751 research outputs found

    Klauder's coherent states for the radial Coulomb problem in a uniformly curved space and their flat-space limits

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    First a set of coherent states a la Klauder is formally constructed for the Coulomb problem in a curved space of constant curvature. Then the flat-space limit is taken to reduce the set for the radial Coulomb problem to a set of hydrogen atom coherent states corresponding to both the discrete and the continuous portions of the spectrum for a fixed \ell sector.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Trade conflicts and credit supply spillovers : Evidence from the Nobel Peace Prize trade shock

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    In this paper, we examine how a trade conflict’s impact on the real economy can be amplified by financial intermediaries. After China’s implicit ban on the imports of Norwegian salmon in response to the decision on 2010 Nobel Peace Prize, we find that banks that are highly exposed to the salmon industry cut back lending to non-salmon firms and households by 3-6 percent more than other banks. Furthermore, we find that the reduction in lending was not driven by the erosion of bank capital, but rather by the shift in expectations about the performance of loans to salmon producers, which drove highly exposed banks to increase their loan loss provisions and reduce risk-taking.publishedVersio

    The evolution of RNAs with multiple functions

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    Increasing numbers of transcripts have been reported to transmit both protein-coding and regulatory information. Apart from challenging our conception of the gene, this observation raises the question as to what extent this phenomenon occurs across the genome and how and why such dual encoding of function has evolved in the eukaryotic genome. To address this question, we consider the evolutionary path of genes in the earliest forms of life on Earth, where it is generally regarded that proteins evolved from a cellular machinery based entirely within RNA. This led to the domination of protein-coding genes in the genomes of microorganisms, although it is likely that RNA never lost its other capacities and functionalities, as evidenced by cis-acting riboswitches and UTRs. On the basis that the subsequent evolution of a more sophisticated regulatory architecture to provide higher levels of epigenetic control and accurate spatiotemporal expression in developmentally complex organisms is a complicated task, we hypothesize: (i) that mRNAs have been and remain subject to secondary selection to provide trans-acting regulatory capability in parallel with protein-coding functions; (ii) that some and perhaps many protein-coding loci, possibly as a consequence of gene duplication, have lost protein-coding functions en route to acquiring more sophisticated trans-regulatory functions; (iii) that many transcripts have become subject to secondary processing to release different products; and (iv) that novel proteins have emerged within loci that previously evolved functionality as regulatory RNAs. In support of the idea that there is a dynamic flux between different types of informational RNAs in both evolutionary and real time, we review recent observations that have arisen from transcriptomic surveys of complex eukaryotes and reconsider how these observations impact on the notion that apparently discrete loci may express transcripts with more than one function. In conclusion, we posit that many eukaryotic loci have evolved the capacity to transact a multitude of overlapping and potentially independent functions as both regulatory and protein-coding RNAs

    Relative Intensities of Fluorescence at Low Temperatures

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    The change in intensity of fluorescence of ZnSiO3, CaWO4, CdB2O5, was measured at various temperatures between room temperature and the temperature of liquid oxygen. The fluorescence was excited by means of the 2537 Å line of a mercury arc. Microphotometric measurements were made on photographs of the fluorescent spectra. The results indicate a decrease in intensity with decrease in temperature of the CdB2O5 and the fluorescence of ZnSiO3 passes through a maximum of intensity between room temperature and liquid oxygen temperature

    Chemical Analysis of Fish Tissue: Kentucky Army National Guard Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Training Site, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky

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    Thirty-one analytes were measured in fish tissue taken from largemouth bass, catfish, and bluegill harvested from lakes and ponds in reclaimed and unreclaimed coal-mine spoil of Pennsylvanian age. The spoil area is approximately 7,756 acres created primarily from surface mining, and has been used in increasing intensity since 1969 as a training site by the Kentucky Army National Guard. Four fish were harvested for analysis from the area of unreclaimed spoil that resulted from mining prior to 1977, and 15 fish were harvested for analysis from the part of the training facility that was reclaimed by 1985. Twenty-six analytes had values above the method reporting limit, and only one sample, L15-8A, had a mercury concentration of 1.22 mg/kg. This concentration is slightly above the federal Food and Drug Administration action concentration level of 1 mg/kg

    Assessment of Groundwater Quality in a Remediated Abandoned Feedlot, Henderson County, Kentucky: Data Report

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    A three-phase project investigated the influence of past and present agricultural practices on groundwater resources in the Western Kentucky Coal Field. Phase III concentrated on an abandoned dairy feedlot that had been remediated. Results of phase III analyses are presented in this report

