176 research outputs found

    Aerosol Climatology Over Nile Delta Based on MODIS, MISR and OMI Satellite Data

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    Since 1999 Cairo and the Nile delta region have suffered from air pollution episodes called the “black cloud” during the fall season. These have been attributed to either burning of agriculture waste or long-range transport of desert dust. Here we present a detailed analysis of the optical and microphysical aerosol properties, based on satellite data. Monthly mean values of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550 nm were examined for the 10 yr period from 2000–2009. Significant monthly variability is observed in the AOD with maxima in April or May (_0.5) and October (_0.45), and a minimum in December and January (_0.2). Monthly mean values of UV Aerosol Index (UVAI) retrieved by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) for 4 yr (2005–2008) exhibit the same AOD pattern. The carbonaceous aerosols during the black cloud periods are confined to the planetary boundary layer (PBL), while dust aerosols exist over a wider range of altitudes, as shown by Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) aerosol profiles. The monthly climatology of Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) data show that the aerosols during the black cloud periods are spherical with a higher percentage of small and medium size particles, whereas the spring aerosols are mostly large non-spherical particles. All of the results show that the air quality in Cairo and the Nile delta region is subject to a complex mixture of air pollution types, especially in the fall season, when biomass burning contributes to a background of urban pollution and desert dust

    Coordination between arm and leg movements during locomotion

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    To evaluate the contrasting dynamical and biomechanical interpretations of the 2:1 frequency coordination between arm and leg movements that occurs at low walking velocities and the 1:1 frequency coordination that occurs at higher walking velocities, the authors conducted an experiment in which they quantified the effect of walking velocity on the stability of the frequency and phase coordination between the individual limb movements. Spectral analyses revealed the presence of 2:1 frequency coordination as a consistent feature of the data in only 3 out of 8 participants at walking velocities ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 km/h, in spite of the fact that the eigenfrequencies of the arms were rather similar across participants. The degree of interlimb coupling, as indexed by weighted coherence and variability of relative phase, was lower for the arm movements and for ipsilateral and diagonal combinations of arm and leg movements than for the leg movements. Furthermore, the coupling between all pairs of limb movements was found to increase with walking velocity, whereas no clear signs were observed that the switches from 2:1 to 1:1 frequency coordination and vice versa were preceded by loss of stability. Therefore, neither a purely biomechanical nor a purely dynamical model is optimally suited to explain these results. Instead, an integrative model involving elements of both approaches seems to be required

    Intelligent negotiation model for ubiquitous group decision scenarios

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    Supporting group decision-making in ubiquitous contexts is a complex task that must deal with a large amount of factors to succeed. Here we propose an approach for an intelligent negotiation model to support the group decision-making process specially designed for ubiquitous contexts. Our approach can be used by researchers that intend to include arguments, complex algorithms and agents' modelling in a negotiation model. It uses a social networking logic due to the type of communication employed by the agents and it intends to support the ubiquitous group decision-making process in a similar way to the real process, which simultaneously preserves the amount and quality of intelligence generated in face-to-face meetings. We propose a new look into this problematic by considering and defining strategies to deal with important points such as the type of attributes in the multicriteria problems, agents' reasoning and intelligent dialogues.This work has been supported by COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043, by National Funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within the Projects UID/CEC/00319/2013, UID/EEA/00760/2013, and the João Carneiro PhD grant with the reference SFRH/BD/89697/2012 and by Project MANTIS - Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (ECSEL JU Grant nr. 662189).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Widening of the genetic and clinical spectrum of Lamb-Shaffer syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder due to SOX5 haploinsufficiency

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    Purpose Lamb-Shaffer syndrome (LAMSHF) is a neurodevelopmental disorder described in just over two dozen patients with heterozygous genetic alterations involving SOX5, a gene encoding a transcription factor regulating cell fate and differentiation in neurogenesis and other discrete developmental processes. The genetic alterations described so far are mainly microdeletions. The present study was aimed at increasing our understanding of LAMSHF, its clinical and genetic spectrum, and the pathophysiological mechanisms involved. Methods Clinical and genetic data were collected through GeneMatcher and clinical or genetic networks for 41 novel patients harboring various types ofSOX5 alterations. Functional consequences of selected substitutions were investigated. Results Microdeletions and truncating variants occurred throughout SOX5. In contrast, most missense variants clustered in the pivotal SOX-specific high-mobility-group domain. The latter variants prevented SOX5 from binding DNA and promoting transactivation in vitro, whereas missense variants located outside the high-mobility-group domain did not. Clinical manifestations and severity varied among patients. No clear genotype-phenotype correlations were found, except that missense variants outside the high-mobility-group domain were generally better tolerated. Conclusions This study extends the clinical and genetic spectrum associated with LAMSHF and consolidates evidence that SOX5 haploinsufficiency leads to variable degrees of intellectual disability, language delay, and other clinical features

