925 research outputs found

    Water as a Meaning-Generating Image in the Novel by Fr. Werfel "Barbara, or Piety"

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    In the novel of education by Fr. Werfel "Barbara, or Piety" (1929), the image of water is cross-cutting and gives rise to a whole set of meanings. Based on data obtained using the theory of parallel­ism by A. Veselovsky, as well as methods of ritual and psychoanalytic literary criticism based, in particular, on G. Bashlyar, and the theory of the chronotope, the following conclusions are drawn in the article.В статье рассматривается образ воды и ее смысловое значение в романе Фр. Верфеля "Барбара, или Благочестие"

    The thermal stress response to diel vertical migration in the hyperiid amphipod Phronima sedentaria

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    The hyperiid amphipod Phronima sedentaria experiences a temperature change of 15 °C during diel migration in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP) from 8–10 °C at depth to 25–27 °C at night in the surface waters. The aim of this study was to determine if the natural temperature gradient experienced by P. sedentaria results in a thermal stress response. Individuals were initially exposed to their night time temperatures (23 °C) and subsequently subjected to temperatures within and above the range they typically experience. In the Eastern Tropical North Pacific P. sedentaria tolerates its normal night-time temperature (~ 23 °C), but only for the duration of its stay there (~ 9 h). Longer exposures (24 h) result in elevated heat shock protein (hsp) expression. 29 °C results in hsp expression, increased lactate production and 50% mortality at all exposure durations. This represents an upper critical temperature. Understanding the adaptations of pelagic amphipods to their current environment will help predict the physiological impacts of global warming for amphipods and their predators

    Winkelaufgelöste ultraviolette Photoemissionsrechnungen an YBa₂Cu₃O₇ und Sr₂RuO₄

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    Energetic Plasticity Underlies a Variable Response to Ocean Acidification in the Pteropod, \u3cem\u3eLimacina helicina antarctica\u3c/em\u3e

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    Ocean acidification, caused by elevated seawater carbon dioxide levels, may have a deleterious impact on energetic processes in animals. Here we show that high PCO2 can suppress metabolism, measured as oxygen consumption, in the pteropod, L. helicina forma antarctica, by ~20%. The rates measured at 180–380 µatm (MO2 = 1.25 M−0.25, p = 0.007) were significantly higher (ANCOVA, p = 0.004) than those measured at elevated target CO2 levels in 2007 (789–1000 µatm, = 0.78 M−0.32, p = 0.0008; Fig. 1). However, we further demonstrate metabolic plasticity in response to regional phytoplankton concentration and that the response to CO2 is dependent on the baseline level of metabolism. We hypothesize that reduced regional Chl a levels in 2008 suppressed metabolism and masked the effect of ocean acidification. This effect of food limitation was not, we postulate, merely a result of gut clearance and specific dynamic action, but rather represents a sustained metabolic response to regional conditions. Thus, pteropod populations may be compromised by climate change, both directly via CO2-induced metabolic suppression, and indirectly via quantitative and qualitative changes to the phytoplankton community. Without the context provided by long-term observations (four seasons) and a multi-faceted laboratory analysis of the parameters affecting energetics, the complex response of polar pteropods to ocean acidification may be masked or misinterpreted

    Ritual Functions of Sun Wukong’s Hair in Wu Cheng-en’s novel “Journey to the West”

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    The results of the motivational analysis of Wu Cheng-en’s novel “A Journey to the West” are presented, the mythological meanings of individual object-material images are studied, a set of ritual actions related to hair is considered: pulling out wool, casting a spell, turning around. The idea of a variety of ritual functions of hair, endowed with mystical properties in many mythological systems, is taken as a starting point; they are included in thanatal, carnival and other contexts. It has been proven that all rituals related to hair in the novel combine the archetypal meanings of being chosen, initiation, carnival buffoonery and spiritual formation. A typology of ritual functions of hair and associated miracles is proposed. The first of the selected types of metamorphosis is carried out through manipulations that Sun Wukong masters in training with the sages: this is the creation of a copy of an object or creature with the help of which the hero avoids danger. The second object of the typology is a gift from the Bodhisattva Guanyin, which requires a certain inner work from the hero — choice, bargaining, creating a new object without a ready-made sample. The question is raised about the divine leadership of the process of becoming a hero

    Fictionality of Heiner Muller’s Drama: Forms and Functions

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    Using the broad material of Heiner Müller’s drama (1929-1995), the question of how to destroy the classical forms of dramatic conventions in German drama of the 60-80s is discussed in the article. The author dwells on the repeatedly criticized and revised discussion that unfolds around the concept, appeared at the end of the 20th century of post-drama H. T. Lehman theater. The author of the article adheres to the point of view that the importance of post-drama as an experimental site of the latest theater can hardly be overestimated. The general laws of constructing a figurative system, a chronotope and a composition of Müller plays are analyzed. The researcher comes to conclusions about how deliberate fantasy and fictionality contribute to the implementation of the author’s attitude towards journalism and ideology. Particular attention is paid to intertextuality, provocativeness, collage. H. Muller’s experiments are aimed at updating the political drama and forcing directors and spectators to clearly define their own political position. The playwright’s mindset to combine recognizable fragments - either they are Shakespearean characters or historical situations - into an unpredictably paradoxical entire that allows the viewer to form an analytically balanced position on topical issues is examined in detail. The novelty of the study is to systematize and build a hierarchy of the main dramatic experiments used by the researched author

