150 research outputs found

    Water Microelement Composition Influence on the Efficiency of the Milk Powder Dissolution Process

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    Drinking water is important in food production. Its indicators have a direct impact on the quality and safety of finished products, the technological equipment efficiency, etc. In most food technologies, involving the use of milk powder, a priori use the process of its preliminary hydration, that is, dissolution or recovery. In this connection, there is a need to generalize the existing theoretical and practical foundations of this process and find ways to further improve them. Analysis of scientific and technical material in this area showed, that a number of scientists proposed various descriptions not only of individual stages, but also of the dissolution process as a whole, and its determining factors were identified, mathematical models were built, making it possible to determine critical areas depending on from the properties of the raw materials and the process, data were obtained on the parameters of the system during the dissolution of dry dairy products.In the article presents the sanitary and hygienic, physicochemical and organoleptic require-ments for drinking water by Russian legislation, international organizations and national standards of a number of countries.Presented a review of widely used and promising water treatment methods.Analyzed data, describing the effect of the microelement water composition on the efficiency of milk powder dissolving process. It is shown, that decrease of water total hardness and dry substances of mass fraction adjustment in the reconstituted milk have a positive effect on the dissolution process efficiency.Was noted the relevance of further researches on the directional formation of water trace ele-ment composition for increasing the efficiency of milk powder dissolving and to obtain re-constituted dairy systems, used in the production of various food products of predicted quality and safety.Drinking water is important in food production. Its indicators have a direct impact on the quality and safety of finished products, the technological equipment efficiency, etc. In most food technologies, involving the use of milk powder, a priori use the process of its preliminary hydration, that is, dissolution or recovery. In this connection, there is a need to generalize the existing theoretical and practical foundations of this process and find ways to further improve them. Analysis of scientific and technical material in this area showed, that a number of scientists proposed various descriptions not only of individual stages, but also of the dissolution process as a whole, and its determining factors were identified, mathematical models were built, making it possible to determine critical areas depending on from the properties of the raw materials and the process, data were obtained on the parameters of the system during the dissolution of dry dairy products.In the article presents the sanitary and hygienic, physicochemical and organoleptic require-ments for drinking water by Russian legislation, international organizations and national standards of a number of countries.Presented a review of widely used and promising water treatment methods.Analyzed data, describing the effect of the microelement water composition on the efficiency of milk powder dissolving process. It is shown, that decrease of water total hardness and dry substances of mass fraction adjustment in the reconstituted milk have a positive effect on the dissolution process efficiency.Was noted the relevance of further researches on the directional formation of water trace ele-ment composition for increasing the efficiency of milk powder dissolving and to obtain re-constituted dairy systems, used in the production of various food products of predicted quality and safety


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    The article describes the function of soil fertility humus performs; the function is important for ecosystems, biosphere and anthroposphere as well. Humus content of soil is revealed in different ways when experiencing anthropogenic influence in the areas differed in climate characteristics. The paper reveals necessity in appropriate estimation of relation between humus content of soil and environmental conditions. The possibility to forecast humus substances reaction by means of taking into consideration the effect goal and changing conditions of the system operation results in urgency of environmental conditions for the features of humus content of soil. The paper investigates the soils of different altitudinal belts moistened in arid, humid and balanced ways. The authors characterize humus content of soil in Altai Mountains which is very complicated area for agriculture. They study the fundamental climate characteristics of the territory; reveal the results of relation between humus soil content and climate characteristics; represent the regression models of Сгк: Сфк relation and moistening; and reveal regression equation on the basis of altitude. The regression models effectively describe the data which is proved by statistic criteria and diagrams. The regression equations can be applied when estimating environmental conditions of relation between humic components and in order to estimate them in natural environment influenced by natural and anthropogenic factors.Гумус выполняет одну из главнейших функций, которая важна для экосистем и биосферы, а также антропосферы в целом – функцию плодородия почв. При антропогенном воздействии на территориях с  разными климатическими параметрами гумус почв ведёт себя по-разному. Рассматривается проблема необходимости адекватной оценки зависимости состояния гумуса почв от экологических условий. Актуальность вопроса экологической обусловленности признаков состава и свойств гумуса почв вытекает из возможности прогнозировать поведение системы гумусовых веществ, зная направленность воздействия и изменения условий функционирования этой системы. Исследуются почвы разных высотных поясов в условиях аридного, гумидного и сбалансированного увлажнения. Дана краткая характеристика гумусного состояния современных почв Горного Алтая  – сложной в  сельскохозяйственном отношении территории. Изучены основные климатические показатели этой территории. Представлены результаты зависимости состава гумуса исследуемых почв от климатических параметров, выявлены модели регрессии между отношением Сгк :Сфк и увлажнением, а также получены аналогичные уравнения регрессии с учётом вы- соты местности над уровнем моря. Предложенные регрессионные модели адекватно описывают данные, о чём свидетельствуют статистические критерии и  графические отчёты. Уравнения регрессии могут использоваться при оценке экологической обусловленности соотношения компонентов гумуса и для оценки их поведения в процессе изменения природной среды под влиянием как естественных, так и антропогенных причин

