3,126 research outputs found

    Design definition of a mechanical capacitor

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    A design study and analyses of a 10 kW-hr, 15 kW mechanical capacitor system was studied. It was determined that magnetically supported wheels constructed of advanced composites have the potential for high energy density and high power density. Structural concepts are analyzed that yield the highest energy density of any structural design yet reported. Particular attention was paid to the problem of 'friction' caused by magnetic and I to the second power R losses in the suspension and motor-generator subsystems, and low design friction levels have been achieved. The potentially long shelf life of this system, and the absence of wearing parts, provide superior performance over conventional flywheels supported with mechanical bearings. Costs and economies of energy storage wheels were reviewed briefly

    Non-equilibrium dynamics of gene expression and the Jarzynski equality

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    In order to express specific genes at the right time, the transcription of genes is regulated by the presence and absence of transcription factor molecules. With transcription factor concentrations undergoing constant changes, gene transcription takes place out of equilibrium. In this paper we discuss a simple mapping between dynamic models of gene expression and stochastic systems driven out of equilibrium. Using this mapping, results of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics such as the Jarzynski equality and the fluctuation theorem are demonstrated for gene expression dynamics. Applications of this approach include the determination of regulatory interactions between genes from experimental gene expression data

    Tidal controls on trace gas dynamics in a seagrass meadow of the Ria Formosa lagoon (southern Portugal)

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    Coastal zones are important source regions for a variety of trace gases, including halocarbons and sulfur-bearing species. While salt marshes, macroalgae and phyto-plankton communities have been intensively studied, little is known about trace gas fluxes in seagrass meadows. Here we report results of a newly developed dynamic flux chamber system that can be deployed in intertidal areas over full tidal cycles allowing for highly time-resolved measurements. The fluxes of CO2, methane (CH4) and a range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) showed a complex dynamic mediated by tide and light. In contrast to most previous studies, our data indicate significantly enhanced fluxes during tidal immersion relative to periods of air exposure. Short emission peaks occurred with onset of the feeder current at the sampling site. We suggest an overall strong effect of advective transport processes to explain the elevated fluxes during tidal immersion. Many emission estimates from tidally influenced coastal areas still rely on measurements carried out during low tide only. Hence, our results may have significant implications for budgeting trace gases in coastal areas. This dynamic flux chamber system provides intensive time series data of community respiration (at night) and net community production (during the day) of shallow coastal systems.German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) [03F0611E, 03F0662E]; EU FP7 ASSEMBLE research infrastructure initiative

    Electrostatic control of quantum dot entanglement induced by coupling to external reservoirs

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    We propose a quantum transport experiment to prepare and measure charge-entanglement between two electrostatically defined quantum dots. Coherent population trapping, as realized in cavity quantum electrodynamics, can be carried out by using a third quantum dot to play the role of the optical cavity. In our proposal, a pumping which is quantum mechanically indistinguishable for the quantum dots drives the system into a state with a high degree of entanglement. The whole effect can be switched on and off by means of a gate potential allowing both state preparation and entanglement detection by simply measuring the total current.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Latex2e with EPL macros, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    A high volume sampling system for isotope determination of volatile halocarbons and hydrocarbons

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    The isotopic composition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can provide valuable information on their sources and fate not deducible from mixing ratios alone. In particular the reported carbon stable isotope ratios of chloromethane and bromomethane from different sources cover a δ13C-range of almost 100‰ making isotope ratios a very promising tool for studying the biogeochemistry of these compounds. So far, the determination of the isotopic composition of C1 and C2 halocarbons others than chloromethane is hampered by their low mixing ratios. In order to determine the carbon isotopic composition of C1 and C2 halocarbons with mixing ratios as low as 1 pptv (i) a field suitable cryogenic high volume sampling system and (ii) a chromatographic set up for processing these samples have been developed and validated. The sampling system was tested at two different sampling sites, an urban and a coastal location in Northern Germany. The average δ13C-values for bromomethane at the urban site were −42.9 ± 1.1‰ and agreed well with previously published results. But at the coastal site bromomethane was substantially enriched in 13C by almost 10‰. Less pronounced differences were observed for chlorodifluoromethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane and chloromethane. We suggest that these differences are related to the turnover of these compounds in ocean surface waters. Furthermore we report first carbon isotope ratios for iodomethane (−40.4‰ to −79.8‰), bromoform (−13.8‰ to 22.9‰), and other halocarbons

    Classification of All Poisson-Lie Structures on an Infinite-Dimensional Jet Group

