3,645 research outputs found

    The Northern and Central Oases of the Province of Mendoza (Argentina): water resources and sustainability challenges

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    International audiencePendant les dernières décennies du 20ème siècle, les oasis de Mendoza, au coeur de la diagonale aride sudaméricaine, ont connu de profondes mutations de leur modèle socio-économique, fondé sur l'agriculture et les industries agro-alimentaires. La mondialisation, Mendoza l'a connue assez brutalement : la crise économique du Mercosur des années 2000 - suivant de près celle des marchés asiatiques (1997-98) - a entrainé un afflux massif d'investissements internationaux, malheureusement localisés sur l'oasis Centre, aux dépens de l'oasis historique, l'Oasis Nord. Tandis que celle-ci subit une très forte pression démographique et industrielle entraînant une pollution marquée de l'eau d'irrigation, l'oasis Centre connaît un véritable boom économique. C'est ainsi toute la structure sociale de la province qui est bouleversée, ce qui se manifeste géographiquement par une inversion des centralités-périphéries

    Aneurisma na artéria aorta em caprinos.

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    Resumo: De 726 caprinos necropsiados, dois (0,28%) apresentaram aneurisma na arteria aorta, sendo um macho com idade de 48 meses e uma femea com cerca de 30 meses. Os animais eram oriundos de um rebanho mantido em regime semi-extensivo com pastejo em caatinga nativa e pernoite em aprisco. Macroscopicamente observou-se palidez das mucosas externas e das visceras. Nas cavidades toracica e abdominal estavam presentes grandes coagulos resultantes da ruptura das partes afetadas das arterias. As lesoes das arterias aorta toracica e abdominal foram carcterizadas pela dilatacao das paredes formando estruturas saculares com presenca de inumeros coagulos e tecidos necroticos de aproximadamente 10cm a 20cm de comprimento. Histologicamente, observou-se a destruicao do tecido endotelial, necrose e infiltracao de leucocitos das camadas intima, media e muscular da arteria. Acredita-se que a causa primaria dos aneurismas detectados esteja relacionado com os processos inflamatorios presentes em outros orgaos. [Aneurism in the aorta artery in goats]. Abstract: Two (0.28%) of 726 necropsyed goats presented aneurism In the aorta artery, one being a male with 48 months and the other, a female about 30 months of age. The animais carne from a herd in semi-extensive regime, grazing in caatinga vegetation and spending the nights in appropriate pan. Paleness in external mucosa and viscera was observed macroscopically. Large coagula were presented in the thoracic and abdominal cavities, dueto ruptura ol the aneurismatic parts of the blood vessels. The lesions of thoracic and abdominal aortas were characterized by wali dilations forming saccular struc-tures, with presenco of many coagula and necrotic tissues of about 10cm to 20cm of length. Histo-logically, a destruetion In the endotelial tissues, nacrosis and infiltration of leucocytes in the intimate, median, and muscular Iayers were observed. It is believed that the primary cause of the aneurisms detected in this study would be related to teh inflamatory processes of other organs

    Hedging in Field Theory Models of the Term Structure

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    We use path integrals to calculate hedge parameters and efficacy of hedging in a quantum field theory generalization of the Heath, Jarrow and Morton (HJM) term structure model which parsimoniously describes the evolution of imperfectly correlated forward rates. We also calculate, within the model specification, the effectiveness of hedging over finite periods of time. We use empirical estimates for the parameters of the model to show that a low dimensional hedge portfolio is quite effective.Comment: 18 figures, Invited Talk, International Econophysics Conference, Bali, 28-31 August 200

    Analisis struktur biaya dan efisiensi usaha ternak Ayam ras petelur di Kecamatan Pasan Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara (Studi Kasus)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis stuktur biaya dan efisiensi usaha ternak ayam ras petelur di Desa Liwutung Kecamatan Pasan Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Menggunakan metode studi kasus, untuk mengetahui struktur biaya dan efisiensi usaha ternak ayam ras petelur menggunakan metode pengambilan data secara langsung, wawancara dengan menggunakan kuisoner pemilik perusahaan dan melihat pembukuan dari perusahaan. menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang dilengkapi dengan tabel dan model analisis biaya dengan rumus. Struktur biaya dalam penelitian ini dikelompokkan menjadi tiga yakni (a) biaya peralatan meliputi biaya pembuatan kandang, tempat pakan, minum, gudang, dan lain-lain (b) biaya sapronak meliputi biaya untuk bibit, pakan, vitamin, obat-obatan dan (c) biaya operasional meliputi biaya gas, listrik, sekam, dan tenaga kerja. hasil perhitungan diketahui bahwa jumlah pendapatan usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur sebesar Rp601.613.600/periode atau Rp25.067.233/bulan. Pendapatan tersebut diperoleh dengan memelihara 5.000 ekor ayam ras petelur. diketahui bahwa nilai efisiensi usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur sebesar 1,15 artinya usaha ternak ayam ras petelur di desa liwutung kecamatan pasan kabupaten minahasa tenggara sudah efisien


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    FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF BROILERS IN TARATARA I VILAGE WEST TOMOHON DISTRICT TOMOHON CITY. Broiler business which is run by partnership pattern, is one of the suppliers of food products that source animal protein. Increased demand for broiler meat, needs to be followed by business development that has previously calculated the level of business feasibility. This study aims to determine the feasibility of a broiler business based on Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), R/C, Net B/C. The study was conducted by taking a case in a broiler business with a capacity of 3.000 animals, with 6 maintenance periods per year, which has been undertaken since 2015, located in Taratara I Village, Tomohon Barat District. The results showed that the average cost wasIDR. 91.784.947/period while income was IDR. 99.873.539/period, and profit wasIDR 8.088.592/period. The NPV value was IDR 26.837.471 which had a positive number, an IRR value was 19,03%, and  both of R/C  and Net B/C was higher than 1, so that the broiler business can be implemented and developed

    Application of IPAD to missile design

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    The application of an integrated program for aerospace-vehicle design (IPAD) to the design of a tactical missile is examined. The feasibility of modifying a proposed IPAD system for aircraft design work for use in missile design is evaluated. The tasks, cost, and schedule for the modification are presented. The basic engineering design process is described, explaining how missile design is achieved through iteration of six logical problem solving functions throughout the system studies, preliminary design, and detailed design phases of a new product. Existing computer codes used in various engineering disciplines are evaluated for their applicability to IPAD in missile design

    Consumer\u27s Characteristics of Yogurt in Manado, North Sulawesi - Indonesia

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    The objective of this study was to analyze consumer\u27s characteristics of yogurt as one of fermented dairy product, consumers satisfaction and factors influencing consumers purchase decision on yogurt in Manado city. The primary data were collected using structured questionnaire from a total sample of 400 consumers in Manado City. Samples were selected using the accidental sampling method with schedule (using alternating date/ day and place, respectively). Collecting data were done from July to September 2015. The result indicated that most consumers were teenagers, female students, and single persons. Consumers of yogurt in Manado City are were categorized quite satisfied with yogurt product. The product availability had to be considered by producer in order to increase consumer satisfaction. Partially, factors that significantly influencing consumer\u27s purchase decision in Manado were preservative content, product availability, variant flavor, product volume and additional nutritive value