1,508 research outputs found

    Spiritualitas Keluarga Katolik di Era Disrupsi Teknologi

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    Penelitian ini meneliti hakikat keluarga menurut ajaran Katolik. Ia menemukan bahwa jati diri keluarga kristiani adalah Gereja rumah tangga (ecclesia domestica). Keluarga adalah pusat pertumbuhan iman setiap anggota keluarga. Tidak hanya orang tua, anak-anak yang tumbuh dalam keluarga katolik mesti menimba semangat dasar dari hidup dan meneladani karya Yesus dalam mewartakan Kerajaan Allah. Sebagai Gereja rumah tangga, keluarga mengambil bagian dalam tiga tugas Kristus, yaitu sebagai imam, raja, dan nabi. Kehidupan sehari-hari dalam keluarga menjadi tempat yang kondusif dan efektif bagi perwujudan tiga tugas tersebut. Keluarga merupakan tempat yang tepat untuk perayaan iman bersama, untuk pewartaan iman, dan mewujudkan persaudaraan dalam kasih. Penemuan ini sangat relevan saat ini di mana teknologi telah mendisrupsi banyak peranan keluarga. Pembinaan iman yang semula dapat dilaksanakan oleh pelbagai persekutuan di paroki, pada saat pandemi covid 19 harus dilaksanakan oleh keluarga. Keluarga modern telah terdampak perkembangan teknologi yang cepat sehingga mempengaruhi pola hidup mereka. Banyak keluarga yang tetap berpegang pada nilai-nilai dasar kehidupan berkeluarga, tetapi banyak juga keluarga yang bimbang dan bingung tentang peranan keluarga dalam dunia modern. Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Data penelitian diambil dari pelbagai sumber kepustakaan yang dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analitis. Pada akhirnya peneliti mengambil kesimpulan dari analisis tersebut


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    Generasi muda dalam hal ini mahasiswa di bidang kesehatan mempunyai peran penting dalam pembangunan bangsa Indonesia, mengingat secara demografis Indonesia akan mengalami bonus demografi atau masa emas pada rentang tahun 2020-2030. Tentunya terdapat prasyarat agar para generasi muda dapat memanfaatkan masa emas tersebut, dimana salah satu prasyaratnya ialah kondisi sehat. Kurangnya aktivitas fisik akan menjadi salah satu faktor risiko independen dalam suatu penyakit kronis yang bisa menyebabkan kematian secara global. Aktivitas fisik juga berpengaruh terhadap perubahan Indeks Massa Tubuh seseorang, kesehatan fisik mental dan spiritual seseorang, kecerdasan emosi seseorang dan kemampuan psikologis seseorang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran aktivitas fisik mahasiswa Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UNSRAT semester IV saat pembatasan sosial masa pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan survey deskriptif, dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Oktober 2020. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 113 mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian International Physical Activity Questionare/IPAQ dan Formulir Recall 2x24 jam. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu paling banyak responden tergolong dalam kategori sedang yaitu sebanyak 54 orang atau 47,8% kemudian diikuti oleh kategori ringan yaitu sebanyak 33 orang atau 29,2% dan paling sedikit berjumlah 26 orang atau 23,0% dalam kategori berat. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas Fisik, Mahasiswa, COVID-19 ABSTRACTThe young generation, in this case, students in the health sector play an important role in the development of the Indonesian nation, considering that demographically Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus or golden period in the period 2020-2030. Of course there are prerequisites so that the younger generation can take advantage of this golden period, where one of the prerequisites is a healthy condition. Lack of physical activity will be an independent risk factor for a chronic disease that can cause death globally. Physical activity also affects changes in one's Body Mass Index, physical mental and spiritual health, emotional intelligence and psychological abilities. The purpose of this study was to describe the physical activity of the fourth semester students of the Faculty of Public Health UNSRAT during the social restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic. Type of this research is a quantitative study with a descriptive survey held in March-October 2020. The sample in this study amounted to 113 students. This Research uses International Physical Activity Questionnaire/IPAQ and Recall Form 2x24 hours. This research obtained the following results, most of the respondents were in the moderate category, amounting to 54 people or 47.8%, then followed by the mild category, namely 33 people or 29.2% and the least in the heavy category amounting to 26 people or 23.0%. Keywords: Physical activity, College students, COVID-1

    \u3cem\u3eSecuring Employer-based Pensions: An International Perspective.\u3c/em\u3e Zvi Bodie, Olivia S. Mitchell and John A. Turner.

