588 research outputs found

    Notas a "Voces castellanas y su equivalencia en valenciano. Voces valencianas y su equivalencia en castellano" por C.M.G., de 1825

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    En este artículo se estudia el primer diccionario bilingüe valenciano-castellano, castellano-valenciano, de 1825, escrito por un autor anónimo C.M.G., inédito hasta ahora. Este diccionario presenta un gran interés dialectal, sociolingüístico e histórico. Seguramente fue escrito por un autor del norte de Castellón, como demuestran las particularidades dialectales del texto. Contiene más de 2000 voces, una parte de las cuales avanzan su fecha de registro en los diccionarios o añade nuevas acepciones a las conocidas en la lexicografía catalana. In this aricle is studied the first ever bilingual Valencian-Spanish, Spanish-Valencian dictionary, dated in 1825, by an anonymous author –C.M.G.-, never edited until nowadays. Such dictionary shows such a great dialectal, sociolinguistical, and historical value, the most sure is that it was written by a valencian author original from the north of Castelló as some characteristics common in the local dialect prove, and it contains more than 2000 vocies, which, part of them move the first known date of such entries to earlier dates in time, and others are new meanings for the existing registers in the catalan lexicography dictionaries

    Los valencianismos del castellano de Valencia en los siglos XVII-XIX

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    Se edita el texto más antiguo conocido sobre los valencianismos del castellano, los “valencianismos” del Dr. Juan de Ayala Manrique (Valencia, 1699), escrito a raíz de las disputas y discusiones de la época sobre la pertenencia o no al castellano de muchas palabras y construcciones usadas en Valencia. Se intenta con ello atraer la atención sobre las fases, mecanismos e interferencias lingüísticas producidas en el proceso de adquisición del castellano por los catanohablantes valencianos. The most antique known text about valencianismos in Spanish is edited: the “Valencianismos” of Dr. Juan de Ayala Manrique (Valencia, Spain, 1699), written as a result of the disputes and discussions of the time about the belonging to the Spanish language of a lot of words and constructions used in Valencia. The purpose of it is to draw attention to the phases, mechanisms and linguistic interferences produced in the process of acquisition of the Spanish language by the Catalan-speakers of Valencia

    Effects of mechanical ventilation at low lung volume on respiratory mechanics and nitric oxide exhalation in normal rabbits

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    Lung mechanics, exhaled NO (NOe), and TNF-(alpha) in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were assessed in eight closed and eight open chest, normal anesthetized rabbits undergoing prolonged (3-4 h) mechanical ventilation (MV) at low volume with physiological tidal volumes (10 ml/kg). Relative to initial MV on positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), MV at low volume increased lung quasi-static elastance (+267 and +281%), airway (+471 and +382%) and viscolelastic resistance (+480 and +294%), and decreased NOe (-42 and -25%) in closed and open chest rabbits, respectively. After restoration of PEEP, viscoelastic resistance returned to control, whereas airway resistance remained elevated (+120 and +31%) and NOe low (-25 and -20%) in both groups of rabbits. Elastance remained elevated (+23%) only in closed-chest animals, being associated with interstitial pulmonary edema, as reflected by increased lung wet-to-dry weight ratio with normal albumin concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. In contrast, in 16 additional closed- and open-chest rabbits, there were no changes of lung mechanics or NOe after prolonged MV on PEEP only. At the end of prolonged MV, TNF-(alpha) was practically undetectable in serum, whereas its concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was low and similar in animals subjected or not subjected to ventilation at low volume (62 vs. 43 pg/ml). These results indicate that mechanical injury of peripheral airways due to their cyclic opening and closing during ventilation at low volume results in changes in lung mechanics and reduction in NOe and that these alterations are not mediated by a proinflammatory process, since this is expressed by TNF-(alpha) levels

    The Structure of Screening in QED

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    The possibility of constructing charged particles in gauge theories has long been the subject of debate. In the context of QED we have shown how to construct operators which have a particle description. In this paper we further support this programme by showing how the screening interactions arise between these charges. Unexpectedly we see that there are two different gauge invariant contributions with opposite signs. Their difference gives the expected result.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Combined assimilation of IASI and MLS observations to constrain tropospheric and stratospheric ozone in a global chemical transport model

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    Accurate and temporally resolved fields of free-troposphere ozone are of major importance to quantify the intercontinental transport of pollution and the ozone radiative forcing. We consider a global chemical transport model (MOdèle de Chimie Atmosphérique à Grande Échelle, MOCAGE) in combination with a linear ozone chemistry scheme to examine the impact of assimilating observations from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI). The assimilation of the two instruments is performed by means of a variational algorithm (4D-VAR) and allows to constrain stratospheric and tropospheric ozone simultaneously. The analysis is first computed for the months of August and November 2008 and validated against ozonesonde measurements to verify the presence of observations and model biases. Furthermore, a longer analysis of 6 months (July–December 2008) showed that the combined assimilation of MLS and IASI is able to globally reduce the uncertainty (root mean square error, RMSE) of the modeled ozone columns from 30 to 15% in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS, 70–225 hPa). The assimilation of IASI tropospheric ozone observations (1000–225 hPa columns, TOC – tropospheric O<sub>3</sub> column) decreases the RMSE of the model from 40 to 20% in the tropics (30° S–30° N), whereas it is not effective at higher latitudes. Results are confirmed by a comparison with additional ozone data sets like the Measurements of OZone and wAter vapour by aIrbus in-service airCraft (MOZAIC) data, the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) total ozone columns and several high-altitude surface measurements. Finally, the analysis is found to be insensitive to the assimilation parameters. We conclude that the combination of a simplified ozone chemistry scheme with frequent satellite observations is a valuable tool for the long-term analysis of stratospheric and free-tropospheric ozone

    Exacerbations and lung function decline in COPD: New insights in current and ex-smokers

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    SummaryAimTo investigate whether there is a significant relationship between an increased frequency of exacerbations and the rate of forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1) decline in COPD patients.Methods–measurementsAbout 102 COPD patients (44 smokers, 58 ex-smokers) participated in a 3-year prospective study. Exacerbations were identified as worsening of patient's respiratory symptoms as recorded on diary cards. Spirometry was performed every 6 months. The effect of frequent exacerbations on lung function was investigated using random effects models.ResultsThe median (mean(95% CI)) annual exacerbation rate was 2.85 (3.1 (2.7–3.6)). Patients with an annual exacerbation rate over the median rate had significantly lower baseline post-bronchodilation FEV1(%pred), higher MRC dyspnoea score and chronic cough compared to patients who had an annual exacerbation rate less than the median. The average annual rate of FEV1(%pred), adjusted for smoking decline (ΔFEV1), was found significantly increased in frequent compared to infrequent exacerbators (P=0.017). The highest ΔFEV1 was observed in smokers frequent exacerbators and a significant interaction between exacerbation frequency and ΔFEV1 was also observed in ex-smokers.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that an increased frequency of exacerbations is significantly associated with FEV1 decline even in ex-smokers. Thus, smoking and frequent exacerbations may have both negative impact on lung function. Smoking cessation and prevention of exacerbations should be a major target in COPD

    Using Facial Gestures to Drive Narrative in VR

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    We developed an exploratory VR environment, where spatial features and narratives can be manipulated in real time by the facial and head gestures of the user. We are using the Faceteq prototype, exhibited in 2017, as the interactive interface. Faceteq consists of a wearable technology that can be adjusted on commercial HMDs for measuring facial expressions and biometric responses. Faceteq project was founded with the aim to provide a human-centred additional tool for affective human-computer interaction. The proposed demo will exhibit the hardware and the functionality of the demo in real time
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