16,916 research outputs found

    Simulation results for an interacting pair of resistively shunted Josephson junctions

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    Using a new cluster Monte Carlo algorithm, we study the phase diagram and critical properties of an interacting pair of resistively shunted Josephson junctions. This system models tunneling between two electrodes through a small superconducting grain, and is described by a double sine-Gordon model. In accordance with theoretical predictions, we observe three different phases and crossover effects arising from an intermediate coupling fixed point. On the superconductor-to-metal phase boundary, the observed critical behavior is within error-bars the same as in a single junction, with identical values of the critical resistance and a correlation function exponent which depends only on the strength of the Josephson coupling. We explain these critical properties on the basis of a renormalization group (RG) calculation. In addition, we propose an alternative new mean-field theory for this transition, which correctly predicts the location of the phase boundary at intermediate Josephson coupling strength.Comment: 21 pages, some figures best viewed in colo

    Photoassisted tunneling from free-standing GaAs thin films into metallic surfaces

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    The tunnel photocurrent between a gold surface and a free-standing semiconducting thin film excited from the rear by above bandgap light has been measured as a function of applied bias, tunnel distance and excitation light power. The results are compared with the predictions of a model which includes the bias dependence of the tunnel barrier height and the bias-induced decrease of surface recombination velocity. It is found that i) the tunnel photocurrent from the conduction band dominates that from surface states. ii) At large tunnel distance the exponential bias dependence of the current is explained by that of the tunnel barrier height, while at small distance the change of surface recombination velocity is dominant

    On the calibration of the relation between geometric albedo and polarimetric properties for the asteroids

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    We present a new extensive analysis of the old problem of finding a satisfactory calibration of the relation between the geometric albedo and some measurable polarization properties of the asteroids. To achieve our goals, we use all polarimetric data at our disposal. For the purposes of calibration, we use a limited sample of objects for which we can be confident to know the albedo with good accuracy, according to previous investigations of other authors. We find a new set of updated calibration coefficients for the classical slope - albedo relation, but we generalize our analysis and we consider also alternative possibilities, including the use of other polarimetric parameters, one being proposed here for the first time, and the possibility to exclude from best-fit analyzes the asteroids having low albedos. We also consider a possible parabolic fit of the whole set of data.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Dyon condensation in topological Mott insulators

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    We consider quantum phase transitions out of topological Mott insulators in which the ground state of the fractionalized excitations (fermionic spinons) is topologically non-trivial. The spinons in topological Mott insulators are coupled to an emergent compact U(1) gauge field with a so-called "axion" term. We study the confinement transitions from the topological Mott insulator to broken symmetry phases, which may occur via the condensation of dyons. Dyons carry both "electric" and "magnetic" charges, and arise naturally in this system because the monopoles of the emergent U(1) gauge theory acquires gauge charge due to the axion term. It is shown that the dyon condensate, in general, induces simultaneous current and bond orders. To demonstrate this, we study the confined phase of the topological Mott insulator on the cubic lattice. When the magnetic transition is driven by dyon condensation, we identify the bond order as valence bond solid order and the current order as scalar spin chirality order. Hence, the confined phase of the topological Mott insulator is an exotic phase where the scalar spin chirality and the valence bond order coexist and appear via a single transition. We discuss implications of our results for generic models of topological Mott insulators.Comment: 14 pages, accepted to the New Journal of Physic

    HS 0139+0559, HS 0229+8016, HS 0506+7725, and HS 0642+5049 : four new long-period cataclysmic variables

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    We present time-resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry of four relatively bright (V ∌ 14.0−15.5) long-period cataclysmic variables(CVs) discovered in the Hamburg Quasar Survey: HS 0139+0559, HS 0229+8016, HS 0506+7725, and HS 0642+5049. Their respective orbital periods, 243.69 ± 0.49 min, 232.550 ± 0.049 min, 212.7 ± 0.2 min, and 225.90 ± 0.23 min are determined from radial velocity and photometric variability studies. HS 0506+7725 is characterised by strong Balmer and He emission lines, short-period (∌10−20 min) flickering, and weak X-ray emission in the ROSAT All Sky Survey. The detection of a deep low state (B 18.5) identifies HS 0506+7725 as a member of the VY Scl stars. HS 0139+0559, HS 0229+8016, and HS 0642+5049 display thick-disc like spectra and no or only weak flickering activity. HS 0139+0559 and HS 0229+8016 exhibit clean quasi-sinusoidal radial velocity variations of their emission lines but no or very little orbital photometricvariability. In contrast, we detect no radial velocity variation in HS 0642+5049 but a noticeable orbital brightness variation. We identify all three systems either as UX UMa-type novalike variables or as Z Cam-type dwarf novae. Our identification of these four new systems underlines that the currently known sample of CVs is rather incomplete even for bright objects. The four new systems add to the clustering of orbital periods in the 3−4 h range found in the sample of HQS selected CVs, and we discuss the large incidence of magnetic CVs and VY Scl/SW Sex stars found in this period range among the known population of CVs