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    Zvi Bodie, Olivia S. Mitchell and John A. Turner. Securing Employer- based Pensions: An International Perspective. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996. $44.95 hardcover

    Metafora Pada Lirik Lagu Soundtrack Anime Guilty Crown

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    This study discusses the types of categories and analysis of metaphorical meanings contained in the lyrics of anime anime soundtrack Guilty Crown. The purpose of this study is to determine the type of category and the meaning of the metaphor in the lyrics of anime soundtrack Guilty Crown. The object of this study is four songs of anime soundtrack Guilty Crown. This is a quantitative study with with descriptive method. The result of study found eleven metaphorical expressions and type of categories as human, living, object, substance, energy, cosmic, and beimg. The categories of animate and terrestrial beings are not found in this study. In addition, this study uses association techniques in determining the meaning of metaphor

    A quantitative approach for evaluating lava flow simulation reliability: the LavaSIM code applied to the 2001 Etna’s eruption

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    Many numerical codes have been developed to simulate the emplacement of lava flows for evaluating their possible evolutions and for defining, by a statistical approach, hazard maps useful for risk assessment and land planning. Although many examples of lava flow simulation can be found in literature, just a few of them attempted to quantify the correspondence between observed and simulated flows, nevertheless this is a crucial point especially if the codes are applied in real-time for risk managing. The aim of this work was to define a methodology to quantitatively evaluate the reliability of simulation codes. In particular, it applied the LavaSIM code (Hidaka et al., 2005) to simulate the main lava flow emplaced on the South flank of Mt. Etna (Italy) between 18 July and 9 August 2001 which represents an ideal test case for validating numerical codes (Coltelli et al., 2007). It is a single flow both for its geometry and its temporal evolution and, many data are available to be used as input of the simulations (lava composition, pre- and post-eruption topographies, final flow volume and thickness and temporal evolution of average volumetric flow rates) and for checking their results (2D temporal evolution). LavaSIM is the only full 3D model, thus able to account for the vertical variation of lava properties (temperature, viscosity, velocity and liquidus or solidus state). It is based on the 3D solution of the Navier-Stokes and the energy conservation equations and provides the most complete description of the lava cooling by considering radiation, conduction and convection. Its greatest peculiarity is to take into account crust formation by evaluating the enthalpy of every cell and by adopting an empiric threshold parameter (the solidification fraction of liquidity loss) to discriminate liquid and solid cells. Different values of input parameters (viscosity, solidification fraction of liquidity loss, eruptive enthalpy and lava emissivity) have been adopted for evaluating their influence on the simulated lava distribution and cooling. A simulation with constant lava discharge, averaged on the whole eruption, was also run for checking how the feeding affects the lava spreading and cooling. The results were first analyzed by comparing the planar expansions of real and simulated flows. A quantitative analysis was then carried out adopting two parameters for constraining both the lengthening and the planar expansion. For quantitatively verifying the correspondence between simulated and observed lengths, the Percent Length Ratio (PLR) was defined as the percentage ratio between simulated and observed lengths measured along the main flow direction. The second control parameter was the fitness function (e1) defined by Spataro et al. (2004) as the square root of the ratio between the intersection and the union of real and simulated areas. Since the e1 factor allows quantifying the simulated lateral spreading while PLR the flow lengthening, it is important to jointly analyze these two parameters. This work showed that by combining the fitness function of Spataro et al. (2004) with the Percent Length Ratio, here defined, it is possible to constrain both the lateral spreading (by e1) and the flow lengthening (by the PLR). The analysis here presented also demonstrated the capability of the LavaSIM simulation code to account for the vertical variation of the lava properties and to simulate the crust formation

    Environmental tobacco smoke: health policy and focus on Italian legislation.

