502 research outputs found

    Nursing with the Heart of Christ

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    Within the nursing profession it is necessary for the nurse to learn to have love, compassion, joy, peace, patience, humility, and integrity within his/her character. After reviewing numerous peer reviewed journals and personal examples, the following paper reveals how these traits – love, compassion, joy, peace, patience, humility, and integrity – are beneficial within the nursing profession. The paper defines the mentioned characteristics, shows how they can be used and implemented within the nursing practice, demonstrates how their implementation leads to greater patient care, and then compares these traits and actions to the character and person of Christ

    Understanding the effects of air pollution on neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the growing and adult brain

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    Exposure to air pollution - and particularly to particulate matter (PM) - is strongly associated with higher risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, poor mental health and cognitive defects. In animal models, disruption of CNS development and disturbances of adult neurogenesis contribute to PM neurotoxicity. Recent studies show that gestational PM exposure not only affects embryonic neurodevelopment, but also disturbs postnatal brain growth and maturation, by interfering with neurogenic/gliogenic events, myelination and synaptogenesis. Similarly, adult neurogenesis is affected at many levels, from neural stem cell amplification up to the maturation and integration of novel neurons in the adult brain parenchyma. The underlying mechanisms are still by and large unknown. Beyond microglia activation and neuroinflammation, recent studies propose a role for novel epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation and extracellular vesicles-associated microRNAs

    A Balaton környéki kisvízfolyások makroszkópikus gerinctelen faunája | On the macroinvertebrate fauna of inflows of lake Balaton

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    A Balaton környéki kisvízfolyások makroszkópikus gerinctelen faunája kevéssé ismert. Habár számos faunisztikai jellegű gyűjtést végeztek ezen a területen, ezekben a publikációkban csak szórványos adatok találhatók. Dolgozatunkban átfogó irodalmi áttekintést adunk a Balaton környéki patakok makrogerinctelen faunájáról, illetve saját, 2006-ban végzett faunisztikai felmérésünk eredményeit mutatjuk be. | The aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of streams in the catchment area of Lake Balaton is poorly known. Although there were carried out many faunistical investigation in this area, only sporadic data can be found in the literature. In this paper a compilation is given on the macroinvertebrate fauna of streams of Lake Balaton, and the results of own faunistical investigations carried out in 2006 are presented

    Machined Versus Cast Abutments for Dental Implants: a 1-year Within-patient Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing Marginal Seal Capacity and Outcomes

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    PURPOSE To compare clinical outcomes of machined titanium abutments (machined group) versus cast cobalt-chrome abutments (cast group) and to evaluate in vitro their implant fit. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study comprised two parts. In the in vitro part, the im-plant–abutment fit of 5 cast abutments and 5 machined abutments screwed on with a torque of 30 Ncm was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated using micro-computed tomography (µ-CT) and AgNO3 to reveal connection gaps. In the clinical part, 31 partially edentulous subjects received two single non-adjacent implant-supported crowns at three centres. At impression taking, three and a half months after implant placement, implants were randomized to receive a machined or cast abutment according to a wi-thin-patient study design. Unfortunately, four patients dropped out and one patient lost one implant before randomization, so only 26 patients had their implants randomized. Outcome measures were: prosthesis and implant failures, any complications, and radiographic peri-implant marginal bone level changes. Patients were followed up to 1 year after loading. RESULTS The fit of the implant–abutment connection was assessed in vitro using µ-CT scans. No gaps were revealed at any of the machined or cast abutments tested. In the clinical part, after randomization, three patients dropped out, no implant failed, but one crown on a cast abutment was replaced. The between-group difference in prosthesis failure was not statistically different (McNemar chi-square test P = 1.0; difference in proportions = 0.039). One complication occurred in each group, the difference not being statistically different (McNemar test P = 1.000; difference in proportions = 0; 95% CI 0.06 to 15.99). Both groups presented statistically significant peri-implant marginal bone loss from implant placement to 1 year after loading, respectively-0.76 ± 1.01 mm for machined and-0.69 ± 0.82 mm for cast abutments, with no statistically significant differences between the two groups (mean difference 0.07 mm; 95% CI-0.54 to 0.67; P = 0.828). Both groups gradually lost marginal peri-implant bone from loading to 1 year after loading but this was not significantly different, respectively-0.06 ± 0.56 mm for machined and-0.10 ± 0.29 mm for cast abutments, with no statistically significant differences between the two groups (P = 0.739; mean difference 0.07 mm; 95% CI-0.12 to 0.16; P = 0.739). CONCLUSIONS Our clinical data suggests that implant prognosis up to 1 year after loading is not affected by using machined or cast abutments. In support of these findings, in vitro analysis proved that both types of abutments allow a tight fit with no gaps. The-refore, for the time being dentists should feel free to choose whichever type they prefer. However, these preliminary results need to be confirmed by larger trials with at least 10 years of follow-up

    Comparison of Gait During Treadmill Exercise While Supine in Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP), Supine with Bungee Resistance and Upright in Normal Gravity

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    The purpose of this study is to compare footward forces, gait kinematics, and muscle activation patterns (EMG) generated during supine treadmill exercise against LBNP with the same parameters during supine bungee resistance exercise and upright treadmill exercise. We hypothesize that the three conditions will be similar. These results will help validate treadmill exercise during LBNP as a viable technique to simulate gravity during space flight. We are evaluating LBNP as a means to load the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems without gravity. Such loading should help prevent physiologic deconditioning during space flight. The best ground-based simulation of LBNP treadmill exercise in microgravity is supine LBNP treadmill exercise on Earth because the supine footward force vector is neither directed nor supplemented by Earth's gravity

    Twins Bed Rest Project: LBNP/Exercise Minimizes Changes in Lean Leg Mass, Strength and Endurance

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    Decreases in muscle strength and endurance frequently are observed in non-weightbearing conditions such as bed rest (BR), spaceflight or limb immobilization. Purpose: Ow purpose was to determine if supine treadmill exercise against simulated gravity, by application of lower body negative pressure (LBNP), prevents loss of lean leg mass, strength and endurance during 30 d of 6deg head-down bed rest (BR). Methods: Fifteen pairs of monozygous twins (8 male, 7 female pairs; 26+/-4 yrs; 170+/-12 cm; 62.6+/-11.3 kg; mean+/-SD) were subjects in the present study. One sibling of each pair of twins was randomly assigned to either an exercise (EX) or non-exercise (CON) group. The EX twin walked/jogged on a vertical treadmill within LBNP chamber 6 d/wk using a 40-min interval exercise protocol at 40-80% of pre-BR VO(sub 2peak). LBNP was adjusted individually for each subject such that footward force was between 1.0 and 1.2 times body weight (-53+/-5 mmHg LBNP). The CON twin performed no exercise during BR. Subjects performed isokinetic knee (60 and 120deg/s) and ankle (60deg/s) testing to assess strength and endurance (End) before and after BR. They also had their lean leg mass (L(sub mass)) evaluated by DEXA before and after BR. Results: Changes in peak torque (T(sub pk)) were smaller for flexion (flex) than for extension (ext) after BR and did not differ between groups. The CON group had larger decreases (P<0.05) in L(sub mass), knee and ankle ext T(sub pk), and knee ext End