26,645 research outputs found

    Hypersonic airframe structures: Technology needs and flight test requirements

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    Hypersonic vehicles, that may be produced by the year 2000, were identified. Candidate thermal/structural concepts that merit consideration for these vehicles were described. The current status of analytical methods, materials, manufacturing techniques, and conceptual developments pertaining to these concepts were reviewed. Guidelines establishing meaningful technology goals were defined and twenty-eight specific technology needs were identified. The extent to which these technology needs can be satisfied, using existing capabilities and facilities without the benefit of a hypersonic research aircraft, was assessed. The role that a research aircraft can fill in advancing this technology was discussed and a flight test program was outlined. Research aircraft thermal/structural design philosophy was also discussed. Programs, integrating technology advancements with the projected vehicle needs, were presented. Program options were provided to reflect various scheduling and cost possibilities

    On the temperature dependence of correlation functions in the space like direction in hot QCD

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    We study the temperature dependence of quark antiquark correlations in the space like direction. In particular, we predict the temperature dependence of space like Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes using recent Lattice gauge data for the space like string potential. We also investigate the effect of the space like string potential on the screening mass and discuss possible corrections which may arise when working with point sources.Comment: 15 pages 8 figures (not included, will be sent on request), (SUNY-NTG-94-3

    Electron-phonon interaction and antiferromagnetic correlations

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    We study effects of the Coulomb repulsion on the electron-phonon interaction (EPI) in a model of cuprates at zero and finite doping. We find that antiferromagnetic correlations strongly enhance EPI effects on the electron Green's function with respect to the paramagnetic correlated system, but the net effect of the Coulomb interaction is a moderate suppression of the EPI. Doping leads to additional suppression, due to reduced antiferromagnetic correlations. In contrast, the Coulomb interaction strongly suppresses EPI effects on phonons, but the suppression weakens with doping.Comment: 4 pages and 5 figure

    General approach for studying first-order phase transitions at low temperatures

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    By combining different ideas, a general and efficient protocol to deal with discontinuous phase transitions at low temperatures is proposed. For small TT's, it is possible to derive a generic analytic expression for appropriate order parameters, whose coefficients are obtained from simple simulations. Once in such regimes simulations by standard algorithms are not reliable, an enhanced tempering method, the parallel tempering -- accurate for small and intermediate system sizes with rather low computational cost -- is used. Finally, from finite size analysis, one can obtain the thermodynamic limit. The procedure is illustrated for four distinct models, demonstrating its power, e.g., to locate coexistence lines and the phases density at the coexistence.Comment: 5 page

    Observations on the Overwintering Potential of the Striped Cucumber Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Southern Minnesota

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    The striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma vittatum (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is an important pest of cucurbit crops. However, the overwinter- ing capacity of this pest in temperate regions is poorly understood. In this study, the in-field survival of A. vittatum was examined during three consecutive winters. In addition, the supercooling points of A. vittatum were determined as an index of cold hardiness for adults. During each winter, the survival of adults decreased significantly through time, with no individuals surviving until spring. By comparing the supercooling points and in-field survival of adults to soil temperatures, it appears that winter temperatures in Minnesota are cold enough to induce freezing of the beetles. Moreover, a considerable amount of mortality occurred before minimum monthly soil temperatures dropped below the supercooling point of overwintering individuals, suggesting the occurrence of prefreeze mortality. An improved understanding of the response of A. vittatum to winter temperatures in temperate regions may aid in early season management of this pest

    PANIC: A Near-infrared Camera for the Magellan Telescopes

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    PANIC (Persson's Auxiliary Nasmyth Infrared Camera) is a near-infrared camera designed to operate at any one of the f/11 folded ports of the 6.5m Magellan telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. The instrument is built around a simple, all-refractive design that reimages the Magellan focal plane to a plate scale of 0.125'' pixel^{-1} onto a Rockwell 1024x1024 HgCdTe detector. The design goals for PANIC included excellent image quality to sample the superb seeing measured with the Magellan telescopes, high throughput, a relatively short construction time, and low cost. PANIC has now been in regular operation for over one year and has proved to be highly reliable and produce excellent images. The best recorded image quality has been ~0.2'' FWHM.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. To appear in "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation," Proc SPIE (Glasgow), June 2004. Version with higher resolution figures is available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~pmartini/professional/publications/panic.pd

    Influence of firing mechanisms on gain modulation

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    We studied the impact of a dynamical threshold on the f-I curve-the relationship between the input and the firing rate of a neuron-in the presence of background synaptic inputs. First, we found that, while the leaky integrate-and-fire model cannot reproduce the f-I curve of a cortical neuron, the leaky integrate-and-fire model with dynamical threshold can reproduce it very well. Second, we found that the dynamical threshold modulates the onset and the asymptotic behavior of the f-I curve. These results suggest that a cortical neuron has an adaptation mechanism and that the dynamical threshold has some significance for the computational properties of a neuron.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, conference proceeding

    Energy efficient engine: Preliminary design and integration studies

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    Parametric design and mission evaluations of advanced turbofan configurations were conducted for future transport aircraft application. Economics, environmental suitability and fuel efficiency were investigated and compared with goals set by NASA. Of the candidate engines which included mixed- and separate-flow, direct-drive and geared configurations, an advanced mixed-flow direct-drive configuration was selected for further design and evaluation. All goals were judged to have been met except the acoustic goal. Also conducted was a performance risk analysis and a preliminary aerodynamic design of the 10 stage 23:1 pressure ratio compressor used in the study engines

    The chemical equilibration volume: measuring the degree of thermalization

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    We address the issue of the degree of equilibrium achieved in a high energy heavy-ion collision. Specifically, we explore the consequences of incomplete strangeness chemical equilibrium. This is achieved over a volume V of the order of the strangeness correlation length and is assumed to be smaller than the freeze-out volume. Probability distributions of strange hadrons emanating from the system are computed for varying sizes of V and simple experimental observables based on these are proposed. Measurements of such observables may be used to estimate V and as a result the degree of strangeness chemical equilibration achieved. This sets a lower bound on the degree of kinetic equilibrium. We also point out that a determination of two-body correlations or second moments of the distributions are not sufficient for this estimation.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, revtex