2,830 research outputs found

    Monte--Carlo Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz

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    We introduce a Monte--Carlo simulation approach to thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA). We exemplify the method on one particle integrable models, which include a free boson and a free fermions systems along with the scaling Lee--Yang model (SLYM). It is confirmed that the central charges and energies are correct to a very good precision, typically 0.1% or so. The advantage of the method is that it enables the calculation of all the dimensions and even the particular partition function.Comment: 22 pages. Added a footnote and realizations for the minimal models. Fortran program, mont-s.f90, available from the source lin

    Infrared Behaviour of Massless Integrable Flows entering the Minimal Models from phi_31

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    It is known that any minimal model M_p receives along its phi_31 irrelevant direction *two* massless integrable flows: one from M_{p+1} perturbed by phi_{13}, the other from Z_{p-1} parafermionic model perturbed by its generating parafermion field. By comparing Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz data and ``predictions'' of infrared Conformal Perturbation Theory we show that these two flows are received by M_p with opposite coupling constants of the phi_31 irrelevant perturbation. Some comments on the massless S matrices of these two flows are added.Comment: 12 pages, Latex - One misprinted (uninfluent) coefficient corrected in Tab.

    Solar cell radiation response near the interface of different atomic number materials

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    The response of cobalt 60 irradiated N/P silicon solar cells was measured as a function of the atomic number of the medium adjacent to the cell and the direction of the gamma ray beam. The interpositioning of various thicknesses of aluminum between the adjacent material and the cell had the effect of moving the cell to various locations in an approximate monatomic numbered medium. Using this technique the solar cell response was determined at various distances from the interface for gold and beryllium. The results were compared with predictions based upon ionization chamber measurements of dose perturbations in aluminum and found to agree within five percent. Ionization chamber data was then used to estimate the influence of various base contact materials

    Study of Apollo water impact. Volume 8 - Unsymmetric shells of revolution analysis Final report

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    Numerical analysis of static, and dynamic shell response to water impact load

    Gradient Flows from an Approximation to the Exact Renormalization Group

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    Through appropriate projections of an exact renormalization group equation, we study fixed points, critical exponents and nontrivial renormalization group flows in scalar field theories in 2<d<42<d<4. The standard upper critical dimensions dk=2kk1d_k={2k\over k-1}, k=2,3,4,k=2,3,4,\ldots appear naturally encoded in our formalism, and for dimensions smaller but very close to dkd_k our results match the \ee-expansion. Within the coupling constant subspace of mass and quartic couplings and for any dd, we find a gradient flow with two fixed points determined by a positive-definite metric and a cc-function which is monotonically decreasing along the flow.Comment: 10 pages, TeX, 3 postscript figures available upon request, UB-ECM-PF-93/2

    Co-digestion of macroalgae for biogas production: an LCA-based environmental evaluation

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    Algae represent a favourable and potentially sustainable source of biomass for bioenergy-based industrial pathways in the future. The study, performed on a real pilot plant implemented in Augusta (Italy) within the frame of the BioWALK4Biofuels project, aims to figure out whether seaweed (macroalgae) cultivated in near-shore open ponds could be considered a beneficial aspect as a source of biomass for biogas production within the co-digestion with local agricultural biological waste. The LCA results confirm that the analysed A and B scenarios (namely the algae-based co-digestion scenario and agricultural mix feedstock scenario) present an environmental performance more favourable than that achieved with conventional non-renewable-based technologies (specifically natural gas - Scenario C). Results show that the use of seaweed (Scenario A) represent a feasible solution in order to replace classical biomass used for biofuel production from a land-based feedstock. The improvement of the environmental performances is quantifiable on 10% respect to Scenario B, and 38 times higher than Scenario

    A note on the topological order of noncommutative Hall fluids

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    We evaluate the ground state degeneracy of noncommutative Chern-Simons models on the two-torus, a quantity that is interpreted as the "topological order" of associated phases of Hall fluids. We define the noncommutative theory via T-duality from an ordinary Chern-Simons model with non-abelian 't Hooft magnetic fluxes. Motivated by this T-duality, we propose a discrete family of noncommutative, non-abelian fluid models, arising as a natural generalization of the standard noncommutative Chern-Simons effective models. We compute the topological order for these universality classes, and comment on their possible microscopic interpretation.Comment: 14 page

    Analytic Coulomb matrix elements in the lowest Landau level in disk geometry

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    Using Darling's theorem on products of generalized hypergeometric series an analytic expression is obtained for the Coulomb matrix elements in the lowest Landau level in the representation of angular momentum. The result is important in the studies of Fractional Quantum Hall effect (FQHE) in disk geometry. Matrix elements are expressed as simple finite sums of positive terms, eliminating the need to approximate these quantities with slowly-convergent series. As a by-product, an analytic representation for certain integals of products of Laguerre polynomials is obtained.Comment: Accepted to J. Math. Phys.; 3 pages revtex, no figure

    On the Classification of Bulk and Boundary Conformal Field Theories

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    The classification of rational conformal field theories is reconsidered from the standpoint of boundary conditions. Solving Cardy's equation expressing the consistency condition on a cylinder is equivalent to finding integer valued representations of the fusion algebra. A complete solution not only yields the admissible boundary conditions but also gives valuable information on the bulk properties.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX; minor correction

    Solving the Frustrated Spherical Model with q-Polynomials

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    We analyse the Spherical Model with frustration induced by an external gauge field. In infinite dimensions, this has been recently mapped onto a problem of q-deformed oscillators, whose real parameter q measures the frustration. We find the analytic solution of this model by suitably representing the q-oscillator algebra with q-Hermite polynomials. We also present a related Matrix Model which possesses the same diagrammatic expansion in the planar approximation. Its interaction potential is oscillating at infinity with period log(q), and may lead to interesting metastability phenomena beyond the planar approximation. The Spherical Model is similarly q-periodic, but does not exhibit such phenomena: actually its low-temperature phase is not glassy and depends smoothly on q.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, 2 eps figure