5,656 research outputs found

    Education pathways to the labour market for 16-year-olds who struggle to achieve maths and English in General Certificate of Secondary Education

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    We examine the post age-16 educational pathways taken by the 44% of young people who do not gain “good” grades in English and Maths at age 16 years. We then assess the causal effects of attending General Further Education (GFE) colleges on education and labour market outcomes for this group. We use the Longitudinal Education Outcomes dataset, which comprises linked administrative education, employment and income records for the population of English school pupils aged 16 in 2011. To summarise complex post-16 education trajectories, we present Sankey charts stratified by indicators of disadvantage. We study the effects of attending GFE at age 17 on whether a pupil gains a Level 3 qualification by age 19, and their earnings and employment status at age 24. To estimate a causal impact, we use distance from home to the closest GFE college as an instrumental variable, controlling for a rich set of background characteristics. Our graphical results highlight the complexity of post-16 educational pathways and transitions, which are differentiated by disadvantage. Over 50% have GFE as their first post-16 destination. Results from instrumental variable analyses show a positive association between attending GFE and gaining a Level 3 qualification by age 19, among pupils who do not gain a “good” pass in the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) in either English and/or Maths. Restricting analyses to the bottom of the distribution – those who gain an E, F or G grade in both English and Maths - we do not detect an impact of GFE on qualifications at age 19. Among both subgroups, we do not detect any impact of attending GFE on earnings and employment at age 24 years. While the post-16 pathways taken by disadvantaged, lower-attaining pupils do increase qualification attainment for some, the value these have in the labour market appears limited. These results may indicate the importance of “soft-skills” and early employment experiences for this subgroup of lower-attainers

    Turbulent and Transitional Modeling of Drag on Oceanographic Measurement Devices

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    Computational fluid dynamic techniques have been applied to the determination of drag on oceanographic devices (expendable bathythermographs). Such devices, which are used to monitor changes in ocean heat content, provide information that is dependent on their drag coefficient. Inaccuracies in drag calculations can impact the estimation of ocean heating associated with global warming. Traditionally, ocean-heating information was based on experimental correlations which related the depth of the device to the fall time. The relation of time-depth is provided by a fall-rate equation (FRE). It is known that FRE depths are reasonably accurate for ocean environments that match the experiments from which the correlations were developed. For other situations, use of the FRE may lead to depth errors that preclude XBTs as accurate oceanographic devices. Here, a CFD approach has been taken which provides drag coefficients that are used to predict depths independent of an FRE

    Shifts in Species Interactions Due to the Evolution of Functional Differences between Endemics and Non-Endemics: An Endemic Syndrome Hypothesis

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    Species ranges have been shifting since the Pleistocene, whereby fragmentation, isolation, and the subsequent reduction in gene flow have resulted in local adaptation of novel genotypes and the repeated evolution of endemic species. While there is a wide body of literature focused on understanding endemic species, very few studies empirically test whether or not the evolution of endemics results in unique function or ecological differences relative to their widespread congeners; in particular while controlling for environmental variation. Using a common garden composed of 15 Eucalyptus species within the subgenus Symphyomyrtus (9 endemic to Tasmania, 6 non-endemic), here we hypothesize and show that endemic species are functionally and ecologically different from non-endemics. Compared to non-endemics, endemic Eucalyptus species have a unique suite of functional plant traits that have extended effects on herbivores. We found that while endemics occupy many diverse habitats, they share similar functional traits potentially resulting in an endemic syndrome of traits. This study provides one of the first empirical datasets analyzing the functional differences between endemics and non-endemics in a common garden setting, and establishes a foundation for additional studies of endemic/non-endemic dynamics that will be essential for understanding global biodiversity in the midst of rapid species extinctions and range shifts as a consequence of global change

    Scenarios of domain pattern formation in a reaction-diffusion system

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    We performed an extensive numerical study of a two-dimensional reaction-diffusion system of the activator-inhibitor type in which domain patterns can form. We showed that both multidomain and labyrinthine patterns may form spontaneously as a result of Turing instability. In the stable homogeneous system with the fast inhibitor one can excite both localized and extended patterns by applying a localized stimulus. Depending on the parameters and the excitation level of the system stripes, spots, wriggled stripes, or labyrinthine patterns form. The labyrinthine patterns may be both connected and disconnected. In the the stable homogeneous system with the slow inhibitor one can excite self-replicating spots, breathing patterns, autowaves and turbulence. The parameter regions in which different types of patterns are realized are explained on the basis of the asymptotic theory of instabilities for patterns with sharp interfaces developed by us in Phys. Rev. E. 53, 3101 (1996). The dynamics of the patterns observed in our simulations is very similar to that of the patterns forming in the ferrocyanide-iodate-sulfite reaction.Comment: 15 pages (REVTeX), 15 figures (postscript and gif), submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Doing gender locally: The importance of ‘place’ in understanding marginalised masculinities and young men’s transitions to ‘safe’ and successful futures

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    Observable anxieties have been developing about the position of boys and young men in contemporary society in recent years. This is expressed as a crisis of masculinity, in which place is often implicitly implicated, but is rarely considered for its role in the shaping of young men’s practices, trajectories and aspirations. Drawing on research conducted with young people who accessed a range of social care support services, this article argues that transition means different things for young men in different locales and that local definitions of masculinity are required to better understand young men’s lives and the opportunities available to them. The authors argue that home life, street life, individual neighbourhoods, regions and nations all shaped the young men’s identities and the practices they (and the staff working with them) drew on in order to create successful futures and ‘safe’ forms of masculinity. It is suggested that this place-based approach has the potential to re-shape the ‘crisis’ discourse surrounding masculinity and the anxieties associated with young men

