3,999 research outputs found

    Nonlocal compensation of pure phase objects with entangled photons

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    We suggest and demonstrate a scheme for coherent nonlocal compensation of pure phase objects based on two-photon polarization and momentum entangled states. The insertion of a single phase object on one of the beams reduces the purity of the state and the amount of shared entanglement, whereas the original entanglement can be retrieved by adding a suitable phase object on the other beam. In our setup polarization and momentum entangled states are generated by spontaneous parametric downconversion and then purified using a programmable spatial light modulator, which may be also used to impose arbitrary space dependent phase functions to the beams. As a possible application, we suggest and demonstrate a quantum key distribution protocol based on nonlocal phase compensation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) program: Study of geological structure of Sicily and other Italian areas

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    The usefulness of thermal inertia mapping in discriminating geolithological units was investigated using Sardinia and the Gulf of Orosei as test sites. Software designed for LANDSAT data were modified and improved for HCMM tapes. A first attempt was made to compare the geological cross section, the topography, the IR radiance, and the thermal inertia along selected profiles of the test site. Thermal inertia profiles appear smoothed in comparison with the thermal radiance. The lowest apparent thermal inertia (ATI) was found on granitic and basaltic outcrops where their image is of sufficient extent, while ATI is higher on carbonatic and dolomitic or moist deposits. Almost every fault is marked by a jump of ATI, the interval being sometimes of the order of one pixel. This seems to demonstrate the ability of ATI to detect contacts or tectonically disturbed zones with a good resolution. It seems more difficult to measure the differences in ATI between homogeneous materials having different lithology. Ground surveys conducted and a simulation model of diurnal temperatures of rocks having different thermal inertia are discussed

    On the ab initio calculation of CVV Auger spectra in closed-shell systems

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    We propose an ab initio method to evaluate the core-valence-valence (CVV) Auger spectrum of systems with filled valence bands. The method is based on the Cini-Sawatzky theory, and aims at estimating the parameters by first-principles calculations in the framework of density-functional theory (DFT). Photoemission energies and the interaction energy for the two holes in the final state are evaluated by performing DFT simulations for the system with varied population of electronic levels. Transition matrix elements are taken from atomic results. The approach takes into account the non-sphericity of the density of states of the emitting atom, spin-orbit interaction in core and valence, and non quadratic terms in the total energy expansion with respect to fractional occupation numbers. It is tested on two benchmark systems, Zn and Cu metals, leading in both cases to L23M45M45 Auger peaks within 2 eV from the experimental ones. Detailed analysis is presented on the relative weight of the various contributions considered in our method, providing the basis for future development. Especially problematic is the evaluation of the hole-hole interaction for systems with broad valence bands: our method underestimates its value in Cu, while we obtain excellent results for this quantity in Zn.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Resistance-based probabilistic design by order statistics for an oil and gas deep-water well casing string affected by wear during kick load

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    Deep-water wells for oil and gas extraction make structural components, such as casing and tubing, work in extremely harsh environmental conditions that accelerate component degradation and increase failure probability. Therefore, it is important to properly design casing strings under these operative circumstances (Baraldi et al., 2012)

    Experimental study of gradual/abrupt dynamics of HfO<sub>2</sub>-based 1 memristive devices

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    The resistance switching dynamics of TiN/HfO2/Pt devices is analyzed in this paper. When biased with a voltage ramp of appropriate polarity, the devices experience SET transitions from high to low resistance states in an abrupt manner, which allows identifying a threshold voltage. However, we find that the stimulation with trains of identical pulses at voltages near the threshold results in a gradual SET transition, whereby the resistive state visits a continuum of intermediate levels as it approaches some low resistance state limit. On the contrary, RESET transitions from low to high resistance states proceed in a gradual way under voltage ramp stimulation, while gradual resistance changes driven by trains of identical spikes cover only a limited resistance window. The results are discussed in terms of the relations among the thermo-electrochemical effects of Joule heating, ion mobility, and resistance change, which provide positive and negative closed loop processes in SET and RESET, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of the competition between opposite tendencies of filament dissolution and formation at opposite metal/HfO2 interfaces is discussed as an additional ingredient affecting the switching dynamics