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    Worldwide tobacco smoking kills nearly 6 million people each year, including more than 600,000 non-smokers who die from smoke exposure. Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS, also called secondhand smoke, involuntary smoke, or passive smoke) is the combination of sidestream smoke, the smoke given off by a burning tobacco product and mainstream smoke, the smoke exhaled by smokers. People may be exposed to ETS in homes, cars, workplaces, and public places, such as bars, restaurants, and recreational settings. In addition, there is another type of smoke which until now has not been recognized: the so-called thirdhand smoke, that comes from the reaction of mainstream smoke and environmental nitrous acid (HNO2) making carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs). The effects of ETS on human health are well-known, passive smoking is harmful to those who breathe the toxins and it is a serious problem for public health. The smoking ban in Italy had reduced ETS pollution, as in the United States and in other countries all over the world. However, the implementation of comprehensive legislation on smoking policy will necessitate other tobacco control measures for its successful fulfillment: increased media awareness, telephone smoking cessation helplines and smoking cessation support services could be an opportunity to ensure awareness, comprehension and support to those who want to quit smoking. The effectiveness of legislative efforts will also depend on successful enforcement of smoking bans and compliance with the legislation. This review summarizes the evidences about the effect of ETS and provides an overview of smoke-free laws and policies

    Frontal brain asymmetries as effective parameters to assess the quality of audiovisual stimuli perception in adult and young cochlear implant users

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    How is music perceived by cochlear implant (CI) users? This question arises as "the next step" given the impressive performance obtained by these patients in language perception. Furthermore, how can music perception be evaluated beyond self-report rating, in order to obtain measurable data? To address this question, estimation of the frontal electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha activity imbalance, acquired through a 19-channel EEG cap, appears to be a suitable instrument to measure the approach/withdrawal (AW index) reaction to external stimuli. Specifically, a greater value of AW indicates an increased propensity to stimulus approach, and vice versa a lower one a tendency to withdraw from the stimulus. Additionally, due to prelingually and postlingually deafened pathology acquisition, children and adults, respectively, would probably differ in music perception. The aim of the present study was to investigate children and adult CI users, in unilateral (UCI) and bilateral (BCI) implantation conditions, during three experimental situations of music exposure (normal, distorted and mute). Additionally, a study of functional connectivity patterns within cerebral networks was performed to investigate functioning patterns in different experimental populations. As a general result, congruency among patterns between BCI patients and control (CTRL) subjects was seen, characterised by lowest values for the distorted condition (vs. normal and mute conditions) in the AW index and in the connectivity analysis. Additionally, the normal and distorted conditions were significantly different in CI and CTRL adults, and in CTRL children, but not in CI children. These results suggest a higher capacity of discrimination and approach motivation towards normal music in CTRL and BCI subjects, but not for UCI patients. Therefore, for perception of music CTRL and BCI participants appear more similar than UCI subjects, as estimated by measurable and not self-reported parameters

    Epidemiology and burden of Rotavirus-associated hospitalizations in Ferrara, Italy

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    Objective of this study was to provide data on hospitalizations for rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE) in Ferrara, Italy. The study was conducted analyzing the hospital discharge forms of all children admitted to the Pediatric Department of the University of Ferrara, Arcispedale Sant'Anna, from January 2001 through December 2005. The database was searched for all gastrointestinal diseases and in particular RVGE. During the period under study 3277 children, of which 2038 inf.60 months of age, were hospitalized; 247 children inf.5 years old were admitted for acute gastroenteritis and 89 (4.4% of all and 36% of gastroenteritis-related hospitalizations) had rapid screening tests positive for rotavirus. A seasonal pattern was observed for RVGE with an increase in winter and early spring. The average length of hospital stay was 5.7 days. The median cost of each hospitalized case of RVGE ranged between 1417 and 1595 Euros. The present research confirms that rotavirus gastroenteritis represents an important cause of hospitalization in children and is responsible for significant costs for the Public Health Care System. An effective vaccination program could significantly reduce the incidence of hospitalization and the associated costs

