76 research outputs found

    Збереження чистого довкілля - запорука світового розвитку

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    В стратегії національної безпеки кожної держави велика увага приділяється екологічній безпеці, а отже і екологічній політиці в цілому, адже вона полягає в цілеспрямованому впливі на навколишнє середовище і має на меті подолання існуючих екологічних проблем, збереження довкілля, забезпечення екологічної безпеки країни і захисту здоров’я людей, а також є стимулом державам відповідати екологічним стандартам світу так, як при вступі до будь-якої міжнародної організації або союзу, кожна країна стикається з рядом вимог, серед яких чільне місце посідають екологічні. The national security strategy of each country focuses on environmental safety, and environmental policy as a whole, because it is focused on the impact on the environment and aims to overcome current environmental problems, environmental protection, environmental security and people’s health protection as well as an incentive to States meet environmental standards in the world as for admission to any international organization, or union, each country faces a number of demands, including primary attention to environmental.Вознюк Євгенія Василівна - канд. політ наук, ст. викл. кафедри країнознавства і міжнародних відносин Східноєвропейського національного університету ім. Лесі Українк

    Formation of a tourism brand of Rostov region for foreign tourists

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    The authors of the article focus both on aspects of Linguocultural training of professionals to work with foreign tourists and on the problem of the choice of the tourism brand of Rostov Region, its historical stages, as well as the issue of the lack of a systematic approach to its formatio

    The choice of the medium sanation in the treatment of acute widespread purulent peritonitis by the method of laparostomy in combination with programmed of the abdominal cavity sanitation

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    The accumulated clinical experience and analysis of our own results of treatment of patients with severe forms of acute widespread purulent peritonitis, speaks about the growing urgency of this problem. The aim of this study was determination of the most optimal medium sanation during execution programs of the abdominal cavity sanitation in acute diffuse purulent peritonitis.Was studied the treatment results of 79 patients with severe forms of acute widespread purulent peritonitis. After laparotomy and performing a biopsy was conducted qualitative and quantitative morphological study of the inflammatory process in the peritoneum on the background of the landmark of the abdominal cavity sanitation of  two groups of patients with acute widespread purulent peritonitis before and after carrying out the programmatic sanitation of the abdominal cavity, using a solution of octenidine dihydrochloride and saline solution.In the result of study, authors came to the conclusion, that the application, as it seemed different sanation mediums do not affect on the basic morphometric parameters of the studied biopsies of the peritoneum after sanitation of abdominal cavity.This confirms the theory of "mechanical purification" of the abdominal cavity, and sanitation of the abdominal cavity does not depend on the qualitative composition of the sanation medium

    Variability of <i>phoP/phoQ</i> and <i>rovA</i> Genes Sequences - Global Regulators of the Plague Agent Life Span

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    Compared are the gene sequences of the global phoP/phoQ and rovA transcription regulators in original Yersinia pestis strains of different subtypes. Detected is overall identity of the sequenced phoQ fragment and high conservatism of the rovA gene. All the plague agent strains belonging to the main subspecies have a missense mutation in phoP gene. It is a substitution of a single nucleotide G→A in the position 643 from the beginning of the gene, which causes amino-acid residue shift Gly→Ser in the position 215 in polypeptide chain of the PhopP protein, and, is a possible cause of alteration of the PhoP transcription activity in Yersinia pestis strains belonging to the main subspecies

    An open-label, multicentre, randomized comparative study of efficacy,safety and tolerability of the 5 plant - extract BNO 1012 in the Delayed Antibiotic Prescription Method in children, aged 6 to 11 years with acute viral and post-viral rhinosinusitis

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    Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) can be characterized as bacterial (ABRS) and require antibiotic therapy only in 0.5–5% of cases. In most cases, the disease is in a viral and post-viral form, which requires pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment. The study objective was to determine the efficacy of BNO 1012 extract in the technology of delayed antibiotic prescribing in children with acute rhinosinusitis. Methods: 292 children aged 6 to 11 years with ARS were randomized in the multicenter, comparative study. They received an extract of five medicinal plants in addition to standard symptomatic therapy or standard therapy only. Evaluation criteria: reduction of the sinusitis severity according to a 4-point medical assessment scale (nasal congestion, severity of anterior and posterior rhinorrhea) at each visit, dynamics of self-scoring of rhinorrhea and headache (according to a 10-point visual analogue scale), “therapeutic benefit” in days, frequency of an- tibiotic prescriptions due to the use of an extract of five plants. Results: The use of the 5-plant extract BNO 1012 in addition to the standard symptomatic treatment of acute rhinosinusitis provides a clinically significant, adequate reduction in the severity of rhinorrhea, nasal congestion and post-nasal drip, assessed by a physician at V2 (p < 0.005). Significant differences are noted in the patient's self-scoring of rhinorrhea on the second or third day in viral RS, and from the fourth to the eighth day in post- viral RS. Symptoms of similar intensity in control group were observed at V3. Thus, in the first week of treat- ment, the treatment group compared to the control one showed a “therapeutic benefit” of three days. The use of BNO 1012 in patients with acute rhinosinusitis can 1.81-fold reduce the prescription of antibacterial drugs. Conclusion: The combination of five medicinal plants is effective for the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis in children aged 6 to 11 years. Its use provides a significant “therapeutic benefit” when administered in addition to standard symptomatic therapy, reducing the need for antibiotic use