    Diagnostics of formation of communicative universal learning actions of primary school children in inclusive practice

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    This article presents the results of a diagnostic observation of the formation of communicative universal learning actions of primary school children in inclusive practice. The article defines the terms “diagnostics” and “communicative universal learning actions” as key research concepts; demonstrates the development of simulators for the diagnostics of communicative universal learning actions in pupils of grade 1; presents the characteristic of the level of formation of communicative universal learning actions of elementary school children and the dynamics of their progress in mastering communicative universal learning actions (KUUD). In the study, the following methods were used: analysis of psycho-pedagogical literature; entrance and final testing; and quantitative and qualitative processing of experimental data.В статье представлена характеристика уровня сформированности коммуникативных универсальных учебных действий первоклассников

    Molecular genetic features of the development of restrictive cardiomyopathy in Russian children

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    Aim. To identify the proportion of restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM), as well as cardiomyopathy (CMP) with a restrictive type of hemodynamics among all cases of genetic CMP and to determine the relative frequencies and spectrum of nucleotide variants in Russian children with RCM, as well as to search for phenogenotypic correlations.Material and methods. The study included 689 children with CMPs. All children underwent a molecular genetic testing of the target regions of 419 genes responsible for various cardiomyopathies and channelopathies using the method of massively parallel sequencing (MPS).Results. In 668 (97,0%) children, pathogenic, likely pathogenic nucleotide variants, as well as nucleotide variants with unknown clinical significance, were identified. Of these, 45 (6,7%) patients were selected to determine the molecular genetic characteristics of RCM, 20 of whom had clinical symptoms and morphofunctional structure of RCMP (3,0%), while the remaining 25 (3,7%) children were diagnosed with another CMP type with a restrictive type of hemodynamics. In total, these patients had 41 nucleotide variants in 15 different genes, while 19 (46,3%) variants were pathogenic, 12 (29,3%) — likely pathogenic, 10 (24,4%) — uncertain clinical significance. Pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants were identified in a total of 38 (84,4%) patients, while in 19 (42,2%) patients, the pathogenic variants described earlier were found. The most common genetic marker of RCM in Russian children was TNNI3 gene mutations. In total, they were identified in 12 (25%) children: with RCP — 8 (40%) patients; with CMP with a restrictive type of hemodynamics — 4 (16%) patients. At the same time, the most common mutation of the TNNI3 gene was the nucleotide variant c.575G>A, leading to the amino acid variant p.R192H, described earlier in patients with RCM and identified by us in three (15%) unrelated children with RCM. In addition, a significant difference was found between the averaged values of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in patients with mutations in the MYH7 and TNNI3 genes (0,0039, p<0,05), as well as between the peak flow gradient values in children with mutations in TNNI3 and FLNC genes (0,0016, p<0,05), TNNI3 and MYH7 genes (0,039, p<0,05).Conclusion. The results of this study indicate a significant genetic heterogeneity of RCM in Russian children and the need for further research aimed at finding genotype-phenotype associations in order to predict the course of the disease and select the proper therapy

