337 research outputs found

    The design of a linear L-band high power amplifier for mobile communication satellites

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    A linear L-band solid state high power amplifier designed for the space segment of the Mobile Satellite (MSAT) mobile communication system is described. The amplifier is capable of producing 35 watts of RF power with multitone signal at an efficiency of 25 percent and with intermodulation products better than 16 dB below carrier

    Engineering physiological environments to advance kidney organoid models from human pluripotent stem cells

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    During embryogenesis, the mammalian kidney arises because of reciprocal interactions between the ureteric bud (UB) and the metanephric mesenchyme (MM), driving UB branching and nephron induction. These morphogenetic processes involve a series of cellular rearrangements that are tightly controlled by gene regulatory networks and signaling cascades. Here, we discuss how kidney developmental studies have informed the definition of procedures to obtain kidney organoids from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Moreover, bioengineering techniques have emerged as potential solutions to externally impose controlled microenvironments for organoid generation from hPSCs. Next, we summarize some of these advances with major focus On recent works merging hPSC-derived kidney organoids (hPSC-kidney organoids) with organ-on-chip to develop robust models for drug discovery and disease modeling applications. We foresee that, in the near future, coupling of different organoid models through bioengineering approaches will help advancing to recreate organ-to-organ crosstalk to increase our understanding on kidney disease progression in the human context and search for new therapeutics

    Optical Transitions in Single-Wall Boron Nitride Nanotubes

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    Optical transitions in single-wall boron nitride nanotubes are investigated by means of optical absorption spectroscopy. Three absorption lines are observed. Two of them (at 4.45 and 5.5 eV) result from the quantification involved by the rolling up of the hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) sheet. The nature of these lines is discussed, and two interpretations are proposed. A comparison with single-wall carbon nanotubes leads one to interpret these lines as transitions between pairs of van Hove singularities in the one-dimensional density of states of boron nitride single-wall nanotubes. But the confinement energy due to the rolling up of the h-BN sheet cannot explain a gap width of the boron nitride nanotubes below the h-BN gap. The low energy line is then attributed to the existence of a Frenkel exciton with a binding energy in the 1 eV range

    L’ASPRO: un exemple d’interface cartographique pour la consultation d’un corpus archéologique

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    The Atlas of Near Eastern sites (ASPRO - Atlas des Sites du Proche-Orient) is an analytical index of nearly 2000 archaeological sites occupied between 14,000 and 5700 BP (about 14,000-4500 BC) in an area extending from the Sinai to Turkmenistan and from Anatolia to the Arabian-Persian Gulf. Its objective is to propose consistent information concerning a wide area and a long period of time, based on evidence which is often difficult to access, and to free this information from the compartmentalization of knowledge. This corpus, which was published in 1994 in book form, and is now out of print, has recently been made available online in an interactive cartographic interface, at the following address: http://www.mom.fr/Aspro/login.jsp. The objective of this development is to sustain consultation of the corpus, to increase its diffusion, while offering new functionalities with more flexibility: consultation through different entries, including the cartographic entry. Thus, it will now be possible to respond to requests on the different tables which compose the base (sites, periods, bibliography, dating), and to display the results in the form of an interactive list (access to files) and in cartographic form. The display is presented in different scales and the sites may be visualized on several thematic maps (hypsometry, pluviometry, bio-geographic zones). The latter also enable selection by spatial intersection. The technical system is now in place, and the project can proceed to a new stage: the updating of the corpus through sharing of information, then validation by a group of specialists

    Aptamer-Phage Reporters for Ultrasensitive Lateral Flow Assays

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    We introduce the modification of bacteriophage particles with aptamers for use as bioanalytical reporters, and demonstrate the use of these particles in ultrasensitive lateral flow assays. M13 phage displaying an in vivo biotinylatable peptide (AviTag) genetically fused to the phage tail protein pIII were used as reporter particle scaffolds, with biotinylated aptamers attached via avidin朾iotin linkages, and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) reporter enzymes covalently attached to the pVIII coat protein. These modified viral nanoparticles were used in immunochromatographic sandwich assays for the direct detection of IgE and of the penicillin-binding protein from Staphylococcus aureus (PBP2a). We also developed an additional lateral flow assay for IgE, in which the analyte is sandwiched between immobilized anti-IgE antibodies and aptamer-bearing reporter phage modified with HRP. The limit of detection of this LFA was 0.13 ng/mL IgE, ?100 times lower than those of previously reported IgE assays

    Investigation of pre-existing and generated defects in non-filamentary a-Si/TiO2 RRAM and their impacts on RTN amplitude distribution

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    An extensive investigation of the pre-existing and generated defects in amorphous-Si/TiO2 based non-filamentary (a-VMCO) RRAM device has been carried out in this work to identify the switching and degradation mechanisms, through a combination of random-telegraph-noise (RTN) and constant- voltage-stress (CVS) analysis. The amplitude of RTN, which leads to read instability, is also evaluated statistically at different stages of cell degradation and correlated with different defects, for the first time. It is found that the switching between low and high resistance states (LRS and HRS) are correlated with the profile modulation of pre-existing defects in the ‘defect-less’ region near the a-Si/TiO2 interface. The RTN amplitude observed at this stage is small and has a tight distribution. At longer stress times, a percolation path is formed due to defects generation, which introduces larger RTN amplitude and a significant tail in its distribution

    On‐Demand Reconfiguration of Nanomaterials: When Electronics Meets Ionics

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    Rapid advances in the semiconductor industry, driven largely by device scaling, are now approaching fundamental physical limits and face severe power, performance, and cost constraints. Multifunctional materials and devices may lead to a paradigm shift toward new, intelligent, and efficient computing systems, and are being extensively studied. Herein examines how, by controlling the internal ion distribution in a solid‐state film, a material’s chemical composition and physical properties can be reversibly reconfigured using an applied electric field, at room temperature and after device fabrication. Reconfigurability is observed in a wide range of materials, including commonly used dielectric films, and has led to the development of new device concepts such as resistive random‐access memory. Physical reconfigurability further allows memory and logic operations to be merged in the same device for efficient in‐memory computing and neuromorphic computing systems. By directly changing the chemical composition of the material, coupled electrical, optical, and magnetic effects can also be obtained. A survey of recent fundamental material and device studies that reveal the dynamic ionic processes is included, along with discussions on systematic modeling efforts, device and material challenges, and future research directions.By controlling the internal ion distribution in a solid‐state film, the material’s chemical composition and physical (i.e., electrical, optical, and magnetic) properties can be reversibly reconfigured, in situ, using an applied electric field. The reconfigurability is achieved in a wide range of materials, and can lead to the development of new memory, logic, and multifunctional devices and systems.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141225/1/adma201702770.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141225/2/adma201702770_am.pd

    Fast Field Cycling NMR relaxometry studies of molten and cooled cocoa butter

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    Due to its relevance in the confectionery industry, cocoa butter (CB) has been extensively studied. However, most studies focus on its crystallisation properties, whilst studies of its liquid state are lacking. Here, and for the first time, a study of the self-diffusion of CB at different temperatures is presented, using fast field cycling (FFC) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) further validated using pulsed field gradient stimulated echo (PGSTE) NMR. Measurements were performed upon heating CB to either 50 or 100 °C and cooling it to 22 °C. No hysteresis was found between the different thermal treatments. However, the activation energy (28.7 kJ/mol) estimated from the cooling protocol of the 100 °C treatment, was the closest to that reported in literature for similar systems. This suggests that measurements using a wider range of temperatures, and starting with a liquid material are advisable. Additionally, samples were measured during isothermal crystallisation at 22 °C, showing that the region below 1 MHz is the most sensitive to phase change