548 research outputs found

    Discards in the common fisheries policy: the evolution of the policy

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    This chapter deals with the development of the European Union (EU) discard policy over time. It describes the process from 1992, when the issue of discards was first recognised in the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform process, to the Landing Obligation (LO) adopted in 2013. It analyses the context to which policy choices were made that shaped the present format of the EU LO, how it is being implemented and the impact it is having on associated fisheries management measures. Finally, future possible policy developments are examined

    Managing Irrigated Crop Residue (1975)

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    Statistical Comparison of Classifiers Applied to the Interferential Tear Film Lipid Layer Automatic Classification

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    The tear film lipid layer is heterogeneous among the population. Its classification depends on its thickness and can be done using the interference pattern categories proposed by Guillon. The interference phenomena can be characterised as a colour texture pattern, which can be automatically classified into one of these categories. From a photography of the eye, a region of interest is detected and its low-level features are extracted, generating a feature vector that describes it, to be finally classified in one of the target categories. This paper presents an exhaustive study about the problem at hand using different texture analysis methods in three colour spaces and different machine learning algorithms. All these methods and classifiers have been tested on a dataset composed of 105 images from healthy subjects and the results have been statistically analysed. As a result, the manual process done by experts can be automated with the benefits of being faster and unaffected by subjective factors, with maximum accuracy over 95%

    Datos sobre la alianza Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae Rivas Goday & Rivas-Martínez 1963 nom. invers. Rivas-Martinez 1975 en el sector Orensano-sanabriense

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    The poor, open, hard meadows are studied. They are formed by pulvinular species in supramediterranean level, with subhumid and humid ombroclimous. They are included in the alliance Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae Rivas Godoy O Rivas-Martínez 1963 nom. invers. Rivas-Martínez 1975. The association Diantho merinoi-Plantaginetum radicatae nova is described.Se estudian los pastizales duros, abiertos y pobres constituidos por especies vegetales pulvinulares del piso supramediterráneo de ombroclimas subhúmedo y húmedo del Sector Orensano-Sanabriense, incluibles en la alianza Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae RivasGoday Rivas-Martínez 1963 nom. invers. Rivas-Martínez 1975, describiéndose la asociación Diantho merinoi-Plantaginetum radicatae nova

    Datos sobre la vegetación terofítica y nitrófila leonesa

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    In this paper, we describe two associations: Plantago loeflingii-Prolongoetum pectinatae nova y Minuartio hybridae-Saxifragetum tridactylitis nova (Tuberarietea guttatae Br.-Bl. 1952 em. Rivas-Martínez 1977); also we give some chorological,ecological and variability facts, about another the rophitic and nitrogenous communities already defined, and components of the vegetation of León.En el presente trabajo se describen dos asociaciones: Plantago loeflingii-Prolongoetum pectinatae nova y Minuartio hybridae-Saxifragetum tridactylitis nova (Tuberarietea guttatae Br. -Bl. 1952 em. Rivas-Martínez 1977), aportándose datos corológicos y ecológicos de otras comunidades terofiticas y nitrófilas descritas y que forman parte de la vegetación leonesa

    Soybean Chlorosis Studies on High pH Bottomland Soils

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    Soybean varieties are different in tolerance to lime-induced chlorosis. Field trials were conducted to evaluate variety performance on soils where chlorosis in soybeans was a known problem. Thirty-six varieties out of 177 were identified as tolerant to soil conditions that cause chlorosis. Eleven varieties of these 36 were found to have the most consistent yield performance on high pH soils. Tolerant varieties must be planted at adequate densities for best performance. A seeding rate of 13.5 seeds per foot of row, the highest seeding rate employed, did not appear to maximize yield on soils where chlorosis was severe. On some soils, chlorosis is so severe that even tolerant varieties planted at adequate densities will not produce seed. Under conditions where soils cause moderate to severe chlorosis in tolerant varieties, yields were improved by the use of a high pH stable chelate (Fe-EDDHA) with the seed

    Soybean Chlorosis Studies on High pH Bottomland Soils

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    Soybean varieties are different in tolerance to lime-induced chlorosis. Field trials were conducted to evaluate variety performance on soils where chlorosis in soybeans was a known problem. Thirty-six varieties out of 177 were identified as tolerant to soil conditions that cause chlorosis. Eleven varieties of these 36 were found to have the most consistent yield performance on high pH soils. Tolerant varieties must be planted at adequate densities for best performance. A seeding rate of 13.5 seeds per foot of row, the highest seeding rate employed, did not appear to maximize yield on soils where chlorosis was severe. On some soils, chlorosis is so severe that even tolerant varieties planted at adequate densities will not produce seed. Under conditions where soils cause moderate to severe chlorosis in tolerant varieties, yields were improved by the use of a high pH stable chelate (Fe-EDDHA) with the seed

    Extracting Axial Depth and Trajectory Trend Using Astigmatism, Gaussian Fitting, and CNNs for Protein Tracking

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    Accurate analysis of vesicle trafficking in live cells is challenging for a number of reasons: varying appearance, complex protein movement patterns, and imaging conditions. To allow fast image acquisition, we study how employing an astigmatism can be utilized for obtaining additional information that could make tracking more robust. We present two approaches for measuring the z position of individual vesicles. Firstly, Gaussian curve fitting with CNN-based denoising is applied to infer the absolute depth around the focal plane of each localized protein. We demonstrate that adding denoising yields more accurate estimation of depth while preserving the overall structure of the localized proteins. Secondly, we investigate if we can predict using a custom CNN architecture the axial trajectory trend. We demonstrate that this method performs well on calibration beads data without the need for denoising. By incorporating the obtained depth information into a trajectory analysis, we demonstrate the potential improvement in vesicle tracking

    De plantis legionensibus. Notula XI

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    In the present paper, some chorologic and ecologic facts about several phanerogams recorded for the first time within the flora of León are given. They are: Atriplex patula L. Lepidium latifolium L., Lotus tenuis Waldst. EKit. ex Willd. var. tenuis, Hypericum androsaemum L., Thymus x sennenii Pau, Verbascum blattaria L., Carduus bourgeanus Bolso. G Reuter, Picnomon acarna (L.) Cass., Onopordum nervosum Bolos., Centaurea aspera L. On the other hand, we indicate new localities.En el presente trabajo se aportan datos corológicos y ecológicos sobre algunas fanerógamas, que se citan por primera vez para la flora leonesa, tales como: Atriplex patula L., Lepidium latifolium L., Lotus tenuis W aldst.EK it. ex W illd. var. tenuis, Hypericum androsaemumL.,Thymus x sennenii Pau, Verbascum blattaria L., Carduus bourgeanus Boiss. E Reuter, Picnomon acarna (L.) Cass., Onopordum nervosum Boiss., Centaurea aspera L. De otras se indican nuevas localidades