    Detection of highly conductive surface electron states in topological crystalline insulators Pb1−xSnxSe using laser terahertz radiation

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    We suggest a method for detection of highly conductive surface electron states including topological ones. The method is based on measurements of the photoelectromagnetic effect using terahertz laser pulses. In contrast to conventional transport measurements, the method is not sensitive to the bulk conductivity. The method is demonstrated on an example of topological crystalline insulators Pb1−xSnxSe. It is shown that highly conductive surface electron states are present in Pb1−xSnxSe both in the inverse and direct electron energy spectrum

    Способ получения рекомбинантных антител, продуцируемых клеточной линией, трансдуцированной рекомбинантными аденовирусами

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    Objectives. To develop a technology for obtaining recombinant antibodies in a suspension culture of human HEK293 cells using transduction with recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 (rAd5) carrying genes expressing heavy and light chains of antibodies on the example of two broadspectrum anti-influenza antibodies 27F3 and CR9114.Methods. Ad5-27F3-H, Ad5-CR9114-H, and Ad5-27F3-L recombinant adenoviruses carrying the 27F3 antibody heavy chain gene, CR9114 antibody heavy chain gene, and 27F3 light chain gene, respectively, were generated using the AdEasy™ Adenoviral vector system. To accumulate preparative amounts of recombinant r27F3 and rCR9114 antibodies, the HEK293 suspension cell line was transduced with recombinant adenoviruses carrying genes for heavy and light chains of antibodies. The cells were cultured in a wave-type bioreactor. Chromatography was used to purify recombinant antibodies from the culture medium. After analyzing the molecular weights of purified antibodies using protein electrophoresis, their ability to interact with influenza A and B viruses was analyzed using the Western blot technique, while their ability to neutralize influenza A and B viruses was evaluated using the virus neutralization assay.Results. A method for the accumulation and purification of recombinant r27F3 and CR9114 antibodies from the culture medium of a suspension culture of human cells following transduction with its recombinant adenoviruses carrying the genes for heavy and light chains of these antibodies was developed. The ability of the r27F3 antibody to interact with and neutralize influenza A viruses of group 1 (except influenza A virus subtype H2) and group 2 was shown. The ability of the rCR9114 antibody to interact with influenza A viruses of group 1 and influenza B viruses, as well as to neutralize influenza A viruses of group 1, was demonstrated.Conclusions. A technology for obtaining recombinant antibodies in a suspension culture of HEK293 cells using transduction with recombinant adenoviruses carrying genes expressing heavy and light chains of antibodies was developed along with a confirmation of their specificity.Цели. Разработать технологию получения рекомбинантных антител в суспензионной культуре клеток человека HEK293 с помощью трансдукции рекомбинантными аденовирусами человека пятого серотипа, несущими гены, экспрессирующие тяжелые и легкие цепи антител, на примере двух противогриппозных антител широкого спектра действия 27F3 и CR9114.Методы. Рекомбинантные аденовирусы Ad5-27F3-H, Ad5-CR9114-H и Ad5-27F3-L, несущие ген тяжелой цепи антитела 27F3, ген тяжелой цепи антитела CR9114 и ген легкой цепи 27F3, были получены с помощью набора AdEasy™ Adenoviral vector system. Для накопления препаративных количеств рекомбинантных антител r27F3 и rCR9114 суспензионную клеточную линию HEK293 трансдуцировали рекомбинантными аденовирусами, несущими гены тяжелых и легких цепей антител, и культивировали клетки в биореакторе волнового типа. Рекомбинантные антитела очищали из культуральной жидкости хроматографическим методом. Молекулярную массу полученных антител анализировали с помощью белкового электрофореза, их способность взаимодействовать с вирусами гриппа А и В методом вестерн-блот анализа, а способность нейтрализовать вирусы гриппа А и В с помощью реакции вирус-нейтрализации.Результаты. Отработана методика накопления и очистки рекомбинантных антител r27F3 и CR9114 из культуральной жидкости суспензионной культуры клеток человека после трансдукции ее рекомбинантными аденовирусами, несущими гены тяжелых и легких цепей этих антител. Показана способность антитела r27F3 взаимодействовать с вирусами гриппа А подгруппы 1 (кроме вируса грипп А субтипа H2) и подгруппы 2 и нейтрализовать их. Показана способность антитела rCR9114 взаимодействовать с вирусами гриппа А подгруппы 1 и вирусами гриппа В, а также нейтрализовать вирусы гриппа А подгруппы 1.Выводы. Отработана технология получения рекомбинантных антител в суспензионной культуре клеток HEK293 с помощью трансдукции рекомбинантными аденовирусами, несущими гены, экспрессирующие тяжелые и легкие цепи антител, и показана их специфичность


