3,323 research outputs found

    A quasi-isodynamic configuration with good confinement of fast ions at low plasma β\beta

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    A new quasi-isodynamic stellarator configuration optimized for the confinement of energetic ions at low plasma β\beta is obtained. The numerical optimization is carried out using the STELLOPT suite of codes. New proxies to measure closeness to quasi-isodynamicity and quality of fast ion confinement have been included. The new configuration has poloidally closed contours of magnetic field strength, low magnetic shear and a rotational transform profile allowing an island divertor. It shows ideal and ballooning magnetohydrodynamic stability up to β=5\beta = 5%, reduced effective ripple, with ϵeff<0.5\epsilon_{eff} < 0.5% in the plasma core. Even at low β\beta, the configuration approximately satisfies the maximum-JJ property, and the confinement of fast ions is good at β1.5\beta \sim 1.5% and becomes excellent at reactor values, β4\beta \sim 4%. An evaluation of the D31D_{31} neoclassical mono-energetic coefficient supports the expectation of a reduced bootstrap current for plasmas confined in quasi-isodynamic configurations. A set of filamentary coils that preserve the good confinement of fast ions in the core is presented.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure

    Oscillatory relaxation of zonal flows in a multi-species stellarator plasma

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    The low frequency oscillatory relaxation of zonal potential perturbations is studied numerically in the TJ-II stellarator (where it was experimentally detected for the first time). It is studied in full global gyrokinetic simulations of multi-species plasmas. The oscillation frequency obtained is compared with predictions based on single-species simulations using simplified analytical relations. It is shown that the frequency of this oscillation for a multi-species plasma can be accurately obtained from single-species calculations using extrapolation formulas. The damping of the oscillation and the influence of the different inter-species collisions is studied in detail. It is concluded that taking into account multiple kinetic ions and electrons with impurity concentrations realistic for TJ-II plasmas allows to account for the values of frequency and damping rate in zonal flows relaxations observed experimentally.Comment: 11 figures, 22 page

    Parasitosis en el proventrículo por Procyrnea sp. (Spiruroidea: Habronematidae), de un aguililla caminera (Rupornis magnirostris) del estado de Veracruz, México: reporte de un caso

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    The report presented herein describes the necropsy findings (red nodules over the linning of the proventriculus) in an adult female roadside hawk (Rupornis magnirostris) found in Veracruz State, Mexico. We further provide the description of a nematode from the genus Procyrnea found in the proventriculus wall including histopathological sections of tissue damage associated with the parasite.The report presented herein describes the necropsy findings (red nodules over the linning of the proventriculus) in an adult female roadside hawk (Rupornis magnirostris) found in Veracruz State, Mexico. We further provide the description of a nematode from the genus Procyrnea found in the proventriculus wall including histopathological sections of tissue damage associated with the parasite

    CP-odd static electromagnetic properties of the W gauge boson and the t quark via the anomalous tbW coupling

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    In the framework of the electroweak chiral Lagrangian, the one-loop induced effects of the anomalous tbWtbW coupling, which includes both left- and right-handed complex components, on the static electromagnetic properties of the WW boson and the tt quark are studied. The attention is focused mainly on the CP-violating electromagnetic properties. It is found that the tbWtbW anomalous coupling can induce both CP-violating moments of the WW boson, namely, its electric dipole (μ~W\tilde{\mu}_W) and magnetic quadrupole (Q~W\tilde{Q}_W) moments. As far as the tt quark is concerned, a potentially large electric dipole moment (dt)(d_t) can arise due to the anomalous tbWtbW coupling. The most recent bounds on the left- and right-handed parameters from BB meson physics lead to the following estimates μ~W 10231022\tilde{\mu}_W ~ 10^{-23}-10^{-22} e-cm and Q~W 10381037\tilde{Q}_W~ 10^{-38}-10^{-37} e-cm2^2, which are 7 and 14 orders of magnitude larger than the standard model (SM) predictions, whereas dtd_t may be as large as 102210^{-22} e-cm, which is about 8 orders of magnitude larger than its SM counterpart.Comment: This paper has been merged with hep-ph/0612171 for publication in Physical Review

