218 research outputs found

    Supplemental linseed oil and antioxidants affect fatty acid composition, oxidation and colour stability of frozen pork

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of dietary linseed oil and antioxidants on the quality of fresh and frozen pork neck stored at -20 °C for six and 12 months. Polish Landrace x Duroc pigs were fed a standard diet (C), a diet supplemented with 3% linseed oil (L1), or a diet with 3% of linseed oil, 1 mg organic selenium (SE)/kg, and 100 mg vitamin E/kg (L2). Chemical components, fatty acid profile and vitamin E content were determined in the fresh meat. Colour, pH and change in the profiles of certain volatile compounds (alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and esters) were monitored during frozen storage. An electronic nose technique, which was based on ultra-fast gas chromatography, was used to evaluate changes in the profiles of the volatile compounds. After six months of frozen storage, oxidative processes were slower and similar in groups L1 and L2, but less so in meat from C. In pork that was stored for six months, lipid oxidation was not affected by supplementation only with linseed oil (L1). After 12 months of frozen storage, a reduced rate of increase in alcohols, aldehydes and ketones was observed in pork from L2 relative to L1 and C. Lipid oxidation processes in long-stored frozen pork neck were inhibited by the addition of antioxidants to L2. However, a total colour change (ΔE*) of the pork from L1 and L2 was found during storage, which might influence consumers’ decisions to purchase the product.Keywords: colour, fatty acids, freezing, meat quality, volatile component

    Molecular characterization of polish blueberry red ringspot virus isolate

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    In this study, we determined the complete sequence of the genomic DNA of a Polish isolate of Blueberry red ringspot virus (BRRSV24) and compared it with a Czech (Darrow 5), and the US isolates of the virus and those of other Caulimoviridae family. The genomic DNA of BRRSV24 consists of 8,265 nucleotides and encodes eight open reading frames (ORFs). The sequence homologies of the eight ORFs of BRRSV24 were from 95 to 98% in respect of Darrow 5 and from 91 to 98% in respect of the US isolates at the amino acid level. This high level of amino acid sequence identity within the coding regions among the Czech, the US and Polish BRRSV isolates is suggestive of their common origin

    Anatomical classification of the shape and topography of the operated stomach

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    The aim of the study was to present the classification of anatomical variances of the operated stomach, based on the radiological and historical data. Different anatomical variations of the operated organ were revealed in 431 out of 2034 patients examined in years 2006-2010. Four primary groups were established: abnormal position along longitudinal (I) and horizontal axis (II), as well as abnormal shape (III) and stomach connections (IV). An additional group (V) encloses mixed forms that connect features of two or more primary groups. The first group contains the partial and total translocation of the stomach into the thoracic cavity after the partial or total esophagectomy. Depends on the applied surgical techniques used during the total esophagectomy, the stomach could be located in the front or back to the pericardial sac. An elongated and gestrectatical form often with signs of pylorostenosis is visible in patients treated by the vagotomy. The consequences of fundoplication included: lack or narrow cardiac angle, and often mild form of the stomach cascade. The most common abnormal shape of the stomach was secondary to the gastrectomy and gastric bending. The final organ shape depends on the type of applied surgical procedure that maintains physiological connection with the duodenum or un-anatomical one, mostly with the jejunal loop. In banding, the body of the stomach forms hourglass on the level of the artificial adjustable band, typically fitted for the surgical slim purpose

    Dual-Phase Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Strain Correction

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    Purpose In this work we present a dual-phase diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) technique that incorporates a correction scheme for the cardiac material strain, based on 3D myocardial tagging. Methods: In vivo dual-phase cardiac DTI with a stimulated echo approach and 3D tagging was performed in 10 healthy volunteers. The time course of material strain was estimated from the tagging data and used to correct for strain effects in the diffusion weighted acquisition. Mean diffusivity, fractional anisotropy, helix, transverse and sheet angles were calculated and compared between systole and diastole, with and without strain correction. Data acquired at the systolic sweet spot, where the effects of strain are eliminated, served as a reference. Results: The impact of strain correction on helix angle was small. However, large differences were observed in the transverse and sheet angle values, with and without strain correction. The standard deviation of systolic transverse angles was significantly reduced from 35.9±3.9° to 27.8°±3.5° (p<0.001) upon strain-correction indicating more coherent fiber tracks after correction. Myocyte aggregate structure was aligned more longitudinally in systole compared to diastole as reflected by an increased transmural range of helix angles (71.8°±3.9° systole vs. 55.6°±5.6°, p<0.001 diastole). While diastolic sheet angle histograms had dominant counts at high sheet angle values, systolic histograms showed lower sheet angle values indicating a reorientation of myocyte sheets during contraction. Conclusion: An approach for dual-phase cardiac DTI with correction for material strain has been successfully implemented. This technique allows assessing dynamic changes in myofiber architecture between systole and diastole, and emphasizes the need for strain correction when sheet architecture in the heart is imaged with a stimulated echo approach

    Study of shock waves generation, hot electron production and role of parametric instabilities in an intensity regime relevant for the shock ignition