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    A local classification of all Poisson-Lie structures on an infinite-dimensional group G∞G_{\infty} of formal power series is given. All Lie bialgebra structures on the Lie algebra {\Cal G}_{\infty} of G∞G_{\infty} are also classified.Comment: 11 pages, AmSTeX fil

    A halocarbon survey from a seagrass dominated subtropical lagoon, Ria Formosa (Portugal): flux pattern and isotopic composition

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    In this study we report fluxes of chloromethane (CH3Cl), bromomethane (CH3Br), iodomethane (CH3I), and bromoform (CHBr3) from two sampling campaigns (summer and spring) in the seagrass dominated subtropical lagoon Ria Formosa, Portugal. Dynamic flux chamber measurements were performed when seagrass patches were either air-exposed or submerged. Overall, we observed highly variable fluxes from the seagrass meadows and attributed them to diurnal cycles, tidal effects, and the variety of possible sources and sinks in the seagrass meadows. The highest emissions with up to 130 nmol m−2 h−1 for CH3Br were observed during tidal changes, from air exposure to submergence and conversely. Furthermore, during the spring campaign, the emissions of halocarbons were significantly elevated during tidal inundation as compared to air exposure. Accompanying water sampling performed during both campaigns revealed elevated concentrations of CH3Cl and CH3Br, indicating productive sources within the lagoon. Stable carbon isotopes of halocarbons from the air and water phase along with source signatures were used to allocate the distinctive sources and sinks in the lagoon. Results suggest that CH3Cl was rather originating from seagrass meadows and water column than from salt marshes. Aqueous and atmospheric CH3Br was substantially enriched in 13C in comparison to source signatures for seagrass meadows and salt marshes. This suggests a significant contribution from the water phase on the atmospheric CH3Br in the lagoon. A rough global upscaling yields annual productions from seagrass meadows of 2.3–4.5 Gg yr−1, 0.5–1.0 Gg yr−1, 0.6–1.2 Gg yr−1, and 1.9–3.7 Gg yr−1 for CH3Cl, CH3Br, CH3I, and CHBr3 respectively. This suggests a minor contribution from seagrass meadows to the global production of CH3Cl and CH3Br with about 0.1 and 0.7%, respectively. In comparison to the known marine sources for CH3I and CHBr3, seagrass meadows are rather small sources

    Conventional metaphors in longer passages evoke affective brain response

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    Conventional metaphorical sentences such as She’s a sweet child have been found to elicit greater amygdala activation than matched literal sentences (e.g., She’s a kind child). In the present fMRI study, this finding is strengthened and extended with naturalistic stimuli involving longer passages and a range of conventional metaphors. In particular, a greater number of activation peaks (four) were found in the bilateral amygdala when passages containing conventional metaphors were read than when their matched literal versions were read (a single peak); while the direct contrast between metaphorical and literal passages did not show significant amygdala activation, parametric analysis revealed that BOLD signal changes in the left amygdala correlated with an increase in metaphoricity ratings across all stories. Moreover, while a measure of complexity was positively correlated with an increase in activation of a broad bilateral network mainly involving the temporal lobes, complexity was not predictive of amygdala activity. Thus, the results suggest that amygdala activation is not simply a result of stronger overall activity related to language comprehension, but is more specific to the processing of metaphorical language

    "A Matter of Self-Preservation": Public Library Development in South Carolina From the WPA to the Civil Rights Movement

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    In the 1920s and early 1930s, public libraries in South Carolina were among the most underfunded and poorly administered in the United States. Since Jim Crow laws were still in effect, only white citizens had access to public library facilities in many parts of the state. After the Works Progress Administration (WPA) began its Library Demonstration Project in 1933, library conditions improved drastically. However, the WPA effort accomplished relatively little for the state's black population. It was not until the 1950s and 1960s that black South Carolinians began making significant progress toward gaining access to public library services. This paper examines the evolution of public library services in South Carolina from the 1930s to the 1960s, treating the development of services for blacks and the development of services for whites as largely distinct processes

    Dynamics of gene expression and the regulatory inference problem

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    From the response to external stimuli to cell division and death, the dynamics of living cells is based on the expression of specific genes at specific times. The decision when to express a gene is implemented by the binding and unbinding of transcription factor molecules to regulatory DNA. Here, we construct stochastic models of gene expression dynamics and test them on experimental time-series data of messenger-RNA concentrations. The models are used to infer biophysical parameters of gene transcription, including the statistics of transcription factor-DNA binding and the target genes controlled by a given transcription factor.Comment: revised version to appear in Europhys. Lett., new titl
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