200 research outputs found

    Univalent conformal mappings onto polygonal domains with countable set of vertices by generalized Christoffel–Schwarz integral

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    © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc.We propose a formula for the conformalmapping of the upper half-plane onto a polygonal domain, which generalizes the Schwarz–Christoffel equation. It is obtained by terms of partial solution to the Hilbert boundary-value problem with a countable set of singularity points of the coefficients including a turbulence of logarithmic type at the infinity point. We also prove the existence of closed and univalent mappings


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    Premise of study: Functional trait comparisons provide a framework with which to assess invasion and invasion resistance. However, recent studies have found evidence for both trait convergence and divergence among coexisting dominant native and invasive species. Few studies have assessed how multiple stresses constrain trait values and plasticity, and no study has included direct measurements of nutrient conservation traits, which are critical to plants growing in low-resource environments. Methods: We evaluated how nutrient and water stresses affect growth and allocation, water potential and gas exchange, and nitrogen (N) allocation and use traits among a suite of six codominant species from the Intermountain West to determine trait values and plasticity. In the greenhouse, we grew our species under a full factorial combination of high and low N and water availability. We measured relative growth rate (RGR) and its components, total biomass, biomass allocation, midday water potential, photosynthetic rate, water-use effi ciency (WUE), green leaf N, senesced leaf N, total N pools, N productivity, and photosynthetic N use effi ciency. Key results: Overall, soil water availability constrained plant responses to N availability and was the major driver of plant trait variation in our analysis. Drought decreased plant biomass and RGR, limited N conservation, and led to increased WUE. For most traits, native and nonnative species were similarly plastic. Conclusions: Our data suggest native and invasive biomass dominants may converge on functionally similar traits and demonstrate comparable ability to respond to changes in resource availability

    Impacts of drought on plant water relations and nitrogen nutrition in dryland perennial grasses

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    Background and aims Extensive worldwide dryland degradation calls for identification of functional traits critical to dryland plant performance and restoration outcomes. Most trait examination has focused on drought tolerance, although most dryland systems are water and nutrient co-limited. We studied how drought impacts both plant water relations and nitrogen (N) nutrition. Methods We grew a suite of grasses common to the Intermountain West under both well-watered and drought conditions in the greenhouse. These grasses represented three congener pairs (Agropyron, Elymus, Festuca) differing in their habitat of origin (“wetter” or “drier”). We measured growth, water relations, N resorption efficiency and proficiency and photosynthetic N use efficiency in response to drought. Results Drought decreased growth and physiological function in the suite of grasses studied, including a negative impact on plant N resorption efficiency and proficiency. This effect on resorption increased over the course of the growing season. Evolutionary history constrained species responses to treatment, with genera varying in the magnitude of their response to drought conditions. Surprisingly, habitat of origin influenced few trait responses. Conclusions Drought impacted plant N conservation, although these responses also were constrained by evolutionary history. Future plant development programs should consider drought tolerance not only from the perspective of water relations but also plant mineral nutrition, taking into account the role of phylogeny

    Periodontal Status of Postmenopausal Women

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    The objective of this study was to compare the periodontal status in postmenopausal women with osteopenia and osteoporosis. Material and Methods: We examined 43 postmenopausal women aged from 55 to 74 years. Material assessment of bones in every patient was performed by means of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) from two points on the skeleton – part of the femur neck and between the first and fourth lumbar vertebrae. A lipid blood test was done for patients of both groups. All patients were divided into two groups (the 1st with osteopenia, and the 2nd with osteoporosis). All patients were subjected to an oral clinical examination: the periodontal examination was composed of Plaque Index (PI), Pocket Score (PS), and Papillary Bleeding Index (PBI). X-ray analysis was performed for every patient. Results: The results of the clinical periodontal examination demonstrated that the mean PBI in patients in the 1st group had no significant differences from the PBI in patients in the 2nd group. PI value and PS findings in patients with general osteoporosis also had no statistical differences from the same parameters in patients with osteopenia. Conclusion: Under the circumstances of these patients’ characteristics and within the limits of the present study, we concluded that there is no significant difference in the periodontal status of postmenopausal women with systemic osteopenia and with osteoporosis

    Method for preserving high conservation value forests in the Prichulym taiga of Tomsk region during logging

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    The paper presents a method to preserve high conservation value forests in accordance with the international certification system of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in the Prichulym taiga of Tomsk region during logging. The taiga landscapes in the area of Prichulym’e are unique due to natural monuments, reserves, and specially protected natural areas with rare species of animals, birds, plants and valuable coniferous stands. These territories included in the forest fund of Tomsk region demand increased attention and systematic control, especially during logging and timber harvesting. At the first stage of the study, forest areas in the operational forests of the Zyryanskiy forestry in Tomsk region, leased by Sibirles OOO for logging and timber harvesting, were investigated. Based on the results of the study, some forest areas were referred to the category of high conservation value forests in accordance with the above-mentioned voluntary international certification system that implies an important function of protecting habitats of rare and endangered species of animals and plants, including those listed in the Red Book and regionally significant species. In such forests, logging and any type of felling are prohibited. Thus, these areas were conditionally excluded from the list of forests allowed for final felling. The results of the independent monitoring performed by the authors allowed the following conclusion: no violations were found in logging activities of Sibirles OOO that leased the parts of the forest in Zyryanskiy district for logging and timber harvesting. On the one hand, such joint activities and monitoring are economically costly; on the other hand, they are important and significant for further identification of the places abundant in unique flora and fauna

