the gaps between nanorods by the nickel nanoparticles through subsequent Ni electrodeposition ensured the creation of ZnO–Ni graded cermets. The cermets, in which electrochemical filling of the spaces between ZnO nanorods by Ni, was performed in the pulse mode. It provided higher absorption of visible and near IR light. It was shown that the manufactured ZnO–Ni graded cermets have high light absorption combined with comparatively low thermal losses, so these cermets are promising cheap and affordable selective coatings for solar heat collectors

    Development and Application of Methods of Internal Inspection of District Heating Networks

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    The reliability of heat supply in cities is largely determined by the actual condition of pipelines, for example, corrosive and erosive wear. Comparative analysis of methodological approaches to assessing the technical condition of district heating networks shows that the most innovative and effective approach is internal pipe inspection using non-destructive magnetic testing. The article presents the results of research tests of the method in the context of its use for maintenance and retrofitting of the heating infrastructure in Yekaterinburg, a Russian city with a complex topology of utility networks and extremely uneven tear and wear on some sections of the networks. The authors describe the technical and economic peculiarities of using internal pipe inspection methods at various stages of testing and formulate qualitative and quantitative criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the method being presented. Recommendations have been suggested for the optimum application of the method by heat network operators, especially those operating and servicing district heating systems.The work was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006

    Voltage controlled terahertz transmission through GaN quantum wells

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    We report measurements of radiation transmission in the 0.220--0.325 THz frequency domain through GaN quantum wells grown on sapphire substrates at room and low temperatures. A significant enhancement of the transmitted beam intensity with the applied voltage on the devices under test is found. For a deeper understanding of the physical phenomena involved, these results are compared with a phenomenological theory of light transmission under electric bias relating the transmission enhancement to changes in the differential mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas

    Technology entrepreneurship as a factor of sustainable energy in smart cities

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    The implementation of intelligent engineering infrastructure in cities necessitates the involvement of a large number of various innovative organizations. The experience of pioneer smart cities and global companies that are developing smart technologies shows that the key role in that process is played by technology entrepreneurs, i.e., a community of innovators who are capable of rapidly creating breakthrough solutions, launching them into the market, adopting and commercializing them. This study analyzes the theoretical features and current essential tasks of tech entrepreneurship as a business phenomenon and ways and means for technology entrepreneurship by corporations and independent start-ups. Exploring the case of the energy sector in smart cities which presents a growing market for technology solutions, the authors reveal the structure of the main segments of technology entrepreneurship, including electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, smart metering, telemetering, demand side management, distributed generation and micro-grids. Examples are described of tech entrepreneurship projects that were implemented by energy and telecom companies with the purpose of making urban energy smarter and more sustainable. © 2020 WIT Press.The work was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract No. 02.A03.21.0006

    Особенности нормирования маневровой работы в имитационной модели станции

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    When building a simulation model of the railway station or the junction one of its mandatory elements is duration of shunting operations. With the help of AnyLogic modeling system to assess this position it is necessary to consider the accounting method for acceleration and deceleration of shunting train in half-run. Moreover, the method used must comply with the rules of calculation adopted in the AnyLogic, requirements of existing procedures for regulation of shunting operations (taking into account emerging constraints). The article describes a way to solve this problem, satisfying these requirements. At the same time adjustment of some of the inaccuracies contained in the current method is proposed.При построении имитационной модели железнодорожной станции или узла одним из ее обязательных элементов является продолжительность выполнения маневровой работы. С помощью системы моделирования Any Logic для оценки этой позиции необходимо рассмотреть метод учета разгона и замедления маневрового состава при выполнении полурейса. Причем используемый метод должен соответствовать и правилам расчета, принятым в системе Any Logic, и требованиям действующих инструкций по нормированию маневровой работы (с учетом возникающих ограничений). В статье изложен способ решения такой задачи, удовлетворяющий этим требованиям. Одновременно предлагается корректировка некоторых неточностей, содержащихся в действующей методике

    Зависимости времени сортировки состава на вытяжном пути и продолжительности полурейса