    Prediction of Displacements in Unstable Areas Using a Neural Model

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    In pipeline management the accurate prediction of weak displacements is a crucial factor in drawing up a prevention policy since the accumulation of these displacements over a period of several years can lead to situations of high risk. This work addresses the specific problem related to the prediction of displacements induced by rainfall in unstable areas, of known geology, and crossed by underground pipelines. A neural model has been configured which learns of displacements from instrumented sites (where inclinometric measurements are available) and is able to generalise to other sites not equipped with inclinometers

    ALK inhibition in two emblematic cases of pediatric inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor: Efficacy and side effects

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    There is an increasing interest for anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitors in pediatric oncology for specific entities such as ALK-driven inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT). IMT treatment can be challenging due to localization of the tumor and in rare cases of metastasis. When standard surgical treatment is not feasible, ALK inhibitors may play an important role, as recently reported for the first-generation ALK inhibitors (crizotinib). However, data on the second-generation ALK inhibitors are limited.We report two emblematic cases of IMT in pediatric patients, treated with the second-generation ALK inhibitor ceritinib in the context of a clinical trial (NCT01742286)

    A valid academic path to promote respiratory physiotherapy

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    A one- year post- graduate Master in Physiotherapy and Pulmonary Rehabilitation has been offered within the University of Milan Medical School in collaboration with Associaz ione Italiana Riabilitatori dell\u2019Insufficienz a Respiratoria (ARIR). The aim is to cover a gap in Italian Physiotherapy academic curricula offering a course with theoretical and practical teaching that make students capable of using different techniques and procedures in respiratory physiotherapy. After the recognition by the International Education Recognition System (IERS), ARIR wanted to investigate if and how this course has affected students'attitude and their profession. METHODS A structured questionnaire made up of 15 multiple- choices items (8 on perceived quality of education and 7 on professional change) was sent by email to all physiotherapists who graduated in the previous four editions of the Master. One month was given for completion. Age, gender, year of degree and year of Master where considered as background variables. RESULTS We had a 78% response rate with 57 out of 73 physiotherapists sending the questionnaire back. Mean age was 37 years (23- 60) and women were the majority (78%). Forty- two students (74%) worked in the respiratory field at the time of application but only 15 (36%) dealt with respiratory patients only. Expectations were completely met at the end of Master for 71% of physiotherapists. 96% reported greater professional and clinical skills after the master with a 67% saying working team relationship has improved. 28% improved their job position thanks to the master degree and physiotherapy working in the respiratory field increased by 22%. CONCLUSIONS This course seems to meet students expectations and offer a solid knowledge to better work within the field of respiratory physiotherapy. It is also a way to promote the profession of respiratory physiotherapy in Italy

    Tyr120Asp mutation alters domain flexibility and dynamics of MeCP2 DNA binding domain leading to impaired DNA interaction : Atomistic characterization of a Rett syndrome causing mutation

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    Mutations in the X-linked MECP2 gene represent the main origin of Rett syndrome, causing a profound intellectual disability in females. MeCP2 is an epigenetic transcriptional regulator containing two main functional domains: a methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) and a transcription repression domain (TRD). Over 600 pathogenic mutations were reported to affect the whole protein; almost half of missense mutations affect the MBD. Understanding the impact of these mutations on the MBD structure and interaction with DNA will foster the comprehension of their pathogenicity and possibly genotype/phenotype correlation studies. Herein, we use molecular dynamics simulations to obtain a detailed view of the dynamics of WT and mutated MBD in the presence and absence of DNA. The pathogenic mutation Y120D is used as paradigm for our studies. Further, since the Y120 residue was previously found to be a phosphorylation site, we characterize the dynamic profile of the MBD also in the presence of Y120 phosphorylation (pY120). We found that addition of a phosphate group to Y120 or mutation in aspartic acid affect domain mobility that samples an alternative conformational space with respect to the WT, leading to impaired ability to interact with DNA. Experimental assays showing a significant reduction in the binding affinity between the mutated MBD and the DNA confirmed our predictions
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