    The metabolic response of pteropods to acidification reflects natural CO2-exposure in oxygen minimum zones

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 9 (2012): 747-757, doi:10.5194/bg-9-747-2012.Shelled pteropods (Thecosomata) are a group of holoplanktonic mollusks that are believed to be especially sensitive to ocean acidification because their aragonitic shells are highly soluble. Despite this concern, there is very little known about the physiological response of these animals to conditions of elevated carbon dioxide. This study examines the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of five pteropod species, collected from tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean, to elevated levels of carbon dioxide (0.10%, 1000 ppm). Our results show that pteropods that naturally migrate into oxygen minimum zones, such as Hyalocylis striata, Clio pyramidata, Cavolinia longirostris and Creseis virgula, were not affected by carbon dioxide at the levels and duration tested. Diacria quadridentata, which does not migrate, responds to high carbon dioxide conditions with reduced oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion. This indicates that the natural chemical environment of individual species may influence their resilience to ocean acidification.Funding of the National Science Foundation (grant OCE-0526502 to Wishner and Seibel, OCE – 0526545 to Daly, and OCE – 0851043 to Seibel), the University of Rhode Island, and the Rhode Island Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research Fellowship Program

    Children’s Games and Adult Repentance: Concept of Childhood in Literature of Early 20th Century

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    This article describes the transformation of the image of the child in literature during the 10-30s of the 20th century. The stories of three contemporary authors are used as material, which are connected by motifs of enlightenment and repentance: “The Day of the Boy” by F. Verfel, “The Paper Kite” by Lu Xin, and “On Tenderness” by Nadezhda Teffi. The basis for comparative analysis is the biographical similarities, close circle of philosophical and aesthetic interests of Austrian, Chinese, and Russian authors, as well as the genre and thematic proximity of the texts. The researcher assumes that increased attention to the image of the child arises in the early 19th century in Romantic literature, which interprets it either as a victim or as an angel. However, in the second half of the 19th century, images of “evil children” begin to appear. The analysis shows that under the influence of Freud, the motive of children’s games as a way to familiarize oneself with evil, temptation, and inevitable experiences during development consistently emerges in literature of the early 20th century. The common form of reminiscence present in all three texts allows the authors to interpret childhood events causally and derive later moral experiences from children’s games. The article concludes that Verfel’s, Lu Xin’s, and Teffi’s stories are influenced by Freud’s idea of the interconnection between childhood impressions and the fate of adults, who must comprehend past shame, guilt, and repentance

    A Survey of Laboratory Programs for First Year Medical Students

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    Basic science courses offered to freshmen medical students have been traditionally taught by didactic presentations and laboratory work. Various factors have prompted many departments to either markedly reduce the time allotted for the traditional, but more vulnerable, laboratory phase of these courses or drastically alter the content of the laboratory programs. Information concerning the desirability for such changes is incomplete and no evaluation has been developed to determine the effectiveness of change. Before beginning any further alterations in the laboratory programs at the Medical College of Virginia, it seemed desirable to determine anew what we wish to teach in the laboratory. This problem was approached in part by surveying the attitudes of other anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology departments

    Dichotomy of Friend” and “Foe” in Structure of Eastern Notes of F. Salten, F. Werfel, E. Canetti

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    The travel notes of three Austrian writers of Jewish origin: “New people in the old land” by F. Salten, “Egyptian diary” by F. Werfel and “Voices of Marrakesh” by E. Canetti are considered. Based on the comparison of texts, typological similarities are distinguished at several levels: firstly, the meaning of travel as a return to the origins in the biographies of writers; secondly, the structural similarity of the motives, composition and chronotope of the notes; thirdly, the repetitive narrative structure of the texts. The fundamental differences revealed in the course of typological analysis are shown, which are associated with the reflection of political events by modern authors, each of them connects the geocultural image of space with its own interpretation of history. It is noted that myth and language are the connecting link of the times for all three, the messianism of the poet is emphasized. The article focuses on the selfdetermination of the narrator in relation to the described world. Overcoming the prejudice of European Orientalism, the authors come to an interested-mentoring (Salten), detached-objective (Werfel) or indifferent position of a flâneur (Canetti). It is concluded that the movement from the enthusiastic utopianism of Salten to the disappointment of Canetti is accompanied by a change in the cyclical concept of history by the idea of eternalism