711 research outputs found

    The momentum map for nonholonomic field theories with symmetry

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    In this note, we introduce a suitable generalization of the momentum map for nonholonomic field theories and prove a covariant form of the nonholonomic momentum equation. We show that these covariant objects coincide with their counterparts in mechanics by making the transition to the Cauchy formalism

    On the irredundant part of the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor

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    Let us assume a given medium moves and deforms in an ambient smooth and oriented Riemannian manifold N with metric (, ). This medium at hand is supposed to maintain the shape of a compact smooth orientable and connected manifold M with boundary. Clearly dim M ≤ dim N. By a configuration j of the medium we mean a smooth embedding of M into N. The configuration space is E(M, N), the collection of all smooth embeddings of M into N endowed with the C∞-topology. [...] The main purpose of this notes is to exhibit (in absence of exterior force densities) the irredundant part of a(j) that determines the force densities mentioned and the virtual work caused by any infinitesimal distortion at j.[...

    Electronic instabilities of a Hubbard model approached as a large array of coupled chains: competition between d-wave superconductivity and pseudogap phase

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    We study the electronic instabilities in a 2D Hubbard model where one of the dimensions has a finite width, so that it can be considered as a large array of coupled chains. The finite transverse size of the system gives rise to a discrete string of Fermi points, with respective electron fields that, due to their mutual interaction, acquire anomalous scaling dimensions depending on the point of the string. Using bosonization methods, we show that the anomalous scaling dimensions vanish when the number of coupled chains goes to infinity, implying the Fermi liquid behavior of a 2D system in that limit. However, when the Fermi level is at the Van Hove singularity arising from the saddle points of the 2D dispersion, backscattering and Cooper-pair scattering lead to the breakdown of the metallic behavior at low energies. These interactions are taken into account through their renormalization group scaling, studying in turn their influence on the nonperturbative bosonization of the model. We show that, at a certain low-energy scale, the anomalous electron dimension diverges at the Fermi points closer to the saddle points of the 2D dispersion. The d-wave superconducting correlations become also large at low energies, but their growth is cut off as the suppression of fermion excitations takes place first, extending progressively along the Fermi points towards the diagonals of the 2D Brillouin zone. We stress that this effect arises from the vanishing of the charge stiffness at the Fermi points, characterizing a critical behavior that is well captured within our nonperturbative approach.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    On the Evolution of Simple Material Structures

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    The evolution of a distribution of material inhomogeneities is investigated by analyzing the evolution of the corresponding material connections. Some general geometric relations governing such evolutions are derived. These relations are then analyzed by looking at the restrictions imposed by the material symmetry group

    Breakdown of the Fermi-liquid regime in the 2D Hubbard model from a two-loop field-theoretical renormalization group approach

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    We analyze the particle-hole symmetric two-dimensional Hubbard model on a square lattice starting from weak-to-moderate couplings by means of the field-theoretical renormalization group (RG) approach up to two-loop order. This method is essential in order to evaluate the effect of the momentum-resolved anomalous dimension η(p)\eta(\textbf{p}) which arises in the normal phase of this model on the corresponding low-energy single-particle excitations. As a result, we find important indications pointing to the existence of a non-Fermi liquid (NFL) regime at temperature T→0T\to 0 displaying a truncated Fermi surface (FS) for a doping range exactly in between the well-known antiferromagnetic insulating and the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave singlet superconducting phases. This NFL evolves as a function of doping into a correlated metal with a large FS before the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave pairing susceptibility finally produces the dominant instability in the low-energy limit.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; published in Phys. Rev.

    On a global differential geometric approach to the rational mechanics of deformable media

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    In the past the rational mechanics of deformable media was largely concerned with materials governed by linear constitutive equations. In recent years, the theory has expanded considerably towards covering materials for which the constitutive equations are inherently nonlinear, and/or whose mechanical properties resemble in some respects those of a fluid and in others those of a solid. In the present article we formulate a satisfactory global mathematical theory of moving deformable media, which includes all these aspects

    The Most Severe Test for Hydrophobicity Scales: Two Proteins with 88% Sequence Identity but Different Structure and Function

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    Protein-protein interactions (protein functionalities) are mediated by water, which compacts individual proteins and promotes close and temporarily stable large-area protein-protein interfaces. In their classic paper Kyte and Doolittle (KD) concluded that the "simplicity and graphic nature of hydrophobicity scales make them very useful tools for the evaluation of protein structures". In practice, however, attempts to develop hydrophobicity scales (for example, compatible with classical force fields (CFF) in calculating the energetics of protein folding) have encountered many difficulties. Here we suggest an entirely different approach, based on the idea that proteins are self-organized networks, subject to finite-scale criticality (like some network glasses). We test this proposal against two small proteins that are delicately balanced between alpha and alpha/beta structures, with different functions encoded with only 12% of their amino acids. This example explains why protein structure prediction is so challenging, and it provides a severe test for the accuracy and content of hydrophobicity scales. The new method confirms KD's evaluation, and at the same time suggests that protein structure, dynamics and function can be best discussed without using CFF

    The Reconstruction Problem and Weak Quantum Values

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    Quantum Mechanical weak values are an interference effect measured by the cross-Wigner transform W({\phi},{\psi}) of the post-and preselected states, leading to a complex quasi-distribution {\rho}_{{\phi},{\psi}}(x,p) on phase space. We show that the knowledge of {\rho}_{{\phi},{\psi}}(z) and of one of the two functions {\phi},{\psi} unambiguously determines the other, thus generalizing a recent reconstruction result of Lundeen and his collaborators.Comment: To appear in J.Phys.: Math. Theo

    Collective fields in the functional renormalization group for fermions, Ward identities, and the exact solution of the Tomonaga-Luttinger model

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    We develop a new formulation of the functional renormalization group (RG) for interacting fermions. Our approach unifies the purely fermionic formulation based on the Grassmannian functional integral, which has been used in recent years by many authors, with the traditional Wilsonian RG approach to quantum systems pioneered by Hertz [Phys. Rev. B 14, 1165 (1976)], which attempts to describe the infrared behavior of the system in terms of an effective bosonic theory associated with the soft modes of the underlying fermionic problem. In our approach, we decouple the interaction by means of a suitable Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation (following the Hertz-approach), but do not eliminate the fermions; instead, we derive an exact hierarchy of RG flow equations for the irreducible vertices of the resulting coupled field theory involving both fermionic and bosonic fields. The freedom of choosing a momentum transfer cutoff for the bosonic soft modes in addition to the usual band cutoff for the fermions opens the possibility of new RG schemes. In particular, we show how the exact solution of the Tomonaga-Luttinger model emerges from the functional RG if one works with a momentum transfer cutoff. Then the Ward identities associated with the local particle conservation at each Fermi point are valid at every stage of the RG flow and provide a solution of an infinite hierarchy of flow equations for the irreducible vertices. The RG flow equation for the irreducible single-particle self-energy can then be closed and can be reduced to a linear integro-differential equation, the solution of which yields the result familiar from bosonization. We suggest new truncation schemes of the exact hierarchy of flow equations, which might be useful even outside the weak coupling regime.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures; published version, some typos correcte
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