    Towards portable muography with small-area, gas-tight glass Resistive Plate Chambers

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    Imaging techniques that use atmospheric muons, collectively named under the neologism "muography", have seen a tremendous growth in recent times, mainly due to their diverse range of applications. The most well-known ones include but are not limited to: volcanology, archaeology, civil engineering, nuclear reactor monitoring, nuclear waste characterization, underground mapping, etc. These methods are based on the attenuation or deviation of muons to image large and/or dense objects where conventional techniques cannot work or their use becomes challenging. In this context, we have constructed a muography telescope based on "mini glass-RPC planes" following a design similar to the glass-RPC detectors developed by the CALICE Collaboration and used by the TOMUVOL experiment in the context of volcano radiography, but with smaller active area (16 ×\times 16 cm2^{2}). The compact size makes it an attractive choice with respect to other detectors previously employed for imaging on similar scales. An important innovation in this design is that the detectors are sealed. This makes the detector more portable and solves the usual safety and logistic issues for gas detectors operated underground and/or inside small rooms. This paper provides an overview on our guiding principles, the detector development and our operational experiences. Drawing on the lessons learnt from the first prototype, we also discuss our future direction for an improved second prototype, focusing primarily on a recently adopted serigraphy technique for the resistive coating of the glass plates.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, XV Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2020

    An Empirical Model for the Radio Emission from Pulsars

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    A model for slow radio pulsars is proposed which involves the entire magnetosphere in the production of the observed radio emission. It is argued that observations of pulsar profiles suggest that a feedback mechanism exists between the star surface and the null charge surface, requiring particle flow in both directions. In their flow to and from the surface the particles execute an azimuthal drift around the magnetic pole, thereby creating a ring of discrete `emission nodes' close to the surface. Motion of the nodes is observed as the well-known subpulse `drift', but is interpreted here as a small residual component of the real particle drift. The nodes can therefore move in either direction, or even remain stationary. A precise fit is found for the pulsar PSR0943+10. Azimuthal interactions between different regions of the magnetosphere depend on the angle between the magnetic and rotation axes and influence the conal type, as observed. The requirement of intermittent weak pair-production in an outergap suggests a natural evolutionary link between radio and gamma-ray pulsars.Comment: 17 pages 8 figure

    Testing the Flyby Anomaly with the GNSS Constellation

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    We propose the concept of a space mission to probe the so called flyby anomaly, an unexpected velocity change experienced by some deep-space probes using earth gravity assists. The key feature of this proposal is the use of GNSS systems to obtain an increased accuracy in the tracking of the approaching spacecraft, mainly near the perigee. Two low-cost options are also discussed to further test this anomaly: an add-on to an existing spacecraft and a dedicated mission.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 4 table

    On the Nature of Precursors in the Radio Pulsar Profiles

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    In the average profiles of several radio pulsars, the main pulse is accompanied by the preceding component. This so called precursor is known for its distinctive polarization, spectral, and fluctuation properties. Recent single-pulse observations hint that the sporadic activity at the extreme leading edge of the pulse may be prevalent in pulsars. We for the first time propose a physical mechanism of this phenomenon. It is based on the induced scattering of the main pulse radiation into the background. We show that the scattered component is directed approximately along the ambient magnetic field and, because of rotational aberration in the scattering region, appears in the pulse profile as a precursor to the main pulse. Our model naturally explains high linear polarization of the precursor emission, its spectral and fluctuation peculiarities as well as suggests a specific connection between the precursor and the main pulse at widely spaced frequencies. This is believed to stimulate multifrequency single-pulse studies of intensity modulation in different pulsars.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter
