352 research outputs found

    The role of stellar radial motions in shaping galaxy surface brightness profiles

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    Aims. The physics driving features such as breaks observed in galaxy surface brightness (SB) profiles remains contentious. Here, we assess the importance of stellar radial motions in shaping their characteristics. Methods. We use the simulated Milky Way-mass cosmological discs from the Ramses Disc Environment Study (RaDES) to characterise the radial redistribution of stars in galaxies displaying type-I (pure exponentials), II (downbending), and III (upbending) SB profiles. We compare radial profiles of the mass fractions and the velocity dispersions of different sub-populations of stars according to their birth and current location. Results. Radial redistribution of stars is important in all galaxies regardless of their light profiles. Type-II breaks seem to be a consequence of the combined effects of outward-moving and accreted stars. The former produce shallower inner profiles (lack of stars in the inner disc) and accumulate material around the break radius and beyond, strengthening the break; the latter can weaken or even convert the break into a pure exponential. Further accretion from satellites can concentrate material in the outermost parts, leading to type-III breaks that can coexist with type-II breaks, but situated further out. Type-III galaxies would be the result of an important radial redistribution of material throughout the entire disc, as well as a concentration of accreted material in the outskirts. In addition, type-III galaxies display the most efficient radial redistribution and the largest number of accreted stars, followed by type-I and II systems, suggesting that type-I galaxies may be an intermediate case between types-II and III. In general, the velocity dispersion profiles of all galaxies tend to flatten or even increase around the locations where the breaks are found. The age and metallicity profiles are also affected, exhibiting different inner gradients depending on their SB profile, being steeper in the case of type-II systems (as found observationally). The steep type-II profiles might be inherent to their formation rather than acquired via radial redistribution

    Análisis del relieve y cartografía de procesos geomorfológicos activos mediante SIG en la zona de confluencia de los ríos Tuerto y Porquera (provincia de León, España)

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    La configuración del relieve terrestre y los cambios que tienen lugar en el entorno natural de los asentamientos humanos tienen una gran trascendencia social y económica debido a que marcan las condiciones de habitabilidad y desarrollo futuro de las actividades antrópicas. Partiendo de este hecho, el principal objetivo de este estudio es la realización de una cartografía geomorfológica en la cual aparezcan reflejados los principales procesos activos de tipo geológico, como base para la realización en el futuro de estudios de susceptibilidad de riesgos geológicos y determinar las zonas en las que la ocupación humana pueda verse afectada por daños relacionados con procesos naturales relacionados con el medio físico. Para la elaboración de esta cartografía geomorfológica se han realizado tareas de fotointerpretación en visión estereoscópica y representación en un Sistema de Información Geográfica (ArcGis 10.1), utilizando como base el Modelo Digital del Terreno MDT05/MDT05-LIDAR con una resolución espacial de 5x5 metros, aplicando distintas herramientas, utilizando también la capa de la BCN25 de curvas de nivel, así como trabajo de campo de comprobación y descripción del relieve y procesos activos. En el mapa obtenido se pueden distinguir tres tipos de dominios geomorfológicos, cada uno con sus procesos geológicos activos predominantes: dominio paleozoico con procesos gravitacionales, dominio neógeno con procesos gravitacionales y de erosión y, por último, dominio fluvial con presencia de abanicos aluviales y llanuras de inundación principalmente

    Evidence for intermediate-age stellar populations in early-type galaxies from K-band spectroscopy

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    The study of stellar populations in early-type galaxies in different environments is a powerful tool for constraining their star formation histories. This study has been traditionally restricted to the optical range, where dwarfs around the turn-off and stars at the base of the RGB dominate the integrated light at all ages. The near-infrared spectral range is especially interesting since in the presence of an intermediate-age population, AGB stars are the main contributors. In this letter, we measure the near-infrared indices NaI and DCO_{\rm CO} for a sample of 12 early-type galaxies in low density environments and compare them with the Fornax galaxy sample presented by Silva et al. (2008). The analysis of these indices in combination with Lick/IDS indices in the optical range reveals i) the NaI index is a metallicity indicator as good as C4668 in the optical range, and ii) DCO_{\rm CO} is a tracer of intermediate-age stellar populations. We find that low-mass galaxies in low density environments show higher NaI and DCO_{\rm CO} than those located in Fornax cluster, which points towards a late stage of star formation for the galaxies in less dense environments, in agreement with results from other studies using independent methods.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    On the Environmental Dependence of Cluster Galaxy Assembly Timescale

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    We present estimates of CN and Mg overabundances with respect to Fe for early-type galaxies in 8 clusters over a range of richness and morphology. Spectra were taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR1, and from WHT and CAHA observations. Abundances were derived from absorption lines and single burst population models, by comparing galaxy spectra with appropriately broadened synthetic model spectra. We detect correlations between [Mg/CN] and [CN/Fe] and cluster X-ray luminosity. No correlation is observed for [Mg/Fe]. We also see a clear trend with the richness and morphology of the clusters. This is interpreted given varying formation timescales for CN, Mg and Fe, and a varying star formation history in early-type galaxies as a function of their environment: intermediate-mass early-type galaxies in more massive clusters are assembled on shorter timescales than in less massive clusters, with an upper limit of ~1 Gyr.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The cosmic evolution of the spatially-resolved star formation rate and stellar mass of the CALIFA survey