    Features of the distribution of manganese in soils of the Prichulym taiga in Tomsk region during forest logging

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    In the course of the summer expedition, soil samples were taken from the upper, the most ‘active’ for migration and pollution by chemical elements, horizon in the taiga zone of Zyryanskiy district, Tomsk region. Soils were sampled in two plots: in a typical taiga forest and in the area after selective logging carried out six years ago. The selected soil samples were analyzed for the presence and total content of manganese. As a result of statistical data processing, the average value of the content of this element was obtained. Changes in the species composition of vegetation in the logged area could affect the redistribution of the considered chemical element in the soil. For a complete picture of the deposition and the reasons for possible migration of manganese in the upper layer of the soil horizon, the acid-base conditions and the organic component (humus) were additionally determined in the soil samples. The global indicators of the world’s soils – clarke values – were used as standards to compare with the average values of the manganese content in soil. The obtained average values of manganese in the upper horizon of soils in the studied areas were compared with respect to the data on the content of manganese in soils of the taiga forest zone of Eurasia. The southeast of Tomsk region is included in this zone. Based on the ecological and geochemical analysis, the reasons for the change in the content of manganese and the degree of its dangerous impact have been revealed. This characteristic made it possible to interpret the data obtained on the manganese content in the soil of the study areas, as well as to assess the state of the environment after anthropogenic transformation and other possible factors

    Разработка тематических планов дисциплины "Компьютерные технологии в научных исследованиях" на основе моделей классов компетенций

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    When designing thematic plans of disciplines, the interrelation among competencies in the areas of student training is not taken into account, which leads to didactic and economic risks. To minimize these risks, it is proposed to use competency classes, which are a tool for combining competencies according to their meaning. Through the example of the discipline "Computer technologies in scientific research", an algorithm for constructing competency class models for the formation of thematic plans of disciplines is considered. The results of the research are implemented at the South Ural State University and the South Ural State University of Humanities and Pedagogy. They are used in the preparation of Masters in the economic and technical areas of training. The software implementation of the described algorithm for designing thematic discipline plans on the basis of competency class models will make it possible to eliminate a subjective approach and minimize economic and didactic risks. It is planned to introduce this program for various disciplines and areas of training.Al diseñar planes temáticos de disciplinas, no se tiene en cuenta la interrelación entre competencias en las áreas de capacitación de los estudiantes, lo que conlleva riesgos didácticos y económicos. Para minimizar estos riesgos, se propone utilizar clases de competencia, que son una herramienta para combinar competencias de acuerdo con su significado. A través del ejemplo de la disciplina "Tecnologías informáticas en la investigación científica", se considera un algoritmo para construir modelos de clase de competencia para la formación de planes temáticos de disciplinas. Los resultados de la investigación se implementan en la South Ural State University y la South Ural State University of Humanities and Pedagogy. Se utilizan en la preparación de maestrías en las áreas económicas y técnicas de capacitación. La implementación del software del algoritmo descrito para diseñar planes de disciplina temáticos sobre la base de modelos de clase de competencia permitirá eliminar un enfoque subjetivo y minimizar los riesgos económicos y didácticos. Está previsto presentar este programa para diversas disciplinas y áreas de capacitación.При проектировании тематических планов дисциплин не учитывается взаимосвязь компетенций направлений подготовки студентов, что приводит к дидактическим и экономическим рискам. Для минимизации экономических и дидактических рисков предложено использовать классы компетенций, которые представляют собой инструмент для объединения компетенций по смыслу. На примере дисциплины «Компьютерные технологии в научных исследованиях» рассмотрен алгоритм построения моделей классов компетенций для формирования тематических планов дисциплин. Результаты исследования внедрены в Южно-Уральском государственном университете и в Южно-Уральском государственном гуманитарно-педагогическом университете. Они используются при подготовке магистров экономических и технических направлений подготовки. Программная реализация описанного алгоритма планирования тематических планов дисциплин на основе моделей классов компетенций позволит устранить субъективный подход и минимизировать экономические и дидактические риски. Планируется внедрение данной программы для различных дисциплин и направлений подготовки

    Biological Dephosphatation in a Two-Stage Wastewater Treatment System

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    An analysis was made of changes in the content of phosphates in wastewater at treatment facilities with a two-stage purification system. The overall efficiency of the process of biological dephosphatation of wastewater has been assessed

    Optimized computed tomography protocol in pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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    Background. Children with HL are forced to undergo repetitive studies accompanied by radiation, which increases radiation doses. High radiation during studies in children is a huge problem, since the risk of developing complications for patients of this age is much higher than for adults.Purpose. To optimize the computed tomography protocol in pediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma for radiation dose reduction by reducing the scanning phases.Material and methods. CT scan analysis of 75 children with newly diagnosed, verified Hodgkin’s lymphoma was performed at the primary staging and after treatment. All studies were performed with contrast enhancement, scanning on a 16-slice computed tomography in the precontrast, arterial, venous and delayed phases. The radiation dose and the diagnostic value of each phase were assessed.Results. Using the reduced CT protocol for primary patients allows significantly reduce the cumulative ED by 3.8 times and by 3.6 times for dynamic scanning. Using the abbreviated protocol does not reduce the diagnostic value of CT.Conclusion. The proposed low-dose CT protocol with the reduction of contrast enhancement phases allows to obtain CT images with good diagnostic quality and reliably reduces the radiation dose to the child