873 research outputs found

    Suppression of cell-spreading and phagocytic activity on nano-pillared surface: in vitro experiment using hemocytes of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri.

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    Nano-scale nipple array on the body surface has been described from various invertebrates including endoparasitic and mesoparasitic copepods, but the functions of the nipple array is not well understood. Using the hydrophilized nanopillar sheets made of polystyrene as a mimetic material of the nipple arrays on the parasites\u2019 body surface, we assayed the cell spreading and phagocytosis of the hemocytes of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri. On the pillared surface, the number of spreading amebocytes and the number of phagocytizing hemocytes per unit area were always smaller than those on the flat surface (Mann-Whitney test, p < 0.05 - 0.001), probably because the effective area for the cell attachment on the pillared surface is much smaller than the area on the flat sheet. The present results supports the idea that the nipple array on the parasites' body surface reduces the innate immune reaction from the host hemocytes

    Projection-based reduced order models for a cut finite element method in parametrized domains

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    This work presents a reduced order modeling technique built on a high fidelity embedded mesh finite element method. Such methods, and in particular the CutFEM method, are attractive in the generation of projection-based reduced order models thanks to their capabilities to seamlessly handle large deformations of parametrized domains and in general to handle topological changes. The combination of embedded methods and reduced order models allows us to obtain fast evaluation of parametrized problems, avoiding remeshing as well as the reference domain formulation, often used in the reduced order modeling for boundary fitted finite element formulations. The resulting novel methodology is presented on linear elliptic and Stokes problems, together with several test cases to assess its capability. The role of a proper extension and transport of embedded solutions to a common background is analyzed in detail. \ua9 2019 Elsevier Lt

    An optimal control approach to determine resistance-type boundary conditions from in-vivo data for cardiovascular simulations

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    The choice of appropriate boundary conditions is a fundamental step in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the cardiovascular system. Boundary conditions, in fact, highly affect the computed pressure and flow rates, and consequently haemodynamic indicators such as wall shear stress (WSS), which are of clinical interest. Devising automated procedures for the selection of boundary conditions is vital to achieve repeatable simulations. However, the most common techniques do not automatically assimilate patient-specific data, relying instead on expensive and time-consuming manual tuning procedures. In this work, we propose a technique for the automated estimation of outlet boundary conditions based on optimal control. The values of resistive boundary conditions are set as control variables and optimized to match available patient-specific data. Experimental results on four aortic arches demonstrate that the proposed framework can assimilate 4D-Flow MRI data more accurately than two other common techniques based on Murray's law and Ohm's law

    Gold nanoparticles supported on functionalized silica as catalysts for alkyne hydroamination: A chemico-physical insight

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    Highly stable gold nanoparticles anchored on propynylcarbamate-functionalized silica (Au/SiO2@Yne) have been efficiently utilized for the heterogeneous hydroamination of phenylacetylene with aniline under different reaction conditions. In order to ascertain the eventual influence of surface silanol groups on the system activity and selectivity tailored modifications of Au/SiO2@Yne catalysts were pursued according to two different strategies, involving respectively functionalization with trimethylethoxysilane (Au/SiO2@Yne-TMS) or post-treatment with triethylamine (Au/SiO2@Yne-NEt3). The prepared materials were analysed by several complementary techniques such as Solid State NMR (SS NMR), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD). A comparison of the resulting catalytic activities with that of the pristine Au/SiO2@Yne revealed a significant improvement for Au/SiO2@Yne-NEt3 in terms of both conversion and selectivity. Recycling and stability studies showed a catalytic activity decrease after the first run, due to the formation of polyphenylacetylene (PPhA) oligomers shielding the active sites. PPhA removal by sonication in acetone fully restored the catalytic activity and empowered the system with a good operational stability, a very crucial issue in view of eventual practical applications

    La dimensione cooperativa e collaborativa nell'insegnamento dell'italiano L1/L2/LS in Italia e in Svizzera. Un'indagine esplorativa sulle pratiche didattiche

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    L’articolo presenta i risultati di uno studio esplorativo condotto in collaborazione con il personale docente in Italia e in Svizzera sul tema della percezione della dimensione cooperativa e di quella collaborativa nell’insegnamento dell’italiano. L’articolo dapprima inquadra la cooperazione e la collaborazione nel contesto della glottodidattica, e poi presenta le specificità del campione e dello strumento di ricerca. Segue l’analisi dei dati, che porta a una serie di riflessioni e di analisi operative per l’educazione linguistica

    Propargyl carbamate-functionalized Cu(II)-metal organic framework after reaction with chloroauric acid: An x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data record

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    A copper-containing metal organic framework was prepared using the new organic linker 5-(2-{[(prop-2-yn-1-yloxy)carbonyl]-amino} ethoxy)isophthalic acid [1,3-H2YBDC (where Y = alkYne and BDC = Benzene DiCarboxylate)] and functionalized with gold particles by reaction with HAuCl4 under thermal treatment in methanol. The resulting system was investigated by complementary techniques to obtain information on its structure and morphology. In the present work, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to analyze the chemical composition of a representative specimen. Besides wide scan spectra, data obtained by the analysis of the C 1s, O 1s, N 1s, Cu 2p, and Au 4f signals are presented and critically discussed. The results highlight the reduction of Au(III) to mostly Au(I) species. Overall, the data presented herein may act as useful guidelines for the eventual tailoring of material properties and their possible implementation toward functional applications in heterogeneous catalysis

    Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on utilisation of community-based mental health care in North-East of Italy: A psychiatric case register study

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    Aims: WHO declared that mental health care should be considered one essential health service to be maintained during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This study aims to describe the effect of lockdown and restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy on mental health services' utilisation, by considering psychiatric diagnoses and type of mental health contacts. Methods: The study was conducted in the Verona catchment area, located in the Veneto region (northeastern Italy). For each patient, mental health contacts were grouped into: (1) outpatient care, (2) social and supportive interventions, (3) rehabilitation interventions, (4) multi-professional assessments, (5) day care. A 'difference in differences' approach was used: difference in the number of contacts between 2019 and 2020 on the weeks of lockdown and intermediate restrictions was compared with the same difference in weeks of no or reduced restrictions, and such difference was interpreted as the effect of restrictions. Both a global regression on all contacts and separate regressions for each type of service were performed and Incidence Rate Ratios (IRRs) were calculated. Results: In 2020, a significant reduction in the number of patients who had mental health contacts was found, both overall and for most of the patients' characteristics considered (except for people aged 18-24 years for foreign-born population and for those with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Moreover, in 2020 mental health contacts had a reduction of 57 096 (-33.9%) with respect to 2019; such difference remained significant across the various type of contacts considered, with rehabilitation interventions and day care showing the greatest reduction. Negative Binomial regressions displayed a statistically significant effect of lockdown, but not of intermediate restrictions, in terms of reduction in the number of contacts. The lockdown period was responsible of a 32.7% reduction (IRR 0.673; p-value &lt;0.001) in the overall number of contacts. All type of mental health contacts showed a reduction ascribable to the lockdown, except social and supportive interventions. Conclusions: Despite the access to community mental health care during the pandemic was overall reduced, the mental health system in the Verona catchment area was able to maintain support for more vulnerable and severely ill patients, by providing continuity of care and day-by-day support through social and supportive interventions

    Gastric Mucormycosis in a Liver and Kidney Transplant Recipient: Case Report and Concise Review of Literature

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    Mucormycosis is an uncommonly encountered fungal infection in solid organ transplantation. The infection is severe and often results in a fatal outcome. The most common presentations are rhino-sino-orbital and pulmonary disease. We describe a rare case of gastric mucormycosis in a patient with a combined liver-kidney transplant affected by glycogen storage disease type Ia. A 42-year-old female patient presented with gastric pain and melena 26 days after transplantation. Evaluation with upper endoscopy showed two bleeding gastric ulcers. Histological examination of gastric specimens revealed fungal hyphae with evidence of Mucormycetes at subsequent molecular analysis. Immunosuppressive therapy was reduced and antifungal therapy consisting of liposomal amphotericin B and posaconazole was promptly introduced. Gastrointestinal side effects of posaconazole and acute T-cell rejection of renal graft complicated further management of the case. A prolonged course of daily injections of amphotericin B together with a slight increase of immunosuppression favored successful treatment of mucormycosis as well as of graft rejection. After 2-year follow-up examination, the woman was found to have maintained normal renal and liver function tests. We conclude that judicious personalization of antimicrobial and antirejection therapy should be considered to resolve every life-threatening case of mucormycosis in solid organ transplantation

    Gestione sostenibile delle foreste Mediterranee e uso energetico delle biomasse forestali residuali

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    he book describes the reasons that led the Regional Department of Rural and Territorial Development to take part in the PROFORBIOMED Project. They can be summarized by the need to dispose of a tool for the sustainable management of all the state-owned forests of the Region. As a matter of fact, the Project aims at developing a model of sustainable forest management, through the recovery and reuse of wood scraps from ordinary silvicultural operations, to be used for the production of power and heat inside of a process adopting natural renewable energy sources. The main actions taken and the methodologies adopted are described, as well as the principles and instruments required for the setting up and execution of the work. Some of the most relevant are: the drafting of “Forest Management Plans”, the “Short Supply Chain” and the “Biomass Traceability Protocol”, together with the application of “Best Practices” of Management and the “Monitoring of impacts” caused by the woody biomass extraction procedures. The “forest – wood – energy” chain developed and proposed is exclusively related to the territory pertaining to one municipality, and with CHP plants fed with biomass exclusively produced within the territory of each municipality, in strict compliance with the “sustainable forest management” principles, as well as with the fundamental principle of “short supply chain”. For these reasons the CHP plans proposed shall be sized according to the biomass available in each municipality, with the possibility of integrating residual forest biomass with other waste wood resources potentially available in the territory and coming from prunings in agricultural activities. Therefore, the replicable model prepared and proposed by PROFORBIOMED aims at appraising from the economic point of view a waste product, such is currently considered the residual forest biomass from the forests of Sicily, and at the same time significantly improving the natural environment, thanks to the reduction in oil consumption
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