16 research outputs found

    A new small-bodied azhdarchoid pterosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of England and its implications for pterosaur anatomy, diversity and phylogeny

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    BACKGROUND: Pterosaurs have been known from the Cretaceous sediments of the Isle of Wight (southern England, United Kingdom) since 1870. We describe the three-dimensional pelvic girdle and associated vertebrae of a small near-adult pterodactyloid from the Atherfield Clay Formation (lower Aptian, Lower Cretaceous). Despite acknowledged variation in the pterosaur pelvis, previous studies have not adequately sampled or incorporated pelvic characters into phylogenetic analyses. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The new specimen represents the new taxon Vectidraco daisymorrisae gen. et sp. nov., diagnosed by the presence of a concavity posterodorsal to the acetabulum and the form of its postacetabular process on the ilium. Several characters suggest that Vectidraco belongs to Azhdarchoidea. We constructed a pelvis-only phylogenetic analysis to test whether the pterosaur pelvis carries a useful phylogenetic signal. Resolution in recovered trees was poor, but they approximately matched trees recovered from analyses of total evidence. We also added Vectidraco and our pelvic characters to an existing total-evidence matrix for pterosaurs. Both analyses recovered Vectidraco within Azhdarchoidea. CONCLUSIONS/ SIGNIFICANCE: The Lower Cretaceous strata of western Europe have yielded members of several pterosaur lineages, but Aptian pterosaurs from western Europe are rare. With a pelvis length of 40 mm, the new animal would have had a total length of c. 350 mm, and a wingspan of c. 750 mm. Barremian and Aptian pterodactyloids from western Europe show that small-bodied azhdarchoids lived alongside ornithocheirids and istiodactylids. This assemblage is similar in terms of which lineages are represented to the coeval beds of Liaoning, China; however, the number of species and specimens present at Liaoning is much higher. While the general phylogenetic composition of western European and Chinese communities appear to have been approximately similar, the differences may be due to different palaeoenvironmental and depositional settings. The western Europe pterodactyloid record may therefore be artificially low in diversity due to preservational factors

    On the Size and Flight Diversity of Giant Pterosaurs, the Use of Birds as Pterosaur Analogues and Comments on Pterosaur Flightlessness

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    The size and flight mechanics of giant pterosaurs have received considerable research interest for the last century but are confused by conflicting interpretations of pterosaur biology and flight capabilities. Avian biomechanical parameters have often been applied to pterosaurs in such research but, due to considerable differences in avian and pterosaur anatomy, have lead to systematic errors interpreting pterosaur flight mechanics. Such assumptions have lead to assertions that giant pterosaurs were extremely lightweight to facilitate flight or, if more realistic masses are assumed, were flightless. Reappraisal of the proportions, scaling and morphology of giant pterosaur fossils suggests that bird and pterosaur wing structure, gross anatomy and launch kinematics are too different to be considered mechanically interchangeable. Conclusions assuming such interchangeability—including those indicating that giant pterosaurs were flightless—are found to be based on inaccurate and poorly supported assumptions of structural scaling and launch kinematics. Pterosaur bone strength and flap-gliding performance demonstrate that giant pterosaur anatomy was capable of generating sufficient lift and thrust for powered flight as well as resisting flight loading stresses. The retention of flight characteristics across giant pterosaur skeletons and their considerable robustness compared to similarly-massed terrestrial animals suggest that giant pterosaurs were not flightless. Moreover, the term ‘giant pterosaur’ includes at least two radically different forms with very distinct palaeoecological signatures and, accordingly, all but the most basic sweeping conclusions about giant pterosaur flight should be treated with caution. Reappraisal of giant pterosaur material also reveals that the size of the largest pterosaurs, previously suggested to have wingspans up to 13 m and masses up to 544 kg, have been overestimated. Scaling of fragmentary giant pterosaur remains have been misled by distorted fossils or used inappropriate scaling techniques, indicating that 10–11 m wingspans and masses of 200–250 kg are the most reliable upper estimates of known pterosaur size

    Direct Raman Spectroscopic Measurements of Biological Nitrogen Fixation under Natural Conditions: An Analytical Approach for Studying Nitrogenase Activity