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    An enlargement in pharyngeal lymphoid ring accompanies infectious mononucleosis. This can significantly degrade the quality of life of a sick child. When nasopharyngeal and palatine tonsils are irrigated with saline seawater with aloe and chamomile hypertonic, the airway patency restores on average 2 days faster than in conventional treatment with decongestants. The condition of the pharynx normalizes 3,5 days faster in comparison with treatment by local antiseptics. The complex preparation with a broad spectrum of activity can improve patient’s commitment to therapy and significantly reduce expenses for outpatient treatment.Инфекционный мононуклеоз сопровождается увеличением лимфоидной ткани глоточного кольца, что может значительно ухудшать качество жизни больного ребенка. При орошении носоглоточной и небных миндалин натуральной гипертонической морской водой с экстрактами алоэ и ромашки проходимость дыхательных путей восстанавливается в среднем на 2 дня раньше, чем при назначении топических деконгестантов, а фарингоскопическая картина нормализуется на 3,5 дня быстрее, чем при использовании местных антисептиков. Комплексный препарат с широким спектром действия позволяет повысить приверженность пациентов к терапии и существенно снизить материальные затраты на лечение в амбулаторных условиях

    Фотоиндуцированные процессы наночастиц оксида железа для усиления лазерной терапии

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    Nanoparticles are used as drug carriers to increase the selectivity and effectiveness of therapy, as well as for combined therapy that utilizes different effects. Iron oxide nanoparticles are promising in this aspect. Due to magnetic properties, they can be used as a contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging. Also, iron oxide nanoparticles could be coated with a photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy and their laser or magnetic heating can be used for phototherapy. Local enhancement of the electromagnetic field near iron oxide nanoparticles can increase the fluorescence intensity of photosensitizers and the efficiency of singlet oxygen generation. This paper presents the results of a study of iron oxide nanoparticles focused on the photophysical aspects of the formation of “hot spots” under laser irradiation. The photoinduced effects of iron oxide nanoparticles observed in in vitro experiments lead to the rupture of lysosomes. Theoretical modeling showed that the heating of iron oxide nanoparticles with a radius of 35 nm under the action of laser radiation is about 89°C and 19°C for wavelengths of 458 and 561 nm, respectively. Local field enhancement occurs in pairs of nanoparticles of various sizes and strongly depends on the distance between them. The maximum gain is achieved at small distances between nanoparticles. For a dimer of nanoparticles with radii of 10 and 35 nm at a distance of 1 nm, an enhancement factor of two orders of magnitude was obtained. The investigated phenomenon of «hot spots» is in demand for precision therapy, because the photo-induced processes occur at small distances between nanoparticles, in areas of their high accumulation.Наночастицы используются в качестве носителей лекарственных средств для повышения селективности и эффективности терапии, а также для сочетанной терапии, объединяющей разные виды воздействия. Перспективными в этом аспекте являются наночастицы оксида железа. Благодаря магнитным свойствам, они могут быть применяться в качестве контраста для магнитно-резонансной томографии. Также наночастицы оксида железа могут быть покрыты фотосенсибилизатором для фотодинамической терапии, а их лазерный или магнитный нагрев этих частиц может используется для проведения фототерапии. При этом локальное усиление электромагнитного поля вблизи наночастиц оксида железа может повысить интенсивность флуоресценции фотосенсибилизаторов и эффективность генерации синглетного кислорода.В работе представлены результаты исследования наночастиц оксида железа, сфокусированного на фотофизических аспектах образования «горячих точек» при лазерном облучении. Фотоиндуцированные эффекты наночастиц оксида железа, наблюдаемые в экспериментах in vitro, приводят к разрыву лизосом. Теоретическое моделирование показало, что нагрев наночастиц оксида железа радиусом 35 нм под действием лазерного излучения составляет порядка 89˚С и 19˚С для длин волн 458 и 561 нм, соответственно. Локальное усиление поля возникает в парах из наночастиц различного размера и сильно зависит от расстояния между ними. Максимальное усиление достигается при малых расстояниях между наночастицами. Для димера наночастиц с радиусами 10 нм и 35 нм на расстоянии 1 нм получен фактор усиления на два порядка. Рассмотренное явление «горячих точек» востребовано для прецизионной терапии, так как фотоиндуцированные процессы возникают на малых расстояниях между наночастицами, в областях с их высоким накоплением