    Serum biochemistry panels in African buffalo: Defining reference intervals and assessing variability across season, age and sex

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    Serum biochemical parameters can be utilized to evaluate the physiological status of an animal, and relate it to the animal’s health. In order to accurately interpret individual animal biochemical results, species-specific reference intervals (RI) must be established. Reference intervals for biochemical parameters differ between species, and physiological differences including reproductive status, nutritional resource availability, disease status, and age affect parameters within the same species. The objectives of this study were to (1) establish RI for biochemical parameters in managed African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), (2) assess the effects of age, sex, pregnancy, and season on serum biochemistry values, and (3) compare serum biochemistry values from a managed herd to a free-ranging buffalo herd and to values previously published for captive (zoo) buffalo. Season profoundly affected all biochemistry parameters, possibly due to changes in nutrition and disease exposure. Age also affected all biochemical parameters except gamma glutamyl transferase and magnesium, consistent with patterns seen in cattle. Sex and reproductive status had no detectable effects on the parameters that were measured. The biochemical profiles of managed buffalo were distinct from those observed in the free-ranging herd and captive buffalo. Biochemical differences between buffalo from captive, managed, and free-ranging populations may be related to nutritional restriction or lack of predation in the context of management or captivity. The reference intervals provided in this study, in addition to the seasonal and age-related patterns observed, provide a foundation for health investigations that may inform management strategies in this ecologically and economically important species

    Charge-qubit operation of an isolated double quantum dot

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    We have investigated coherent time evolution of pseudo-molecular states of an isolated (leadless) silicon double quantum-dot, where operations are carried out via capacitively-coupled elements. Manipulation is performed by short pulses applied to a nearby gate, and measurement is performed by a single-electron transistor. The electrical isolation of this qubit results in a significantly longer coherence time than previous reports for semiconductor charge qubits realized in artificial molecules.Comment: 4 journal pages, 4 figures, Lette

    Development and analytical performance of an automated screening method for cannabinoids on the Dimension clinical chemistry system

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    A fully automated, random access method for the determination of cannabinoids (UTHC) was developed for the Dimension AR and XL clinical chemistry systems. The method utilizes Abuscreen ONLINE reagents and a multianalyte liquid calibrator containing 11-nor-Δ9-THC-9-carboxylic acid. Within-run and total reproducibility, determined using NCCLS protocol EP5- T2, was less than 0.6% and 1.6% CV, respectively, at all concentrations. Calibration stability was retained for at least 30 days. An extensive evaluation of non-structurally related drugs and various physiological substances indicated lack of interference in the method. No sample carry-over was observed following a specimen containing 1886 ng/ml 11-nor-Δ9-THC-9-carboxylic acid. A 99.1% agreement (N = 445 samples) was found between an EMIT based method on the aca discrete clinical analyser and the Dimension UTHC method

    The complications of ‘hiring a hubby’: gender relations and the commoditisation of home maintenance in New Zealand

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    This paper examines the commoditization of traditionally male domestic tasks through interviews with handymen who own franchises in the company ‘Hire a Hubby’ in New Zealand and homeowners who have paid for home repair tasks to be done. Discussions of the commoditization of traditionally female tasks in the home have revealed the emotional conflicts of paying others to care as well as the exploitative and degrading conditions that often arise when work takes place behind closed doors. By examining the working conditions and relationships involved when traditionally male tasks are paid for, this paper raises important questions about the valuing of reproductive labour and the production of gendered identities. The paper argues that while working conditions and rates of pay for ‘hubbies’ are better than those for people undertaking commoditized forms of traditionally female domestic labour, the negotiation of this work is still complex and implicated in gendered relations and identities. Working on the home was described by interviewees as an expression of care for family and a performance of the ‘right’ way to be a ‘Kiwi bloke’ and a father. Paying others to do this labour can imply a failure in a duty of care and in the performance of masculinity

    Intra-Arterial Combination Therapy for Experimental Acute Ischemic Stroke

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    Acute ischemic stroke continues to devastate millions of individuals worldwide. Current treatments work to restore blood flow but not rescue affected tissue. Our goal was to develop a combination of neuroprotective agents administered intra-arterially following recanalization to target ischemic tissue. Using C57Bl/6J male mice, we performed tandem transient ipsilateral middle cerebral/common carotid artery occlusion, followed by immediate intra-arterial pharmacotherapy administration through a standardized protocol. Two pharmacotherapy agents, verapamil and lubeluzole, were selected based on their potential to modulate different aspects of the ischemic cascade; verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, works in an acute fashion blocking L-type calcium channels, whereas lubeluzole, an N-methyl-D-aspartate modulator, works in a delayed fashion blocking intracellular glutamate trafficking. We hypothesized that combination therapy would provide complimentary and potentially synergistic benefit treating brain tissue undergoing various stages of injury. Physiological measurements for heart rate and pulse distention (blood pressure) demonstrated no detrimental effects between groups, suggesting that the combination drug administration is safe. Tissue analysis demonstrated a significant difference between combination and control (saline) groups in infarct volume, neuronal health, and astrogliosis. Although a significant difference in functional outcome was not observed, we did note that the combination treatment group had a greater percent change from baseline in forced motor movement as compared with controls. This study demonstrates the safety and feasibility of intra-arterial combination therapy following successful recanalization and warrants further study