1,117 research outputs found

    Multi-instanton and string loop corrections in toroidal orbifold models

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    We analyze N=2 (perturbative and non-perturbative) corrections to the effective theory in type I orbifold models where a dual heterotic description is available. These corrections may play an important role in phenomenological scenarios. More precisely, we consider two particular compactifications: the Bianchi-Sagnotti-Gimon-Polchinski orbifold and a freely-acting Z_2 x Z_2 orbifold with N=1 supersymmetry and gauge group SO(q) x SO(32-q). By exploiting perturbative calculations of the physical gauge couplings on the heterotic side, we obtain multi-instanton and one-loop string corrections to the K\"ahler potential and the gauge kinetic function for these models. The non-perturbative corrections appear as sums over relevant Hecke operators, whereas the one-loop correction to the K\"ahler potential matches the expression proposed in [1,2]. We argue that these corrections are universal in a given class of models where target-space modular invariance (or a subgroup of it) holds.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figure

    Metastable Vacua in Brane Worlds

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    We analyze vacuum decay in brane world setups, where a free scalar field in five dimensions has a localized potential admitting metastable vacua. We study in particular the bounce solution and its properties in flat and warped spaces. In the latter case, placing into a deeply warped region the term in the potential that lifts the vacuum degeneracy, can increase indefinitely the lifetime of the false vacuum. We discuss the application to metastable vacua in supersymmetric brane-world constructions.Comment: LaTeX, 24 page

    On the origin of constrained superfields

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    In this work we analyze constrained superfields in supersymmetry and supergravity. We propose a constraint that, in combination with the constrained goldstino multiplet, consistently removes any selected component from a generic superfield. We also describe its origin, providing the operators whose equations of motion lead to the decoupling of such components. We illustrate our proposal by means of various examples and show how known constraints can be reproduced by our method.Comment: 20 pages, to be published in JHE

    Supersymmetry breaking, open strings and M-theory

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    We study supersymmetry breaking by Scherk-Schwarz compactifications in type I string theory. While in the gravitational sector all mass splittings are proportional to a (large) compactification radius, supersymmetry remains unbroken for the massless excitations of D-branes orthogonal to the large dimension. In this sector, supersymmetry breaking can then be mediated by gravitational interactions alone, that are expected to be suppressed by powers of the Planck mass. The mechanism is non perturbative from the heterotic viewpoint and requires a compactification radius at intermediate energies of order 10^{12}-10^{14} GeV. This can also explain the value of Newton's constant if the string scale is close to the unification scale, of order 10^{16} GeV.Comment: 47 pages, LaTeX, typos correcte

    Classical running of neutrino masses from six dimensions

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    We discuss a six dimensional mass generation for the neutrinos. Active neutrinos live on a three-brane and interact via a brane localized mass term with a bulk six-dimensional standard model singlet (sterile) Weyl fermion, the two dimensions being transverse to the three-brane. We derive the physical neutrino mass spectrum and show that the active neutrino mass and Kaluza-Klein masses have a logarithmic cutoff divergence related to the zero-size limit of the three-brane in the transverse space. This translates into a renormalisation group running of the neutrino masses above the Kaluza-Klein compactification scale coming from classical effects, without any new non-singlet particles in the spectrum. For compact radii in the eV--MeV range, relevant for neutrino physics, this scenario predicts running neutrino masses which could affect, in particular, neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Testing extra dimensions with boundaries using Newton's law modifications

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    Extra dimensions with boundaries are often used in the literature, to provide phenomenological models that mimic the standard model. In this context, we explore possible modifications to Newton's law due to the existence of an extra-dimensional space, at the boundary of which the gravitational field obeys Dirichlet, Neumann or mixed boundary conditions. We focus on two types of extra space, namely, the disk and the interval. As we prove, in order to have a consistent Newton's law modification (i.e., of the Yukawa-type), some of the extra-dimensional spaces that have been used in the literature, must be ruled out.Comment: Published version, title changed, 6 figure

    Gaugino condensation and the anomalous U(1)U(1)

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    We study gaugino condensation in presence of an anomalous U(1)U(1) gauge group and find that global supersymmetry is dynamically broken. An example of particular interest is provided by effective string models with 4-dimensional Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation mechanism. The structure of the hidden sector is constrained by the anomaly cancellation conditions and the scale of gaugino condensation is shifted compared with the usual case. We explicitly compute the resulting soft supersymmetry breaking terms.Comment: 13 page

    On tadpoles and vacuum redefinitions in String Theory

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    Tadpoles accompany, in one form or another, all attempts to realize supersymmetry breaking in String Theory, making the present constructions at best incomplete. Whereas these tadpoles are typically large, a closer look at the problem from a perturbative viewpoint has the potential of illuminating at least some of its qualitative features in String Theory. A possible scheme to this effect was proposed long ago by Fischler and Susskind, but incorporating background redefinitions in string amplitudes in a systematic fashion has long proved very difficult. In the first part of this paper, drawing from field theory examples, we thus begin to explore what one can learn by working perturbatively in a ``wrong'' vacuum. While unnatural in Field Theory, this procedure presents evident advantages in String Theory, whose definition in curved backgrounds is mostly beyond reach at the present time. At the field theory level, we also identify and characterize some special choices of vacua where tadpole resummations terminate after a few contributions. In the second part we present a notable example where vacuum redefinitions can be dealt with to some extent at the full string level, providing some evidence for a new link between IIB and 0B orientifolds. We finally show that NS-NS tadpoles do not manifest themselves to lowest order in certain classes of string constructions with broken supersymmetry and parallel branes, including brane-antibrane pairs and brane supersymmetry breaking models, that therefore have UV finite threshold corrections at one loop.Comment: 51 pages, LaTeX, 7 eps figures. Typos corrected, refs added. Final version to appear in Nucl. Phys. B. Thanks to W. Mueck for very interesting correspondence. v3 was accidentally in draft forma