132 research outputs found

    Transport Properties of Multiple Quantum Dots Arranged in Parallel: Results from the Bethe Ansatz

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    In this paper we analyze transport through a double dot system connected to two external leads. Imagining each dot possessing a single active level, we model the system through a generalization of the Anderson model. We argue that this model is exactly solvable when certain constraints are placed upon the dot Coulomb charging energy, the dot-lead hybridization, and the value of the applied gate voltage. Using this exact solvability, we access the zero temperature linear response conductance both in and out of the presence of a Zeeman field. We are also able to study the finite temperature linear response conductance. We focus on universal behaviour and identify three primary features in the transport of the dots: i) a so-called RKKY Kondo effect; ii) a standard Kondo effect; and iii) interference phenomena leading to sharp variations in the conductance including conductance zeros. We are able to use the exact solvability of the dot model to characterize these phenomena quantitatively. While here we primarily consider a double dot system, the approach adopted applies equally well to N-dot systems.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures; references added in v

    Purely transmitting integrable defects

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    Some aspects of integrable field theories possessing purely transmitting defects are described. The main example is the sine-Gordon model and several striking features of a classical field theory containing one or more defects are pointed out. Similar features appearing in the associated quantum field theory are also reviewed briefly.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the XVth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, Prague, June 200

    Doped Spin Liquid: Luttinger Sum Rule and Low Temperature Order

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    We analyze a model of two-leg Hubbard ladders weakly coupled by interladder tunneling. At half filling a semimetallic state with small Fermi pockets is induced beyond a threshold tunneling strength. The sign changes in the single electron Green's function relevant for the Luttinger Sum Rule now take place at surfaces with both zeroes and infinities with important consequences for the interpretation of ARPES experiments. Residual interactions between electron and hole-like quasi-particles cause a transition to long range order at low temperatures. The theory can be extended to small doping leading to superconducting order.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Scattering Theory of Oscillator Defects in an Optical Fiber

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    We examine harmonic oscillator defects coupled to a photon field in the environs of an optical fiber. Using techniques borrowed or extended from the theory of two dimensional quantum fields with boundaries and defects, we are able to compute exactly a number of interesting quantities. We calculate the scattering S-matrices (i.e. the reflection and transmission amplitudes) of the photons off a single defect. We determine using techniques derived from thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) the thermodynamic potentials of the interacting photon-defect system. And we compute several correlators of physical interest. We find the photon occupancy at finite temperature, the spontaneous emission spectrum from the decay of an excited state, and the correlation functions of the defect degrees of freedom. In an extension of the single defect theory, we find the photonic band structure that arises from a periodic array of harmonic oscillators. In another extension, we examine a continuous array of defects and exactly derive its dispersion relation. With some differences, the spectrum is similar to that found for EM wave propagation in covalent crystals. We then add to this continuum theory isolated defects, so as to obtain a more realistic model of defects embedded in a frequency dependent dielectric medium. We do this both with a single isolated defect and with an array of isolated defects, and so compute how the S-matrices and the band structure change in a dynamic medium.Comment: 32 pages, TeX with harvmac macros, three postscript figure

    Duality approach to one-dimensional degenerate electronic systems

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    We investigate the possible classification of zero-temperature spin-gapped phases of multicomponent electronic systems in one spatial dimension. At the heart of our analysis is the existence of non-perturbative duality symmetries which emerge within a low-energy description. These dualities fall into a finite number of classes that can be listed and depend only on the algebraic properties of the symmetries of the system: its physical symmetry group and the maximal continuous symmetry group of the interaction. We further characterize possible competing orders associated to the dualities and discuss the nature of the quantum phase transitions between them. Finally, as an illustration, the duality approach is applied to the description of the phases of two-leg electronic ladders for incommensurate filling.Comment: 53 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Haldane Gapped Spin Chains: Exact Low Temperature Expansions of Correlation Functions