    Epidemiology of bacterial co-infections and risk factors in COVID-19-hospitalized patients in Spain: a nationwide study

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    Background: We performed a nationwide population-based retrospective study to describe the epidemiology of bacterial co-infections in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-hospitalized patients in Spain in 2020. We also analyzed the risk factors for co-infection, the etiology and the impact in the outcome. Methods: Data were obtained from records in the Minimum Basic Data Set (MBDS) of the National Surveillance System for Hospital Data in Spain, provided by the Ministry of Health and annually published with 2 years lag. COVID-19 circulated in two waves in 2020: from its introduction to 31st June and from 1st July to 31st December. The risk of developing a healthcare-associated bacterial co-infection and the risk for in-hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) mortality in co-infected patients was assessed using an adjusted logistic regression model. Results: The incidence of bacterial co-infection in COVID-19 hospitalized patients was 2.3%. The main risk factors associated with bacterial co-infection were organ failure, obesity and male sex. Co-infection was associated with worse outcomes including higher in-hospital, in-ICU mortality and higher length of stay. Gram-negative bacteria caused most infections. Causative agents were similar between waves, although higher co-infections with Pseudomonas spp. were detected in the first wave and with Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae in the second. Conclusions: Co-infections are not as common as those found in other viral respiratory infections; therefore, antibiotics should be used carefully. Screening for actual co-infection to prescribe antibiotic therapy when required should be performed.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (COV20/00491, PI18/01238, CIBERINFEC CB21/13/00051), Junta de Castilla y León (VA321P18, GRS 1922/A/19, GRS 2057/A/19), Consejería de Educación de Castilla y León (VA256P20) and Fundación Ramón Areces (CIVP19A5953). L. Sánchez-de Prada received a Río Hortega grant (CM20/00138) from Instituto Carlos III (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund ‘A way to make Europe’/’Investing in your future’).S

    Direct identification of clinical pathogens from liquid culture media by MALDI-TOF MS analysis

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    Objectives: We propose using MALDI-TOF MS as a tool for identifying microorganisms directly from liquid cultures after enrichment of the clinical sample in the media, to obtain a rapid microbiological diagnosis and an adequate administration of the antibiotic therapy in a clinical setting. Methods: To evaluate this approach, a series of quality control isolates were grown in thioglycollate (TG) broth and brain heart infusion (BHI) broth and extracted under four different protocols before finally being identified by MALDI-TOF MS. After establishing the best extraction protocol, we validated the method in a total of 300 liquid cultures (150 in TG broth and 150 in BHI broth) of different types of clinical samples obtained from two tertiary Spanish hospitals. Results: The initial evaluation showed that the extraction protocol including a 5 minute sonication step yielded 100% valid identifications, with an average score value of 2.305. In the clinical validation of the procedure, 98% of the microorganisms identified from the TG broth were correctly identified relative to 97% of those identified from the BHI broth. In 24% of the samples analysed, growth by direct sowing was only successful in the liquid medium, and no growth was observed in the direct solid agar cultures. Conclusions: Use of MALDI-TOF MS plus the sonication-based extraction method enabled direct and accurate identification of microorganisms in liquid culture media in 15 minutes, in contrast to the 24 hours of subculture required for conventional identification, allowing the administration of a targeted antimicrobial therapy

    Ising spins coupled to a four-dimensional discrete Regge skeleton

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    Regge calculus is a powerful method to approximate a continuous manifold by a simplicial lattice, keeping the connectivities of the underlying lattice fixed and taking the edge lengths as degrees of freedom. The discrete Regge model employed in this work limits the choice of the link lengths to a finite number. To get more precise insight into the behavior of the four-dimensional discrete Regge model, we coupled spins to the fluctuating manifolds. We examined the phase transition of the spin system and the associated critical exponents. The results are obtained from finite-size scaling analyses of Monte Carlo simulations. We find consistency with the mean-field theory of the Ising model on a static four-dimensional lattice.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure