4,563 research outputs found

    Interacting dark sector with variable vacuum energy

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    We examine a cosmological scenario where dark matter is coupled to a variable vacuum energy while baryons and photons are two decoupled components for a spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime. We apply the χ2\chi^{2} method to the updated observational Hubble data for constraining the cosmological parameters and analyze the amount of dark energy in the radiation era. We show that our model fulfills the severe bound of Ωx(z1100)<0.009\Omega_{x}(z\simeq 1100)<0.009 at the 2σ2\sigma level, so it is consistent with the recent analysis that includes cosmic microwave background anisotropy measurements from the Planck survey, the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, and the South Pole Telescope along with the future constraints achievable by the Euclid and CMBPol experiments, and fulfills the stringent bound Ωx(z1010)<0.04\Omega_{x}(z\simeq 10^{10})<0.04 at the 2σ2\sigma level in the big-bang nucleosynthesis epoch.Comment: 5 pages,3 figures, 2 tables. (http://prd.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v88/i8/e087301

    Magnetic Field Effects on the Transport Properties of One-sided Rough Wires

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    We present a detailed numerical analysis of the effect of a magnetic field on the transport properties of a `small-NN' one-sided surface disordered wire. When time reversal symmetry is broken due to a magnetic field BB, we find a strong increase with BB not only of the localization length ξ\xi but also of the mean free path \ell caused by boundary states. Despite this, the universal relationship between \ell and ξ\xi does hold. We also analyze the conductance distribution at the metal-insulator crossover, finding a very good agreement with Random Matrix Theory with two fluctuating channels within the Circular Orthogonal(Unitary) Ensemble in absence(presence) of BBComment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Full two-photon downconversion of just a single photon

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    We demonstrate, both numerically and analytically, that it is possible to generate two photons from one and only one photon. We characterize the output two photon field and make our calculations close to reality by including losses. Our proposal relies on real or artificial three-level atoms with a cyclic transition strongly coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide. We show that close to perfect downconversion with efficiency over 99% is reachable using state-of-the-art Waveguide QED architectures such as photonic crystals or superconducting circuits. In particular, we sketch an implementation in circuit QED, where the three level atom is a transmon

    Tracing high density gas in M 82 and NGC 4038

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    We present the first detection of CS in the Antennae galaxies towards the NGC 4038 nucleus, as well as the first detections of two high-J (5-4 and 7-6) CS lines in the center of M 82. The CS(7-6) line in M 82 shows a profile that is surprisingly different to those of other low-J CS transitions we observed. This implies the presence of a separate, denser and warmer molecular gas component. The derived physical properties and the likely location of the CS(7-6) emission suggests an association with the supershell in the centre of M 82.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, ApJ Letter - ACCEPTE

    Hierarchy and Competition in CSCW applications: Model and case study

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    CSCW applications need to adapt themselves to the functional and organizational structures of people that use them. However they do not usually support division in groups with a certain hierarchical structure among them. In this paper, we propose and study a theoretical model of groupware appliations that reflects those hierarchical interactions. The proposed model is also intended to evaluate the effects in performance derived from competitive and collaborative relationships among the components of a hierarchy of groups. In order to demonstrate the above ideas, a groupware game, called Alymod, was designed and implemented using a modified version of a well-known CSCW Toolkit, namely Groupkit. Groupkit was modified in order to support group interactions in the same CSCW application. In Alymod, participants compete or collaborate within a hierarchical structure to achieve a common goal (completing gaps in a text, finishing numerical series, resolving University course examinations, etc.).Publicad

    Optical bistability in subwavelength apertures containing nonlinear media

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    We develop a self-consistent method to study the optical response of metallic gratings with nonlinear media embedded within their subwavelength slits. An optical Kerr nonlinearity is considered. Due to the large E-fields associated with the excitation of the transmission resonances appearing in this type of structures, moderate incoming fluxes result in drastic changes in the transmission spectra. Importantly, optical bistability is obtained for certain ranges of both flux and wavelength.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Técnicas SIG aplicadas al estudio del relieve de los Montes de León (NO de la Península Ibérica)

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    En este trabajo se presenta un método basado en el análisis de modelos digitales de elevación (MDE) a través de SIG, encaminado a realizar una cartografía preliminar de antiguas superficies de aplanamiento en los relieves que bordean la cuenca del Bierzo (oeste de la provincia de León, noroeste de la Península Ibérica). El área de estudio es un complejo sistema escalonado de niveles de aplanamiento elaborados sobre el basamento del Macizo Ibérico, constituyente de los relieves montañosos de la zona, deformado por la Orogenia Alpina durante el Cenozoico, en donde las superficies se encuentran elevadas, basculadas, fragmentadas y muy degradadas. Partiendo del MDE con paso de malla de 25 m del PNOA se realizó una caracterización general de la zona de estudio mediante la obtención de mapas derivados: pendientes, orientaciones de pendiente y sombreado, así como de la red de drenaje. Empleando la extensión EZ Profile para ArcGIS 9.3 se generaron 213 perfiles topográficos, sobre los principales cordales e interfluvios, con los que se localizaron y correlacionaron los elementos culminantes (indicios y restos de superficies de aplanamiento) presentes en toda la zona de estudio, lo que permitió reconstruir el relieve previo al desmantelamiento por parte de la red de drenaje. Una vez delimitadas las superficies de aplanamiento se procedió a su caracterización, agrupación y jerarquización, mediante el estudio de superficies de tendencia, el análisis de la red de drenaje y la relación con la actividad tectónica. Se realizó una reconstrucción teórica de cada uno de los aplanamientos a través de la interpolación de los puntos pertenecientes al antiguo relieve, generando así una superficie de tendencia de primer orden, de donde se obtuvo la orientación y pendiente de cada una de ellas. A su vez, se buscaron anomalías en los cauces de los ríos que atraviesan los aplanamientos, que pudieran indicar actividad tectónica reciente. Asimismo, se llevó a cabo un estudio de las cuencas de drenaje, sobre las que se realizaron cálculos de hipsometría y de asimetría (Factor de Asimetría). Por último, se calculó la incisión del drenaje sobre las superficies de aplanamiento cartografiadas. Como resultado se obtuvieron veinte superficies clasificadas en ocho niveles, desde los 1000m a los 2100m, en donde se observa cómo los distintos elementos de un mismo nivel se encuentran en extremos opuestos de la zona de estudio, ubicados en forma de orla perdiendo altura hacia la cuenca del Bierzo.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto de la Junta de Castilla y León LE311A12-2 y por el proyecto Consolider Ingenio 2006 CSD-2006, TopoIberia Geociencias en Iberia

    Local Behavior of the First-Order Gradient Correction to the Thomas-Fermi Kinetic Energy Functional

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    The first order gradient correction to the Thomas-Fermi functional, proposed by Haq, Chattaraj and Deb (Chem. Phys. Lett. vol. 81, 8031, 1984) has been studied by evaluating both the total kinetic energy and the local kinetic energy density. For testing the kinetic energy density we evaluate its deviation from an exact result through a quality factor, a parameter that reflects the quality of the functionals in a better way than their relative errors. The study is performed on two different systems: light atoms (up to Z=18) and a noninteracting model of fermions confined in a Coulombic-type potential. It is found than this approximation gives very low relative errors and a better local behavior than any of the usual generalized gradient approximation semilocal kinetic density functionals.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, 4 figure

    Creative and collective writing in the context of the new cultural practices

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    Se plantea en este artículo el cambio profundo que, en la nueva cultura del siglo XXI, ha sufrido el concepto de creación colectiva, por influencia de Internet. Las redes sociales, la cultura participativa, la convergencia de los medios y otros factores han favorecido nuevos modos de expresión, al margen de la escritura académica o profesional, como ha sido el caso de la ficción-manía. Sobre el concepto de creación colectiva se está escribiendo mucho, a propósito de la épica y de otros temas literarios y debe ser “iluminado” a la luz de lo que Internet o los nuevos fenómenos, como el auge de las sagas fantásticas o la ficción-manía, están suponiendo. Así, lo que actualmente se denomina escritura colaborativa es en realidad un concepto que ha ido evolucionando de forma acompasada con las poéticas y las prácticas sociales de la lectura en los últimos tiempos. Revisamos los rasgos de estas nuevas prácticas y se analizan las implicaciones para la educación del siglo XXI.The deep change that, in the new culture of the 21st century, has suffered the concept of collective creation, under the influence of the Internet is proposed in this article. Social networking, participatory culture, the convergence of media and other factors have favored new ways of expression, apart from academic or professional writing, as it has been the case of the fan fiction. There is a lot of studies nowadays on the concept of collective creation, with regard to epic and other literary topics and should be “enlightened” in the light of what Internet or new phenomena, such as the rise of fantasy sagas or the fan fiction, are involving. So, what is currently referred to as collaborative writing is actually a concept that has evolved in a measured way with the poetic and social practices of reading in last times. We review the features of these new practices and examine the implications for the education of the 21st century.peerReviewe

    Universal Conductance Distributions in the Crossover between Diffusive and Localization Regimes

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    The full distribution of the conductance P(G)P(G) in quasi-one-dimensional wires with rough surfaces is analyzed from the diffusive to the localization regime. In the crossover region, where the statistics is dominated by only one or two eigenchannels, the numerically obtained P(G) is found to be independent of the details of the system with the average conductance as the only scaling parameter. For < e^2/h, P(G) is given by an essentially ``one-sided'' log-normal distribution. In contrast, for e^2/h <= 2e^2/h, the shape of P(G) remarkable agrees with those predicted by random matrix theory for two fluctuating transmission eigenchannels.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let