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    For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT The duration of sorting of the train on the turnout track is determined by the known formula Tsort = A•g + B•m. At the same time, the duration of all semi-trips - arrival of the locomotive behind the part of the train, its extension to the turnout track, sorting and reverse pulling of the remaining cars - were calculated according to the formula ts/t = a + bm, which is now replaced by a new method for adjusting the shunting operations. The article presents the results of a study that made it possible to derive a formula for calculating the duration of the sorting of a train on the turnout track based on a different calculation of the duration of semi-trips. Keywords: railway, turnout track, duration of sorting, duration of semi-trip, calculation formulas. REFERENCES 1.Time norms for shunting operations performed at railway stations of JSC Russian Railways, standards for the number of shunting locomotive crews (2007) [Normy vremeni na manevrovye raboty, vypolnjaemye na zheleznodorozhnyh stancijah OAO «RZhD», normativy chislennosti brigad manevrovyh lokomotivov (2007 g.)]. 2.Order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 2003, No.67 «On approval of the procedure for developing and determining the technological terms of turnover of cars and technological norms for loading cargo into cars and unloading cargo from cars» [Prikaz MPS RF ot 29 sentjabrja 2003 g. № 67 «Ob utverzhdenii porjadka razrabotki i opredelenija tehnologicheskih srokov oborota vagonov i tehnologicheskih norm pogruzki gruzov v vagony i vygruzki gruzov iz vagonov»]. 3.Kochnev, F.P., Sotnikov, I. B. Management of the operational work of railways: educational guide for universities [Upravlenie ekspluatacionnoj rabotoj zheleznyh dorog: Ucheb. posobie dlja vuzov].Moscow, Transport publ., 1990, 424 p. 4.Shmulevich, M.I., Starikov, A. E. Features of Regulation of Shunting Operations in the Station Simulation Model.World of Transport and Transportation, Vol.13, Iss.5, pp.198-212. 5.Shmulevich, M.I., Starikov, A. E. Structure of the simulation model of an industrial railway station and its implementation in the AnyLogic system [Struktura imitacionnoj modeli promyshlennoj zheleznodorozhnoj stancii i ee realizacija v sisteme AnyLogic].Promyshlennyj transport XXI vek, 2016, Iss.3-4, pp.20-24. 6.The AnyLogic Company.2015.AnyLogic - Multimethod Simulation Software.[Electronic resource]: http://www.anylogic.com.Last accessed 29.10.2015. 7.Petersen, E.R.Railyard Modeling: Part I.Prediction of Put-Through Time, Transportation Science, 1977, vol.11, no.1, February. 8.Baugher, R.Application of Any Logic to Railroad Operation Analysis.Any Logic Conference, December, 2013. 9.Lin, E., Cheng, C.Yard Sim.A Rail Yard Simulation Framework and its Implementation in a Major Railroad in the U.S.Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference // Edited by M.D.Rossetti, R.R.Hill, B.Johansson, A.Dunkin, R.G.Ingalls.Piscataway, New Jersey, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.2009, pp.2532-2541. 10.Clausen, U., Goedicke, I.Simulation of Yard Operations and Management in Transshipment Terminals.Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference.2012. 11.Kiseleva, M. V. Simulation modeling of systems in Anylogic environment.Teaching-methodical manual [Imitacionnoe modelirovanie sistem v srede Anylogic. Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie].Ykaterinburg, USTU-UPI, 2009, 88 p.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Продолжительность сортировки на вытяжном пути состава определяется по известной формуле Tсорт = A•g + B•m. При этом продолжительности всех полурейсов - заезда локомотива за частью состава, её вытягивание на вытяжной путь, сортировки и обратного оттягивания оставшихся вагонов - рассчитывались по формуле tп/р = a + bm, которая теперь методическими указаниями по нормированию маневровых работ заменена новой. В статье излагаются результаты исследования, позволившего вывести формулу расчёта продолжительности сортировки состава на вытяжном пути исходя из иного расчёта продолжительности полурейсов