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    Biological N<sub>2</sub> fixation is a major input of bioavailable nitrogen, which represents the most frequent factor limiting the agricultural production throughout the world. Especially, the symbiotic association between legumes and Rhizobium bacteria can provide substantial amounts of nitrogen (N) and reduce the need for industrial fertilizers. Despite its importance in the global N cycle, rates of biological nitrogen fixation have proven difficult to quantify. In this work, we propose and demonstrate a simple analytical approach to measure biological N<sub>2</sub> fixation rates directly without a proxy or isotopic labeling. We determined a mean N<sub>2</sub> fixation rate of 78 ± 5 μmol N<sub>2</sub> (g dry weight nodule)<sup>−1</sup> h<sup>–1</sup> of a Medicago sativa–Rhizobium consortium by continuously analyzing the amount of atmospheric N<sub>2</sub> in static environmental chambers with Raman gas spectroscopy. By simultaneously analyzing the CO<sub>2</sub> uptake and photosynthetic plant activity, we think that a minimum CO<sub>2</sub> mixing ratio might be needed for natural N<sub>2</sub> fixation and only used the time interval above this minimum CO<sub>2</sub> mixing ratio for N<sub>2</sub> fixation rate calculations. The proposed approach relies only on noninvasive measurements of the gas phase and, given its simplicity, indicates the potential to estimate biological nitrogen fixation of legume symbioses not only in laboratory experiments. The same methods can presumably also be used to detect N<sub>2</sub> fluxes by denitrification from ecosystems to the atmosphere

    Large Magnetic Hysteresis in a Melt-Textured Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconductor

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    Melt-textured YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductor with a long and well-aligned grain structure is shown to exhibit magnetic hysteresis at 77 K which is the largest ever reported for bulk polycrystalline Y-Ba-Cu-O. The large ΔM resulted in a magnet-like behavior as well as a strong suspension phenomenon. It is shown, contrary to the previous reports, that the suspension behavior observed in Y-Ba-Cu-O is a generic consequence of large grain size, and not due to the presence of Ag oxide or Ag particles. There appears to be no substantial enhancement in flux pinning and Jc by these particles. Comparisons of magnetization behavior in various YBa2Cu3O7-δ samples (polycrystals, silver-oxide doped, melt-textured, and single crystals) indicated that for applied fields substantially larger than Hc1 the current flow that gives rise to the observed magnetization is intragranular. The pinning force and hence the critical current is roughly the same [J c (magn)∼104 A/cm2] within a factor of ∼2 regardless of grain size, grain boundary configuration, presence of second phase particles, or increased dislocation and twin densities

    Genotypic and Phenotypic Spectrum in Tricho-Rhino-Phalangeal Syndrome Types I and III

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    Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome (TRPS) is characterized by craniofacial and skeletal abnormalities. Three subtypes have been described: TRPS I, caused by mutations in the TRPS1 gene on chromosome 8; TRPS II, a microdeletion syndrome affecting the TRPS1 and EXT1 genes; and TRPS III, a form with severe brachydactyly, due to short metacarpals, and severe short stature, but without exostoses. To investigate whether TRPS III is caused by TRPS1 mutations and to establish a genotype-phenotype correlation in TRPS, we performed extensive mutation analysis and evaluated the height and degree of brachydactyly in patients with TRPS I or TRPS III. We found 35 different mutations in 44 of 51 unrelated patients. The detection rate (86%) indicates that TRPS1 is the major locus for TRPS I and TRPS III. We did not find any mutation in the parents of sporadic patients or in apparently healthy relatives of familial patients, indicating complete penetrance of TRPS1 mutations. Evaluation of skeletal abnormalities of patients with TRPS1 mutations revealed a wide clinical spectrum. The phenotype was variable in unrelated, age- and sex-matched patients with identical mutations, as well as in families. Four of the five missense mutations alter the GATA DNA-binding zinc finger, and six of the seven unrelated patients with these mutations may be classified as having TRPS III. Our data indicate that TRPS III is at the severe end of the TRPS spectrum and that it is most often caused by a specific class of mutations in the TRPS1 gene