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    We present experimental results at intensities relevant to Shock Ignition obtained at the sub-ns Prague Asterix Laser System in 2012 . We studied shock waves produced by laser-matter interaction in presence of a pre-plasma. We used a first beam at 1ω (1315 nm) at 7 × 10 13 W/cm 2 to create a pre-plasma on the front side of the target and a second at 3ω (438 nm) at ∼ 10 16 W/cm 2 to create the shock wave. Multilayer targets composed of 25 (or 40 μm) of plastic (doped with Cl), 5 μm of Cu (for Kα diagnostics) and 20 μm of Al for shock measurement were used. We used X-ray spectroscopy of Cl to evaluate the plasma temperature, Kα imaging and spectroscopy to evaluate spatial and spectral properties of the fast electrons and a streak camera for shock breakout measurements. Parametric instabilities (Stimulated Raman Scattering, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and Two Plasmon Decay) were studied by collecting the back scattered light and analysing its spectrum. Back scattered energy was measured with calorimeters. To evaluate the maximum pressure reached in our experiment we performed hydro simulations with CHIC and DUED codes. The maximum shock pressure generated in our experiment at the front side of the target during laser-interaction is 90 Mbar. The conversion efficiency into hot electrons was estimated to be of the order of ∼ 0.1% and their mean energy in the order ∼50 keV. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distributio

    Screening of antioxidant properties of the apple juice using the front-face synchronous fluorescence and chemometrics

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    Fluorescence spectroscopy is gaining increasing attention in food analysis due to its higher sensitivity and selectivity as compared to other spectroscopic techniques. Synchronous scanning fluorescence technique is particularly useful in studies of multi-fluorophoric food samples, providing a further improvement of selectivity by reduction in the spectral overlapping and suppressing light-scattering interferences. Presently, we study the feasibility of the prediction of the total phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity using front-face synchronous fluorescence spectra of apple juices. Commercial apple juices from different product ranges were studied. Principal component analysis (PCA) applied to the unfolded synchronous fluorescence spectra was used to compare the fluorescence of the entire sample set. The regression analysis was performed using partial least squares (PLS1 and PLS2) methods on the unfolded total synchronous and on the single-offset synchronous fluorescence spectra. The best calibration models for all of the studied parameters were obtained using the PLS1 method for the single-offset synchronous spectra. The models for the prediction of the total flavonoid content had the best performance; the optimal model was obtained for the analysis of the synchronous fluorescence spectra at Delta lambda = 110 nm (R (2) = 0.870, residual predictive deviation (RPD) = 2.7). The optimal calibration models for the prediction of the total phenolic content (Delta lambda = 80 nm, R (2) = 0.766, RPD = 2.0) and the total antioxidant capacity (Delta lambda = 70 nm, R (2) = 0.787, RPD = 2.1) had only an approximate predictive ability. These results demonstrate that synchronous fluorescence could be a useful tool in fast semi-quantitative screening for the antioxidant properties of the apple juices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ugi Multicomponent Reaction Based Synthesis of Medium-Sized Rings

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    An Ugi multicomponent reaction based two-step strategy was applied to generate medium-sized rings. In the first linear expansion phase, a series of diamines reacted with cyclic anhydrides to produce different lengths of terminal synthetic amino acids as the starting material for the second phase. The Ugi-4-center 3-component reaction was utilized to construct complex medium-sized rings (8-11) by the addition of isocyanides and oxo components. This method features mild conditions and a broad substrate scope

    Discovery of (R)-N-benzyl-2-(2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl)propanamide [(R)-AS-1], a novel orally bioavailable EAAT2 modulator with drug-like properties and potent antiseizure activity in vivo

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    [Image: see text] (R)-7 [(R)-AS-1] showed broad-spectrum antiseizure activity across in vivo mouse seizure models: maximal electroshock (MES), 6 Hz (32/44 mA), acute pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), and PTZ-kindling. A remarkable separation between antiseizure activity and CNS-related adverse effects was also observed. In vitro studies with primary glia cultures and COS-7 cells expressing the glutamate transporter EAAT2 showed enhancement of glutamate uptake, revealing a stereoselective positive allosteric modulator (PAM) effect, further supported by molecular docking simulations. (R)-7 [(R)-AS-1] was not active in EAAT1 and EAAT3 assays and did not show significant off-target activity, including interactions with targets reported for marketed antiseizure drugs, indicative of a novel and unprecedented mechanism of action. Both in vivo pharmacokinetic and in vitro absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, toxicity (ADME-Tox) profiles confirmed the favorable drug-like potential of the compound. Thus, (R)-7 [(R)-AS-1] may be considered as the first-in-class small-molecule PAM of EAAT2 with potential for further preclinical and clinical development in epilepsy and possibly other CNS disorders

    Anatomical classification of the shape and topography of the stomach

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    The aim of the study was to present the classification of anatomical variations of the stomach, based on the radiological and historical data. In years 2006–2010, 2,034 examinations of the upper digestive tract were performed. Normal stomach anatomy or different variations of the organ shape and/or topography without any organic radiologically detectable gastric lesions were revealed in 568 and 821 cases, respectively. Five primary groups were established: abnormal position along longitudinal (I) and horizontal axis (II), as well as abnormal shape (III) and stomach connections (IV) or mixed forms (V). The first group contains abnormalities most commonly observed among examined patients such as stomach rotation and translocation to the chest cavity, including sliding, paraesophageal, mixed-form and upside-down hiatal diaphragmatic hernias, as well as short esophagus, and the other diaphragmatic hernias, that were not found in the evaluated population. The second group includes the stomach cascade. The third and fourth groups comprise developmental variations and organ malformations that were not observed in evaluated patients. The last group (V) encloses mixed forms that connect two or more previous variations