    Impact of toxicity effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles in rats within acute and subacute experiments

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    Introduction. Occupational air is contaminated with zinc oxide nanoparticles in the copper smelting industry, especially in the smelting of brass and copper. A wide range of toxic effects with varied clinical symptomatology is observed in zinc and its compounds. Competitive relations with many other metals, including calcium, copper, and iron, are the foundation of most cases of zinc intoxication. Long-term administration of zinc or its compounds to laboratory rodents affects enzymes, carbohydrates and mineral metabolism. Materials and methods. Subchronic intoxication with repeated intraperitoneal injections and acute low respiratory tract reaction to a single intratracheal injection of zinc nanoparticles were simulated in outbred white rats. Water suspensions of zinc oxide nanoparticles with a 30-80 nm diameter were applied in both experimental models. Upon completion of the exposure, the condition of the rats in all groups was evaluated in many generally accepted criteria for toxicity. The student’s t-test was applied for statistical analysis of the obtained data. Results. Moderate intoxication development in a subchronic experiment is demonstrated. Homogeneous ultrastructural changes in the spleen tissue were revealed. Mitochondrial damage with partial or complete loss of crista is the most common. The fragmentation ratio of DNA was found by a statistically significant increase. A single intratracheal injection of zinc oxide nanoparticles revealed the increase in the attraction of cells capable of their phagocytosis (mainly neutrophils) into the low respiratory tract. This shows their cytotoxicity. Conclusion. Moderate general toxic and cytotoxic effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on the rat body were identified. © 2021 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved

    Популяционный и субпопуляционный состав лимфоцитов и функциональная активность нейтрофил в у больных бронхиальной астмой разного возраста

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    This work is devoted to population spectrum of lymphocytes and oxlgen-dependent metabolism of neutrophils in 140 moderate persisting asthma patients of young, middle and old ages. Markers of persisting inflammation such as increased levels of immunoglobulin E and circulating immune complexes, considerable activation of spontaneous and induced NST-test, increased in elderly, various shifts In lymphocyte populations and subpopulations were revealed in all the groups. These features require additional attention of a doctor and special therapeutic measures.Настоящая работа посвящена изучению популяционного спектра лимфоцитов, кислородзависимого метаболизма нейтрофилов у 140 больных с умеренно персистирующей бронхиальной астмой в трех группах: молодого, среднего, пожилого возраста. Во всех группах выявлены маркеры персистирую щ его воспаления: повышение уровней иммуноглобулина Е и циркулирую щ их иммунных комплексов, значительная активация спонтанного и индуцированного ЫЗТ-теста, усиливающаяся у пожилых больных, разнонаправленные изменения в популяционном и субпопуляционном составе лимфоцитов, что требует дополнительного внимания врача и проведения лечебных мероприятий