    Assessment of Groundwater Quality in an Abandoned Feedlot, Henderson County, Kentucky: Data Report

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    A three-phase project investigated the influence of past and present agricultural practices on groundwater resources in the Western Kentucky Coal Field. Phase II concentrated on past practices, specifically those associated with an abandoned dairy feedlot and an old homestead. Results of phase II analyses are presented in this report

    GATExplorer: Genomic and Transcriptomic Explorer; mapping expression probes to gene loci, transcripts, exons and ncRNAs

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    Background: Genome-wide expression studies have developed exponentially in recent years as a result of extensive use of microarray technology. However, expression signals are typically calculated using the assignment of "probesets" to genes, without addressing the problem of "gene" definition or proper consideration of the location of the measuring probes in the context of the currently known genomes and transcriptomes. Moreover, as our knowledge of metazoan genomes improves, the number of both protein-coding and noncoding genes, as well as their associated isoforms, continues to increase. Consequently, there is a need for new databases that combine genomic and transcriptomic information and provide updated mapping of expression probes to current genomic annotations.Results: GATExplorer (Genomic and Transcriptomic Explorer) is a database and web platform that integrates a gene loci browser with nucleotide level mappings of oligo probes from expression microarrays. It allows interactive exploration of gene loci, transcripts and exons of human, mouse and rat genomes, and shows the specific location of all mappable Affymetrix microarray probes and their respective expression levels in a broad set of biological samples. The web site allows visualization of probes in their genomic context together with any associated protein-coding or noncoding transcripts. In the case of all-exon arrays, this provides a means by which the expression of the individual exons within a gene can be compared, thereby facilitating the identification and analysis of alternatively spliced exons. The application integrates data from four major source databases: Ensembl, RNAdb, Affymetrix and GeneAtlas; and it provides the users with a series of files and packages (R CDFs) to analyze particular query expression datasets. The maps cover both the widely used Affymetrix GeneChip microarrays based on 3' expression (e.g. human HG U133 series) and the all-exon expression microarrays (Gene 1.0 and Exon 1.0).Conclusions: GATExplorer is an integrated database that combines genomic/transcriptomic visualization with nucleotide-level probe mapping. By considering expression at the nucleotide level rather than the gene level, it shows that the arrays detect expression signals from entities that most researchers do not contemplate or discriminate. This approach provides the means to undertake a higher resolution analysis of microarray data and potentially extract considerably more detailed and biologically accurate information from existing and future microarray experiments

    Assessment of Row Crop, Alfalfa, and Pasture Field Practices on Groundwater Quality in an Upland Bedrock Setting, Henderson County, Kentucky: Report of Soil- and Water-Quality Data

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    An assessment of how present agricultural practices have influenced shallow groundwater and soil quality was conducted on a 540-acre farm in north-central Henderson County. Groundwater- and soil-quality data were collected from row crop (corn and soybean), alfalfa, and pasture fields. In addition to the field settings, groundwater and soil data were collected from the existing farmyard and an abandoned feedlot. Groundwater samples were analyzed for pH, specific conductance, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential, metals, anions, nutrients, herbicides, and various isotopes. Soil samples were analyzed for pH, bioavailable phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, organic matter, total nitrogen, and inorganic nitrogen (nitrate-N). Soil- and groundwater-quality data are presented in the appendices

    Using Remote Sensing and Inclined Drilling to Locate High-Yield Water Wells in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field

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    The Kentucky Geological Survey has developed a method using lineament analysis in conjunction with inclinced exploration boreholes to identify subsurface fractures in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field. Wells are then drilled to intersect these fractures, with the hope that the wells will be high yielding (greater than 30 gal/min). Lineaments were selected from Landsat TM imagery, side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) imagery, and two enhanced Landsat TM images for over 6,400 square miles of eastern Kentucky. Lineaments were replotted on 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps, and field reconnaissance identified locations where lineaments correlated with straight-line topographic features and fracture zones. Subsquent application of an inclined drilling technique at six sites has resulted in four production wells with yields ranging from 47 to 72 gal/min. All production wells intersected fractured rock. According to data from the Kentucky Groundwater Data Repository through October 2002, the yields of these four production wells are greater than the yields of 95 percent of the wells drilled in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field. This study suggests that to minimize the chances of encountering salty groundwater, the best sites for high-yield wells are in first- or second-order stream valleys with fracture zones