    Stereotaxical Infusion of Rotenone: A Reliable Rodent Model for Parkinson's Disease

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    A clinically-related animal model of Parkinson's disease (PD) may enable the elucidation of the etiology of the disease and assist the development of medications. However, none of the current neurotoxin-based models recapitulates the main clinical features of the disease or the pathological hallmarks, such as dopamine (DA) neuron specificity of degeneration and Lewy body formation, which limits the use of these models in PD research. To overcome these limitations, we developed a rat model by stereotaxically (ST) infusing small doses of the mitochondrial complex-I inhibitor, rotenone, into two brain sites: the right ventral tegmental area and the substantia nigra. Four weeks after ST rotenone administration, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity in the infusion side decreased by 43.7%, in contrast to a 75.8% decrease observed in rats treated systemically with rotenone (SYS). The rotenone infusion also reduced the DA content, the glutathione and superoxide dismutase activities, and induced alpha-synuclein expression, when compared to the contralateral side. This ST model displays neither peripheral toxicity or mortality and has a high success rate. This rotenone-based ST model thus recapitulates the slow and specific loss of DA neurons and better mimics the clinical features of idiopathic PD, representing a reliable and more clinically-related model for PD research

    Both Stereoselective (R)- and (S)-1-Methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline Enantiomers Protect Striatal Terminals Against Rotenone-Induced Suppression of Dopamine Release

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    1-Methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (1MeTIQ) is present in the human and rodent brain as a mixture of stereospecific (R)- and (S)-1MeTIQ enantiomers. The racemate, (R,S)-1MeTIQ, exhibits neuroprotective activity as shown in the earlier study by the authors, and In addition, it was suggested to play a crucial physiological role in the mammalian brain as an endogenous regulator of dopaminergic activity. In this article, we investigated the influence of stereospecific enantiomers of 1MeTIQ, (R)- and (S)-1MeTIQ (50 mg/kg i.p.) on rotenone-induced (3 mg/kg s.c.) behavioral and neurochemical changes in the rat. In behavioral study, in order to record dynamic motor function of rats, we measured locomotor activity using automated locomotor activity boxes. In biochemical studies, we analyzed in rat striatum the concentration of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites: intraneuronal DOPAC, extraneuronal 3-MT, and final HVA using HPLC with electrochemical detection. Otherwise, DA release was estimated by in vivo microdialysis study. The behavioral study has demonstrated that both acute and repeated (3 times) rotenone administration unimportantly depressed a basic locomotor activity in rat. (R)- and (S)-1MeTIQ stereoisomers (50 mg/kg i.p.) produced a modest behavioral activation both in naïve and rotenone-treated rats. The data from ex vivo neurochemical experiments have shown stereospecificity of 1MeTIQ enantiomers in respect of their effects on DA catabolism. (R)-1MeTIQ significantly increased both the level of the final DA metabolite, HVA (by about 70%), and the rate of DA metabolism (by 50%). In contrast to that, (S)-1MeTIQ significantly depressed DOPAC, HVA levels (by 60 and 40%, respectively), and attenuated the rate of DA metabolism (by about 60%). On the other hand, both the enantiomers increased the concentrations of DA and its extraneuronal metabolite, 3-MT in rat striatum. In vivo microdialysis study has shown that repeated but not acute administration of rotenone produced a deep and significant functional impairment of striatal DA release. Both (R)- and (S)- stereospecific enantiomers of 1MeTIQ antagonized rotenone-induced suppression of DA release; however, the effect of (R)-1MeTIQ was more strongly expressed in microdialysis study. In conclusion, we suggest that both chiral isomers of 1MeTIQ offer neuroprotection against rotenone-induced disturbances in the function of dopaminergic neurons and (R,S)-1MeTIQ will be useful as a drug with marked neuroprotective activity in the brain

    De Novo Truncating Mutations in WASF1 Cause Intellectual Disability with Seizures.

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    Next-generation sequencing has been invaluable in the elucidation of the genetic etiology of many subtypes of intellectual disability in recent years. Here, using exome sequencing and whole-genome sequencing, we identified three de novo truncating mutations in WAS protein family member 1 (WASF1) in five unrelated individuals with moderate to profound intellectual disability with autistic features and seizures. WASF1, also known as WAVE1, is part of the WAVE complex and acts as a mediator between Rac-GTPase and actin to induce actin polymerization. The three mutations connected by Matchmaker Exchange were c.1516C>T (p.Arg506Ter), which occurs in three unrelated individuals, c.1558C>T (p.Gln520Ter), and c.1482delinsGCCAGG (p.Ile494MetfsTer23). All three variants are predicted to partially or fully disrupt the C-terminal actin-binding WCA domain. Functional studies using fibroblast cells from two affected individuals with the c.1516C>T mutation showed a truncated WASF1 and a defect in actin remodeling. This study provides evidence that de novo heterozygous mutations in WASF1 cause a rare form of intellectual disability
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