16 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Soil Algal Flora of the Tundra, Mountain and Boreal Ecosystems of the European Northeast

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    Soil algae is a group of photoautotrophic organisms able to live on the soil surface and in the soil profile. Algae participate in the accumulation of organic compounds and the main biogenic exchange cycles in terrestrial ecosystems. Their importance increases in northern and mountain ecosystems with extreme environments. The aim of our research was to summarize the results of studies into soil algae in tundra, mountaintundra and boreal ecosystems in the Russian Northeast Europe based on literature and original data. We created a list of soil algae including 695 species from five divisions, 12 classes, 40 orders, 107 families and 245 genera. In tundra ecosystems, 348 species were found, 272 in mountain-tundra and 104 in boreal ecosystems. Taxonomical andeco-geographical analysis of the algal flora was also performed. We revealed the species with high frequencies of occurrence and the prevalent algal complexes in the different nature zones. Cosmopolite species widespread in typical soil or edaphophilic species indifferent to soil acidity were prevalent. Keywords: soil algae, tundra, mountain and boreal ecosystem

    Lichen-like Symbiotic Associations of Wood-decaying Fungi and Algae. I. Biodiversity and Ecology of Photobionts

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    The article presents new data on the taxonomical, morphological and ecological composition and species diversity of symbiont algae associated with xylotrophic fungi. The largest part of symbionts (86%) are eukaryotic algae belonging to the divisions Chlorophyta (68% of total number of species), Ochrophyta (9%) andCharophyta (8%). The prokaryotic algae, or Cyanoprokaryota, make up the remaining 14% of species. The eukaryotic algae are an obligatory component of mycetobiont communities, whereas Cyanoprokaryota are the optional, facultative part. Out of 46 mycetobiont algae genera, 29 (or 64%) are single-species taxa, while 15 (32%) genera include two or three species. Two genera – Chlamydomonas and Klebsormidium – are represented by 6 and 4 species, respectively. The majority of mycetobiont algae have coccoid (41%) and trichal (33%) thalli, colonial-coccoid (18%) and monadic (8%) algae are rarely observed. All algae species belong to widespread epiphytic, soil and lichenophilic groups that do not require symbiosis with fungi. Obligatory mycetobionts were not observed during the study. Communities of mycetobiont algae have host-specificity and high geographical and individual variability. Keywords: wood-decaying fungi, algae and Cyanoprokaryota, biodiversity, ecology, symbiosi


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    The paper provides a literature overview about distribution of the red blooming of algae in snow and ice in various highlands of the world, the Arctic and Antarctica. The flowering of snow in the Urals mountainous country has been studied. The ecological characteristics of habitats and chemical parameters of the melt water were studied. The density of algal cells in samples reached 0,33 × 104 cells per ml-1. It was shown by morphological, ultrastructure and moleculargenetic studies that the red blooming of snow in the Subpolar Urals was caused by the green alga Chloromonas reticulata. The species is the plastic organism and has a wide distribution area from polluted water ponds to the Antarctic glaciers.Исследования выполнены в рамках бюджетной темы № АААА-А16-116021010241-9

    Lichen-like Symbiotic Associations of Wood-decaying Fungi and Algae. I. Biodiversity and Ecology of Photobionts

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    The article presents new data on the taxonomical, morphological and ecological composition and species diversity of symbiont algae associated with xylotrophic fungi. The largest part of symbionts (86%) are eukaryotic algae belonging to the divisions Chlorophyta (68% of total number of species), Ochrophyta (9%) andCharophyta (8%). The prokaryotic algae, or Cyanoprokaryota, make up the remaining 14% of species. The eukaryotic algae are an obligatory component of mycetobiont communities, whereas Cyanoprokaryota are the optional, facultative part. Out of 46 mycetobiont algae genera, 29 (or 64%) are single-species taxa, while 15 (32%) genera include two or three species. Two genera – Chlamydomonas and Klebsormidium – are represented by 6 and 4 species, respectively. The majority of mycetobiont algae have coccoid (41%) and trichal (33%) thalli, colonial-coccoid (18%) and monadic (8%) algae are rarely observed. All algae species belong to widespread epiphytic, soil and lichenophilic groups that do not require symbiosis with fungi. Obligatory mycetobionts were not observed during the study. Communities of mycetobiont algae have host-specificity and high geographical and individual variability. Keywords: wood-decaying fungi, algae and Cyanoprokaryota, biodiversity, ecology, symbiosi


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    The article summarizes the published and original data on the species diversity of soil algae in the Northeast of the European part of Russia. 695 species of algae from five divisions, 12 classes, 40 orders, 107 families and 244 genera were found in the soils of this territory. Taxonomic and ecological-geographical analysis of algoflora was carried out.Исследования выполнены в рамках бюджетной темы № АААА-А16-116021010241-9


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    Xylotrophic basidiomycetes and algae that inhabit their basidiocarps form of the lichen-like symbiotic associations. There are multicomponent systems, including mycobiont and several species of photobionts. The main and obligatory component of mycetobiont communities are the green algae, blue-green algae – their facultative component. Mycobionts are usually the fungi with annual, annual-wintering basidiocarps and their relationships with algae are mutualistic: algae receive some protection, H2O and CO2, fungi receive additional source of carbon and nitrogen nutrition. In all characteristics, the symbiotic associations of xylotrophic fungi and mycetobiont algae correspond to basidiomycetes lichens and can be considered as such.Работа выполнена при поддержке Программы 211 Правительства РФ (соглашение No. 02.A03.21.0006), РФФИ (проект 18-04-00643), Программы фундаментальных исследований УрО РАН (проект № 18-4-4-44)