273 research outputs found

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    Hydrodynamical Survey of First Overtone Cepheids

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    A hydrodynamical survey of the pulsational properties of first overtone Galactic Cepheids is presented. The goal of this study is to reproduce their observed light- and radial velocity curves. The comparison between the models and the observations is made in a quantitative manner on the level of the Fourier coefficients. Purely radiative models fail to reproduce the observed features, but convective models give good agreement. It is found that the sharp features in the Fourier coefficients are indeed caused by the P1/P4 = 2 resonance, despite the very large damping of the 4th overtone. For the adopted mass-luminosity relation the resonance center lies near a period of 4.2d +/- 0.2 as indicated by the observed radial velocity data, rather than near 3.2d as the light-curves suggest.Comment: ApJ, 12 pages, (slightly) revise

    Li abundance/surface activity connections in solar-type Pleiades

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    The relation between the lithium abundance, <i>A<sub>Li</sub></i>, and photospheric activity of solar-type Pleiads is investigated for the first time via acquisition and analysis of B and V-band data. Predictions of activity levels of target stars were made according to the <i>A<sub>Li</sub></i>/ (B-V) relation and then compared with new CCD photometric measurements. Six sources behaved according to the predictions while one star (HII 676), with low predicted activity, exhibited the largest variability of the study; another star (HII 3197), with high predicted activity, was surprisingly quiet. Two stars displayed non-periodic fadings, this being symptomatic of orbiting disk-like structures with irregular density distributions. Although the observation windows were not ideal for rotational period detection, some periodograms provided possible values; the light-curve obtained for HII 1532 is consistent with that previously recorded

    Four-colour photometry of eclipsing binaries. XL, uvby light curves for the B-type systems DW Carinae, BF Centauri, AC Velorum, and NSV 5783

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    Aims. In order to increase the limited number of B-stars with accurately known dimensions, and also the number of well studied eclipsing binaries in open clusters, we have undertaken observations and studies of four southern double-lined eclipsing B-type binaries; DWCar, BF Cen, ACVel, and NSV 5783. Methods. Complete uvby light curves were observed between January 1982 and April 1991 at the Danish 0.5 m telescope at ESO La Silla, since 1985 known as the Strömgren Automatic Telescope (SAT). Standard indices for the systems and the comparison stars,as well as additional minima observations for ACVel, have been obtained later at SAT. For DWCar and ACVel, high-resolution spectra for definitive spectroscopic orbits have also been obtained; they are presented as part of the detailed analyses of these systems. A few spectra of NSV 5783 are included in the present paper. Results. For all four systems, the first modern accurate light curves have been established. DWCar is a detached system consisting of two nearly identical components. It is member of the young open cluster Cr228. A detailed analysis, based on the new light curves and 29 high-resolution spectra, is published separately. BFCen is semidetached and is member of NGC 3766. Modern spectra are needed for a detailed study. ACVel is a detached system with at least one more star. A full analysis, based on the new light curves and 18 high-resolution spectra, is published separately. NSV 5783 is discovered to be an eclipsing binary consisting of two well-detached components in an 11-day period eccentric (e = 0.18) orbit. Secondary eclipse is practically total. From the light curves and a few high-resolution spectra, accurate photometric elements and preliminary absolute dimensions have been determined. The quite similar components have masses of about 5 M and radii of about 3.5 R, and they seem to have evolved just slightly off the ZAMS. The measured rotational velocities (≈150 km s−1) are about 6 times those corresponding to pseudosynchronization

    Near and Mid-IR Photometry of the Pleiades, and a New List of Substellar Candidate Members

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    We make use of new near and mid-IR photometry of the Pleiades cluster in order to help identify proposed cluster members. We also use the new photometry with previously published photometry to define the single-star main sequence locus at the age of the Pleiades in a variety of color-magnitude planes. The new near and mid-IR photometry extend effectively two magnitudes deeper than the 2MASS All-Sky Point Source catalog, and hence allow us to select a new set of candidate very low mass and sub-stellar mass members of the Pleiades in the central square degree of the cluster. We identify 42 new candidate members fainter than Ks =14 (corresponding to 0.1 Mo). These candidate members should eventually allow a better estimate of the cluster mass function to be made down to of order 0.04 solar masses. We also use new IRAC data, in particular the images obtained at 8 um, in order to comment briefly on interstellar dust in and near the Pleiades. We confirm, as expected, that -- with one exception -- a sample of low mass stars recently identified as having 24 um excesses due to debris disks do not have significant excesses at IRAC wavelengths. However, evidence is also presented that several of the Pleiades high mass stars are found to be impacting with local condensations of the molecular cloud that is passing through the Pleiades at the current epoch.Comment: Accepted to ApJS; data tables and embedded-figure version available at http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/stauffer/pleiades07

    Cepheid Mass-loss and the Pulsation -- Evolutionary Mass Discrepancy

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    I investigate the discrepancy between the evolution and pulsation masses for Cepheid variables. A number of recent works have proposed that non-canonical mass-loss can account for the mass discrepancy. This mass-loss would be such that a 5Mo star loses approximately 20% of its mass by arriving at the Cepheid instability strip; a 14Mo star, none. Such findings would pose a serious challenge to our understanding of mass-loss. I revisit these results in light of the Padova stellar evolutionary models and find evolutionary masses are (17±517\pm5)% greater than pulsation masses for Cepheids between 5<M/Mo<14. I find that mild internal mixing in the main-sequence progenitor of the Cepheid are able to account for this mass discrepancy.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, ApJ accepte