    The evolution of the Sciara del Fuoco subaerial slope during the 2007 Stromboli eruption: Relation between deformation processes and effusive activity

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    Focusing on the Island of Stromboli, this research investigates whether airborne remote sensing systems, such as those based on digital photogrammetry and laser scanner sensors, can be adopted to monitor slope deformation and lava emplacement processes in active volcanic areas. Thanks to the capability of extracting accurate topographic data and working on flexible time schedules, these methods can be used to constrain the regular and more frequent measurements derived from satellite observations. This work is dedicated to the monitoring of Stromboli's volcanic edifice which is beneficial when obtaining quantitative data on the geometry of deformation features and the displaced (failures and landslides) and emplaced (lava flows) volumes. In particular, we focus on the capability of extracting average effusion rates from volume measurements that can be used to validate or integrate satellite-derived estimates. Since 2001, a number of airborne remote sensing surveys, namely Digital Photogrammetry (DP) and Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), have been carried out on Stromboli's volcano to obtain high resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and orthophotos with sub-meter spatial resolution and a time schedule suitable for monitoring the morphological evolution of the surface during the quiescent phases. During the last two effusive eruptions (2002–2003 and 2007) the surface modifications, created on the Sciara del Fuoco slope and on the crater area as a consequence of effusive activity, were quantified and monitored using the same methodologies. Thiswork, which is based on the results obtained from the multi-temporal quantitative analysis of the data collected from 2001 to 2007, mainly focuses on the 2007 eruption but also accounts for analogies and differences regarding the 2002–2003 event. The 2007 eruption on the Sciara del Fuoco slope from 27 February until 2 April, produced a compound lava field including a lava delta on the shoreline, discharging most of the lava into the sea. The comparison of the 2007 DEMs with a pre-eruption surface (2006 LIDAR survey) allowed for the evaluation of the total lava volume that accumulated on the subaerial slope while two syn-eruption DEMs were used to calculate the average effusion rates during the eruption. Since the evolution of a lava field produced during an eruption can be seen as a proxy for the magma intrusion mechanism, hypotheses are formulated on the connection between the lava discharge and the instabilities suffered by the slope

    Elemental analysis of histological specimens: A method to unmask nano asbestos fibers

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    There is recent mounting evidence that nanoparticles may have enhanced toxicological potential in comparison to the same material in the bulk form. The aim of this study was to develop a new method for unmask asbestos nanofibers from Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded tissue. There is an increasing amount of evidence that nanoparticles may enhance toxicological potential in comparison to the same material in the bulk form. The aim of this study was to develop a new method to unmask asbestos nanofibers from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) tissue. For the first time, in this study we applied Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis through transmission electron microscopy to demonstrate the presence of asbestos nanofibers in histological specimens of patients with possible occupational exposure to asbestos. The diagnostic protocol was applied to 10 randomly selected lung cancer patients with no history of previous asbestos exposure. We detected asbestos nanofibers in close contact with lung cancer cells in two lung cancer patients with previous possible occupational exposure to asbestos. We were also able to identify the specific asbestos iso-type, which in one of the cases was the same rare variety used in the workplace of the affected patient. By contrast, asbestos nanofibers were not detected in lung cancer patients with no history of occupational asbestos exposure. The proposed technique can represent a potential useful tool for linking the disease to previous workplace exposure in uncertain cases. Furthermore, Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) tissues stored in the pathology departments might be re-evaluated for possible etiological attribution to asbestos in the case of plausible exposure. Since diseases acquired through occupational exposure to asbestos are generally covered by workers' insurance in most countries, the application of the protocol used in this study may have also relevant social and economic implications
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