7,572 research outputs found

    The Development of Empathy in Infants

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    Spontaneous Dissociation of 85Rb Feshbach Molecules

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    The spontaneous dissociation of 85Rb dimers in the highest lying vibrational level has been observed in the vicinity of the Feshbach resonance which was used to produce them. The molecular lifetime shows a strong dependence on magnetic field, varying by three orders of magnitude between 155.5 G and 162.2 G. Our measurements are in good agreement with theoretical predictions in which molecular dissociation is driven by inelastic spin relaxation. Molecule lifetimes of tens of milliseconds can be achieved close to resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Microlocal spectrum condition and Hadamard form for vector-valued quantum fields in curved spacetime

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    Some years ago, Radzikowski has found a characterization of Hadamard states for scalar quantum fields on a four-dimensional globally hyperbolic spacetime in terms of a specific form of the wavefront set of their two-point functions (termed `wavefront set spectrum condition'), thereby initiating a major progress in the understanding of Hadamard states and the further development of quantum field theory in curved spacetime. In the present work, we extend this important result on the equivalence of the wavefront set spectrum condition with the Hadamard condition from scalar fields to vector fields (sections in a vector bundle) which are subject to a wave-equation and are quantized so as to fulfill the covariant canonical commutation relations, or which obey a Dirac equation and are quantized according to the covariant anti-commutation relations, in any globally hyperbolic spacetime having dimension three or higher. In proving this result, a gap which is present in the published proof for the scalar field case will be removed. Moreover we determine the short-distance scaling limits of Hadamard states for vector-bundle valued fields, finding them to coincide with the corresponding flat-space, massless vacuum states.Comment: latex2e, 41 page

    Inhaltsverzeichnis zu Band IV der Zwingliana (Jahre 1921-1928

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    Residual entanglement of accelerated fermions is not nonlocal

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    We analyze the operational meaning of the residual entanglement in non-inertial fermionic systems in terms of the achievable violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality. We demonstrate that the quantum correlations of fermions, which were previously found to survive in the infinite acceleration limit, cannot be considered to be non-local. The entanglement shared by an inertial and an accelerated observer cannot be utilized for the violation of the CHSH inequality in case of high accelerations. Our results are shown to extend beyond the single mode approximation commonly used in the literature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor changes, reference and section headers adde

    Isosymmetric manifolds in form spaces and the normal deformations of polygonal forms

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    AbstractForm variations are described in an appropriately constructed form space F (typically an Rn), where every point of F represents a different form. Regarding the symmetries of the forms, F can be divided into disjunct isosymmetric manifolds, i.e., points, lines, surfaces, and volumes whose points correspond to forms with equal symmetries. These manifolds are derived from a symmetry analysis of possible deformations of the forms. This analysis is comparable to the construction of symmetry coordinates in a normal coordinate analysis of molecules and results in normal modes of deformation (“normal deformations”) of these forms. From the symmetry species of a normal deformation, the symmetry of the resulting form can be inferred. Transformation of the form space coordinates into normal coordinates (the differentials of which are the normal deformations) facilitates the description of the high-dimensional form spaces and can be made the basis of an easy symmetry diagnosis of forms. Furthermore, the problem of an ascent in symmetry by deformation is discussed

    Hardness of Exact Distance Queries in Sparse Graphs Through Hub Labeling

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    A distance labeling scheme is an assignment of bit-labels to the vertices of an undirected, unweighted graph such that the distance between any pair of vertices can be decoded solely from their labels. An important class of distance labeling schemes is that of hub labelings, where a node vGv \in G stores its distance to the so-called hubs SvVS_v \subseteq V, chosen so that for any u,vVu,v \in V there is wSuSvw \in S_u \cap S_v belonging to some shortest uvuv path. Notice that for most existing graph classes, the best distance labelling constructions existing use at some point a hub labeling scheme at least as a key building block. Our interest lies in hub labelings of sparse graphs, i.e., those with E(G)=O(n)|E(G)| = O(n), for which we show a lowerbound of n2O(logn)\frac{n}{2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}} for the average size of the hubsets. Additionally, we show a hub-labeling construction for sparse graphs of average size O(nRS(n)c)O(\frac{n}{RS(n)^{c}}) for some 0<c<10 < c < 1, where RS(n)RS(n) is the so-called Ruzsa-Szemer{\'e}di function, linked to structure of induced matchings in dense graphs. This implies that further improving the lower bound on hub labeling size to n2(logn)o(1)\frac{n}{2^{(\log n)^{o(1)}}} would require a breakthrough in the study of lower bounds on RS(n)RS(n), which have resisted substantial improvement in the last 70 years. For general distance labeling of sparse graphs, we show a lowerbound of 12O(logn)SumIndex(n)\frac{1}{2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}} SumIndex(n), where SumIndex(n)SumIndex(n) is the communication complexity of the Sum-Index problem over ZnZ_n. Our results suggest that the best achievable hub-label size and distance-label size in sparse graphs may be Θ(n2(logn)c)\Theta(\frac{n}{2^{(\log n)^c}}) for some 0<c<10<c < 1