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    We study both the static and dynamic properties of gapped, one-dimensional, Heisenberg, anti-ferromagnetic, spin chains at finite temperature through an analysis of the O(3) non-linear sigma model. Exploiting the integrability of this theory, we are able to compute an exact low temperature expansion of the finite temperature correlators. We do so using a truncated `form-factor' expansion and so provide evidence that this technique can be successfully extended to finite temperature. As a direct test, we compute the static zero-field susceptibility and obtain an exact match to the susceptibility derived from the low temperature expansion of the exact free energy. We also study transport properties, computing both the spin conductance and the NMR-relaxation rate, 1/T_1. We find these quantities to show ballistic behaviour. In particular, the computed spin conductance exhibits a non-zero Drude weight at finite temperature and zero applied field. The physics thus described differs from the spin diffusion reported by Takigawa et al. from experiments on the Haldane gap material, AgVP_2S_6.Comment: 51 pages, 5 figure

    Applications of quantum integrable systems

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    We present two applications of quantum integrable systems. First, we predict that it is possible to generate high harmonics from solid state devices by demostrating that the emission spectrum for a minimally coupled laser field of frequency ω\omega to an impurity system of a quantum wire, contains multiples of the incoming frequency. Second, evaluating expressions for the conductance in the high temperature regime we show that the caracteristic filling fractions of the Jain sequence, which occur in the fractional quantum Hall effect, can be obtained from quantum wires which are described by minimal affine Toda field theories.Comment: 25 pages of LaTex, 4 figures, based on talk at the 6-th international workshop on conformal field theories and integrable models, (Chernogolovka, September 2002

    Finite temperature dynamics of the Anderson model

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    The recently introduced local moment approach (LMA) is extended to encompass single-particle dynamics and transport properties of the Anderson impurity model at finite-temperature, T. While applicable to arbitrary interaction strengths, primary emphasis is given to the strongly correlated Kondo regime (characterized by the T=0 Kondo scale ωK\omega_{\rm K}). In particular the resultant universal scaling behaviour of the single-particle spectrum D(\omega; T) \equiv F(\frac{\w}{\omega_{\rm K}}; \frac{T}{\omega_{\rm K}}) within the LMA is obtained in closed form; leading to an analytical description of the thermal destruction of the Kondo resonance on all energy scales. Transport properties follow directly from a knowledge of D(ω;T)D(\omega; T). The T/ωKT / \omega_{\rm K}-dependence of the resulting resistivity ρ(T)\rho(T), which is found to agree rather well with numerical renormalization group calculations, is shown to be asymptotically exact at high temperatures; to concur well with the Hamann approximation for the s-d model down to T/ωK1T/\omega_{\rm K} \sim 1, and to cross over smoothly to the Fermi liquid form ρ(T)ρ(0)(T/ωK)2\rho (T) - \rho (0) \propto -(T/\omega_{\rm K})^2 in the low-temperature limit. The underlying approach, while naturally approximate, is moreover applicable to a broad range of quantum impurity and related models

    Haldane-Gapped Spin Chains as Luttinger Liquids: Correlation Functions at Finite Field

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    We study the behavior of Heisenberg, antiferromagnetic, integer-spin chains in the presence of a magnetic field exceeding the attendant spin gap. For temperatures much smaller than the gap, the spin chains exhibit Luttinger liquid behavior. We compute exactly both the corresponding Luttinger parameter and the Fermi velocity as a function of magnetic field. This enables the computation of a number of correlators from which we derive the spin conductance, the expected form of the dynamic structure factor relevant to inelastic neutron scattering experiments, and NMR relaxation rates. We also comment upon the robustness of the magnetically induced gapless phase both to finite temperature and finite couplings between neighbouring chains.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures; published version includes additions discussing the robustness of the magnetically induced gapless phase to ordering between chains as well as the relationship between the spin-1 chains and spin-1/2 ladders in the presence of a magnetic fiel

    The sine-Gordon model with integrable defects revisited

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    Application of our algebraic approach to Liouville integrable defects is proposed for the sine-Gordon model. Integrability of the model is ensured by the underlying classical r-matrix algebra. The first local integrals of motion are identified together with the corresponding Lax pairs. Continuity conditions imposed on the time components of the entailed Lax pairs give rise to the sewing conditions on the defect point consistent with Liouville integrability.Comment: 24 pages Latex. Minor modifications, added comment