495 research outputs found

    Lingvocultural Types in the British Language Picture of the World

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    One of the mainstreams in linguistics at the end of the XXth - beginning of the XXIst century is a linguocultural modeling of linguistic consciousness and communicative behaviour, i.e. the creation of a certain linguocultural archetype. By itself, the term "linguocultural archetype" is an interdisciplinary concept of cultural linguistics, linguistic conceptology and linguistic personology. The authors of the paper consider a linguocultural archetype, on the one hand, as a set of indicators, which make it possible to find a recognizable image of some individual, and on the other hand, reveal the features typical for a social or ethnic group, which is a binding basis for the archetype. The linguocultural archetypes presented in the paper are considered as typified individuals from a certain ethno-social group; they are recognisable by their characteristic features of verbal and non-verbal behaviour and value orientation in the society. The paper deals with conceptual, figurative, value and associative features of British linguocultural archetypes such as "English policeman", and "knocker up".The important indicators of linguocultural archetypes in cognitive consciousness of people are recurrence, associativity and textuality. The recognisability of the linguocultural archetypes "English policeman" and "knocker up" is stipulated by the mentioning of these professions in films, works of writers and artists, as well as in mass media materials

    Transformation of museum product

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    Today, each museum needs to develop an active strategy of market development, which is preceded by a comprehensive analysis of potential consumers of the museum product, on the basis of which the directions of development will be proposed. The conducted research allowed us to reveal a number of problems which are connected with necessity of transformation of the museum product providing satisfaction of visitor’s requirements and, at the same time, increase in the income of the museu

    Analyzing the independent tourism development in Belgorod on the basis of queries

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    The analysis of the demand for tourist attractions in Belgorod is based on user requests in Yandex. The demand for tourist attractions in Belgorod is stabl

    Problems and prospects of development of ecological tourism in Ireland

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    The paper presents the research on the development of ecological tourism in Ireland. The basic directions and problems of development of ecotourism. Income from ecotourism in the country was analyzed in the article, as well as the model for the attraction of tourists to Irelan

    The infrastructure of public catering in the context of tourist city space development

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    To assess the impact of environmental factors on the activities of catering enterprises of the Belgorod region and the quality of customer service, the authors proposed a method using STEP-analysis and SWOT-analysis. The analysis of environmental factors was carried out on the basis of the expert evaluation results conducted in two stage

    Sociological diagnostics of crowdsourcing technology in the practice of regional management

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    The article proposes a methodology for identifying and analyzing the technology of crowdsourcing, examines the main stages of the formation, and analyzes the implementation of crowdsourcing technology into the practice of regional managemen

    Reference information in integral anamnesis development

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    The article is devoted to semantic content of integral anamnesis - basic part of national integrated electronic health record. Integral anamnesis is a formalized set of the most important clinical data of a patient aimed at safety and continuous medical care both emergency and elective care. A short review of international projects of implementation and trans border exchange of key information about a patient is presented. Information content of integral anamnesis is presented which is developed in our country and includes 15 main sections: disability, benefits, social factors, addiction and occupational hazards, significant vital parameters, blood types and rhesus factor, pathological reactions, vaccination and immunization, epidemiological anamnesis, significant (dispensary) diseases, surgical interventions, medical devices and implants, pregnancies and deliveries, current medications and non-drug treatment. Administration, structure, problems, readiness of reference materials for coding of information presented in integral anamnesis are described. At the moment most of the necessary reference materials are finished and available on the portal of normative-reference information of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (http://nsi.rosminzdrav.ru/): 20 basic and 7 additional ones. At the current stage it provides interoperability of medical information systems in integral anamnesis. Such time-consuming reference books as surgical interventions, instrumental diagnostic studies, federal reference book of medications are being actively developed. The section «Epidemiological anamnesis of a patient» stays practically unformalized. The first step in this direction is development of a reference book of immunobiological medications for specific prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment. The aim of the study of semantic interoperability for integral anamnesis was reached by development of 27 reference books posted on the federal portal of normative-reference information of the Ministry of Health of Russia; the next stage should be development of technologies of formation and upgrade of the information of integral anamnesis

    Sleep disorders and their relation to injuries among young elite soccer players

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    Aim: to study the quality of sleep and the relationship between sleep disorders and injury among young elite soccer players.Methods: the study summarizes data from relevant questionnaires obtained through anonymous cohort testing of 236 male football players from leading football academies, two farm teams of leading Russian Premier League clubs and three national youth teams.Results: the average sleep duration in the study participants was 9 hours. The prevalence of sleep disorders was 7 % (PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) and 10 % (ASBQ, Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire) and among the youngest soccer players, this prevalence of violations was the lowest. Significant or moderate daytime sleepiness was found in 59 % of participants. The risk of serious disorders increased with age. Sleep disorders significantly affected injuries according to the results of the PSQI questionnaire and retrospective collection of information about injuries.Conclusion: the confirmed relationship between injuries and sleep disorders allows us to consider sleep quality improvement as an important component of injury and morbidity prevention among athletes of team sports