    Correlated errors in Hipparcos parallaxes towards the Pleiades and the Hyades

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    We show that the errors in the Hipparcos parallaxes towards the Pleiades and the Hyades open clusters are spatially correlated over angular scales of 2 to 3 deg, with an amplitude of up to 2 mas. This correlation is stronger than expected based on the analysis of the Hipparcos catalog. We predict the parallaxes of individual cluster members, pi_pm, from their Hipparcos proper motions, assuming that all cluster members have the same space velocity. We compare pi_pm with their Hipparcos parallaxes, pi_Hip, and find that there are significant spatial correlations in pi_Hip. We derive a distance modulus to the Pleiades of 5.58 +- 0.18 mag using the radial-velocity gradient method. This value, agrees very well with the distance modulus of 5.60 +- 0.04 mag determined using the main-sequence fitting technique, compared with the value of 5.33 +- 0.06 inferred from the average of the Hipparcos parallaxes of the Pleiades members. We show that the difference between the main-sequence fitting distance and the Hipparcos parallax distance can arise from spatially correlated errors in the Hipparcos parallaxes of individual Pleiades members. Although the Hipparcos parallax errors towards the Hyades are spatially correlated in a manner similar to those of the Pleiades, the center of the Hyades is located on a node of this spatial structure. Therefore, the parallax errors cancel out when the average distance is estimated, leading to a mean Hyades distance modulus that agrees with the pre-Hipparcos value. We speculate that these spatial correlations are also responsible for the discrepant distances that are inferred using the mean Hipparcos parallaxes to some open clusters. Finally, we note that our conclusions are based on a purely geometric method and do not rely on any models of stellar isochrones.Comment: 33 pages including 10 Figures, revised version accepted for publication in Ap

    Cepheid pulsation models at varying metallicity and DY/DZ

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    In this paper we present an extended set of nonlinear convective pulsation models at varying the metallicity and DY/DZ ratio. The predicted instability strip and bolometric light curves are discussed by comparing the new models with our previous ones. In particular, the dependence on both metal and helium abundances is investigated. By transforming the bolometric light curves into the observational bands we are able to derive both Period-Color-Luminosity and Wesenheit relations for each selected chemical composition. Synthetic Period-Luminosity relations are obtained by populating the instability strip according to specific assumptions on the number of pulsators and the mass distribution. These theoretical results are compared with recent accurate data by Sandage et al. and Kervella et al., in order to test the predictive capabilities of the models. We confirm our previous results that the theoretical metallicity correction to the Key Project Cepheid distance scale depends both on the period range and DY/DZ ratio, becoming important for periods longer than 20 days and DY/DZ > 1.5.Comment: accepted for publication on Ap

    The Empirical Mass-Luminosity Relation for Low Mass Stars

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    This work is devoted to improving empirical mass-luminosity relations and mass-metallicity-luminosity relation for low mass stars. For these stars, observational data in the mass-luminosity plane or the mass-metallicity-luminosity space subject to non-negligible errors in all coordinates with different dimensions. Thus a reasonable weight assigning scheme is needed for obtaining more reliable results. Such a scheme is developed, with which each data point can have its own due contribution. Previous studies have shown that there exists a plateau feature in the mass-luminosity relation. Taking into account the constraints from the observational luminosity function, we find by fitting the observational data using our weight assigning scheme that the plateau spans from 0.28 to 0.50 solar mass. Three-piecewise continuous improved mass-luminosity relations in K, J, H and V bands, respectively, are obtained. The visual mass-metallicity-luminosity relation is also improved based on our K band mass-luminosity relation and the available observational metallicity data.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    A long-period Cepheid variable in the starburst cluster VdBH222

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    Galactic starburst clusters play a twin role in astrophysics, serving as laboratories for the study of stellar physics and also delineating the structure and recent star formation history of the Milky Way. In order to exploit these opportunities we have undertaken a multi-epoch spectroscopic survey of the red supergiant dominated young massive clusters thought to be present at both near and far ends of the Galactic Bar. Significant spectroscopic variability suggestive of radial pulsations was found for the yellow supergiant VdBH 222 #505. Follow-up photometric investigations revealed modulation with a period of ~23.325d; both timescale and pulsational profile are consistent with a Cepheid classification. As a consequence #505 may be recognised as one of the longest period Galactic cluster Cepheids identified to date and hence of considerable use in constraining the bright end of the period/luminosity relation at solar metallicities. In conjunction with extant photometry we infer a distance of ~6kpc for VdBH222 and an age of ~20Myr. This results in a moderate reduction in both integrated cluster mass (~2x10^4Msun) and the initial stellar masses of the evolved cluster members (~10Msun). As such, VdBH222 becomes an excellent test-bed for studying the properties of some of the lowest mass stars observed to undergo type-II supernovae. Moreover, the distance is in tension with a location of VdBH 222 at the far end of the Galactic Bar. Instead a birthsite in the near 3kpc arm is suggested; providing compelling evidence of extensive recent star formation in a region of the inner Milky Way which has hitherto been thought to be devoid of such activity