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    We investigate the cosmic evolution of the absolute and specific star formation rate (SFR, sSFR) of galaxies as derived from a spatially-resolved study of the stellar populations in a set of 366 nearby galaxies from the CALIFA survey. The analysis combines GALEX and SDSS images with the 4000 break, H_beta, and [MgFe] indices measured from the datacubes, to constrain parametric models for the SFH, which are then used to study the cosmic evolution of the star formation rate density (SFRD), the sSFR, the main sequence of star formation (MSSF), and the stellar mass density (SMD). A delayed-tau model, provides the best results, in good agreement with those obtained from cosmological surveys. Our main results from this model are: a) The time since the onset of the star formation is larger in the inner regions than in the outer ones, while tau is similar or smaller in the inner than in the outer regions. b) The sSFR declines rapidly as the Universe evolves, and faster for early than for late type galaxies, and for the inner than for the outer regions of galaxies. c) SFRD and SMD agree well with results from cosmological surveys. At z< 0.5, most star formation takes place in the outer regions of late spiral galaxies, while at z>2 the inner regions of the progenitors of the current E and S0 are the major contributors to SFRD. d) The inner regions of galaxies are the major contributor to SMD at z> 0.5, growing their mass faster than the outer regions, with a lookback time at 50% SMD of 9 and 6 Gyr for the inner and outer regions. e) The MSSF follows a power-law at high redshift, with the slope evolving with time, but always being sub-linear. f) In agreement with galaxy surveys at different redshifts, the average SFH of CALIFA galaxies indicates that galaxies grow their mass mainly in a mode that is well represented by a delayed-tau model, with the peak at z~2 and an e-folding time of 3.9 Gyr.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. *Abridged abstract

    Recovering star formation histories: Integrated-light analyses vs stellar colour-magnitude diagrams

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    Accurate star formation histories (SFHs) of galaxies are fundamental for understanding the build-up of their stellar content. However, the most accurate SFHs - those obtained from colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of resolved stars reaching the oldest main sequence turnoffs (oMSTO) - are presently limited to a few systems in the Local Group. It is therefore crucial to determine the reliability and range of applicability of SFHs derived from integrated light spectroscopy, as this affects our understanding of unresolved galaxies from low to high redshift. To evaluate the reliability of current full spectral fitting techniques in deriving SFHs from integrated light spectroscopy by comparing SFHs from integrated spectra to those obtained from deep CMDs of resolved stars. We have obtained a high signal--to--noise (S/N \sim 36.3 per \AA) integrated spectrum of a field in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using EFOSC2 at the 3.6 meter telescope at La Silla Observatory. For this same field, resolved stellar data reaching the oMSTO are available. We have compared the star formation rate (SFR) as a function of time and the age-metallicity relation (AMR) obtained from the integrated spectrum using {\tt STECKMAP}, and the CMD using the IAC-star/MinnIAC/IAC-pop set of routines. For the sake of completeness we also use and discuss other synthesis codes ({\tt STARLIGHT} and {\tt ULySS}) to derive the SFR and AMR from the integrated LMC spectrum. We find very good agreement (average differences \sim 4.1 %\%) between the SFR(t) and the AMR obtained using {\tt STECKMAP} on the integrated light spectrum, and the CMD analysis. {\tt STECKMAP} minimizes the impact of the age-metallicity degeneracy and has the advantage of preferring smooth solutions to recover complex SFHs by means of a penalized χ2\chi^2. [abridged]Comment: 23 pages, 24 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A (6 Sep 2015

    Utilidad y significado de la infraestructura de datos espaciales de España. Hermenéutica de la IDEE

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    La Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de España (www.idee.es), en funcionamiento desde el verano del 2004, es un proyecto cooperativo, de autoría colectiva, en el que participan organismos e instituciones de los tres ámbitos de la Administración Pública (general, regional y local), del entorno universitario y del sector privado. Básicamente consiste en un sistema distribuido en la Red que permite a cualquier usuario mediante un simple navegador (browser) la búsqueda, localización, visualización, superposición en pantalla, consulta, análisis y, en ocasiones, descarga de los datos geográficos disponibles en más de quince servidores pertenecientes a diferentes organismos cartográficos de España, que ofrecen mapas a varias escalas, nomenclátores, ortofotos, imágenes de satélite, catastro, etc., todo ello, con cobertura nacional, facilidad de acceso y sencillez de uso

    Census of HII regions in NGC 6754 derived with MUSE: Constraints on the metal mixing scale

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    We present a study of the HII regions in the galaxy NGC 6754 from a two pointing mosaic comprising 197,637 individual spectra, using Integral Field Spectrocopy (IFS) recently acquired with the MUSE instrument during its Science Verification program. The data cover the entire galaxy out to ~2 effective radii (re ), sampling its morphological structures with unprecedented spatial resolution for a wide-field IFU. A complete census of the H ii regions limited by the atmospheric seeing conditions was derived, comprising 396 individual ionized sources. This is one of the largest and most complete catalogue of H ii regions with spectroscopic information in a single galaxy. We use this catalogue to derive the radial abundance gradient in this SBb galaxy, finding a negative gradient with a slope consistent with the characteristic value for disk galaxies recently reported. The large number of H ii regions allow us to estimate the typical mixing scale-length (rmix ~0.4 re ), which sets strong constraints on the proposed mechanisms for metal mixing in disk galaxies, like radial movements associated with bars and spiral arms, when comparing with simulations. We found evidence for an azimuthal variation of the oxygen abundance, that may be related with the radial migration. These results illustrate the unique capabilities of MUSE for the study of the enrichment mechanisms in Local Universe galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 7 Figurs, accepted for publishing in A&